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Voting Gauntlet: Winter Festival vs. New Year’s!


Voting Gauntlet: Winter Festival vs. New Year’s!  

157 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Robin, Festive Tactician
    • Lissa, Pure Joy
    • Chrom, Gifted Leader
    • Tharja, “Normal Girl”
    • Azura, Celebratory Spirit
    • Camilla, Holiday Traveller
    • Takumi, Prince of Soup
    • Ryoma, Peerless Samurai

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  • Poll closed on 01/07/2018 at 05:00 AM

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1 minute ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Ooo Eldigan sounds fun. I don’t have Lissa so I have very little stake in who I get for ally’s doesn’t matter too much. :P

I’ll switch in my Ike again to avoid the dreaded green pileup. 

Thanks.  Tomorrow evening, let me know if you need Grays, and I can switch to my Bridelia.

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28 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


@Zeo I wish I would be friends with everybody here on SF.  I really hope IS raises the Friend Limit soon, since I hate having to take people off to add people, and all my friends on my list are active and/or people I know.

I wish they would at least give you a list like 15/15 or so, so that I wouldn't have to literally count how many friends I have just to see if I have room.

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13 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Now I got 4 requests. that was fast!

Please notify who is who? I don't want the same color lead as  ryoma team.

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Accepted Philip's Tiki already. You are currently on Azura right?

That Reinhardt is me!

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34 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


@Zeo I wish I would be friends with everybody here on SF.  I really hope IS raises the Friend Limit soon, since I hate having to take people off to add people, and all my friends on my list are active and/or people I know.

Actually I've been wondering why don't they just increase the limits on friends already? Is it really that hard to do so?

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5 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Actually I've been wondering why don't they just increase the limits on friends already? Is it really that hard to do so?

Maybe they forgot there was a limit because it doesn't display on the screen.

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6 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Actually I've been wondering why don't they just increase the limits on friends already? Is it really that hard to do so?


4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Maybe they forgot there was a limit because it doesn't display on the screen.

Hopefully the 1 year anniversary update will increase the Friend limit.  I've left feedback requesting an increase, but it doesn't seem to be a priority for them.

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1 minute ago, Zangetsu said:

I remember there was a limit on how many friends on the 360, maybe the game can't handle it?


Feel free to correct me on this.

There is probably some limit, but 50 seems awfully low.

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22 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Accepted Philip's Tiki already. You are currently on Azura right?

I come from a team that lost in the first round, Robin. He was my only bonus, but now I'll just support whoever.

I'll summon tomorrow before I choose my VG team. If I get Ryoma, I'll go with him, if I get Azura (or nothing), then I'll go with Azura. If Azura loses in the next round, then I will definitely join Ryoma.

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Azura apparently won, judging by my 1100+500 feathers. Okay. Who else won?

2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hopefully the 1 year anniversary update will increase the Friend limit.  I've left feedback requesting an increase, but it doesn't seem to be a priority for them.

I’ve sent feedback about that too! Only a month until all our hopes and dreams about the update will get crushed mercilessly.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Azura apparently won, judging by my 1100+500 feathers. Okay. Who else won?

I’ve sent feedback about that too! Only a month until all our hopes and dreams about the update will get crushed mercilessly.

Ryoma, Lissa, and Tharja, I think.

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2 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Accepted. Tell me if you want me to switch for quests. I have S!Gaius and DC Brave Ike for colorless and green.

Thanks! Shiro should be fine since I was having trouble getting blue allies last round, but I will let you know :D Hope my Reinhardt will be helpful!

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Happy to see Lissa made it through this round. Out of curiosity did Lobster beat Taco?

15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Maybe they forgot there was a limit because it doesn't display on the screen.

Wouldn’t be surprised if IS actually did forget as the friend list isn’t used much outside of VG and like 15 feathers daily.

17 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I think I have some open spots, if anyone on team Lissa wants to add me.  My lead is currently +10 Laslow.

Friend code is 5247267905.

Hope you don’t mind if I add you. I have Matthew as the lead.

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39 minutes ago, Tragonight said:

Sent a request. Not sure exactly who I'm going for in the next round, but I'm leaning toward Azura. Most of my friends list is supporting Ryoma, and I'd like to join them as well, but personally I feel like sticking with Azura for now. If she falls, I'll join the ranks of Ryoma and hopefully defeat the other side of the VG.

Got you! Here's hoping you come to Team Azura ;) .

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Aw, nobody said anything about my Frederick. I really hope he was useful for those that got him though, that build cost a lot of feathers and refining resources. lol I did it just for that ridiculous Def and Ignis/QR shenanigans!

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Though really, the Shanna loss by itself was more embarrassing than all three of Leo's losses combined.

Wow! So mature, what are you 5? What will Making takumi and leo's loses same do anyway!

Everyone knows that was because of a bs Multiplier.

I like Leo but unlike Takumi he was destroyed in a fair match. Whereas Takumi lost to a Multiplier and Only lost to Ryoma because of his viability as a unit, especially in this meta influenced game. He had twice the votes Ryoma did.

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7 minutes ago, Jbunzie said:

Wow! So mature, what are you 5? What will Making takumi and leo's loses same do anyway!

Everyone knows that was because of a bs Multiplier.

I like Leo but unlike Takumi he was destroyed in a fair match. Whereas Takumi lost to a Multiplier and Only lost to Ryoma because of his viability as a unit, especially in this meta influenced game. He had twice the votes Ryoma did.

Someone sounds awfully sore.

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12 minutes ago, Jbunzie said:

Wow! So mature, what are you 5? What will Making takumi and leo's loses same do anyway!

Everyone knows that was because of a bs Multiplier.

I like Leo but unlike Takumi he was destroyed in a fair match. Whereas Takumi lost to a Multiplier and Only lost to Ryoma because of his viability as a unit, especially in this meta influenced game. He had twice the votes Ryoma did.

You know, that statement was struck through for a reason. Besides, if I was five, I would've called Takumi something stupid like "doodyhead" or something similarly childish.

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I am sad Takuml lost.. he really doesn't have luck, though at least none of these wins were actual indicators of his popularity, so I hope he continues being the Hoshidan rep.

Also, of course the tone in this topic would be like that ugh. Can you all just put a lid on it?

Anyways, I am having quite the hard time deciding where to go next. I'd love to join Lissa, but I missed out on all 1500 victory feathers last gauntlet. Those things are vital to me due to my timezone being less than ideal to catch those sweet last multipliers. Might just go Tharja.

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