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Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield!


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Kinda conflicted on what to do with my Masked Lucinas. I had the previous 4☆ but haven't used her at all, and now I have the two from this TT as well. I'm really not going to use her since I've had normal Lucina at 40 since the start of the game, but I do want to keep the 5☆ version just for completion's sake. Should I just get feathers from the two 4☆s? It seems like a waste to send two limited units home for something as trivial as feathers, but there's really nothing else I can do with them since they don't even have skills. :/

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5 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

Kinda conflicted on what to do with my Masked Lucinas. I had the previous 4☆ but haven't used her at all, and now I have the two from this TT as well. I'm really not going to use her since I've had normal Lucina at 40 since the start of the game, but I do want to keep the 5☆ version just for completion's sake. Should I just get feathers from the two 4☆s? It seems like a waste to send two limited units home for something as trivial as feathers, but there's really nothing else I can do with them since they don't even have skills. :/

It'd just hang onto them in case you ever change your mind about merging the 5* more. It's only 2 barracks slots. Also I think it's great to have both normal and masked Lucina. (I wish I had a regular one). Having both to make one a Renewal healer and the other a LaD/Fury + Desperation attacker seems really nice.

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Do TTs also double Exp for bonus units, in addition to SP? I just had my lv24+1 Masked Marth solo 5-map Hard (with support from Olivia, Ninian, and Genny) and she got all the way to lv40 in a single run. (Also got over 500 SP in the process.)

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47 minutes ago, Othin said:

Do TTs also double Exp for bonus units, in addition to SP? I just had my lv24+1 Masked Marth solo 5-map Hard (with support from Olivia, Ninian, and Genny) and she got all the way to lv40 in a single run. (Also got over 500 SP in the process.)

Yeah, experience gain for bonus units is also doubled.

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Does the speed score take into account all turns taken across all teams or just the number of turns with the team you cleared the last map with? There have been times that I've gotten an A rank when I felt like I should have gotten a lower rank.

Edited by tobuShogi
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Well, got the 5* masked Marth reward from TT mini. Trained her up using the easier TT runs with Gray on the team for awesome SP gains - got her to 1650 SP at lv. 40 before she got KO'd during the run. Pretty much finished my masked Marth build:


Reciprocal Aid


Fury 3

Renewal 3

Breath of Life 3

She's not running a seal now, but she'd probably run Breath of Life 1, Spur Def 1, Spd +1, HP +3, or Atk +1.

Statline: 44/53/40/28/22


Current score: 29,211

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I got the Distant Defense Seal after getting my score up to 20,467.  I'll probably do some more grinding tomorrow, which should put me on a good pace to hit 50K by the end.

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Finished at 22.5k for now, at this pace I think I'll hit 50k in two more days and be done with this. After all I have a feeling the top 1k will go past 100k because they have like 10000 stamina potions to burn and seem to play 24/7..

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Took a bit of a break from the Tempest Trial to clear up the last of the Lunatic Chain Challenges (I will do my absolute best to get a 5-star from the BHB banner), but considering I'm still halfway done with it after that break, I'm pretty confident that I can wrap this up soon. Eliwood has been easier to work with than I expected, which takes away some of the sting from not getting Ninian. Hopefully I'll have at least one 1.4x unit for the full Tempest this month as well.

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Halfway through with the rewards with half the time remaining. Having 40% bonus heroes is a godsend.

Here’s to hoping I’ll be able to get a 40% bonus next tempest, or, at the very least, that Soren is a bonus.

Edited by Vaximillian
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So I hate the Two Nobles map with the forest the top and the mountain creating a narrow path.

My units somehow got caught between a Life and Death Saizo from the top and a Luke with Panic Ploy at the bottom, so my units had Smoke Dagger debuffs AND Panic status :/

Ursula didn't like that map at all. Darn trees!

Lyn and Fury Anna couldn't even double LaD Saizo!

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All I have for the 40% bonus is a 4* Eliwood. I can get by, but I am still wishing I had Lyn, Hector, or Ninian instead that I could use for a "proper" 40% run. The 20% units are okay, but all of mine are just 4* and do not have good skills on them (Masked Marth just has Desperation 3 while Lloyd is not trained up yet.) The lack of having a good 40% unit compared to last time around (I used Delthea and Celica) definitely lowered my enthusiasm for this particular run. Yes, the stat boosts definitely helps, but without the right skill set they are just not as fun to use.

Right now I have about 8000 pts and should be on track on earning the Distant Defense seal, so overall I should be set. The extra rewards are tempting though, so I wonder if I'll end up just downing stamina potions and auto-battling to victory. This should get me some use out of my 144 Stamina Potions...

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I'm loving this Tempest for Training units.  After I got the Distant Defense Seal, I've worked more on using the Tempest to grind my lower level units.  I got Sophia (4*), Tobin, and Leon up to level 40 and am now working on Corrin XY.

I hope these mini-Tempests make a return, even if they're just repeats of old Tempests.

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Eliwood has Desperation 3 and Darting Blow 2 now.

He has become so much better with it, despite lacking Durandal. I also have to figure out what Skill Brave Lyn should get as her Assist, Julia for her A slot and Special for Ninian, though that won't be until I have more fodder ready.

Otherwise, doing well, near 25k already. Thanks Eliwood and Ninian!

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I'm at the threshold of reaching 30K points now.  I'll have to see what unit I want to level up next.  I've just been grinding out units that I have, but haven't ever used and have them sitting on my bench.

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Well I am almost at 25k and I will by tomorrow have trained every 5* in my barracks to level 40, I got rather behind in my training of units.  I have also leveled several 4*s and will keep training units until the end of TT.  This TT came at the perfect time since I had several units that needed training and training units I normally don't use is great as well.

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