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New Heroes Approach : Beyond Darkness (March 7 ~) SPOILERS: DATAMINE


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28 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Exactly what I'm saying. You pull for rare unit types which both Nils and Rath would be (which is about as much as we can still get from Blazing Sword). New Heroes banners can only offer so much. A lot of people seem to simulteanously want New Heroes banners but will just not pull on them when they're around.

Personally, I don't care, as I'm more about collecting the shiny new things than I am about unit diversity, especially if that unit diversity is something fucking stupid like a rabbit suit.


As a F2P I have spend my orbs wisely so yeah I go for rare types or my favs if they make a banner.  I personally would rather get my favs in the game over anything so I don't really like seasonal or legendary heroes and I will only pull for them if it means I am getting a rare unit type.

@Interdimensional Observer Isn't Ninian the only transformed ice dragon we see in game?  I know I am having wishful thinking, but they could always claim male ice dragons can fly short distances or something.  I just really want Nils in Heroes and him being the exact same as his sister would really hurt him, which would make me sad.

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5 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

As a F2P I have spend my orbs wisely so yeah I go for rare types or my favs if they make a banner.  I personally would rather get my favs in the game over anything so I don't really like seasonal or legendary heroes and I will only pull for them if it means I am getting a rare unit type.


Rare types are a seasonal unit feature though which means that while you don't really like seasonals and prefer New Heroes banners, you're more likely to invest in seasonal banners.

I feel like probably a lot of people that express wanting New Heroes banners do exactly that. They want them but won't spend much on them. I also don't think that's just f2p people. People that spend also want the special things they don't already have. 


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1 hour ago, EricaofRenais said:

Isn't Ninian the only transformed ice dragon we see in game?  I know I am having wishful thinking, but they could always claim male ice dragons can fly short distances or something.  I just really want Nils in Heroes and him being the exact same as his sister would really hurt him, which would make me sad.

The dragons of Elibe have their designs based on the dragons of Akaneia, and Akaneia's ice dragons are semi-aquatic. Elibe's ice dragons added the hind legs and removed some of the fins. It's unlikely that they'd be able to fly.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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No Idoun in the 20 orbs I fed to the banner, but I did get a surprise Keaton. And with getting Arthur on FGO...I'm actually okay with that. Idoun would've been nice and shiny, but I just got a perfect H!Myrrh in the anniversary gig that can suit my red armor dragon niche just as well.

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Got everyone (plus a +2 on Idunn) with 250 orbs. Thea and Sue have uninspiring natures, but Lugh is neutral. None of my Idunns have had a particularly inspiring nature, but I'll keep pulling for more copies of her.

Also a stray Katarina.

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Poor Sue wonders in Forging Bond why she does not find Dayan amongst the heroes summoned.

Kiran should be teaching her about gacha games priorities.

Edited by Vince777
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Free pull and ticket pulls were nothing special.

Used about 50 orbs or so. Got Lugh as my only focus unit. Other 5*'s I got were Ayra (merged) and Siegbert (manual). I think I'll end it there since I at least got one focus unit.

Hopefully Idunn and Sue will pop up on a legendary banner in the future.

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I got a +speed/-defense Sue which really is a suetifull pull. She's one of the two units I wanted on this banner

On the other hand. Go away Rhajat! She only has distant defense as fodder and I already got that fodder on my second Rhaja that I did not want.

I don't see Lugh demoting any longer after seeing what they did with the beast banner so I guess I need to access my garden/chain challenge reserves.

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Ewww, no demotes from the Beast banner. Here I was hoping that Velouria would drop down or at least Kaden.

Since no one dropped from the previous banner I’m not so confident about Lugh dropping now despite simply being Nino with a few extra stats but no Prf.

Hopefully he’ll come on one of the summon tickets because Valentines left me dry so I don’t have the orbs for him right now :cry:

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I hope I can get at least ONE person from this banner. Also Thea, is she Tate in the English emulator for FE6. I'm just wondering because I don't remember that name from the LP I watched and I've seen that LP three times. 

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After spending 150 orbs or so and sniping red I finally got Idunn...buuuuuuut she's +Spd-Atk which I'm sure is her worst boon. 

She still has a great weapon, skills and good BST so it won't be too awful but I'm actually considering trying to get a second Idunn since the banner will only end in 32 days and that's a long time I can grind orbs.

For now I'm just really glad I got her and didn't get pitrybroken by some random red unit.

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Hmm. If this banner will still be running after the March legendary banner hits, I should probably have held onto my free summons for later, to see if I change my mind about skipping.

I've still got one ticket left though, and it's not like any of my sessions so far have had multiple green orbs so I wouldn't have wanted to do any more pulling on any of them anyway. Idunn is also tempting but like Velouria on the previous banner, I'm not going for her on a 4-character banner. For a red (or colorless) unit, it's more trouble than they're worth.

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11 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

Isn't Ninian the only transformed ice dragon we see in game?  I know I am having wishful thinking, but they could always claim male ice dragons can fly short distances or something.  I just really want Nils in Heroes and him being the exact same as his sister would really hurt him, which would make me sad.

I'm assuming Nils and Ninian are the two dragons in this CG, which pops up when Nils tells HEL about his and Ninian's past. Nils is probably the one further back, given a necklace on the one up front.



8 hours ago, Vince777 said:

Poor Sue wonders in Forging Bond why she does not find Dayan amongst the heroes summoned.

Kiran should be teaching her about gacha games priorities.

I actually kinda like Dayan, possibly more than Sue actually.

And he is fairly useful, low Str, but throw him a Silver Bow for good doubling crippling of foes, or ORKOing Wyverns, and he can swing a Killing Edge too. Sure he's the third prepromoted bow unit, fourth if you got Bartre, but he is still very useful for what time remains in FE6, unless you Boot spam to void his Move lead, but even then he takes less Boots to max than his competitors. And Boots aren't cheap.

And YoderxDayan actually explains how GBA-Tellius Supports work. Also, apparently horse milk wine is a thing. 



I got very lucky. 1 free summon, 4 tickets, and 10 Orbs caught me Lugh (+Spd/-Res), Deidre (+Spd/-Def), and Sue (+Def/-HP). I'll quit while I'm ahead and begin saving again for the hoped for eventual Tellius 2019-II banner, whomever is on it (sans Ilyana) will be a must get for me.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I actually kinda like Dayan, possibly more than Sue actually. And he is fairly useful, low Str, but throw him a Silver Bow for good doubling crippling of foes, or ORKOing Wyverns, and he can swing a Killing Edge too. (And YoderxDayan actually explains how GBA-Tellius Supports work. Also, apparently horse milk wine is a thing.)

 Realistically, he is never getting into Heroes but I at least give him a slightly higher chance to appear than Shin, who is like the most boring and generic looking character in Binding Blade. 

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1 minute ago, Vince777 said:

Realistically, he is never getting into Heroes but I at least give him a slightly higher chance to appear than Shin, who is like the most boring and generic looking character in Binding Blade. 

That award goes to Garret for me. I don't know, he just doesn't look very "FE" to me, and certainly not playable. He feels like a real outlier, and his recruitment is really shoehorned in there. Like they just wanted to give us a prepromote Berserker, and threw it in at Etruria, since they can't have given him to you the same time you were getting Gonzalez and Geese, his unpromoted rivals, in the Western Isles.

Sin at least you can consider to be a Rath-lite, which makes Rath seem either like an improvement on Sin, or a lazy copypaste, or both.

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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That award goes to Garret for me. I don't know, he just doesn't look very "FE" to me, and certainly not playable. He feels like a real outlier, and his recruitment is really shoehorned in there. Like they just wanted to give us a prepromote Berserker, and threw it in at Etruria, since they can't have given him to you the same time you were getting Gonzalez and Geese, his unpromoted rivals, in the Western Isles.

Sin at least you can consider to be a Rath-lite, which makes Rath seem either like an improvement on Sin, or a lazy copypaste, or both.

Garret actually looks like from Fire Emblem... but like a Bandit Boss from Fire Emblem.

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Bleh. Getting cockblocked hard in my efforts for Idunn merges. I've so far gotten as pitybreakers Katarina (who is already +10), a spare Thea, two copies of Eldigan (which now gives me enough copies of him to make a second +10), Laegjarn (who is already +10), Sylvia, and Leo (who is already +10).

All the while, I've only gotten 4 copies of Idunn.


EDIT: At least this banner runs for a massive 33 days, which means I'll be able to put some of next month's budget into it if my luck doesn't improve.

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The dragons of Elibe have their designs based on the dragons of Akaneia, and Akaneia's ice dragons are semi-aquatic. Elibe's ice dragons added the hind legs and removed some of the fins. It's unlikely that they'd be able to fly.

OK that makes sense.  Too bad.

I have not pulled anyone yet and I am out of tickets and orbs.  I will save orbs until Monday's arena orbs and try again, I really hope Idunn comes home.

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8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Ewww, no demotes from the Beast banner. Here I was hoping that Velouria would drop down or at least Kaden.

Since no one dropped from the previous banner I’m not so confident about Lugh dropping now despite simply being Nino with a few extra stats but no Prf.

Hopefully he’ll come on one of the summon tickets because Valentines left me dry so I don’t have the orbs for him right now :cry:

Lugh was never a candidate for demotion the minute they put a Rally+ skill on him~ Thea is the obvious one here and I'll be really shocked if she doesn't drop, as she has no reason not to.

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23 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Lugh was never a candidate for demotion the minute they put a Rally+ skill on him~ Thea is the obvious one here and I'll be really shocked if she doesn't drop, as she has no reason not to.

Rally Up Res+, however, is easily the least desirable Rally+ skill, meaning if Thea didn't exist on this banner, I'd totally expect Lugh to demote even with his current skill set.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Rally Up Res+, however, is easily the least desirable Rally+ skill, meaning if Thea didn't exist on this banner, I'd totally expect Lugh to demote even with his current skill set.

If there was no Thea, I'd also guess Lugh, too~ But IS seems to not want to drop any kind of 400 SP Skills so even then, I'd be wary~

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2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

If there was no Thea, I'd also guess Lugh, too~ But IS seems to not want to drop any kind of 400 SP Skills so even then, I'd be wary~

All of the Rally+ skills so far have been on characters that have had other reasons not to demote, though.

  • Ophelia (Rally Up Atk+) has Missiletainn, which is easily one of the best tomes in the game along with a strong offensive stat spread.
  • Onsen Elise (Rally Up Atk+) is seasonal.
  • Dream Corrin (Rally Atk/Spd+) is an Adrift character.
  • Valentine Soren (Rally Atk/Spd+) is seasonal.
  • Cuan (Rally Spd/Def+) had the first dual Rally+ skill.
  • Valentine Mist (Rally Def/Res+) is seasonal.

Lugh is the first character with a Rally+ skill that doesn't have a compelling reason to not demote outside of Thea being a more obvious demote.

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