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A New Legendary Hero Arrives! Celica: Queen of Valentia - Dec. 25th Christmas Day!


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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

So we get something like

HP: 40
Atk: 38
Spd: at least 24
Def: 18
Res: 28-29

If she has 162 total points in stats, she has either 37 or 38 Spd.

With those stats, you could give her Luna, Time's Pulse, and the Flashing Blade seal and destroy a good chunk of Aether Raids (when taking Saintly Seraphim into consideration). Cut her HP down a little and proc SoZ, and you'd have a quality Lunaspammer on your hands.
What's your opinion on it?

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Not of a fan of the boob plate armor, but that skill set looks sweet. Probably pulling for two of the green units.

In addition to the three green units, I'm missing Roy, Dimitri, and Claude. Not sure whether blue or colorless would be a better secondary color for non-green sessions - I'd rather get Claude or a second Eir than Dimitri or a second Peony, but another Naga would at least be some use while another Robin would be basically useless to me. As a legendary banner, I'm inclined to lean colorless, though.

Looks like seasonals are leaving legendary banners entirely in favor of Double Special Hero banners. Very interesting. Wonder if that means we'll be getting the double banners every month, now.

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31 minutes ago, Othin said:

Looks like seasonals are leaving legendary banners entirely in favor of Double Special Hero banners. Very interesting. Wonder if that means we'll be getting the double banners every month, now.

Yeah. Looks like this will be the case, but I will wait until January's banner, just to confirm it.

I hope we get seasonal units from previous year as well, like how we got Sanaki, Xander and Elincia this time. And I also hope the Double Special Hero Banner to appear in the calendar, and not as a surprise banner, like how happened this month.

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Oh yeah, there ARE no seasonal units in this banner. I guess the double special banner will keep being a thing. But yeah, I hope the next one is on a calendar and not a surprise.

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I really like Celica (and having Celica emblem complete would be nice) - Edelgard does have nice Fodder but i really just want Thrasir, so i think i'll wait on that one. 

I'd really like to have Dimitri (and then Female Byleth) to complete 3H Lord-dom as i have Claude, Edelgard and Bylad already  so i can just wait until he's on a Banner (or i get a random "Oh hey, it's Dimitri!) pity break. (I would like DB4 but that's what Legendary Elliwood is for once you get a good IV of him I think

Colourless is good (for me) as I'd like Grimas or Eirs (or even Claudes) but Fliers can't use lull skills (so sad). I've already got a really good IV Claude,

this might be a free pull and peace situation. 


i will admit (shame on me, you'd think i'dbe fluent in IntSys-ese by now), I was so certain that Wolt/Lukas would be there, i did fall for some bait (Do as I say not as I do and all of that).. (and really i shoulda waited for NY because NY Fjorm! lol) but. if these seasonal banners are going to be... if not monthly but common enough that you can get really good seasonals and only have seasonal pity breakers i could wait and see if she shows upon that. because i do think they'll have a solid mix. I am intrigued that the seasonals are the ones that are being yanked-but a lot of the newer units are having really amazing kits to pull for so i can see both sides. 

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Taking all colors except for Red in the first circle and bailing.

Celica looks pretty strong, so she'll probably be the new top damaging green mage against my playstyle in AR (since I run around with a ~60+ res WCecilia and most other mages hardly scratch her), but in all other ways she's inferior to LAlm just by being colored.

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I will free pull green then skip because I have everyone but L!Roy and the 3 green units and I don't really want any of them.  Good luck to those who are pulling on this banner.

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I guess as for the other units on this banner...

>Red looks fine. LegIke, LegRoy, and Hrid are still good units.
>Blue offers another chance to get duplicate Peonys, as well as Naga and Dimitri.
>Besides Celica, Thrasir would be good to pull, as would Edelgarde (though I personally would be fine not pulling her...)
>Colorless... eh. FemGrima is kinda outdated, don't you think? Nothing against Eir or Claude, they're great pulls (though I +10ed Eir last year already, one of my first 5* +10s even, so I'll probably avoid Colorless...), but of all the units available on this banner Grima is... honestly probably the worst, which to be fair isn't saying much.

Heh. Bet Grima never thought they'd be underwhelming compared to the daughter of the undead and also a cunning boy with a bow.

Edited by Xenomata
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7 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

Blade Tomes can also be made to be completely useless against units with Dull Ranged, or half useless against those with a Lull skill.

7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Litrblade gets shit upon by Lull skills and Panic, both of which are increasing in popularity. I don't see Dull Ranged or Distant Def 4 all that often, but they also shit on it.

Saintly Seraphim is more consistent at the cost of peaking lower.

Dulls are not that common. Lulls are getting more common, but they are not too wide spread due to its cost and it is limited to infantry and cavalry units. There is not enough bonus nullification on Aether Raids defense to make other types of raw damage nuke rival the ease and power of Blade mages except Blazing nukes. The need for higher peak power is required more often than better consistency against Dulls and Lulls.

Panic is a non issue as it can be avoided or Danced/Sung off.

7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

My Winter Fae has 88 Res during Light-Dark season.

That brings Saintly Seraphim's damage up to 22, I guess 23 factoring in the extra Mt, but Gronnblade still edges out better with 24. You can run Dull Range to shut down offensive players' Blade mages, but it would leave her more vulnerable to other things without Wary Fighter.

7 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

With those stats, you could give her Luna, Time's Pulse, and the Flashing Blade seal and destroy a good chunk of Aether Raids (when taking Saintly Seraphim into consideration). Cut her HP down a little and proc SoZ, and you'd have a quality Lunaspammer on your hands.
What's your opinion on it?

In my opinion, spamming a higher cooldown Special generally is not worth it compared to spamming a lower cooldown Special. Moonbow-Brazen Atk/Spd provides 7 more Spd and 14 damage (assuming you double). Luna-Flashing Blade does not provide any Spd, and it does not match Moonbow-Brazen Atk/Spd's damage until the foe got like 70 Res if I did my math right.

(0.5 - 0.3) * Res = 14
0.2 * Res = 14
Res = 70

1 hour ago, BZL8 said:

L!Alm + L!Celica == ????

Both of them on the same team would probably be scary.

They are not that scary. Tying the Spd check is pretty easy using a super tank team with relatively minimal resources.

Setting up a super tank to deal with Infantry Pulse teams is more difficult and expensive in my opinion.

Edited by XRay
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Red and Colourless are boring, blue might have Naga but I don't care about her company so that's a no. Green on the other hand is awesome. Celica and Thrasir are very similar but still I lack a unit like them and I also need them for AR. Also Edelgard is with them so I have to pull on green. 

Will the datamine also have the NY banner along or no? 

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24 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

Red and Colourless are boring, blue might have Naga but I don't care about her company so that's a no. Green on the other hand is awesome. Celica and Thrasir are very similar but still I lack a unit like them and I also need them for AR. Also Edelgard is with them so I have to pull on green. 

Will the datamine also have the NY banner along or no? 

It might. The last two years, the December legendary banner datamine had NY, but they're more spaced out this year so I'm guessing they're adding them in separate updates this time. 

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Celica looks a tad too much like a Valkyrie for someone from a kingdom that has certain Greek traits in it. 

I think I'd have preferred a seasonal for Celica. She already had two fairly serious alt and I imagine people will complain about too many Celica alt should she get her well deserved beach outfit. 

Oof red has been dealt a sorry hand this time. Ike who everyone already has and snow prince who's barely a character? 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

*sees Dimitri* *cracks open wallet*

Okay, now I'm motivated to finish grinding the TT and Book 3 CCs. I need 4 copies to finish Dimitri and then I can quit FEH happy.I have just enough for a $40 pack if needed. 


oh i didn't realise you had that many dimitris! (lives vicariously through you). 

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:


oh i didn't realise you had that many dimitris! (lives vicariously through you). 

I dropped ~$300 on his debut banner. I also got a couple Micaiah and other pity breakers from it. I won't be spending near that much this time due to UtaPri sucking my life away...but Dimitri will be completed by the time this banner ends.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Panic is a non issue as it can be avoided or Danced/Sung off.

Which wastes an action. With how dense enemy formations can be in Aether Raids (especially when you run into a Rally/Restore ball), the fact that you are already at a 1 unit disadvantage, and the huge enemy run-by potential with enemy dancers, losing an action to remove your debuffs can be extremely costly.

This can also be an issue in the Arena when the opponent is running Panic Ploy or Sudden Panic due to the fact that dancers other than Azura and Peony don't score well in the Arena.


3 hours ago, XRay said:

That brings Saintly Seraphim's damage up to 22, I guess 23 factoring in the extra Mt, but Gronnblade still edges out better with 24. You can run Dull Range to shut down offensive players' Blade mages, but it would leave her more vulnerable to other things without Wary Fighter.

Except my Fae has Distant Def 4, so Gronnblade does zilch to her.

It's also notable that Saintly Seraphim's bonus damage ignores defenses, meaning you're guaranteed that much damage. Gronnblade's bonus Atk does not ignore defenses, meaning any bonus Atk that doesn't break the opponent's Res is lost doing so.

Assuming Celica has 41 base Atk with an Atk Asset (no superboon) and she's running the set

+10 Legendary Celica [+Atk] +6/6/6/6
Saintly Seraphim / Gronnblade+
Swift Sparrow 3
Sturdy Blow 2

Celica has 75 Atk + 22 damage with Saintly Seraphim and 74+24 Atk with Gronnblade+ (if we pretend Fae is running Warding Stance 4 instead of Distant Def 4).

Saintly Seraphim's 75 Atk is completely negated by Fae's 88 Res, but still deals the full 22 bonus damage per hit.

Gronnblade's 74 Atk is completely negated by Fae's 88 Res along with 14 of Gronnblade's bonus Atk, resulting in Celica only dealing 10 damage per hit.

In match-ups against absurdly bulky units, Saintly Seraphim (and Lunar Arc) punish opponents with 1 additional damage for every 4 points of Res (Def for Lunar Arc) the unit has more than the attacker, whereas Gronnblade's additional Atk still needs to contend with the Res buffer.

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Oof red has been dealt a sorry hand this time. Ike who everyone already has and snow prince who's barely a character? 

Hey, at least that guy has Distant Counter. And yes, I am refusing to acknowledge him by his actual name because I too believe he barely qualifies as being a character.

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46 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

I dropped ~$300 on his debut banner. I also got a couple Micaiah and other pity breakers from it. I won't be spending near that much this time due to UtaPri sucking my life away...but Dimitri will be completed by the time this banner ends.

I believe in you
I'd love to get at least One DImitri but i am gonna have to hold on hope that he graces me as a Free pull or on  Banner where theoretically it would be easier to get one of him. 

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Oh my gosh it's laughable how pass-up-able this banner is for me. Well. Guess I can continue saving orbs again after Fallen Celica pity-broke me on that last 4% banner. (I was going for an Alm merge. This is just ridiculously ironic.) I am humored.

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4 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Oh my gosh it's laughable how pass-up-able this banner is for me. Well. Guess I can continue saving orbs again after Fallen Celica pity-broke me on that last 4% banner. (I was going for an Alm merge. This is just ridiculously ironic.) I am humored.


i generally get SOV 5* pity breakers when going for Alm too. Ironically i got Gray and Alm when going for Duma Celica.

the game knows. 


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15 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


i generally get SOV 5* pity breakers when going for Alm too. Ironically i got Gray and Alm when going for Duma Celica.

the game knows. 


Heheh, yeah. But I was even more humored since it took about 150 orbs for me to pull that pity-breaker Fallen Celica. So, I figure she was busy killing Alm during that time.

And now, here she is as a legendary. I SENSE A CONCPIRACY!

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