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"Which 3 House Character are you " Quiz!


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This sounds fun! I got this:


It's quite fitting based on what my friends say about me. Also it's fun how I got her even if I selected GD as my favorite house I knew Petra gets along better with Claude than Edelgard, for obvious and spoilery reasons.

Edited by Alexmender
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I kinda got stuck in question 7, because my phone is filled with pictures of my FE teams to send to my friends, and photos of my cats.

Anyway, apparently I'm the sweetest mom, because it tells me I'm Mercedes. I don't think they could've picked a more unfitting character. How did this even happen? I told them I swear constantly and they still gave me Mercedes!

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So I went through and did it three times just changing my preferred house at the end. I don't really have a favorite yet. My copy arrived so late after getting lost in the mail that I have only recently started my first play through and am not yet through part 1.

Black Eagles as favorite house gets - Hubert.
Blue Lions as favorite house gets - Hubert.
Golden Deer as favorite house gets - Raphael.

So apparently Hubert and Raphael should be best pals. Do they get any supports together? I am on GD this first time so haven't checked for that combination(picked GD because of what month the game arrived it, I went ahead and set Byleth's birthday to arrival date).

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I wasn't expecting this but I got Dimitri.

You always seem to know how to act in any given situation — polite around elders and witty around your friends. However, you don’t feel like anyone truly understands you. For one reason or the other it’s incredibly difficult for you to open up and you often question if your social endeavours are just an act. Due to this, you can often spiral into episodes and disappear from your social circles for weeks at a time. However, when you’re able to talk things out, you feel as if you can take on the world. It’s difficult to hate someone like you.

I'm actually really happy I got Dimitri because although I never really thought about it much, I do relate to him and the above description a lot. At least for me, this seems like a pretty accurate quiz. Count me impressed.


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I got Annette, which is... not me at all.

Like, I try, but not THAT much. I’d much rather do nothing than be productive, but if I have to, I’ll put in the work.

So I did it again and got Felix.

I’ll take it, I guess.

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I got Marianne, which is fine.

I mean, some of her sentences are far too real, after all.

"You’re incredibly passive and subdued, which makes it easy for people to take advantage of you. For whatever reason, you find it extremely hard to say ‘no’, and often find yourself roped into difficult situations. You tend to find someone you click with, and stick to them for long periods of time. You probably find it difficult to start a conversation, and resort to looking at your phone — however, when you start talking, you find it quite enjoyable. You are fond of animals and dream of having plenty of pets."

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My result: 


You are the unanimous ‘mum friend’ of the group, not because you’re overbearing or well-adjusted, but because you always seem to be there when people need you most. You often put others before yourself and serving others gives you gratification, too. You love to get together with friends, but not in large numbers — preferably in groups of ones or twos, where conversations are more quiet and intimate. Nobody ever says anything bad about you — it’s always about how sweet, or how adorable you are. You’re not particularly ambitious — you’d rather spend your days with your closest friends than on a nine to five job.
Kinda funny that I got my S-Support as my result, but then I suppose one could say I look for partners of similar qualities. I can definitely relate to the gratification of giving others service, and meeting friends in small groups.
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I got someone not mentioned here!


What is your biggest fear?

 Never being able to reach your own standards
 Living a dull, boring and uneventful life
 Being hated by someone you love
 Being forgotten after death

Well, I fear none of these, so what should I pick? (I picked the third)

I got:


You’re kind, free-spirited, and though not exactly a social butterfly, you’re not introverted either. People often say talking to you isn’t tiring, which attracts people to you — whether introvert or extrovert. You take pleasure in routine and the simple things in life — reading, gardening, walks in the parks. You’re probably a dummy romantic too, and fantasise about someone holding your hand on a dinner date. Regardless, people rarely say bad things about you because you don’t about them, and you’re always happy to help on a rainy day.

I don't think this sounds like me at all…


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i got ashe

can't say i didn't expect that, but there's only one problem: i'm like 30cm taller than him

Edited by Yexin
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Boy, feels like I haven't done one of these questions in over a decade. Time to change that.

Got stumped by the Harry Potter question as I know absolutely nothing about that world. Ended up as ...Marianne. Doesn't seem right to me but it is what it is.

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Redid this since I forgot to capture the result.

This time I gave the same answers except that GD is my favorite party (picked BL formerly).

The result:


I would not say I am surprised since she shares the most traits of all GD characters with me: diligent, inpatient, harsh and having weakness for sweets



Got stumped by the Harry Potter question as I know absolutely nothing about that world.


How does the Harry Potter question affect the character?

Edited by Lysithea
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I got the lord of the Blue Lions himself Dimitri! Though I'd say that the description provided by the quiz only fits me to a certain extent, but that's how most of these quizzes turn out. I wonder if Dimitri is also an ENFJ?

You always seem to know how to act in any given situation — polite around elders and witty around your friends. However, you don’t feel like anyone truly understands you. For one reason or the other it’s incredibly difficult for you to open up and you often question if your social endeavours are just an act. Due to this, you can often spiral into episodes and disappear from your social circles for weeks at a time. However, when you’re able to talk things out, you feel as if you can take on the world. It’s difficult to hate someone like you.

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