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FEH: Winter's Envoy Banner


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1 hour ago, SilasKnight said:

I will buy many orbs for christmas.

I wonder if those christmas unit are worth it though....


Remember there is a 8% banner that's coming

8% banner?


One way or another I will follow my current trend of just doing the free pull. The more units I have accumulated over time the less I desire new units. 

Edited by Prince Endriu
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Good lawd.  Tharja changed out of her skimpy outfit, and into an even more skimpy outfit.  AND comes with Close Counter.  AND her Slot B skill is Heavy Blade without any stipulations, and Brash Assault until she drops below 50%.  AND has a valor skill and Iceberg.  Someone at IS must really, really like Tharja.  It's kind of amusing that, for a "fan-service" character, she gets so much backlash on this forum.

I wouldn't be surprised if she has the highest Def for a mage in the game.  Bikini armour is notoriously powerful; Summer Tiki has armor-tier Defense, and she's wearing essentially underwear.  My theory is that it's based off kunoichis using their sex appeal to distract male warriors to win battles.  Here's to Kagero getting onto the next round of Summer Heroes.

 Since this winter banner is only two weeks, I'm wondering what will be on the New Year's banner, and if that will be when the next Legendary Hero banner is.  Also, does anyone else think Robin looks like Micaiah in his artwork?

How many Rauorblades ya got?

Edited by Charmeleonbrah
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In the order of the units I want, it's M!Robin>Lissa>Chrom>Tharja. M!Robin would be useful for armor emblem due to armor march, Lissa takes the lead a bit due to her skill, with Chrom in a close third, and Tharja, while good, I just don't know why I don't want her. But even if I do get Tharja, I won't be mad, I'll just build her up and but her on my armor emblem team.

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I just find it hilarious that Tharja is an armored unit with that outfit. I'm just amused. :P

That said, eh, I usually skip funny-costume banners, so just gonna let the banner be after my free summon. Maybe I can actually save orbs for once. :P

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To play devil's advocate, the "armoured" property of units in Heroes is a movement type, a classification that sits alongside cavalry and flier. Neither cavalry nor flier units are drawn to reflect their movement type in Heroes, so it would be inconsistent to enforce it on the armoured movement type. Tharja's armour is simply hanging out with Reinhardt's horse. :P

Besides, the sexy Santa outfit is pretty commonplace in popular culture so it hardly came out of nowhere - I think you could get something not a million miles away from that at a regular costume store in most countries.


All that said, I'd rather have a unit I could level up in public (I mostly play at work since I have a desk job) but I'm just surprised that this is considered a surprise.

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I have seen people around in various places in the fandom complaining about them being armors. Honestly I really couldn't care less about it or the banner as a whole to begin with aside from the hilarious fact that Tharja being an armor makes no sense at all for that outfit.

Regardless, it is quite peculiar how IS decided to go with mostly armors again even though they literally just did that in the last holiday event. In my opinion it seams like they are trying to get people to use them more, which I can honestly respect. But again, I still really don't care much bout this banner. I'm just gonna save up my orbs for somethin that, at least to me personally, is bigger or more...important if that makes sense.

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6 minutes ago, CatManThree said:

I have seen people around in various places in the fandom complaining about them being armors. Honestly I really couldn't care less about it or the banner as a whole to begin with aside from the hilarious fact that Tharja being an armor makes no sense at all for that outfit.

Regardless, it is quite peculiar how IS decided to go with mostly armors again even though they literally just did that in the last holiday event. In my opinion it seams like they are trying to get people to use them more, which I can honestly respect. But again, I still really don't care much bout this banner. I'm just gonna save up my orbs for somethin that, at least to me personally, is bigger or more...important if that makes sense.

Hilariously, I'd argue that if that bikini is made of metal, technically she is more armored than her base version, lol.

But I think that she was switched to be an armor recently. I don't think that was the original plan when she was commissioned, which was over a year and a half ago, remember.

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

To play devil's advocate, the "armoured" property of units in Heroes is a movement type, a classification that sits alongside cavalry and flier. Neither cavalry nor flier units are drawn to reflect their movement type in Heroes, so it would be inconsistent to enforce it on the armoured movement type. Tharja's armour is simply hanging out with Reinhardt's horse. :P

Besides, the sexy Santa outfit is pretty commonplace in popular culture so it hardly came out of nowhere - I think you could get something not a million miles away from that at a regular costume store in most countries.


All that said, I'd rather have a unit I could level up in public (I mostly play at work since I have a desk job) but I'm just surprised that this is considered a surprise.

...But flying units have flying steeds and cavalry units have ground steeds in their sprites, so they are still visible somewhere. Tharja just has a bikini and a cloak...

Oh well. I'm staying as far away from her as I did Nowi from the Halloween banner. It's not really a surprise she's wearing next to nothing. Would be nice to see her wearing clothes for once, though, especially for a winter banner. At least the other three look nice and warm xD

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

...But flying units have flying steeds and cavalry units have ground steeds in their sprites, so they are still visible somewhere. Tharja just has a bikini and a cloak...

Oh well. I'm staying as far away from her as I did Nowi from the Halloween banner. It's not really a surprise she's wearing next to nothing. Would be nice to see her wearing clothes for once, though, especially for a winter banner. At least the other three look nice and warm xD

Something you have to remember is that this art is from a year and a half ago, before the game actually launched. None of these units were supposed to be armored originally, but it didn't make sense to reorder the artwork.

A thing people get wrong about mobile games is how releases work. Art has to be commissioned months in advance (especially if they want to get high profile artists, which some games do these days.) Plus a lot of variations will get rejected, and so on.

We already know that Robin and Tharja's arts date back to before the game was launched, back when it was supposed to release last october. They were probably going to be completely different units altogether.

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1 minute ago, dragonlordsd said:

Something you have to remember is that this art is from a year and a half ago, before the game actually launched. None of these units were supposed to be armored originally, but it didn't make sense to reorder the artwork.

A thing people get wrong about mobile games is how releases work. Art has to be commissioned months in advance (especially if they want to get high profile artists, which some games do these days.) Plus a lot of variations will get rejected, and so on.

We already know that Robin and Tharja's arts date back to before the game was launched, back when it was supposed to release last october. They were probably going to be completely different units altogether.

I know that. I was pointing out that was an odd argument about steeds and fliers. I agree that the units were originally most likely meant to be infantry but then they changed it to armoured just to try and complete the set.

Still annoyed Chrom and Lissa are axe armours, though. Even if months in advance, they should've realised that we need those least out of all the armours.

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Just now, Frenzify said:

What I'm mostly confused about is how people can be disappointed in this being an Awakening banner when we knew since ago that at least two of the units would be from Awakening.

I guess we just expected Awakening/Fates like usual. so all awakening just caught them off guard

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6 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Be prepared to endlessly fight Holiday Tharja in Arena, ya'll.  Bladetome + Armor Buffs + Close Counter + Armor March + Vengeful Fighter...you get the picture.

Why do you have to scare me like this. Not only that, imagine her Owltome build. I mean, she basically has all the skills needed, all she needs is the owl tome, and Ward armor support.

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12 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Be prepared to endlessly fight Holiday Tharja in Arena, ya'll.  Bladetome + Armor Buffs + Close Counter + Armor March + Vengeful Fighter...you get the picture.

My Cordelia is not impressed. :-) 

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16 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Be prepared to endlessly fight Holiday Tharja in Arena, ya'll.  Bladetome + Armor Buffs + Close Counter + Armor March + Vengeful Fighter...you get the picture.

And I'm not even probably gonna get to try that, I might end up getting my pity broken by her regular version.

I'm worried about my luck on this banner in general because of my results on the halloween banner. Pity rate broken three times, one of them by the regular version of Sakura. I'm going for Tharja mostly so I can have an armored mage, and Lissa since she'll basically be a green version of Arden. I'm fine with the whole banner being armored for the most part, especially since I got Amelia yesterday morning.

Edited by Larverto
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*sigh*  I hope Tharja freezes to death in that bikini.


Staying on topic, I'm not a huge fan of this banner.  Full 3DS pandering with nothing for the older side always sucks, but the thing that annoys me even more than that is how nonsensical these designs are for armored units.  Lissa's design is the only one that looks even remotely like it could be considered armored.

I would ideally like to summon Christmas!Tharja just so I can sacrifice her to Reinhardt out of spite.  He already has Vantage, maybe he can use Close Counter too.

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Not a huge fan of the character choices, especially the Chrom repeat, but I can't complain about an armor banner, especially one with a new type of armored mage. Although I'm curious if there's any more definitive source for Tharja being armored: it seems like a pretty safe bet based on her teammates and skills (as well as not being redundant with her original version), but the video only seemed to be like 99% indication rather than 100%.

Tharja is hilarious, and I'm definitely going to pull for her from the start. After that, I think I'll hold off to see what gets offered on other upcoming banners, especially if the shorter length means there really is another seasonal banner coming up for New Year's. If I don't see anything else I need, more armors are always tempting, although I'm conflicted because while I have more of a shortage of blue armors right now, blue only has one focus unit here instead of two. I think this puts the armor color distribution to 5 red, 3 blue, 6 green, and 1 colorless, which is... weird.

Edited by Othin
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Lissa is the only one that I want, but might pull Tharja for SI. Depending on stats, Lissa with Vengeful Fighter might be really good. Part of me hopes that the new Fighter skills are inheritable to non-armor units, but I don't see that happening. 

The Brazen skills are just upgraded Defiant skills. 
Defiant - grants 1 stat +7 if under 50% HP
Brazen - grants 2 stats +7 if under 80% HP

Otherwise, very surprised that all four are armored units.

Edited by Lord_Grima
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angry Robin being a Lance unit and also an Armor unit noises

Well, I guess I might still be waiting a while for a true balanced Robin Emblem, but I guess this'll do for now. Or maybe I'll just run regular Tharja in place of one of the blue Robins. I also kind of need Robin anyways since I have absolutely 0 Armor March. Henry never came home, and I've yet to get Amelia.

On another note, Lissa is absolutely adorable and I want like 10 of them.

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