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How do you all deal with character hate?


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Recently, I've noticed a lot of characters just out right hated. I've seen it happen to one of my favorites as well. And no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the comments out of my head. Is it me taking games to seriously, or is it something else? How do any of you deal with problems like this?

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Just accept that people might have different opinions and maybe ask them why they feel that way if their reasoning isn't super apparent. If you see somebody step out of line or go too far, maybe say something.

But no matter how strongly you feel, ultimately, they're not real. Some things aren't worth getting super worked up over. 

Edited by Slumber
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How I feel about this type of thing, everyone has likes and dislikes, no matter how strange those may be. Hating, is a normal thing to feel, for whatever it may be towards. You can't really stop anyone from doing so.

Who cares if you like X character that many people hate? YOU like the character, it's not going to change the fact that you do. And you're never going to be alone on a side of these kinds of things. There will still be people who like X.

There are tons of people who don't like Faye, but it's not like those who dislike her give a damn about those people liking her unless they're being pushy and overly annoying about it. Douchebags exists, but just ignore them because they're going to be like that all the time.

But to be honest, the majority opinion of video game character shouldn't be something that get's into your head.

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Ignore it? I really don't give a shit about what people think, as long as they're not outright disrespecting another person.

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Just laugh at the people who get so worked up over hating a character. It's pretty funny to see people throw a fit when they rant about a fictional character. I like Lucina and I've seen plenty of negative comments about her. Doesn't stop me from liking her or using her in Awakening or Smash 4.

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A lot of times I just kinda ignore, it, but sometimes it makes the contrarian side of me just love the character even more.

Hell, it actually caused me to start specifically liking Arden, despite previously being relatively indifferent to him, due to all the grief he was being given by the fanbase for being the Tempest Trial reward instead of Ayra!

At the end of the day, though, everyone's entitled to have their own opinions on things like this! I'm sure there are ardent fans of characters you don't care for who just wouldn't be able to fathom why you dislike them. As long as people aren't being mean to each other over it, the best course of action is to just live and let live, I think, at least when it comes to matters as low-stakes as this.

Edited by Topaz Light
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There's one Youtuber that I like, Zaric Zhakaron, who talk mainly about TES but he's pretty open about other things, who did a video named "Don't Attach Your Identity to Things You Like", surprisingly, it talk about what you expect. I suggest we all try to do that.

Others opinions, likes and dislikes, it's all normal: What one person love, others, multiple or even a lot will hate. Let's try to not let it get to us, and if it does, let's try to be civil to each other. 'I like this character because X' 'X ? That's ridiculous' 'But I don't like him/her because X !'

Of course, one's opinion might get past all of that, I... can fall victim to that.

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On 10/26/2017 at 12:00 PM, Slumber said:

But no matter how strongly you feel, ultimately, they're not real. Some things aren't worth getting super worked up over. 

So then how is it that everytime I criticize or give reasonable criticism towards Roy, those Roy fans just get defensive over it?

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40 minutes ago, Harvey said:

So then how is it that everytime I criticize or give reasonable criticism towards Roy, those Roy fans just get defensive over it?

Because your arguments are simply too good and are presented in the most personable and reasonable way possible.

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Depending on my mood I might get a little salty, but honestly it doesn't bother me 95% of the time. I'll admit I can get a little over-invested in fiction, so I feel you in that regard, but whatever frustration I feel tends to pass pretty quick anyway unless the person's being rude about it. Not associating your identity with what you like is good, if sometimes hard to follow, advice in this regard; basically, don't take it personally, they're generally not criticizing you.

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4 hours ago, Harvey said:

So then how is it that everytime I criticize or give reasonable criticism towards Roy, those Roy fans just get defensive over it?

"Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift, allein die Dosis macht dass ein Ding kein Gift ist." - Paracelsus

(All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.)

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Feel a bit upset about it but internally burn it off, or if their argument is weak then silently mock them. The former if people start to bandwagon it though.

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There's other stuff in life to get worked up about so in the grand scheme of things, this is utterly irrelevant. It's comedic how people will but so much effort (essay length posts) into telling you why their subjective opinion is the correct opinion. And their are those people who with death on a fictional character; acting like they murdered their families, it's borderline sad to behold.

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Well, generally when people don't like characters I like, I try to find out what reasons they have, if any. If the reasons are good, I think about it. If it comes down to a simple difference in fundamental values, I shrug and move on. If their reasons are stupid, I have a good laugh with myself and move on.

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Just remind yourself that those other people are objectively incorrect, that always works for me. Of course, you're not me, so it might be your opinions that are objectively incorrect, if so please get better ones.

Generally just try to ignore it. If you're both the type to enjoy such things, a friendly debate can be fun as long as it stays relatively mellow. Otherwise just remember that what they think doesn't need to influence what you think.

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I deal with it the same way I deal with more serious opinions.

I figure that they come from a different walk of life and have come to see things differently.


Honestly though, there really are bigger things to worry about, and that alone makes any concerns about people hatin' on the 'Boro seem minuscule.  While I might try to come to a sort of consensus or synthesis of ideals when it comes to social, political, or religious differences, it just isn't worth the trouble to do the same for characters, and I also realize that people's tastes don't make them terrible at all.


And honestly, how could you hate on the 'Boro?

Look at this gal RGaYS2c.png


Look at this face.

This dopey smile.

She is amazing.

Only the bottom feeders down in GameFAQs-land hate her.

If I were from Tumblr, this is what I'd say her haters looked like:


Man, Tumblr's a strange place...


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Always ignore it. Even if they're facts, even if they're good points, if you like the character, just ignore it.

I like Lyn. I've heard tons of hate for her over the years. She's not important to the plot, she has no personality, she has bad stats, whatever. I still like her. Nobody else needs to like her.

And this might sound mean, but I don't mean any offense by it. But if things like this just stay with you and hurt you, you may be better off just staying off of forums and avoiding any sort of discussion about characters, whether its games, tv, comics, whatever. Again, I'm not saying this just to insult you, or anyone else offended by discussion/debate. I just think if you can't read comments about characters without taking it personally, you're only hurting yourself by engaging with it.

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I don't care. I know they're wrong.

In seriousness I may get upset for like 2 minutes, and then not worry/care about that opinion anymore. It's not that deep.

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