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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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eh I was really hoping Junko would come back first to react to vague aspersions but w/e

it felt a bit weird that he just voted someone without any joke or any attempt to start a wagon or anything at all (I'm aware that he was the second post). almost like he felt he was obligated to do it? shrug

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I mean i could have made a joke but i'm not a very funny person so it would have looked cringe. 

@Walrein i'm curious about one thing. You mentioned that you were annoyed by how some people seemed to dismiss your point and didn't contribute to the convo themselves. What do you make of those actions? Maybe this is my own personal bias but that would have come off as weird to me so wondering what you think. although i feel like elie (who seemed to be the person you were most referring to) didn't really do that which is why i'm not pressing him. 

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3 hours ago, Anime27Arts said:

##Vote Bartozio



Might as well follow tradition of getting lynched D1

Not only do you have the scummiest and a 100% scum record, you even start the game with a vote on obvious lynchbait...

Can you be any more obvious?

##Vote: Anime27Arts

Real talk, I'm more inclined to believe the hydra is town as well (going from what 5 to 6, 6 to 7? people to talk to won't benefit scum that much, but having someone you know is town to talk to is a much bigger advantage), although both are possible. In the end, their play is what's going to matter anyway (duh).

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well uh i figured i'd just vote since i was online and refa's name was the first name i saw when i scrolled to the bottom so i chose him. I could still check back later after a lot of posts and switch my vote if I wanted to although nothing's really happened.

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RVS is boring. Let's see how fast we can get out of this...

##Vote: Zeus

Get your lazy ass over here, goddamnit.


FTR I'm leaning slightly town on the hydra slot, but I could see them being scum. Scum/Town hydra seems extremely unlikely, but I have to say it would also be extremely GAS

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i'm not considering scum/town hydra an option barring in-game circumstances pointing to that as likely; the fact that they were explicitly confirmed as the same alignment/role (basically the same slot) would make such a twist INCREDIBLY bastard and i'd probably kill sb myself

@BBM i was, in fact, primarily referring to elie; his "you fail to consider a lot, sir!" followed by... not actually mentioning what i (in his eyes) failed to consider was pretty frustrating

@athena_57 i think i can help with the endeavor you strive for


##Vote: athena_57

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1 minute ago, Walrein said:

i'm not considering scum/town hydra an option barring in-game circumstances pointing to that as likely; the fact that they were explicitly confirmed as the same alignment/role (basically the same slot) would make such a twist INCREDIBLY bastard and i'd probably kill sb myself

Oh, for clarification, I'm not considering it an option either, I'm just saying it would be extremely funny.

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1 minute ago, athena_57 said:

Oh, for clarification, I'm not considering it an option either, I'm just saying it would be extremely funny.

maybe like 2 years from now when i can emotionally detach myself from it

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10 minutes ago, Walrein said:

i'm not considering scum/town hydra an option barring in-game circumstances pointing to that as likely; the fact that they were explicitly confirmed as the same alignment/role (basically the same slot) would make such a twist INCREDIBLY bastard and i'd probably kill sb myself

What are you gonna do, LYNCH him?

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19 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Normally, this is where I claim, BUT SB isn't on.  So we'll have to wait on that.

##Vote: SatsumaFSoySoy

Also, hi Shinori and JB!

if this is what i think it is i'm excited

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Day 1.2 - Votals
(2): Jaybee, Shinori
Shinori (2): Eurykins, Elieson
Anime27Arts (2): Zkirsche, Bartozio
Polydeuces + SatsumaFSoySoy (2): eclipse
Refa (1): Junk
Bartozio (1): Anime27Arts
Walrein (1): Refa
Zkirsche (1): Vi-astra
zeus_112 (1): athena_57
athena_57 (1): Walrein

Not Voting: BBM, Bibbon, EÀrendil, Fable, Magnificence Incarnate, Nightmare, WeaponsofMassConstruction, zeus_112

You have ~61.75 hours left in the day.  With 22 alive, it takes 8 to lynch and 15 to hammer.

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Yep, that should do it.


The only thing of note is Walrein's vote on athena.  I'm not getting scum vibes off of Walrein, and athena pulled the "vote the inactive" stunt last game, so it's null for now.  Otherwise, there's bits of roles that I don't think are worth voting on, and RVS.  Hence why my vote will be kept to myself for the time being.

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To give any sort of read on BBM would mean including Junko, so have three because Elieson gets tied into it.

Junko's post is a question regarding the hydra's alignment.  Elieson reminds me of something idiotic I did in the past, and BBM responds to it.  Of the three, I'm inclined to agree with BBM's take on the hydra slot, which is that the hydra's alignment is up in the air (paraphrased).  Feels like BBM reaches a bit for a read on Junko, which gets dropped pretty fast for a vote on someone else.  While I agree with the reason for dropping Junko, I have no idea where the Rein vote came from.  Thanks, Walrein, I totally would've relegated that to later, and probably missed it~!

##Vote: BBM

Was out of RVS, then went back in?  That's weird.

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i'm assuming the rein vote is for the purpose of having pressure on someone after the junko read was dropped, because any vote is typically better than no vote

so i think i'm somewhat inclined to disagree with your read? unless i'm missing the point. i didn't think dropping the junko line of thought was suspicious - on the contrary, i think most scum players would be too self-conscious to make such an abrupt and obvious change of heart

thanks for humoring me, though

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like, the fact that bbm hasn't posted since the rein vote is indicative to me of "this is a placeholder since i'm leaving the thread and my previous vote is no longer valid" rather than a return to not-playingness, if that makes sense

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ughhh i know this is dumb role spec i know but i don't think scum would have both a hydra slot AND a mayor, so one of those has to be town.
because if they had both together it's basically having an extra player, because you've got the extra voice + extra vote.

i haven't really seen a reason to vote anyone yet that convinces me; at first i was set to vote walrein, but that was a first-impression gutread and i feel a bit better now. eclipse is playing to her town meta from what i can tell. bbm is null. junko is uh, eh, i think bbm's point on junko is fair but i'm not feeling anything yet

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argh i hate that i'm getting invested in this cause i was lowkey gonna take advantage of my slacker reputation to deal with my other commitments but now i'm just sitting here waiting for new posts to show up

i bet this is iris's fault somehow

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1 minute ago, Vi-astra said:

ughhh i know this is dumb role spec i know but i don't think scum would have both a hydra slot AND a mayor, so one of those has to be town.
because if they had both together it's basically having an extra player, because you've got the extra voice + extra vote.

i had this exact thought and forgot to post it so :thumbsup:

1 minute ago, Vi-astra said:

at first i was set to vote walrein, but that was a first-impression gutread and i feel a bit better now

whenever i play in a (relatively) new noc meta there's always one person a game that gut scumreads me for ??? reasons so i almost wanna call this villagery LMAO

i also think it's kind of dangerous to be making meta reads off 3 posts? but i'm also completely unfamiliar with said meta so maybe it's just that distinctive

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