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February 2019 Legendary Banner Expectations


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Oh good the two Legendaries I'm missing are coming in the same month, plus the two legendaries I own with absolutely horrid assets and no merges to rid them of the even worse flaws.

...oh shit I'm gonna be summoning even more.

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Ophelia should appear on the blazing light banner coming soon. So blue is certainly the weaker choice here. Unless L!Ephraim or Niles are wanted badly. (If they appear of course).
Colorless seems strong for me, glad I already have Mikoto and Grima though. H!Mia would be the creme of the crop here, but has weak odds.
Green is nice for me, I don't mind Gunnthra merge, I do not have Surtr and the possible new legendary hero might be interesting. 
Red is strong too, can't be salty about anyone here. 

Still, I barely hit 220 orbs. The next banner with Ophelia might tempt me and I cannot go all out. But I might go a little for red. Micaiah cannot hurt if I should get lucky.

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1 hour ago, Stroud said:

Ophelia should appear on the blazing light banner coming soon. So blue is certainly the weaker choice here. Unless L!Ephraim or Niles are wanted badly. (If they appear of course).

That's a great point, I should rethink my prediction since I made it before that banner was announced. I'm pretty sure we've never had a hero appear on a Legendary banner at the same time as a regular banner, so Ophelia appearing on that banner (or not) might as well be taken as near-confirmation.

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Hmm. I want both Niles and Ophelia, but if Ophelia isn't on the banner, I might end up skipping it. I'm not as interested in Corrin, who seems like the most likely alternative. Although Quan or Hector would be another story. (Not that Quan would make any sense.)

Edited by Othin
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7 hours ago, Stroud said:

Ophelia should appear on the blazing light banner coming soon. So blue is certainly the weaker choice here. Unless L!Ephraim or Niles are wanted badly. (If they appear of course).
Colorless seems strong for me, glad I already have Mikoto and Grima though. H!Mia would be the creme of the crop here, but has weak odds.
Green is nice for me, I don't mind Gunnthra merge, I do not have Surtr and the possible new legendary hero might be interesting. 
Red is strong too, can't be salty about anyone here. 

Still, I barely hit 220 orbs. The next banner with Ophelia might tempt me and I cannot go all out. But I might go a little for red. Micaiah cannot hurt if I should get lucky.


but would they really do 
Celica, Leif, Leo? 
like 3 reds?(and this is gonna make me seriously wonder if it's worth trying to get my first celica) -though red would have a HUGE chance of pity breakers. better than Red Legendary

"hey do i want a GRAB BAG?" or do i spend 100 orbs and hope to land one of the 3 red runits. hmm. 

I am HOPING though Ophelia is not on this banner. because then i won't summon this month (on anything) and i'll have. all my F2P orbs for Feb + all of March and it is all systems go for Ophelia, Lazura, and Lucina. 

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The new hero's identity and title may have been leaked through the Google Play Store. This does not include their weapon, movement type, skills, art, etc, but it does suggest quite a bit.

The hero's identity and some thoughts on that:



Roy - Blazing Lion: Unsurprising if true, most of us have been expecting Roy since there's already plenty to suggest it'd be him, such as the upcoming Fire season. Part of me still suspects he won't be red since there are so many already, but then again, it's freakin' Roy, I can't see them not putting his classic crit animation in there. Anyway, I'm sure I'm going to get a lot wrong this month on the banner prediction but it's only like 2 days til we find out so whatever

Please use spoiler tags if you want to discuss this potential leak.

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Now this banner has my attention, unfortunately. I'm preparing for FE6 banner coming in 2 weeks, but if the rumors are true, or Mia or Fae shows up, I need to sacrifice orbs here too.

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Well I'll be, I was expecting him next month.

I guess if he's good enough I'll be convinced. He would be more interesting than anything else for the legendarys, considering the only one I don't have is Gunnthra and I'm not so sure I'd pull for her. If he's a manakete that'd be funny and we all know exactly what to go with in response.

Thank you anonymous intern.

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37 minutes ago, Dayni said:
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Well I'll be, I was expecting him next month.



Well... next month is a Mythic Hero Banner, and Roy doesn't match the Mythic Hero criteria, which is being a "god like" character.

Anyway, Roy deserves the Legendary Hero title, although if he is another sword unit, it will make me sad... All red legendary heroes are sword users...


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If he's an infantry, he might be the first legendary hero with gen 3 stats.


And you thought Ike and Marth had it bad with their legendary versions having better overall stats. Granted, they can get bonuses from blessings and they're in the regular summoning pool unlike their legendary selves.

So, I guess we're getting another version of Binding Blade or maybe Durandal. More swords as usual... How about Eckesachs in its scepter form as a lance? Also, although it wouldn't make sense, legendary Roy as a flier or even an armor would be nice.


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@Gregster101 I had a response in the other thread before it was closed.



I half blame the fanbase for those alts, because everyone went freaking insane for Reinhardt. No response on Olwen, since she's... well, very clearly not as strong as Rein. Probably latched onto Reins tailcoat if anything.

No one from Binding Blade is strong though. Fae kinda, by the powers of loli dragons, but she's kinda been edged out lately by other Green Dragons, including herself. Lilina kinda, but not to the same extent as Rein, and I'm not even sure she's that popular anyways. And there's so few characters with potential regular summoning pool alts in the game right now besides Roy, and especially now after all the rage I'm sure IS received from Year of the Alts.



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Blazing Lion sounds like Forblaze to me. I'd say Durandal if he hadn't already used it, but he has, and Forblaze is the remaining fire-themed legendary weapon from Elibe.

I'm bringing back my previous prediction of:

  • Hrid/Celica/Roy
  • Ephraim/Niles/Corrin
  • Gunnthra/Kagero/Lewyn
  • Robin/Xander/Mikoto

If this is the case, I think I'll go for one of the reds. Might pick up some blue along the way? I'd have to get really lucky to also get Velouria and Myrrh, though. Unless Myrrh is my free pull, which would really simplify things.

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10 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I am HOPING though Ophelia is not on this banner. because then i won't summon this month (on anything) and i'll have. all my F2P orbs for Feb + all of March and it is all systems go for Ophelia, Lazura, and Lucina. 

Same here, I barely hit a nice orb count. If I try my luck for her only with controlled pulling.

At least I know that I am likely to skip this legendary banner. Legendary heroes just can't hype me. 

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