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Voting Gauntlet: The Chosen Ones!


Voting Gauntlet: The Chosen Ones!  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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  • Poll closed on 09/11/2018 at 05:00 AM

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41 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I suppose now would be a good time to post what the title for this one will be [DATAMINE]:

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The Chosen Ones

Yeah, I have a hard seeing this being anything but CYL1 vs. CYL2.



So another Ike voting gauntlet. That's three in a row. Vaximillan is not going to be pleased and neither am I. 


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I really hope it isn't CYL 1 vs. CYL 2. For one, it means Ike would be in his third gauntlet in a row, and that's just silly. For two, it's a guarantee that there'd be so many memes and general sh**y attitudes about Lyn because of what happened last time and I'm so sick of the hate she's been getting because of these things and her alts. Best case scenario if it's CYL-themed would be if they just took the top 8 from CYL 2, just like they did last year. So Hector, Ephraim, Marth, and Alm on the men's side, and Celica, Veronica, Camilla, and Eirika on the women's side.

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If it really is CYL1 vs. CYL2, IS still has yet to learn what the meanings of "variety in character lineups" and "pacing out repeat characters" are.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

If it really is CYL1 vs. CYL2, IS still has yet to learn what the meanings of "variety in character lineups" and "pacing out repeat characters" are.

After four Hectors and Lucinas, three Ephraims and Ikes, and five Lyns you had any delusions that they had any remote knowledge of variety and pacing?

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

After four Hectors and Lucinas, three Ephraims and Ikes, and five Lyns you had any delusions that they had any remote knowledge of variety and pacing?

I can always hope

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I can always hope

Hope will never die, eh? Much like my hope for getting vanilla Lucina one day.


Also yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Well this will be the biggest saltmine yet.


All the CYL  winners in the most controversial mode in the game with a BS comeback function, what could possibly go wrong?


1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Also yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn.

Yes, clearly there has to be effort in the most hated feature in the game

Edited by Zangetsu
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Gotta support my girl, Lyn! Not sure which Lyn I should put up as my lead since not every Brave Lyn player would enjoy getting somebody else's Brave Lyn (even if, perhaps, she's +7 at the time of writing and is running the Chill Spd + Firesweep set).

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Voting Gauntlet is based on CYL winners this time huh. I'm going with Celica since she is the only one of the eight contestants that I care about and hopefully she pulls out a win against Lyn. If she goes down then Hector and/or Lucina will be my backup options.

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At least the pairings make sense (Male 2nd place vs Male 2nd place, etc.), but... meeeeh... I already don't care much about Voting Gauntlets in the first place, all the chars I pick always lose, and I wind up disappointed because at least one of the finalists have a big ol chest, so even multiplier funtimes don't change that...

But add on the fact I don't have the freetime to play FEH the way I used to, and all of a sudden I have doubts I'll even remember to get all the quest rewards...

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Caring about who wins with the multiplier system in place just produces needless salt. But I guess we knew that already.

I have units to promote; just hand over the feathers, already.

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On 8/10/2018 at 12:49 AM, Vaximillian said:

The match-ups have been revealed, as follows:

Veronica, Brave Princess, will face Lucina, Brave Princess!

(yes, Intsys was really that lame and we now have two Brave Princesses)


OH! How did I not realize this sooner?!  I suppose it was only a matter of time before they repeated a character title. But it is kinda sad that it is Brave Princess that got repeated. What would be a better title for Veronica. Brave Child to contrast with Lyn's Brave Lady? Though thinking about, like many anime type characters of her build, she is probably older than my first impression indicates. IS would probably prefer Youth to Child.

Not sure who I am going to support yet. Probably Lyn unless I get a decent Veronica out of my nearly 5% pity in the next day or so.

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12 minutes ago, Thane said:

Don't have her, but Lucina will get my support.

I do have her, and I’m considering supporting her. I like Lucina a whole lot (even though her vanilla version doesn’t seem to like me), but I also like Lyn and Celica.
So difficult to decide. But it’s most likely that I do go with Lucina this time around.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I do have her, and I’m considering supporting her. I like Lucina a whole lot (even though her vanilla version doesn’t seem to like me), but I also like Lyn and Celica.
So difficult to decide. But it’s most likely that I do go with Lucina this time around.

Glad to have you on the team!

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So my priorities are Lyn>Celica>Hector>Veronica>Ephraim>Roy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lucina=Ike.

Lets go Team Lyn! I’d rather perish the thought of getting Camilla’d again...

Edited by SilvertheShadow
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@Vaximillian At least it wasn't Celica vs Lucina in the first round. Who would you have picked?

Hmm.. for now I might go Brave Hector in my second account since I have him. If he loses then I'll flip a coin between Lucina or Ike.

Still no CYL2 unit in my main so I might just go with Brave Ike. Only other CYL unit I have is Lyn.

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10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

At least it wasn't Celica vs Lucina in the first round. Who would you have picked?

Yeah, I think I’d have still picked Lucina. I’ve only supported her once before, and that was in the final round of the first gauntlet. I have already supported Celica, and she isn’t Sharena for me to stick with her no matter what.

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Ike and Ephraim have another chance to potentially face one another in a VG's second round. lol Wow. I hope that happens! Obviously, I'm Team Ike.

Didn't expect Veronica to be leading this poll though. Most Heroes OCs, including her, are pretty flat and uninteresting imo. I thought Ike or Lyn would be leading here for obvious reasons. Oh well.

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