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Nobody told me it was my turn yet and I wasn't looking here during Christmas

I am Reinfleche. it's been about 3 years since I was last in the well (the second person of the first thread). It's been 9 years now since I've been on SF,  and my first mafia game was called Mafia Round 3 here and I got killed Night 1 on a Night 1 start as Godfather. I have not played terribly much mafia here since the last time I was voted in, though I've hosted more games, including the recently finished Resurgence Mafia.

If you want good answers ask good questions.

10 hours ago, Grace said:

why is fastbond/crucible/strip the best thing to assemble in vintage cube?

because you're not a believer in Storm

Edited by Reinfleche
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have you actually played xenoblade?

what does a good oc setup involve (bonus for why it's different to a good noc setup)?

what are your best/most memorable mafia moments?

if zed was removed from lol who would be your new main?

rate my yasuo out of 10?

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1 minute ago, SB. said:

have you actually played xenoblade?

Yes, but I haven't finished it, I've only played it a little with someone else

2 minutes ago, SB. said:

what does a good oc setup involve (bonus for why it's different to a good noc setup)?

The first and second part of this question are pretty related because non-town factions have to be stronger than an equivalent-sized OC game in order to combat the advantage town receives by default in any game with more talking than just in-thread. It's true that mafia/third parties do get to communicate with each other too but it's a much smaller advantage than town, and if you're not balancing around town being more powerful because of OC, then that's a mistake. I think it's also important to put in ways to disrupt the classic town leader scenario where one person is getting cop results/doc protection all game or for a large % of it and isn't killable, whether that be by putting in weaker investigative roles or unreliable protection, having ways on anti-town to interfere with this like limited hitman shots or tailors, mafia roles that are well-suited to infiltrate leadership, or combinations of multiple factors (including other things I didn't list).

This is more opinionated but I think every mafia in an OC game should have a rolecop in some fashion and this rolecop should not be part of their fakeclaim. Learning about powerful town roles is very important for mafia to be able to deal with those roles, especially since they don't have to claim to everyone like in NOC when they claim.

6 minutes ago, SB. said:

what are your best/most memorable mafia moments?

As a player: I very clearly remember how funny my only night result was of SFMM4 and subsequently using it to catch Mitsuki immediately. It's always fun to get into situations that the hosts don't expect. Best performances probably go to that game since I lead to 2 mafia members dying and it wasn't my fault the rest of town couldn't close out when I was inevitably killed the next night, and AM/PM mafia 1 where I managed to not go insane against all odds. If you're counting EiMM my play in All Stars was also clean.

As a host: For memorable, probably CM4 Sho's absolutely horrible Day 1 and the subsequent Intercom 'how to win as a neutral' post, which was just great. I was only co-host of that game though, for games I actually hosted my favorite moment was probably in Badass Mafia 1 when the early town leadership circle ended up being you, Paper, and Snike, featuring none of you as townies. For best games... well, I asked Refa to power-rank my games, so I'll do the same. Starting with Haphazard Mafia because games before then are kind of a wash in terms of balance and stuff, and only counting games I was the main host of:

Badass 1 > Resurgence > Badass 2 > Choral Mafia V > Haphazard > Encounter > RTFR 1 > RTFR 2

Badass 1 was my favorite setup I've done, featuring a pretty well-received cult and a close game.
Resurgence had a couple mistakes, but was a pretty good setup overall and people liked it, and was pretty down to the wire.
Badass 2 wasn't as good as the previous two games but it was a decent setup and didn't have any problems.
Choral Mafia V was a pretty good setup, but I can't confidently give it a pedestal spot because it was plagued with inactivity and modkills.
Haphazard Mafia was a decent game but unspectacular small game that almost nobody reading this will remember.
Encounter Mafia had really bad item balance that heavily skewed the game in ways I didn't expect, so it wasn't that great.
RTFR 1 was better than RTFR2 because it was way faster and people took risks instead of everyone kind of laming out of RTFR2. However, RTFR2 had the saving grace of funnier role PMS, and the fake town flips were funny. I put almost no real effort into balancing them so they go below real setups.

Ok that was kind of more than you asked for.

32 minutes ago, SB. said:

if zed was removed from lol who would be your new main?

time to get good at Lee

32 minutes ago, SB. said:

rate my yasuo out of 10?

Top 8/10, mid 6/10, support die/10

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When will you host rtfr3?

What is your favorite role to play as (in regular mafia) and why?

If you played mafia again, would ypu prefer to play OC, NOC or LOC? 

Thoughts on OC vs LOC?

Thoughts of Items in mafia?

Thoughts on eimm vs mafia?

Name the top 4 people you want to ally with in eimm and why

Favorite role to play as in eimm and why?

Thoughts of items as a more widely used concept in eimm?

Would you prefer weaker or stronger roles in eimm and why?

BPV count 1 vs 2 vs hp?

Thoughts of multifaction and do you plan on hosting one?

What would make a good multifaction set up?

Thoughts on moles in multifaction?

Thoughts on no alignment flips in multifaction?

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if you could go back to any time period/culture when and where would you go and why?

if you could own a pogeyman in real life who would you choose and why? no ditto or pogeys that can learn every move thats cheating

whats a hobby/skill/talent you would like to build if you had more free time?

if you could invent a law the world had to follow what would it be?

whats your biggest strength/weakness as a player?

what game did you learn the most from?

if you had to choose a sfer to marry based on personality who would it be and why? assume they take the gender of your preference

whyd you choose reinfleche as a name?

assign 5 sfers a ninja turtle and one for april

favorite ice cream?

if you could meet anyone currently living on earth who would it be and why?


Edited by YOLOSWAG
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57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

When will you host rtfr3?

Probably never, or at least not for a long time. There's only so many jokes to be made about modkilling

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

What is your favorite role to play as (in regular mafia) and why?

Solo third parties. They tend to be the most interesting roles in games they're in. It's all on you, so how well you do is mostly based on how you play. You have nobody to rely on, but you also can't let anyone down by messing up. For more standard roles, information roles are fun because you have more control over the game.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

If you played mafia again, would ypu prefer to play OC, NOC or LOC? 

Primarily OC, but I'm going to join CYOR 3.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts on OC vs LOC?

I think LOC is really hard to make interesting because most of the time it is just NOC with a gimmick that is difficult to balance, and it's not as fun as full OC.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts of Items in mafia?

Good but hard to balance

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts on eimm vs mafia?

A well designed mafia game is more fun but takes way more effort to play than EiMMs. I say that as someone who probably puts more effort into EiMM than most that I still think it's less than a mafia game because the games are so short that messing up, to me, doesn't feel as bad.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Name the top 4 people you want to ally with in eimm and why

That's a pretty pointed question to ask right before an EiMM I'm signed up for is about to start

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Favorite role to play as in eimm and why?

Not info roles because they almost universally suck unless they have an upside outside of being an info role, in which case they don't suck because of that part.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts of items as a more widely used concept in eimm?

Same as items in mafia, they're good if done well, and can add a dimension to the game, but hard to balance. Items inherently allow for more combinations of powers, and sometimes those powers combine in unfair ways.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Would you prefer weaker or stronger roles in eimm and why?

Tough question. It's more fun to play with stronger roles, but they're also usually harder to plan around. Powercreep feels good, but you can't powercreep forever.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

BPV count 1 vs 2 vs hp?

2 BPV is better than 1. HP is good, but like items, since it's more dynamic it's way easier to mess up the balance.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts of multifaction and do you plan on hosting one?

I like multifaction. I don't currently have any specific plans for one, but I'm open to it in the future.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

What would make a good multifaction set up?

I don't know. Something fun with reasonably balanced factions.

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts on moles in multifaction?

Fine in the version where not everyone knows their whole team from the start. Not fine in the version where everyone knows their team from the start- even if announced I'd say this is probably not going to lead to a compelling setup

57 minutes ago, Blitz said:

Thoughts on no alignment flips in multifaction?


(for the next questions I'm not sure why some of them copied formatting and some didn't, but I can't be fucked to fix it)

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

if you could go back to any time period/culture when and where would you go and why?

If it's temporary, the 1950s because it's still relatively recent and I think it's an interesting time period. If it's permanent, I would opt out. I would have a hard time adapting to not having modern conveniences.

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

if you could own a pogeyman in real life who would you choose and why? no ditto or pogeys that can learn every move thats cheating

Charizard is my favorite, so that. Plus, it has two mega forms that are cool and powerful.

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

whats a hobby/skill/talent you would like to build if you had more free time?

Engineering, which I sucked at when I tried learning in real life, but given more time I would have enough tries to not suck at it

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

if you could invent a law the world had to follow what would it be?

Something about world peace? It's a common answer because it's good

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

whats your biggest strength/weakness as a player?

My reads usually are decent but my activity is pretty bad, mostly because I hate reading long posts

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

what game did you learn the most from?

No idea. I've played too many to really pinpoint any in particular.

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

if you had to choose a sfer to marry based on personality who would it be and why? assume they take the gender of your preference

Presumably the one I'm engaged to

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

whyd you choose reinfleche as a name?

Rienfleche is the S rank bow from FE7, but I misspelt it

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

assign 5 sfers a ninja turtle and one for april

I was never very into the ninja turtles so I don't know

52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

favorite ice cream?


52 minutes ago, YOLOSWAG said:

if you could meet anyone currently living on earth who would it be and why?

Michael Jordan. He's cool.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Favorite games other than mafia?

Do you like any sports?

Do you enjoy where you live? If you don't mind, where do you live?

12 players to play NOC with?

12 players to play OC with?

Edited by Lord Gaius
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45 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

Favorite games other than mafia?

League of Legends, Magic the Gathering. For console games I've been playing FFXII Zodiac Age most recently and that's a good one

47 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

Do you like any sports?

Basketball and boxing. I'm not good at basketball but I do ok at pickup games because I'm tall. Haven't played an organized sport since like 6th grade though.

48 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

Do you enjoy where you live? If you don't mind, where do you live?

Yeah. I live in Miami-Dade county. It's pretty nice here most of the time

49 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

12 players to play NOC with?

Funnest I could come up with in 5 minutes: Prims, Refa, SB, Iris, Haze, Tables, Kaoz, Via, Snike, BBM, Marth, eclipse

49 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

12 players to play OC with?

Switch Via for Walrein and  but otherwise previous list is fine.

15 minutes ago, BBM said:

what do you think was the best OC game that you didn't design (you didn't necessarily have to have played in it)?

Hard question. Mafia Mafia 2 from Smogon is a classic answer for "awesome game I wasn't in", but that's not SF. It was hard for me to think of very many games that were OC on SF, since so many of them were a long time ago. The first SFMM was amazing, but wasn't fully OC. Lots of the OC games I had fun with weren't necessarily great setups too (MtG mafia, SSBB mafia, some of the other multifaction games (not Mafia of the Gods)). On the other hand, Void was a better setup than those, but one that I didn't have fun with. And then there are not a lot of OC games on SF that I didn't play in or host. I can't think of a definitive answer right now for an SF game, I might get back to this question.

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10 minutes ago, Iris said:

is gaiden really your favorite fe game, or are you lying to us ???

Echoes is clearly better, but I haven't changed it to reflect it because Gaiden still needs some reps on the sidebar. I liked Path of Radiance about equally until Echoes came out anyway.

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What would be your your most honest, heartfelt, true advice that you would give me for my play in NoC games?

Also play with me on league sometime? I'm better now than a few years ago.

Favorite lane in league?

Most hated champion in league?

Biggest goal for league?

Biggest goal for mafia?

Do you play Fire emblem heroes and if so who's your favorite character in FeH?

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5 hours ago, Shinori said:

What would be your your most honest, heartfelt, true advice that you would give me for my play in NoC games?

I'm assuming you mean OC games because I have no valuable input to make about NOC.

For town: The first thing I'd say is talk more, and this honestly applies to most people. Even if there's a town leader set up, it doesn't mean you can't try and make plays on your own. Sometimes people aren't consistent from person to person and you can catch them lying. Sometimes the town leadership fails and it's worth looking into why that happened. Sometimes the TL dies and there's no clear successor- if that happens, then you don't want to be in a scenario where you're clueless. Sometimes there's no clear town leader for a period of time, in which case it's good to have your own opinions.

For non-town: Do all this anyway so you can pretend to be town, especially when town leadership is up for grabs. Almost nobody on SF fakes town leader as mafia or even objects to someone else claiming it, which is a mistake. Also if you're mafia, up for lynch, the first mafia being lynched, and you don't think you can get out of it, then it's better to claim mafia and try to contact other non-town factions (Walrein did this in Resurgence).

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Also play with me on league sometime? I'm better now than a few years ago.


5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Favorite lane in league?

jungle but I play mid for zed

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Most hated champion in league?

Zoe. Lulu before Zoe came out

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Biggest goal for league?

Mostly to have fun. I basically only play with friends.

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Biggest goal for mafia?

Make good setups, do better at being nontown

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Do you play Fire emblem heroes and if so who's your favorite character in FeH?

Yes. I like Reinhardt, because I'm also Rein, but that's too much of any easy answer I'll say Camus or Arvis for less commonly used people.

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

Also rate my ranked op.gg and give me your opinons on what you feel like I should approve on based on that.

I have no idea, I'm not that good except at a few champs.

fuck off sb

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