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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

The game I'm talking about is Shining Force 3 I believe.

good times

anyways this is town infighting.

Marth is town because scum Marth isn't going to reread past games overnight for the purpose of saying someone is town and Via is town because whenever they're in the thread they're giving content with reads and stuff and they're making a really large effort to post feelings and thoughts even when they're busy at work and at doc appts and stuff. Via doesn't enjoy playing scum and would not do this; they'd just these as excuses to not post since they said before the game started that they'd gotten a job where they'd be working half the day and stuff

I'm moving kirsche to paranoid tier because his latest few posts ping me. Yes he hasn't reread Baldrick but I remember last phase when I mentioned a couple times that Baldrick was in the background and he was giving me bad vibes he agreed with this. For him to be like "I cannot give an opinion about Baldrick without rereading" and pseudo-defending him by comparing his wagon to that of a mislynch even though the situations are completely different bothers me. still not enough to make me lynch him over some other people

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What the heck? I sit down to watch a Christmas movie with my family and then when I'm done there are 5+ pages of new content? C'mon guys!

Alright, so after a first glance at the new content:

I'm still cool with a Baldrick lynch, I think he's got the highest chance of being scum.

The back-and-forth between via and Marth is making my head hurt. This is the level of mafia I still can't wrap my head around, and it doesn't help that your arguments are covering meta which I'm never gonna read. I guess if via won't talk explain, maybe I should keep my distance for now?

Let me read some more, I'll see if I come up with anything else.

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2 hours ago, Baldrick said:


If you do nothing else this phase, read the above post and decide whether mackc2 could be lying. If most of the game thinks Mackc is telling the truth, then I'm done.

I guess you're done, then. Before today, I'd never heard of PaperBlade, but the claim seems legit. Yeah, the setting and timing of the claim might contain a few mysteries left unsolved (I haven't noticed any myself, but they could still be there), and I still suspect it, but not nearly as much as I suspect you. 

Mackc2 could be lying, but my read on Baldrick never had anything to do with anything Mack said in the first place. I really think a Baldrick lynch would be the best option today, not only is he scummy, but the associative reads would be very useful. If he flips scum, then a great deal of suspicion will be lifted off of kersch, Bart, Mack, and, of course, me. If he flips town, then... I'd be really surprised (and confused).

Darn it, I am way out of my league. 

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34 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

My thoughts on Sully are that I found it weird that he was clueless at the start of D1 but had much better analysis after his Shinori vote, plus he seems to be able to keep up with the game despite initially appearing to be clueless. Possible contender for the counterpart to Paper/Mack if that is a thing.

Good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that Sully became rather competent very quickly,  

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No offense taken, Kirsche, I was hungry. There's no way I'm going to give up.

That said, I'm calmer now, but I have no idea what to do. I want to push Shinori but because of this post I can't do it without feeling like a shitty person IRL



Mackc has already proved his role lol.

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2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

No offense taken, Kirsche, I was hungry. There's no way I'm going to give up.

That said, I'm calmer now, but I have no idea what to do. I want to push Shinori but because of this post I can't do it without feeling like a shitty person IRL



Mackc has already proved his role lol.

What about that post exactly is scummy?

??????? Would you by any chance look at other people ever?  Did I piss you off recently or something?  I also haven't been in this game telling people they don't care about the game while making literally 2-3 posts PERIOD a day phase.

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Marsh and Paine keeping the scoreboard moving nicely


Sully VT


Shinori I am not saying that post is scummy. That post makes me feel  you have  my back and I'm going to repay it by tunnelling you.

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14 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

Good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that Sully became rather competent very quickly,  

You guys suck.  I said this like 20 pages ago and every 5 pages since, someone has been like "YOU KNOW SULLY IS ACTING DIFFERENTLY THAN HE DID AT THE BEGINNING OF DAY 1 I WONDER WHAT IS UP WITH THAT WHY HAS NOONE MENTIONED THIS BEFORE". :<

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49 minutes ago, BBM said:

I'm moving kirsche to paranoid tier because his latest few posts ping me. Yes he hasn't reread Baldrick but I remember last phase when I mentioned a couple times that Baldrick was in the background and he was giving me bad vibes he agreed with this. For him to be like "I cannot give an opinion about Baldrick without rereading" and pseudo-defending him by comparing his wagon to that of a mislynch even though the situations are completely different bothers me. still not enough to make me lynch him over some other people

This is what I said in regard to Baldrick/Bart:

"Baldrick and Bartozio are still kind of floating in the background imo and I will need to reread them. "

" He is just letting the lynch play out for the most part and unlike some people who're pretty forgettable (Bart, Baldrick) (partly also my faulty tbh got to be picky about who to read) I would expect much much better from him. He's a good lynch because he has associations and is much less likely to flip town (Sully, Ken) and give more associative reads than some (Ken). "

I wouldn't say I had any vibes on them other than I noticed that they were not the most active posters and they were forgettable. That's not enough to make me want to lynch someone unless I've read their posts. He might be a fine lynch, but I'm not eager to lynch people I haven't read. If this is a defence then it is the worst defence of all time.

Well I've stayed following the thread up to 4AM but I haven't been able to be coherant enough to read Baldy properly. Gonna have to do it when I wake up fresh and renewed I think because this ain't working.

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1 minute ago, Baldrick said:

@sully; can you explain the associative reads? Why would a scum!me flip mean kirsche, bartozio, Mackc and you are town? Who would be my buddies in that case?

Before I'm certain, I'll need to reread, but kirsche and I (along with Prims (God rest his soul)) were among the first to suspect you as early as D1. Bartozio (at least I think it was him) voted you first thing D2, but my thoughts there are slightly weaker because Bartozio hasn't posted much since this game exploded. Mack started voting you after we put pressure on him, but it read scummy at first, and, if there's any chance that Mack is still scum, than I'd actually say he could still be your buddy, trying to "bus" you (if that's what that means). So maybe an associative read would be harder to find there. 

However, Kirsche and I have been wary of you since D1 and you were our first suspicion D2. That's a long ride on the wagon to bus a teammate. True, via, refa, and (I think) BBM were also wary of you D1, but they aren't under as much suspicion right now. 

I'd say if Kirsche, Bart, Mack, and I were out of the picture, you'd still have other teammate opportunities with Shinori or Michelaar (but probably not both), and maybe Marth or one of the other pros.

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I feel like there is some connection between Shinori and Baldrick, their switch to defending him after my flip is a weird move but if Shinori is scum buddies with them then it still doesn't make sense because Shinori would know trying to defend Baldrick is a lost cause. Also the defence itself is weird he didn't say Baldricks vote swap was a town move, just that it wasn't necessarily a mafia move. 

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24 minutes ago, Refa said:

You guys suck.  I said this like 20 pages ago and every 5 pages since, someone has been like "YOU KNOW SULLY IS ACTING DIFFERENTLY THAN HE DID AT THE BEGINNING OF DAY 1 I WONDER WHAT IS UP WITH THAT WHY HAS NOONE MENTIONED THIS BEFORE". :<

Yeah. I explained myself way back D1 but I can do it again, if I must.

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9 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I feel like there is some connection between Shinori and Baldrick, their switch to defending him after my flip is a weird move but if Shinori is scum buddies with them then it still doesn't make sense because Shinori would know trying to defend Baldrick is a lost cause. Also the defence itself is weird he didn't say Baldricks vote swap was a town move, just that it wasn't necessarily a mafia move. 

All this day I've been focusing on other people > Baldrick.  He was already lower on my list of suspicions after the first few hours of this day phase.  I guess logically I don't see him as being scum cause I don't think scum would make such a poor decision but it's happened before so I would consolidate on him if we want to lynch.  I'm realistically very neutral on whether he gets lynched or not.  Would much rather Bartozio or Mich get lynched though.

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Man, I'm starting to feel sleepy and I think my post quality is suffering. I should stop and go to bed. 

One last lynch priority list: Baldrick>>>>>>>>>>Michelaar>Marth>Shinori>Everyone else.

Oh, and a general note about my schedule: tomorrow is Sunday, I'll be going to church early tomorrow morning see I'm a Christian that means I never tell lies and won't be back until the afternoon most probably. So you might not see me for another 14 hours. That's a long time, come to think of it, so I'll stay up a little bit longer. If you have any questions for me, ask them now.  

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Hey @BBM do you think Refa's play is similar to his play in Heroes mafia? Mitsuki mentioned in the postgame that he is generally more distanced as scum and I know he had me fooled that game.

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53 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Before I'm certain, I'll need to reread, but kirsche and I (along with Prims (God rest his soul)) were among the first to suspect you as early as D1. Bartozio (at least I think it was him) voted you first thing D2, but my thoughts there are slightly weaker because Bartozio hasn't posted much since this game exploded. Mack started voting you after we put pressure on him, but it read scummy at first, and, if there's any chance that Mack is still scum, than I'd actually say he could still be your buddy, trying to "bus" you (if that's what that means). So maybe an associative read would be harder to find there. 

However, Kirsche and I have been wary of you since D1 and you were our first suspicion D2. That's a long ride on the wagon to bus a teammate. True, via, refa, and (I think) BBM were also wary of you D1, but they aren't under as much suspicion right now. 

I'd say if Kirsche, Bart, Mack, and I were out of the picture, you'd still have other teammate opportunities with Shinori or Michelaar (but probably not both), and maybe Marth or one of the other pros.

Kirsche, you and Prims were suspecting me D1? Couldn't find anything except kirsche calling me forgettable. Marth (one of your buddy candidates) was one of the first calling me out D1 and voting me D2. Shinori I was voting near deadline D1, wouldn't that be a big risk considering people had been suspicious of him and both you and be were wagons? You say Mackc is the most likely of the asso reads to bus, you think the scum would be resigned to having to lynched one of their own just because they'd gotten a few votes?

I think you might be trying too hard to justify my lynch with asso reads. Scum will know once I am lynched that they can throw out those reads. You are preparing to resume an act of confusion once I flip.



##vote: sully

I know you may have turned in already (this post took a while) and won't be back for awhile. Respond whenever you can.

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Right, scumteams.

I'm pretty sure Refa and Mack are town now.

Via, Michelaar and BBM also feel townie, though I'm less sure about those two.

It bothers me quite a bit that Shinori and Balderick have made several passing remarks about finding each other scummy, without ever commiting to it. Shinori has been saying he suspects Balderick for a while now, but never really posted a case on him. Balderick started to focus on Shinori mostly after he got under pressure, even though he said he was more sus on Marth on D1. Could very well be because Shinori is the actual scum between the two (him and Marth I mean).

Since I doubt  Balderick would focus on both of his scum buddies outside of the likely lynch of the day, I think the most likely scum team would be

Balderick/Shinori/Kirsche. Maybe Sully instead of Kirsche, but his interactions with the two read less like scum buddies.

If Shinori isn't Baldricks buddy I'd say

Baldrick/Kirsche/Sully. Maybe Marth instead of Sully. Sully and Marth both being Baldricks scum buddies would mean they pretty much decided to both focus him at the start of D2, which I find very unlikely.

So Kirsche would make a good lynch if Baldrick flips scum.

If Balderick doesn't flip scum for some reason, I'd say

Sully/Shinori/Kirsche or Marth, but that's more based on individual suspision then associative reads.

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