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1 hour ago, Aera said:

I just noticed something... All of the banners have reds units.

It's notable that none of the repeated characters are red. There are simply so many red characters that were removed from the standard summoning pool that this was the minimum number of banners they could create to include all of them without doubling up on colors.


Also, I'm going to immediately say that I'm a fan of the revival banner system. The 4% focus summon rate is nice, being better than Hero Fest banners (4/3 is higher than 5/4 for back-of-the-napkin math), and having a new one each week means we get another free summon each week.

Honestly, this is a fairly decent mechanic, even when you compare to the alternative of 4-star demotions, mostly because of how rare individual 4-star pulls are due to how diluted the pool is. No, it's not a perfect solution, but it's a pretty good one.

It just would have been better if it were announced and implemented at the same time as the units were removed from the pool, which would have avoided much of the backlash.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1000 extra HM cap is sort of awkward in that it's high enough that you wouldn't want to sit through it while it runs, but not high enough that it's worth running overnight. A theoretical ~250k feathers is nice and all but I think I'll just let them accumulate naturally unless there's a super overpowered 4* hero that I absolutely must have built immediately.

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Only thing I see making it possible for them not to be repeats is that it’ll we’ll only see each banner twice a year, unless they run multiple at a time.

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Looks sweet. I'll definitely go for Alm when he's around, maybe original Lyn as well. Preferably on the second, if there is one. Music is nice but expensive, but it does address the issue of too much affinity with nothing to buy with it. Alternate defense maps are long-awaited, glad they're finally here. Not sure what to think about the new mode, but it looks fine so far.

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So this got no announcement to build up to it. Wonder why.


She's in on a floatie (Least she didn't repeat Feh on it) Only three announcements this time. Also put on some shade. 😛

R&R has a new resort (WHICH IS A SOUND PLAYER. Nice. Really) Unfortunately you need a bunch of affinity for it. And you can set music outside it, that's actually cool. I'm on board. Maybe chill a bit Feh.

Update time. AR defences can finally be set up for each week (jeez, took a bit) and it's got some good QoL stuff. Hero Merit finally increases (So I can finally use Robin again. :P) and revival summoning events, focusing on units from Book 1. (There's 20 of them I'm not commenting on each one.) it's also 4% to start (Dull surprise).

Also, it's Thracia music, EEE. It's shaking about, there's a dark mood of heroes left out (Luke must be pissed). The Rokkr siege mode is a dungeon mode I guess and it has giant Pokemon- I mean Heroes to fight against. There's difficulties, a new item and it allows Pair-up. Also, killing generics make you stronger. Also, these things are honestly looking intimidating, though they're probably OP and have all the skills or something. Also, the allies are added up in the end. It looks somewhat silly. 😛 It also gives Light blessings. Weird.

No spoiling the new banner sadly.

TL:DR: I wish there was more in these. No refines discussed, but I'm actually feeling positive about the AR changes.

Edited by Dayni
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WEEK 12 LUTE! How many orbs will I need to save for my last 4 Lutes to get her to +10? Nevermind I'll just save all my orbs.
After that I can use my leftover orbs for Mia, Elincia, Nephenee and BIke, good times are coming.

The sound room actually sounds nice (no pun intended), seems like I'll actually have to get into that mode now.

The new event looks interesting, I'm curious to see what that will play like (and what the rewards will be).

Hero merit maximum going up will get me many feathers to give more plusses to my favorite units, nice.

People who say this update isn't bringing much baffle me.

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Perfect timing, I was just thinking about when Hinoka would come back on a banner. Will be pulling for Katarina and Tana until they reach +2 so I gotta start saving up for them. 

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4 hours ago, Aera said:

If the revival banners are going to be a permanent thing, I would say that the removal is a positive thing because no one really needs to fish for Gen 1 units in the bloated pool of so many 5*s in banners. The only problem with it is that you have to wait for them to be featured.

I agree with you, but that's not what I was saying. I think IS had no intention of adding these banners when they originally made the summoning changes otherwise they would have released them alongside the changes to negate most of the backlash. Instead I think they didn't expect backlash for the change and when they got a bunch of backlash from the change they came up with these banners to try and fix things. 

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6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Revival banners are neat. Pretty much exactly the right solution for what to do with those Heroes. I'm hoping I can add to my collection many of those units. Week 10 in particular I'm missing all three so that'll be a hard choice for the freebie pull.

I haven't opened up the Aether Resort at all, but now I'm worried they might add something I really care about. Like exchanging those heart points for more dragonflowers, grails, or some other premium resource. Hopefully that never happens or I'll look quite the fool.

i agree this is a good solution to olde 5 Stars. Only gripe i have is, that they should have run 2 banners per week, So they rotate sooner. If rotation and restarr is even a thing!

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Oh wow, that indeed came out of nowhere.

Concert Hall? Sweet, I'll probably collect some nice Judgral/Elibe songs, I stopped spending on my resort lately. Aether Raids, quality of life change. Also very interesting to see how we'll tackle Raid Bosses, although the rewards doesn't look plentiful to me: even less than what we can earn from a weekly Arena.

But most importantly, Weekly summoning banners, oh boy. I wish they'd announced when it begins, and also I really hope they'll go into a rotation, but they didn't exactly mentioned that. My main goal is to get Ayra on the 10th week, so I'm going to sit on my 112 orbs and wait until she comes - she didn't had a focus banner for more than a year, and my Genealogy Gen 1 units are really missing her. I know my orbs are low for this, Fallen Heroes Mareeta stole all my orbs, but I hope to save up to another 600-700 orbs until we reach the 10th week.


Oh, and a Luke focus banner after almost 2 years? Haven't seen that coming.

EDIT: customer support didn't tell any information about the banners release date or if they are going to rotate or not, so don't keep your hopes up.

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8 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

But most importantly, Weekly summoning banners, oh boy. I wish they'd announced when it begins, and also I really hope they'll go into a rotation, but they didn't exactly mentioned that. My main goal is to get Ayra on the 10th week, so I'm going to sit on my 112 orbs and wait until she comes - she didn't had a focus banner for more than a year, and my Genealogy Gen 1 units are really missing her. I know my orbs are low for this, Fallen Heroes Mareeta stole all my orbs, but I hope to save up to another 600-700 orbs until we reach the 10th week.


Oh, and a Luke focus banner after almost 2 years? Haven't seen that coming.

EDIT: customer support didn't tell any information about the banners release date or if they are going to rotate or not, so don't keep your hopes up.

I wish you good luck!

Since it was in the "Next Update" part of the Feh Channel, I am expecting the banners to start on Monday or Tuesday, and reset on the next Monday/Tuesday. My target is Hector, and I am happy that he appears in 2 weeks. HOWEVER, his 2nd appearance will be in the same week as CYL 3, which can be a problem... If we get the banners next week, Week 10 will be on Mid August.

I expect some extra orbs in the possible "6 months event", so let's do our best to not get baited by any banner.

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Well that came out of nowhere. Glad to see the finally upped the HM again. Not anything too exciting. I'm kind of indifferent when they add new game modes now, I care more about new characters. But more ways to get orbs is always good.

Edit: Oh yeah, and 4% for 5-Star is awesome.

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8 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yeah but let's hope this is a permanent thing and  not a one off.  I'd be super pissed if it was a once off.  Because I NEED Lucy damn it!  As well as a way to get merges for her.

Yeah, I get you there. I'd like them to be permanent too.

8 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So the music and concert hall is pointless to me because I play FEH without music in general- too distracting for me when I'm in game which will likely be the same for Three Houses as well.

...Wow, I'm entirely the opposite when it comes to video game music. I have to have it otherwise it feels too quiet when I'm playing. Plus, many music tracks are really good and make you want to listen to them more. I really cannot relate to anyone who keeps the music off in games. xP

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DC and CC banners are always good. For me though, there’s absolutely no one I want to pull for.

I always thought the negative reaction to the 5* pool getting trimmed was silly. It would only be a negative change if those units could never be summoned for ever again. But skill banners and banner reruns exist. It wasn’t a question of if; it was a question of when. Summoning on new banners with the aim of getting off-focus 5* units (especially trashy ones that have no business being 5*) makes no logical sense at all.

I’m not saying no to revival banners though. The rates are more generous than usual, and so far it ensures there will be at least one CC banner before the year is out.

Special Fighter and G Duel Infantry are still top priority for my orbs though.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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Weeks I’m the most interested on:

W6: Need better nature for Lucina. 

W8: Don’t have Katarina.

W9: Don’t have Alm.

W10: Need better nature for Ayra.

W13: Don’t have Luke.

W16: Don’t have Ephraim AND Jaffar.

W17: Need better nature for Elincia. 

I really appreciate these extra banners. Even if I get nothing but trash, an extra free pull every week is very welcome. 

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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

But skill banners and banner reruns exist.

They may as well not exist for any player that budgets pretty much all of their orbs to getting the new and shiny.

Players like me rely on random pitybreakers and Legendary/Mythic Hero banners to get units that are not brand new.


8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Summoning on new banners with the aim of getting off-focus 5* units makes no logical sense at all.

If the aim is to get a specific off-focus 5-star unit, sure, but for players that pull a lot, just getting random off-focus 5-star units adds up. On a standard 4-character banner, for example, you are expected to pull approximately equal numbers of focus units as you are to pull off-focus units, meaning every +10 I aim for from a New Heroes banner should come with about 11 off-focus 5-star pulls, and that's a sizable number.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Also, I'm going to immediately say that I'm a fan of the revival banner system. The 4% focus summon rate is nice, being better than Hero Fest banners (4/3 is higher than 5/4 for back-of-the-napkin math), and having a new one each week means we get another free summon each week.

Honestly, this is a fairly decent mechanic, even when you compare to the alternative of 4-star demotions, mostly because of how rare individual 4-star pulls are due to how diluted the pool is. No, it's not a perfect solution, but it's a pretty good one.

I completely agree and hope they are permanent. Ideally, they would have a way in the game to check the schedule to make planning easier, but that's not likely considering how even their calendar can take some effort to find after a few weeks. 😀 I did just use the Golden Week banner to merge Bow Lyn, but I don't mind.

8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It just would have been better if it were announced and implemented at the same time as the units were removed from the pool, which would have avoided much of the backlash.

Yeah, that would have been nice. Surely they knew they were planning this back then? I guess it's possible that they finalized this more recently.

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5 minutes ago, Tree said:

Yeah, that would have been nice. Surely they knew they were planning this back then? I guess it's possible that they finalized this more recently.

I'm more or less convinced that they didn't realize that players would be as upset as they were about the units being removed from the new unit banner summoning pools. The planning and design teams have shown multiple times in the past that they aren't really in touch with what the player base actually wants.

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This is how I see things. 
While I like to believe that this was the plan all the long - I don't think it was, but I know there was a lot of backlash that they were removed. And I think this is better than extra random BHB banners, or Skills banners, because you can save for the week (either orbs/dollars) - corresponding of what is going in the month. I know for me (for example) this might actually mean I don't get a Grima (again) - because I think hector shows up the week before, or the week after. and of course this also happens around CYL. so that might impact me. I need DC that badly.

I think though this covers them for a lot of things. - book four is coming out roughly around the same time book 3 did right?. So they could (if they wanted). remove Year 2 units from the New Units/Seasonal banners, just having Gen 3/Gen 4 units - and then everyone knows that come say June _____. 4% banners of Gen 2 units. 

on the debate of is this permanent/is this a one off.
Well fi it's not. well you know when to save. (some of these units get kinda hosed - like Celica is too early for me, Elincia is right before Nephenee (two +10 dreams of me and one is right after Hector), etc etc. people can fill out their hero dexes, and the worst case scenario is: that's 20 free pulls.(or free circles, colour sniping whatever). which is still kinda good, i think at 4% something should shake out quickly.  - and we can push feedback from now saying that we'd like to have this a permanent thing. 

If it is permanent. then that's just a horse of a different colour. I know a lot of FEHTubers are thinking that it might be - and i mean the only way we'll see is around the third week of October, right? 


If it were me, i'd say treat it as if it's not, and adjust plans accordingly. 

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

They may as well not exist for any player that budgets pretty much all of their orbs to getting the new and shiny.

Players like me rely on random pitybreakers and Legendary/Mythic Hero banners to get units that are not brand new.

This is true. You can’t expect to get every unit you want. I know there are a lot of units I want but can’t set aside orbs for as a free player.

I don’t really care to obtain every single hero though—just specific ones that appeal to me for gameplay, preference, or both.

All the units that got purged from the pool varied widely in terms of value, whether as a unit or for fodder. It’s unfortunate that Close Counter is no longer in the normal pool, and there is one less source of DC. However, between getting those or getting someone like Luke or Mist, it’s a tradeoff I can live with.

The remaining SSRs in the pool are either great units or at least good for fodder. It’s also more likely that I’ll get a specific one even if it’s a small chance.

But as I said before, with Revival Banners being a thing now, everyone wins.

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7 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

However, between getting those or getting someone like Luke or Mist, it’s a tradeoff I can live with.

Getting pitybroken by Luke or Mist is a way more trivial impact than Hector being removed from the summoning pool. Yeah, it sucks when you get Luke instead of a 5-star you want, but it personally sucks more for me when I get pitybroken by a 5-star unit that was already demoted. I'd rather be pitybroken by Luke or Mist than by Thea, Mordecai, or even Reyson. And seeing yet another 3-star Arthur or Jakob still feels worse than seeing any 5-star for me.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Getting pitybroken by Luke or Mist is a way more trivial impact than Hector being removed from the summoning pool. Yeah, it sucks when you get Luke instead of a 5-star you want, but it personally sucks more for me when I get pitybroken by a 5-star unit that was already demoted. I'd rather be pitybroken by Luke or Mist than by Thea, Mordecai, or even Reyson. And seeing yet another 3-star Arthur or Jakob still feels worse than seeing any 5-star for me.

The only thing this tells me is just that the 4-5 star category is insulting to the player and probably shouldn't exist.


But I already knew that.

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