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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Sure, when you put it that way, it seems random and unnecessary, because nobody was talking about that other artist beforehand. But in this case, the official English translation of this comic was brought up, so there was nothing wrong with me then saying I preferred said translation.

No, there is still something wrong when you tell someone you prefer the original over their translation. It doesn't matter if the other work is brought up or not; artists and people in similar fields including localization are trying their best to do their work and get a good reaction from others, and many artists I know of find it disrespectful to be compared to another artist. You don't seem to understand that your intentions are never an excuse for your choice of words, and while I can't speak for Coolmanio themselves, you can never assume people will be okay with that.

Let me quote your post, but make a minor edit.

22 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Hey, the new official version's pretty good!


Here it is for anyone else that wants to see. I just think Ranulf is funny in this version. XD And Seliph's and Leif's wording is nice too imo. Also, alliteration in the title ftw!

Here, I edited your top line to be rid of the "sorry but I prefer this" line and also got rid of the parts where you practically go "hey look these parts are better than what this person on the forum did!". Here, your message comes in clear; you like the official variation and you're showing it for others to see while avoiding pushing away the original work. Nothing else wrong with it. No one needs to know you prefer the official over Coolmanio's version.

Remember, saying "A is better than B" is like saying "B is worse than A".

Here's hoping you don't "agree to disagree" and keep what I've said in mind for the future. Trust me, it's less harmful to avoid making comparisons.

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24 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

No, there is still something wrong when you tell someone you prefer the original over their translation. It doesn't matter if the other work is brought up or not; artists and people in similar fields including localization are trying their best to do their work and get a good reaction from others, and many artists I know of find it disrespectful to be compared to another artist. You don't seem to understand that your intentions are never an excuse for your choice of words, and while I can't speak for Coolmanio themselves, you can never assume people will be okay with that.

Let me quote your post, but make a minor edit.

Here, I edited your top line to be rid of the "sorry but I prefer this" line and also got rid of the parts where you practically go "hey look these parts are better than what this person on the forum did!". Here, your message comes in clear; you like the official variation and you're showing it for others to see while avoiding pushing away the original work. Nothing else wrong with it. No one needs to know you prefer the official over Coolmanio's version.

Remember, saying "A is better than B" is like saying "B is worse than A".

Here's hoping you don't "agree to disagree" and keep what I've said in mind for the future. Trust me, it's less harmful to avoid making comparisons.

Please don't mess with my posts like this without asking my permission. I don't like when people do this and I think it's rude. So no, I don't need to listen to you. You don't seem to understand that it's not your place to police what I say.

Besides, you didn't just make a minor edit the post, you changed what I wanted to say completely. I didn't want to say "it's pretty good" I wanted to say which version I preferred and there's nothing wrong with that.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Please don't mess with my posts like this without asking my permission. I don't like when people do this and I think it's rude. So no, I don't need to listen to you. You don't seem to understand that it's not your place to police what I say.

Besides, you didn't just make a minor edit the post, you changed what I wanted to say completely. I didn't want to say "it's pretty good" I wanted to say which version I preferred and there's nothing wrong with that.

You did the same to me not too long ago but you distorted my views, not just what I wished to say. And even then, I literally said I was giving an example of what you could say instead, so it's pretty clear what was going on.

I'm just warning you that if you continue to do that, people aren't gonna be happy with you and it's on you for your choice of words. Let's say me and another person posted art in the same place. If you said that comparison to me by choosing the other person even if the person you were comparing to and I posted art of a similar subject in the same place, I'd find it disrespectful that you're pulling attention away from my art, "imo" or not. I'd feel similarly if you said out loud that you preferred mine.

Regardless, did I misrepresent your opinion? Let me ask you this: Do you like the official localization? Do you find Ranulf's wording funny? Do you find Seliph and Leif's dialogue nice?

If the answer to the last three questions is "yes", then I clearly didn't despite my alterations.

Yes, I changed what you wanted to say as was the point because what you wanted to say was too much than necessary, but I didn't change what you said you felt, only removed it. Sometimes, you need to realize how your words can affect others, because they can be very powerful mentally.

I'll drop it here, but I hope you do keep what I said in mind instead of dismissing it just because I was "policing" your choice of words and maybe apologize to Coolmanio if they wish for it.

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44 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

You did the same to me not too long ago but you distorted my views, not just what I wished to say. And even then, I literally said I was giving an example of what you could say instead, so it's pretty clear what was going on.

I did? When? I don't remember this at all. If I did, then I didn't realize I did or I thought I was doing something different.

46 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

Regardless, did I misrepresent your opinion? Let me ask you this: Do you like the official localization? Do you find Ranulf's wording funny? Do you find Seliph and Leif's dialogue nice? 

If the answer to the last three questions is "yes", then I clearly didn't despite my alterations.

I would answer yes to those three questions. But like I said, you changed "I like this one more" to simply "I like this one." Those two things are different.

47 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

I'll drop it here, but I hope you do keep what I said in mind instead of dismissing it just because I was "policing" your choice of words and maybe apologize to Coolmanio if they wish for it.

If Coolmanio feels I hurt him, then of course I apologize. It was not my intention at all. I totally appreciate the work he's done in translating stuff for him here and I bet he's relieved that he no longer has to translate these comics because they're getting official ones. I'm glad for him on this too, because he probably deserves a break!

I'd like to end this as well though, we've been at odds with one another long enough. I don't like the idea of not being able to get along with you, NoirCore, because we appear to not live too far from each other and could very well cross paths in person. I'd hate to make enemies with someone close by enough that I could potentially end up meeting in person and become friends with. We might even find that we're different and perhaps even more pleasant in person too. I can tell you I'm a lot more shy in person for certain reasons. Of course, that scenario is completely theoretical, but yeah.

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It just occurred to me. Given the way Beasts work in FEH, this recent comic should have had Leif and Seliph riding on human-form Lethe and Ranulf’s shoulders, and I find that hilarious 

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7 hours ago, Arcphoenix said:

It just occurred to me. Given the way Beasts work in FEH, this recent comic should have had Leif and Seliph riding on human-form Lethe and Ranulf’s shoulders, and I find that hilarious 

Oh. You're right. In Askr, they can't be next to a Beorc without staying in their semi-Beorc forms. Good catch!

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On 10/25/2019 at 11:53 AM, Mercakete said:

Oh. You're right. In Askr, they can't be next to a Beorc without staying in their semi-Beorc forms. Good catch!

Sure they can.  Obviously at the start of turn they weren't next to Leif and Seliph, who used their actions to mount after the Laguz shifted.  So they're still good until the beginning of next turn.

Edited by YotsuMaboroshi
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On 10/25/2019 at 11:53 AM, Mercakete said:

Oh. You're right. In Askr, they can't be next to a Beorc without staying in their semi-Beorc forms. Good catch!

We have cat ear accessories. If we have Seliph and Leif wear them, maybe Lethe and Ranulf can transform if next to them if we tell them that Seliph and Leif are secretly Laguz in disguise.

It is not much different from Ylissean Summer A!Tiki being disguised as Beorc.

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Ahem. . .

The downside to having Ranulf and Lethe as mounts is as follows:

1. Even in Tellius canon, they can't hold that form forever.
2. Since they're next to beroc, they'd de-transform on the next turn anyway.

It was an attempt!

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They took some liberties with the translation here. Not how I would have phrased it.

Linkmstr and I talked, and we will continue our translations as well, just to get a different side of things. Ours will be posted... eventually haha. Tomorrow?

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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

"some of your students", Isn't it impossible to have both Hilda and Hubert recruited at once in Three Houses?

Final panel feels pretty weak. The reaction shot should be of the students, not Sothis.

Isn't it possible to recruit Hilda on the Black Eagles route? I don't remember there being a character in the Golden Deer other than Claude that can't be recruited in other routes.

I don't think this was the most amusing comic they've made, but it made me chuckle a bit.

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21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Isn't it possible to recruit Hilda on the Black Eagles route? I don't remember there being a character in the Golden Deer other than Claude that can't be recruited in other routes.

I don't think this was the most amusing comic they've made, but it made me chuckle a bit.

Hilda is initially unrecruitable on the Black Eagles route.

If you decide to go Church route at the end, then she can be recruited during the last month. If you go Crimson Flower route, she stays unrecruitable.

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38 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Isn't it possible to recruit Hilda on the Black Eagles route? I don't remember there being a character in the Golden Deer other than Claude that can't be recruited in other routes.

I don't think this was the most amusing comic they've made, but it made me chuckle a bit.

Hilda is impossible to recruit in the Black Eagles route unless you chose to side with Rhea at the holy tomb, losing both Hubert and Edelgard.  Hilda and Hubert cannot be in the same class.

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Byleth should search the farm then... for some reason, eggs and meat magically appear there.

Maybe Hubert is from a different version of Fódlan than Hilda... A version where Byleth chose a different house?

Also, I am so happy for Sothis, because in Askr she can have fun and make friends with other people and not be just a loli in someone's head.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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14 hours ago, Mercakete said:

I mean, it's true, huh? Unless Anna's just finding the items and selling them on ebay.

I'm pretty sure Anna just sell items directly face to face with costumers than shipping them on a package. Commander Anna probably was too busy with the Order of Heroes than selling them since she had trouble selling her items lately on the Paralogue Chapters.

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