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What is everyone's thoughts on CYL?

Fire Emblem Dude

Votes for CYL in general  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe the Lords of each game should be voted for in CYL?

    • Yes, they deserve a chance to get a another alt.
    • No, then it turns into "Which Lord?" instead of "Which character?".
  2. 2. Do you typically vote for the Lords during the CYL voting thing?

    • Yes, I love them
    • Yes, only cause they are the only votes that matter.
    • No, because my favorite isn't a Lord
    • No, because I hate the CYL event

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Whoever starts the fire gets a nice, long suspension, to boot.

@Ottservia @Zihark11 I am talking to you two.

Edited by eclipse
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I only vote for characters not in the game yet.  Last year all my votes went to Elphin and I will probably vote the same way again since he is my last top 5 favorite still not in the game.

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In past CYL I mainly voted for refreshers I like. Since most of them are in now, I'll probably vote for Laylea, Lara, Elphin, Nils, and Rafiel, since they're the last ones remaining IIRC. I'll probably use my remaining votes for characters like Pent, Louise, Charlotte, and Noire. I know none of these characters won't win but I would like a normal version of them to get in the game. Or maybe I'll vote for a 3H character, idk. I guess I can add Dorothea to the list of refreshers.

Slightly off topic, but if we're gonna get alts, I would like it if it was the 3 and 4 star units from the first year. Laslow, Odin, Selena, Raven, Priscilla, and Lucius need some redemption. I would prefer their alts to be a promoted form of themselves too, so think Sorcerer Odin, Hero Laslow, Bow Knight Selena, Hero Raven, Valkyrie Priscilla, and Bishop Lucius. They all get a new color type this way as well.

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I vote for my favorites to show IS that they are liked (with the ones who aren't in FEH taking priority, like Nasir, Ena, and Orochi), whatever they want to do with that information, but I actually want the winners to have some level of prominence/relevance in their own game, and obviously that includes the lords.

(Like, think what you will about Camilla winning, I didn't jump with joy either, but at least she had that going for her, while it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth if say, Tharja won before the remaining female Lords or should-have-been-Lords like Julia, Azura or Ninian, and I don't even dislike Awakening!Tharja.)

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13 hours ago, eclipse said:


Whoever starts the fire gets a nice, long suspension, to boot.

@Ottservia @Zihark11 I am talking to you two.

yeah it was a joke but the admin has spoken

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The system needs an overhaul. I think you shouldn't be allowed to vote for the same character multiple times. This avoids "fan club" voting and shows which characters were at least popular on a much larger scale. I can't tell most of the time whether a character is popular in some circles or if they're a popular character in the franchise.

Maybe have more votes given with the intent of making you choose characters that aren't in the game yet.

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7 hours ago, Kori said:

(Like, think what you will about Camilla winning, I didn't jump with joy either, but at least she had that going for her, while it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth if say, Tharja won before the remaining female Lords or should-have-been-Lords like Julia, Azura or Ninian, and I don't even dislike Awakening!Tharja.)

Don't go here.  Because this is how the topic gets locked (again).

1 hour ago, redlight said:

The system needs an overhaul. I think you shouldn't be allowed to vote for the same character multiple times. This avoids "fan club" voting and shows which characters were at least popular on a much larger scale. I can't tell most of the time whether a character is popular in some circles or if they're a popular character in the franchise.

Maybe have more votes given with the intent of making you choose characters that aren't in the game yet.

Nintendo would have to completely overhaul the voting system for this to work.  Currently, I can vote without having to log into my account, and multiple votes can be done via different devices.  The easiest way would be to only allow votes from a Nintendo account that has Heroes linked to it (and said account must have some amount of activity within Heroes to be eligible to vote).

 But if votes can be tracked, then why not LET people vote for the same person multiple times, but "dilute" the weight of those multiple votes?  Let's say you vote for Glade three times (because memes).  First vote will count as 1.  Second would be something like 0.8.  Third would be 0.64.  And so on.

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I kinda don't care who wins the CYL... I pick my free summon based on the utility that unit will give to me and not based on what character I like more.

I like Marth and Claude, but if they win and Edelgard is more useful than boths, I will pick her as my free summon.

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To be honest, CYL doesn't seem to bring anything good in the community.

It's just make everyone upset because X character is on top while Y character is not and deserves to get their spot.

Not to mention the alts are always about main characters. I would be surprised if there's no Three House lords or Sothis in this CYL.

I'm gonna vote for Laurent and Severa and mind my own business.

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I just vote for who I like best, which happens to not be lords in most cases. I don't really like the idea of voting characters because they "deserve it" over just favoritism. Too bad anybody not 3H or who was in the top 10-ish range last time is basically a dead vote, especially if Farfetched banners really aren't a thing anymore. I don't think IS really cares about anything past the top results otherwise.

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In 2020 I think that cyl is a good way to gauge interest in what units the player-base is interested in having for that year. As well as giving out more overpowered alts to the main characters. Even though it can be frustrating the winners are chosen by popular choice or strong fan bases, but that's voting.

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I'm extremely happy that Camilla finally won, so now I'm going to spend my votes on either Tharja or Azura, I'll change my votes depending on what the mid vote reveal is.

I personally think people are taking CYL way too seriously. Until IS decides to listen to the complaints, there is nothing wrong with people investing their time and effort to vote for a character through multiple accounts. People shouldn't be criticized for being dedicated to help a character they like win, if the method does not break the rules. (I find it quite impressive people are willing to go such length) Since IS hasn't done anything regarding it for three consecutive years, I take it they're fine with it.

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5 minutes ago, Etheus said:

My thoughts on CYL are that it would be a lot more exciting 20 years from now when all of the lords and Anna have brave alts. 

Now I'm wondering how long the game will run. I doubt it will run anywhere near that long. I'll give the game 5 more years until it dies. 

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7 hours ago, thanny said:

I'm extremely happy that Camilla finally won, so now I'm going to spend my votes on either Tharja or Azura, I'll change my votes depending on what the mid vote reveal is.

I personally think people are taking CYL way too seriously. Until IS decides to listen to the complaints, there is nothing wrong with people investing their time and effort to vote for a character through multiple accounts. People shouldn't be criticized for being dedicated to help a character they like win, if the method does not break the rules. (I find it quite impressive people are willing to go such length) Since IS hasn't done anything regarding it for three consecutive years, I take it they're fine with it.

Or it's an extremely tricky technical issue.  IMO the voting system is in dire need of a revamp.

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5 hours ago, Etheus said:

My thoughts on CYL are that it would be a lot more exciting 20 years from now when all of the lords and Anna have brave alts. 

Don't forget the possibility of new games along in between the remakes, and each new game having more than one lords. I don't see them running out of Lords ever, but non-lord winner like Camilla or Veronica is still a possibility.

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25 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Don't forget the possibility of new games along in between the remakes, and each new game having more than one lords. I don't see them running out of Lords ever, but non-lord winner like Camilla or Veronica is still a possibility.

If we get 4 Winners for year, and each new game has around 3 to 6 characters that are main the competition for CYL... When do you think the next game will arrive?

Edited by Troykv
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I don't see why lords should be excluded from the event. Apart from it being arbitrary, it denies people who like those characters. It's not up to anyone besides each individual player to decide who they want a special alt of.

Unfortunately, IS decided to end Far-fetched so there is less reason to vote for less popular characters, but that's what I'm going to do until the midterms come out and I switch to strategic voting.

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3 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Don't forget the possibility of new games along in between the remakes, and each new game having more than one lords. I don't see them running out of Lords ever, but non-lord winner like Camilla or Veronica is still a possibility.

Honestly, the only thing that defines the Fates Royals as "not lords" is lack of a unique class. In all other regsrds, they pretty much are and the game gives them a great deal of special treatment.


And Heroes doesn't have formal classes, so Veronica very well could be considered one.


I guess that begs the question of what criteria actually constitutes a lord. 

Edited by Etheus
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On 1/21/2020 at 6:10 PM, Alkaid said:

I just vote for who I like best, which happens to not be lords in most cases. I don't really like the idea of voting characters because they "deserve it" over just favoritism. Too bad anybody not 3H or who was in the top 10-ish range last time is basically a dead vote, especially if Farfetched banners really aren't a thing anymore. I don't think IS really cares about anything past the top results otherwise.

While Farfetched itself appears to be dead, they did take a lot of the runner ups and put them into regular banners throughout the year last time. A few exceptions like Bruno (duh) and Jill, but a lot of the missing heroes in the top 50 results were added. Now that they aren't spamming certain alts so heavily and sprinkling in more new characters as seasonals may they feel they don't need a Farfetched in order to cover most of the bases. 

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1 hour ago, TheNiddo said:

While Farfetched itself appears to be dead, they did take a lot of the runner ups and put them into regular banners throughout the year last time. A few exceptions like Bruno (duh) and Jill, but a lot of the missing heroes in the top 50 results were added. Now that they aren't spamming certain alts so heavily and sprinkling in more new characters as seasonals may they feel they don't need a Farfetched in order to cover most of the bases. 

With Jill currently being in the Top 20 of the Female Category, I really hope IS actually puts her in this year, cuz I'm just tired of fucking waiting for her at this point

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