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April 4th, FEH Channel Announced! (8:30 PT ~)


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I was thinking about the possibility of a new mode being announced and what that hypothetical new mode would be. I was thinking I’d like something like the actual arena where it’s 1vs1 matches but not in the pseudo PvP way like AR or current Arena but as some sort of high level PvE content. Of course I feel like this would have issues with the game pairing you up with something stupid like hard counters against your units (emerald axe, lancebreaker against your Nephenee) but like it still sounds like a fun idea if they can prevent that from happening.

Idk I just want better PvE content to enjoy other than the occasional TT and X Hero Battles.

Talking about Arena, I’m hoping they make it so you can finally have both a Legendary and Mythic blessing on a Hero. There’s no reason it should just be one or the other because they work for two separate game modes.

Also, I hope no new currency ends up being added. Just use the currency already in the game if they come up with something new.

37 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

- New mode utilizing the new type of blessing Roy and future legendary heroes have

Please no. The last thing we need is more whale bait modes.

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I don't want DL characters. I have no interest in them, nor the game they come from.

Mass demotion would be nice, I still need regular Lyn and Celica.

Also, if they reveal the New Heroes banner, please be Archanea. I really, really want Xane.

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I want the Dragalia Lost collab to be announced but not necessarily because I want Dragalia Lost characters but just because that confirms that Heroes isn’t against doing collabs which means we could potentially get more interesting collaborations in the future.

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Noooo thank you to collaborations on my end. Perhaps if FEH was better about adding in New Heroes I wouldn't be so opposed, but they've squandered so many opportunities to add actual new characters into the game with needless alts and too many seasonal banners. No collaborations.

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can't wait to see a total of 5 minutes filled with feh's squeals and bullshit comments about literally everything

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I want to see some more quality of life improvements.

I hope they demote all the junk in the 5* pool.

I hope the game mode is not something stressful like Aether Raids.

I do not mind collaborations. I do not really care what my Heroes look like or who is in the game or not.

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I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment.

I expect the promised new Legendary Roy mode, and maybe some non-banner things related to the collab (ex. accessories, special AR structures, special maps) but no actual collab units. Demotes would be nice, and I can see them changing some or all of the pre-CYL1 main pool 5* exclusives to 4-5*, but I don't know if they'll actually do that now or ever, and I don't expect anything bigger anytime soon. I'd be plenty happy with that much, since I'm still missing 14 of those units and I have plenty of feathers to get them to 5*. But I'm not going to fuss if it doesn't happen, either.

Edited by Othin
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11 minutes ago, Othin said:

I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment.

I expect the promised new Legendary Roy mode, and maybe some non-banner things related to the collab (ex. accessories, special AR structures, special maps) but no actual collab units. Demotes would be nice, and I can see them changing some or all of the pre-CYL1 main pool 5* exclusives to 4-5*, but I don't know if they'll actually do that now or ever, and I don't expect anything bigger anytime soon. I'd be plenty happy with that much, since I'm still missing 14 of those units and I have plenty of feathers to get them to 5*. But I'm not going to fuss if it doesn't happen, either.

I think people should be ready to expect anything, and the only think that is a given is the Roy's thing new mode.

I'm excited to see if I can be surprised.

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16 minutes ago, Othin said:

I expect the promised new Legendary Roy mode


4 minutes ago, Troykv said:

the only think that is a given is the Roy's thing new mode.

Was Roy’s new effect stated to be tied to a new mode??? I thought they were just updating his blessing, not have a whole new mode revolve around it.

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5 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:


Was Roy’s new effect stated to be tied to a new mode??? I thought they were just updating his blessing, not have a whole new mode revolve around it.

when he was released they covered his Blessing boost and that a new mode tied to it would be coming in April.

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I was hoping for a Feh Channel this week, I was feeling it - which is why I felt the announcement a bit late, but a nice news to read early in the morning. My expectation is the same as the rest of you guys:

  • Roy's Legendary explained in details. As promised, now the curtain will probably fall.
  • Mass demotion. It's been 1 year since the last batch, and I already analyzed the Gen 1 pool demotion candidates here:
  • Feeeeeeeh for 2 minutes straight
Edited by Garlyle
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8 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Was Roy’s new effect stated to be tied to a new mode??? I thought they were just updating his blessing, not have a whole new mode revolve around it.

No, it wasn't.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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About a new ability for Roy: Blazing Lion

In an update in April, Roy: Blazing Lion is slated to receive a new ability that is distinct from his Arena-influencing ability. This new ability is intended to provide a play experience that is slightly different from what players are accustomed to, and as such, it will only be usable in certain game content initially.

Furthermore, Legendary Heroes appearing after Roy: Blazing Lion will receive a new ability similar to his.

We will have more news to share as we approach the update.

Tap More for additional information about this event.


Hmm. A different play experience only usable in certain game content sounds like a new mode, but then the "initially" turns that on its head.

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28 minutes ago, Othin said:

and maybe some non-banner things related to the collab (ex. accessories, special AR structures, special maps) but no actual collab units. 

That would be a nice way to make collabs in this game, and opposite to Collab Units, I would not be against this tipe of collab. It does not feel inmersion-breaking. 

I remember that I heard something about Arena changes in april, maybe that’s what’s related with Roy’s blessing

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46 minutes ago, Othin said:

I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment.

I expect the promised new Legendary Roy mode, and maybe some non-banner things related to the collab (ex. accessories, special AR structures, special maps) but no actual collab units. Demotes would be nice, and I can see them changing some or all of the pre-CYL1 main pool 5* exclusives to 4-5*, but I don't know if they'll actually do that now or ever, and I don't expect anything bigger anytime soon. I'd be plenty happy with that much, since I'm still missing 14 of those units and I have plenty of feathers to get them to 5*. But I'm not going to fuss if it doesn't happen, either.

I would agree.  I don't want to see DL units but I would be fine with maps and accessories etc.


TBH I really want to see a mass demotion.  That I feel is something that is so desperately needed atm it's not funny.

And make it not so horrible to snipe for specific colours as well but I doubt they'd do that.

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Although a massive demotion sounds nice, I would prefer a massive injection of 3*-4* lesser characters. Bonus points if they have breakers, fury, death blow, etc for colours that currently lack of them

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While I also wish for new modes and mass demotions, I've also been low/out of Reposition fodder for about a year. Sure would be nice if it were easier to get that. 


Remind me, it was Intelligent Systems themselves that said they had more info to share about L!Roy's blessing, correct? What exactly did they say? 

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6 minutes ago, Thane said:

Remind me, it was Intelligent Systems themselves that said they had more info to share about L!Roy's blessing, correct? What exactly did they say? 

Literally 7 posts above yours:

2 hours ago, Othin said:

About a new ability for Roy: Blazing Lion

In an update in April, Roy: Blazing Lion is slated to receive a new ability that is distinct from his Arena-influencing ability. This new ability is intended to provide a play experience that is slightly different from what players are accustomed to, and as such, it will only be usable in certain game content initially.

Furthermore, Legendary Heroes appearing after Roy: Blazing Lion will receive a new ability similar to his.

We will have more news to share as we approach the update.

Tap More for additional information about this event.



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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Literally 7 posts above yours:

Sorry bud. At work and missed it. 

Sure sounds exciting though. Glad I nabbed myself a L!Roy. Different play experience and (hopefully) new content eh, I hope they deliver on that. Wonder what it could be. Maybe Legendary Tap Battle. 

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3 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Although a massive demotion sounds nice, I would prefer a massive injection of 3*-4* lesser characters. Bonus points if they have breakers, fury, death blow, etc for colours that currently lack of them

This would be the most amazing thing to happen but I have lost all hope for it :( 

I think if they did that, they would have to clear up the summon pool, though... Maybe with the separate pool to pull with other currencies as others have suggested.


I'm firmly in the camp hoping for no character collab, but I wouldn't mind maps or accessories if they really had to do one. I'm hoping they show a trailer for Archanea, as that's been forgotten... or Thracia but again too much in my dreams (...or FE7 with Kent for true excitement from this one fangirl). 

No clue about the new mode. Hoping something to stop my rising apathy towards the game. 

It's stupidly late/early for my timezone so I'm not gonna watch it but will catch up on the news tomorrow :) 

Edited by Cute Chao
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What I want but do not expect:

Mass demotions

New mode for more dragon flowers and/or grails

Aether raids changes to make it not the worst thing ever

Arena assault reworks


What I expect:

Golden Week details

New banner reveal

LRoy blessing rework

Weapon refine characters


What I absolutely do not want:

Collaboration banner

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