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Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield!


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I just got the 5* masked Marth and it made me remember that I hope they bring back Tobin as a reward in a later tempest trial because I figured out he is the last question mark left in my unit compendium and it's really annoying me. 

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The Quickened Pulse skill is awesome in Tempest! It reduces your skill count by 1 each battle, so over the course of the trial that's up to 6 (or 7?) charges! If you ran one of the AOE 5 charge skills and just hold back every fight, by the time you get to the last trial it will be fully charged - and you didn't do anything!

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3 minutes ago, TheouAegis said:

The Quickened Pulse skill is awesome in Tempest! It reduces your skill count by 1 each battle, so over the course of the trial that's up to 6 (or 7?) charges! If you ran one of the AOE 5 charge skills and just hold back every fight, by the time you get to the last trial it will be fully charged - and you didn't do anything!

I like to give it to Reinhardt (death blow 3) because it allows him to one round Hector when his default special activates (it probably works with moonbow too I have just been too lazy to give it to him)

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19 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I just got the 5* masked Marth and it made me remember that I hope they bring back Tobin as a reward in a later tempest trial because I figured out he is the last question mark left in my unit compendium and it's really annoying me. 

12-3 and 12-5, I think.

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1 hour ago, Mackc2 said:

I just got the 5* masked Marth and it made me remember that I hope they bring back Tobin as a reward in a later tempest trial because I figured out he is the last question mark left in my unit compendium and it's really annoying me. 

I'm guessing there will be a mini TT next month with Tobin and Phantom Speed, and so forth.

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Just now, Soul~! said:

Try getting to 60 and then blowing them in one go. :awesome:

Fresh reminder that Ninian made me blow all my orbs before Tana was revealed, so I had to make every orb count. And in the end, Tana was the last summon I could do.

Going into Elincia with any orb stock would be quite lovely.

Let's ignore the fact money was spent on Tana.

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40 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Try getting to 60 and then blowing them in one go. :awesome:

That’s what I did with Celica on last tempest’s banner.

In other news:

Armoured Blow Reinhardt:


TA3 Reinhardt:


This is so silly, RNG why.

Edited by Vaximillian
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This tempest has been quite a breeze to me and is getting almost boring, unfortunately.

I tried using my -atk 5* Lyn but it just got too tedious because she struggles against Hector most of the time, even with Galeforce. My Ninian is already maxed out on hero merit, so she was no option either. I opted for upgrading Eliwood and Ursula, so Horse Emblem with B!Lyn, 4* Priscilla, +atk 5* Eliwood and Blárblade 5* Ursula with their upgraded stats are to be blamed. Then again, using horsies is also satisfying. I don't want to imagine Ursula with Blárblade+ and buffs now.

I'm currently sitting at rank 2489 with 60.938 points, spent like two stamina potions I think. Can we already tell how many points we need for those 10k feathers? 

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8 minutes ago, pullofthebush said:

I don't want to imagine Ursula with Blárblade+ and buffs now.

She is really good, especially with the tempest’s buffs. Very, very good. You won’t regret maxing her out. I never did.

Re: −Atk Lyn, mine was −Atk (and +Res) too, and then I pulled a Res/HP one to merge. I gave her Brash, Reciprocal Aid and Luna, and she is good now.

Can’t beat final map Hector by ten or so HP, but that’s what Celica is for.

Edited by Vaximillian
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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

She is really good, especially with the tempest’s buffs. Very, very good. You won’t regret maxing her out. I never did.

Re: −Atk Lyn, mine was −Atk (and +Res) too, and then I pulled a Res/HP one to merge. I gave her Brash, Reciprocal Aid and Luna, and she is good now.

Oh yeah, you're right, I definitely won't! She's been one of my more favourite villains anyway. Ursula seems really underrated currently. Sure, there's Reinhardt and Olwen, but I think with free Death Blow, Ursula really deserves a place in more teams because she's rather easy to build imo. Also her voice and art really grew on me, which is always good when using a unit.

I gave Lyn Brash Assault after finally pulling my second Bartre (my first and only one had great IVs, so I would have felt bad for sacrifcing him). I could give her a decent special like Luna, but too bad the double SP event is already over. 12 SP per kill would have been so handy now.

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@Vaximillian I can't even tell you how many times I have seen TA 3 on Gem weapon units.

Stuff like that is probably why people run it on their defense teams.



Even with his boosted stats, Hector was disappointing for me. It might be because I always did the Lunatic 7 maps when I used him, but he didn't kill things as well as I would have liked. Probably because of his 1 move and lack of doubling on the player phase. Thankfully he maxed his HM out early on.

Ninian has been a complete beast though. Her + one of my Falchion healers + TA 3 Sophia have been the core of all of my TT teams.

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Well as of last night I made it 35k and have my last 5*s almost leveled my plan of earning around 10k points a day is a good balance for me so I don't get burned out.  

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One more battle and I'll hit 50k

Overall thoughts: Reduced point requirement is really nice, and makes the whole thing less grindy. I honestly wouldn't mind if all TTs followed this format instead  

+Atk Ninian is a monster with the tempest boost. Her being a bonus unit also makes my team comps far more flexible 

+Spd Hector having 32 base speed with the tempest boost is pretty amusing. Training him and grinding SP for him in the TT was honestly more efficient than I expected.

+Atk Eliwood can't ORKO the Hector boss without a special proc unfortunately

I'm probably going to keep going past 50k for the rank feathers to make up for not getting back into tier 20 in the arena.


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5 hours ago, pullofthebush said:

[...] I opted for upgrading Eliwood and Ursula, so Horse Emblem with B!Lyn, 4* Priscilla, +atk 5* Eliwood and Blárblade 5* Ursula with their upgraded stats are to be blamed. Then again, using horsies is also satisfying. I don't want to imagine Ursula with Blárblade+ and buffs now.

I'm currently sitting at rank 2489 with 60.938 points, spent like two stamina potions I think. Can we already tell how many points we need for those 10k feathers? 

Blade-Ursula is very strong and crazy with TT-Boost. But somehow i regret not having promoted Anna earlier. Its fun to have her and Ninian beaming around with their native escape route. I can't think of another useful way to use escape route in something else than TT. 

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23 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Blade-Ursula is very strong and crazy with TT-Boost. But somehow i regret not having promoted Anna earlier. Its fun to have her and Ninian beaming around with their native escape route. I can't think of another useful way to use escape route in something else than TT. 

I had the same experience during the last TT and definitely agree with how much fun Escape Route on Ninian is. In my experience she's bulky enough to trigger it easily. Inheriting WoM on her isn't necessary at all imo. Anna has also been my favourite of the Askr units. I promoted Sharena first and was slightly disappointed, but Anna really made up for it with Fury 3 and Vantage/Desperation on her.

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6 hours ago, pullofthebush said:

I had the same experience during the last TT and definitely agree with how much fun Escape Route on Ninian is. In my experience she's bulky enough to trigger it easily. Inheriting WoM on her isn't necessary at all imo. Anna has also been my favourite of the Askr units. I promoted Sharena first and was slightly disappointed, but Anna really made up for it with Fury 3 and Vantage/Desperation on her.

I just don't have to get too used to the boosted stats on Anna, Ninian and Masked Marth (double S support, +1 merge, +4 TT boost on all stats makes her a monster), since mini TT will be over soon. 

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Hit the final orb rewards last night, so I'm just using this for some extra grinding. I got a 5-star Eliwood and a 5-star Lyn with those last orbs (either of which would've been great at the start of the Tempest...), so they've been first on the list. Eliwood reached level 40 and 1,500 Hero Merit earlier today, and Lyn is at level 37 with 221 Hero Merit. Olwen and Marth have also been present for some spare SP; Marth just needs Fortress Def 3 and a special (probably Bonfire) and his Falchion Healer kit will be complete, and Olwen has 100 SP left until she can finally claim Life and Death 3. I hope these continue, they're a lot of fun.

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I'm probably going to keep going after hitting 50k just because this mode is really good for HM and SP and the chances of using Eliwood and even Hector nearly as much after this is over is low and those boosts are too delicious.

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