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Games that have ambush spawns


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Hey, I haven't been able to find a complete list anywhere about where each game stands on having ambush spawns. I was wondering if anyone could help me fill in the blanks on the following list. Note that I'm using the following terms:

NA: No Ambush. In these games or game modes, there is always a full player phase between when reinforcements spawn and when they can act.

SA: Semi Ambush. Refers to instances where certain game flags cause enemies to spawn in the middle of the player's turn, giving them the rest of their turn to react, however many units they're lucky enough to still be able to use.

FA: Full Ambush. Refers to instances where reinforcements spawn on the enemy phase and then can immediately move, with no time for the player to respond.

From what I know/remember:

FE1: FA.

FE2: NA, with the exception of FA for the first turn when you get ambushed on the world map when enemy troops move onto your space. This generally doesn't let them reach your units, but not always.

FE3: FA.

FE4: FA, though only at specific predictable story flags or when battalions are resupplied from castles. It never happens out of nowhere as a genuine "ambush".



FE7: FA in early chapters, NA later

FE8: NA.

FE9: Mostly NA, with some FA in certain chapters, namely with the Black Knight.

FE10: NA on all difficulties, with one instance of FA far from the player on the first turn of 3-3.

FE11: NA on normal, FA on all higher difficulties.

FE12: NA on normal, FA on all higher difficulties.

FE13: NA on normal. FA on all higher difficulties.

FE14: NA, with some instances of SA on a few levels of Birthright and several in Revelation, and one instance of FA with Xander's troops in Chapter 12 of Birthright (it's nearly impossible for them to reach you on that turn, but it qualifies). Conquest is entirely NA.

FE15: NA, with the exception of FA for the first turn when you get ambushed on the world map when enemy troops move onto your space. This generally doesn't let them reach your units, but not always.

FE16: SA in several chapters, FA on Maddening, FA on all difficulties for some reinforcements in the chapter where you fight Sylvain's brother, possibly others.

Can anyone make any corrections or fill in the blanks?

Edited by Alastor15243
Someone confirmed Maniac doesn't change ambush spawns
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FE9 has some, albeit fairly rare, instances of Full Ambush spawns. And yes, in the North American release. The first instance I can think of actually happens on Turn 2 in the prison break chapter. Caught me by surprise after replaying it all these years later.


And then there is, of course, the famous Black Knight ambush in Blood Runs Red.

Edited by Etheus
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13 minutes ago, Etheus said:

FE9 has some, albeit fairly rare, instances of Full Ambush spawns. And yes, in the North American release. The first instance I can think of actually happens on Turn 2 in the prison break chapter. Caught me by surprise after replaying it all these years later.


And then there is, of course, the famous Black Knight ambush in Blood Runs Red.

Curious, I replayed it recently in an ironman run and don't remember that. Updated though, thanks for the contribution.

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TearRing Saga is mixed. Ordinary reinforcements are NA, but when baddies use Summon staffs, the summoned monsters move immediately. Mogall self-division wastes their turn.

There are two instance I recall of a tripwire, but neither doesn't causes reinforcements. Instead, the second makes an enemy flip to your side, but they are surrounded by baddies and get 1-2HKO'ed, not good. You want to kill every enemy you can before tripping the wire so you can rush to the rescue easier.

The first tripwire causes otherwise entirely happy to leave you alone enemies to attack you. A separate tripwire in the same fight by moving too close to the seize point too can stop you from recruiting a character.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

iirc yes.

Someone correct  me if i am wrong, but Ambush or no Ambush depending on difficulty started with FE11 or 12

Correct, I think. I recall no such changes any earlier.


11 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

On all difficulties?

Correct. Binding Blade wasn't 100% Smooth QoL FE yet. Still some edges.

Hell for you 'cause it's your next game! Ironmanability rank -2.

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FE12 has one weird, uh, mechanic on the final chapter:


Namely, if you kill Medeus before dealing with all four ladies.  He'll resurrect himself mid-turn.  I don't know if this counts as SA, though.


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FE7 actually does have ambush spawns from the beginning through chapter 14 or 15, on all difficulties. They're placed such that you're unlikely to be bothered by them, which is probably why people forget about it or just don't notice it. I don't know why they only exist up to that point, but that's how it is.

Also, I am reasonably certain I recall Awakening not having them on normal, though I never actually played Awakening normal myself.

Edited by Florete
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Victory or Death does have tripwires that cause reinforcements to appear during your turn when crossed. But odds are they're not going to be able to stand up to your units at this point.

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Shadows of Valentia and I think Gaiden gave reinforcements the first move if they attack you on the world map. It rarely screws the player over, but it can still do so every now and again.

And I can confirm that Shadow Dragon does in fact have ambush spawns on Hard after the untimely demise of Hardin. Enemies really should not spawn with effective weapons, especially when Normal usually handled reinforcements fairly well.

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27 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Shadows of Valentia and I think Gaiden gave reinforcements the first move if they attack you on the world map. It rarely screws the player over, but it can still do so every now and again.

Oh shoot, I forgot those. They barely count to the point that I hesitate to even mention them, but they are technically ambush spawns...


28 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

And I can confirm that Shadow Dragon does in fact have ambush spawns on Hard after the untimely demise of Hardin. Enemies really should not spawn with effective weapons, especially when Normal usually handled reinforcements fairly well.

Oh sorry, it wasn't the ambush spawns on hard I wanted confirmation of, it was the "no ambush spawns on normal" part. Is that true?

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1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

Oh sorry, it wasn't the ambush spawns on hard I wanted confirmation of, it was the "no ambush spawns on normal" part. Is that true?

Yes, that is true. I lost Hardin on Hard because while I was expecting reinforcements to appear, I wasn't planning on them moving as well, since they don't on Normal difficulty.

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2 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Yes, that is true. I lost Hardin on Hard because while I was expecting reinforcements to appear, I wasn't planning on them moving as well, since they don't on Normal difficulty.

Great. Alright, time to update the list.

@Shadow Mir I've noticed that term, tripwire, used multiple times in this thread. Is that the generally accepted term for what I called semi-ambush?

Edited by Alastor15243
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22 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Great. Alright, time to update the list.

@Shadow Mir I've noticed that term, tripwire, used multiple times in this thread. Is that the generally accepted term for what I called semi-ambush?

Not really, there isn't a term for a semi-ambush, usually it is or isn't an ambush.

And honestly the term "ambush" is misleading when reinforcements can move and appear in the same turn from a location nobody will be near. As far as I'm concerned many instances of STRs can be written off as not being ambushes.

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7 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

Not really, there isn't a term for a semi-ambush, usually it is or isn't an ambush.

And honestly the term "ambush" is misleading when reinforcements can move and appear in the same turn from a location nobody will be near. As far as I'm concerned many instances of STRs can be written off as not being ambushes.

Well that depends entirely on where the player is when it happens.

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For Fates there are several semi ambush I believe; in chapter 17 if a unit enters one of the villages, 5-6 enemy units spawn in.  In chapter 23 of Birthright  if there is a member of Corrin's army ends their turn near Camilla's location, 5 additional units come in mid player phase.






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19 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

For Fates there are several semi ambush I believe; in chapter 17 if a unit enters one of the villages, 5-6 enemy units spawn in.  In chapter 23 of Birthright  if there is a member of Corrin's army ends their turn near Camilla's location, 5 additional units come in mid player phase.


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Weird, I didn't remember the chapter 23 one. I did know about the chapter 17 one though.

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