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April's Legendary Hero: Edelgard

daisy jane

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I wonder if the next two will be Dimitri and Claude tbh. Idk if they’d do that, but maybe so they’re out before CYL.

I do feel like Micaiah deserves a Legendary Hero already though. Tellius hasn’t had one since Ike. I also expect Sothe at some point.

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2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

I am extremely happy that Edelgard got a Legendary alt. However, I am only at 50 orbs now because of how cruel the rev banner was at the end only to give me an Eirika, also fallen could be the next banner and that means a possible Julia and Anankos and with some waiting I could do the 40 summon thing. Also Eddie herself isn't something I am going crazy skillwise. I am not that keen on player phase units, she could be an exception if double Galeforce can be a thing with the B and GF as a special. I have some thinking do do if I pull or not.

I personally hope that next Legendary is either Claude or Peony is moved to make room for Dimitri. Also, will we know the next new heroes before the legendary banner is over? 

Unless they wait until the last day on 5/7 to announce the next new heroes banner we should know what next week's new banner will be before then. I expect the trailer for the next new heroes banner to go up the same night the Legendary banner is scheduled to end so probably 5/6.

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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

If a Golden Week channel happens it might also be revealed there.

Yes banner are always revealed there however, are they really going to have a channel while the anniversary celebration is still going technically? In game announcements are are than fine to announce some new packs, a login bonus and stuff like that. Regardless, in a few days we will learn from the refines if there is going to be a channel or not. 

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

I think Byleth and the house leaders should all get legendaries. I don't think Enlightened Byleth should be mythic, those aren't supposed to be alts.

so i guess tellius monopolizing mythic banners isn't that much of a problem huh?
i can definitely see the other house leaders getting their legendary version, it would be stupid not to, but the fact that legendary heroes are always so predictable surely lessens my excitement when a new one is announced
that's also why i like mythic heroes much better

about edelgard, i highly doubt her B skill stacks with galeforce: whenever two buffs (+1 movement or +/-1 charge to special skill) don't stack, it's always specified, but galeforce and edelgard's B skill aren't buffs, so it makes sense for this skill to not state whether it stacks with galeforce or not (although i have 0 knowledge about how Heroes handles effects, so i might be completely wrong)

as for edelgard herself as a unit, i don't think she's that strong: armored units' strength comes from being close to each other and give boosts with their C skills, but edelgard throws everything out of the window how tremendously in-character and tries to take on the enemy's army all by herself
well, lucky me my +10 +10 Paula is ready to crush her dreams about eliminating those who cling to unreasonable ideals of justice, both in her abyssal legendary battle and arena

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25 minutes ago, Yexin said:

so i guess tellius monopolizing mythic banners isn't that much of a problem huh?

I see nothing wrong with Tellius getting more mythics than most. Some worlds have more good mythic candidates than others, and that's fine.

Heroes is the one really monopolizing mythics right now, anyway. It's got four already and probably plenty more on the way, while Tellius only has two so far and only has around four good candidates. (Ashera and Dheginsea need to get added already.)

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12 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

He's "racist" in the sense that 1) the name "Human Virtue" itself can be taken as "racist", 2) the effect of Human Virtue requires at least 1 Human ally to be adjacent to him, and 3) Human Virtue's effect doesn't work on non-Humans. So I guess he's like a pro-Human Supremacist that's racist against non-Humans. He hinders his non-Human allies by not helping them, and yet helps his Human allies.

This "Roy is racist" joke was old when it came out and needs to go away already. I get where they were going with when they localized the skill to Human Virtue to highlight the possibility of humans and dragons coexisting in peace but it just got spun into a boring meme. In Japanese the skill is 人の可能性を!and it can be translated to "(belief) in human potential" with the part in parenthesis inferred from his other quotes.

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14 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

This "Roy is racist" joke was old when it came out and needs to go away already. I get where they were going with when they localized the skill to Human Virtue to highlight the possibility of humans and dragons coexisting in peace but it just got spun into a boring meme. In Japanese the skill is 人の可能性を!and it can be translated to "(belief) in human potential" with the part in parenthesis inferred from his other quotes.

"Racist" is just a shorthand way of categorizing a certain group of skill effects and gimmicks with a little bit of humor thrown in. I do not think people are literally taking the "racist" part seriously.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

"Racist" is just a shorthand way of categorizing a certain group of skill effects and gimmicks with a little bit of humor thrown in. I do not think people are literally taking the "racist" part seriously.

I'm aware that people aren't likely to take the "racist" part seriously but I personally don't find it funny. 

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13 hours ago, Kiran_ said:

Like....who? And in-so-far as FEH there hasn't been, because in all FE games, the Lords usually end up doing "Legendary" things. That's ... sorta the point of why they're the lords. All three of the lords in 3H do 'legendary' things, namely each of them unify an entire continent and one of them completely usurps a ruling class/species.

Also, um have you finished 3H? Byleth is 100% Mythic territory. They could definitely make them Legendary as well, but...

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if you recall, they essentially become a God. Which is generally where Mythic's fall at.


Yuri. Byleth. Rhea can fit either, I feel like it depends on the direction they go with her.

Fell Robin is a Legendary, and guess what she's a god. Or at least a bastard creature whose power is on the same level of a god. Mythics also have followed the same trend since their inception: they are not playable units in their source games. If you ask me, Byleth better fits the bill of a Legendary.

9 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

Like who? You used plural so I expect someone other than Byleth. Rhea doesn't count cause she is mythic and we all know it.
See my comment above

... we only had 4 legendaries who aren't lords (Gunnthra, Hrid, Tiki and Ryoma. Lucina, Robin and Azura could absolutely be considered lords by stretching the definition only a bit and Fjorm is IMHO the co-lord of Book 2, Lucina style.) And all 4 exceptions are royalty (remember that Tiki is the Princess of the Divine Dragon tribe).

By the looks of it being a Legendary Hero is very tied with being the lord of a game/being royalty.

Both you and Kiran blatantly ignored Julia, who I've tried but I never found anything that states she did anything "legendary". She essential to the plot, but so was any number of characters, nobles even, and they aren't Legendary. She's not a "Lord" character, she just abides to different death rules than every other character until the final chapter of GotHW, which those death rules look veeeeery familiar to anyone playing Casual mode in a modern FE game. Technically she's not even essential gameplay wise; It'd be hard, but you could still beat the game without her. I'm not sure it's fair to put her on the same level as other Legendary-worthy units, and yet here we are with the current only Legendary rep of GotHW.

Ironic I of all people made that argument, considering she's the only Legendary I meant to +10 merge... also I'm not continuing this, I have better things to do than argue about Edelgarde as a legendary unit. So what, she's here, yay and boo, look how strong and emo she is. Look at how good Green is as a color. Not summoning, still want pantsless Marth.

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Not gonna lie, I keep forgetting legendary Julia exists.

Yeah, she's another character that I feel shouldn't have gotten a legendary yet. Sure, she's the scion of Naga, the only one who can use the Naga tome, and the only one who can nullify Loptous's abilities. But you don't actually need her to beat Julius and she can even die permanently later on in the game. It's especially egregious to give her one over Seliph and Sigurd, who are the actual lords of Genealogy. I don't think I've ever heard anyone try to argue that Julia is a lord before Heroes included her in their lineup (which, if I'm honest, I don't think actually means all those characters are on equal grounds -- they're just throwing on padding because otherwise FE doesn't have enough female "lords).

I can think of two reasons why Julia got in before Sigurd and Seliph. Firstly, because she can avoid the red pool, which is saturated in general. Seliph and Sigurd are also primarily sword users, which is even more saturated in the legendary pool. Secondly, because Julia is a girl.

Seriously, FE. Just make more actual female characters rather than screwing out male lords in favor of "just barely a relevant character" females.

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20 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Both you and Kiran blatantly ignored Julia, who I've tried but I never found anything that states she did anything "legendary". She essential to the plot, but so was any number of characters, nobles even, and they aren't Legendary. She's not a "Lord" character, she just abides to different death rules than every other character until the final chapter of GotHW, which those death rules look veeeeery familiar to anyone playing Casual mode in a modern FE game. Technically she's not even essential gameplay wise; It'd be hard, but you could still beat the game without her. I'm not sure it's fair to put her on the same level as other Legendary-worthy units, and yet here we are with the current only Legendary rep of GotHW.

Excuse me while I leave this here since you chose to not even acknowledge it the first time:

15 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, but they also chose to label Gunnthra and Hrid as legendary heroes. With that in mind, there may as well be no standards as to who can and can't be a legendary hero.


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23 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Excuse me while I leave this here since you chose to not even acknowledge it the first time:


Heroes OCs get a lot of legendary/mythic treatment despite most of them barely deserving such stature. Then people complain that actual myths like Altina and Bramimond don't deserve it because they aren't gods.

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21 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Heroes OCs get a lot of legendary/mythic treatment despite most of them barely deserving such stature.

Yeah, and that fact alone should be enough to show that Legendary / Mythic Hero is just a fancy title and nothing more. They'll chose to make whoever they want a legend or myth no matter how close the character skirts the line (if they even skirt it at all) of actually being a legend or myth.

21 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Then people complain that actual myths like Altina and Bramimond don't deserve it because they aren't gods.

That, and honestly they are rather obscure even compared to the other non-FEH OC myths (particularly Altina since Bramimond at least has a physical role in Blazing Blade) to the point that neither of them are options in CYL (or the Voting Jubilee thing we just had too for that matter).

It's frustrating, but not surprising.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Not gonna lie, I keep forgetting legendary Julia exists.

Yeah, she's another character that I feel shouldn't have gotten a legendary yet. Sure, she's the scion of Naga, the only one who can use the Naga tome, and the only one who can nullify Loptous's abilities. But you don't actually need her to beat Julius and she can even die permanently later on in the game. 

Actually, Julia only can really die in the Final Chapter, in any other context she ends up being captured, and eventually saved (until Chapter 10, where the whole deal wth Julia and Manfroy starts properly... and you of course find her again in the Final Chapter)... this is because of two technical reasons. The game wants Julia to be alive until the very end for both narrative and gameplay functions.

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1 minute ago, Troykv said:

Actually, Julia only can really die in the Final Chapter, in any other context she ends up being captured, and eventually saved (until Chapter 10, where you lost her until Manfroy's death)... this is because of two technical reasons. The game wants Julia to be alive until the very end for both narrative and gameplay functions.

I know, and it still technically counts as "she can die permanently". Apparently, you can also beat Julius without defeating Manfroy and leaving Julia in her brainwashed state.

Even if the game really wants Julia to be the one to beat Julius, it doesn't change the fact that she's technically not mandatory to beating him. The game doesn't railroad you into force-recruiting her regardless of your actions or being unable to finish the game, making it so the others cannot defeat Julius for good.

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9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I know, and it still technically counts as "she can die permanently". Apparently, you can also beat Julius without defeating Manfroy and leaving Julia in her brainwashed state.

Even if the game really wants Julia to be the one to beat Julius, it doesn't change the fact that she's technically not mandatory to beating him. The game doesn't railroad you into force-recruiting her regardless of your actions or being unable to finish the game, making it so the others cannot defeat Julius for good.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying she is needed to complete the story, but the game is really suggesting she is needed, I think Julia most important contribution is to avoid getting soft locked against Julius (dealing with Julius without Julia isn't impossible, but it's an incredible tedious process, and below 50% HP only Seliph, Larcei and Ulster can fight him without insta-dying).

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1 minute ago, Troykv said:

Oh yeah, I'm not saying she is needed to complete the story, but the game is really suggesting she is needed, I think Julia most important contribution is to avoid getting soft locked against Julius (dealing with Julius without Julia isn't impossible, but it's an incredible tedious process, and below 50% HP only Seliph, Larcei and Ulster can fight him without insta-dying).

I don't disagree with you, but I don't think it makes her a lord or justifies her getting a legendary alt before Seliph or Sigurd. Or even before Leif, which she technically did. The cynic in me says that the only reason she got one before the three guys is because she's a girl, with the not-red thing being a secondary reason.

Like ... this might not be the most appropriate place for this discussion and if it's not I'll probably drop this unless someone wants to make a thread specifically for this, but I think IS has an issue with female leads. We have no female lords who carry the game on their own. Even Edelgard gets Dimitri and Claude as two alternative paths to her own, and the "real" main character is avatar Byleth, who has no canon gender. Celica, Lyn, Eirika, and Micaiah all share the spotlight with at least one male lord, and in the cases for at least three of those their male companion is considered the "main" lord of that game.

How this translates in Heroes is that they run out of actual female lords a lot faster, but they apparently want to keep things closer to 50-50 despite there not being an even split in female to male lords, so they're really stretching the definition of "lord" to encompass female characters who really shouldn't be lords. Caeda's not a lord. As much as I'd love for her to be a lord, Lilina isn't one either. Elincia's super plot relevant in PoR, but I wouldn't count her a lord. She's more of a Nyna or Guinevere (admittedly, one that can fight), and no one thinks the other two lords. Deirdre, Julia, and Ninian are likewise plot-important but I wouldn't count them as lords. And including Ninian but not Nils as a "lord" is very questionable too. Basically, I think IS fucked themselves by making too many male lords in comparison to female lords in the actual games, and now Heroes is tripping over themselves by giving certain female characters false importance by saying they're lords. I wish they'd stop and just make more actual female lords in future games while letting actual male lords get the lord treatment.

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Mythics also have followed the same trend since their inception: they are not playable units in their source games. If you ask me, Byleth better fits the bill of a Legendary.

So Athos should be a Legendary because he’s playable, unlike Bramimond?

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Technically she's not even essential gameplay wise; It'd be hard, but you could still beat the game without her.

1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

But you don't actually need her to beat Julius and she can even die permanently later on in the game. It's especially egregious to give her one over Seliph and Sigurd, who are the actual lords of Genealogy. I don't think I've ever heard anyone try to argue that Julia is a lord before Heroes included her in their lineup (which, if I'm honest, I don't think actually means all those characters are on equal grounds -- they're just throwing on padding because otherwise FE doesn't have enough female "lords).

Technically, Geoffrey is essential because you need him to seize. Sure, it’s only once, but it’s one more time than Julia can seize, so he has slightly higher readings on the lordometer. 

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I don't disagree with you, but I don't think it makes her a lord or justifies her getting a legendary alt before Seliph or Sigurd. Or even before Leif, which she technically did. The cynic in me says that the only reason she got one before the three guys is because she's a girl, with the not-red thing being a secondary reason.

Like ... this might not be the most appropriate place for this discussion and if it's not I'll probably drop this unless someone wants to make a thread specifically for this, but I think IS has an issue with female leads. We have no female lords who carry the game on their own. Even Edelgard gets Dimitri and Claude as two alternative paths to her own, and the "real" main character is avatar Byleth, who has no canon gender. Celica, Lyn, Eirika, and Micaiah all share the spotlight with at least one male lord, and in the cases for at least three of those their male companion is considered the "main" lord of that game.

How this translates in Heroes is that they run out of actual female lords a lot faster, but they apparently want to keep things closer to 50-50 despite there not being an even split in female to male lords, so they're really stretching the definition of "lord" to encompass female characters who really shouldn't be lords. Caeda's not a lord. As much as I'd love for her to be a lord, Lilina isn't one either. Elincia's super plot relevant in PoR, but I wouldn't count her a lord. She's more of a Nyna or Guinevere (admittedly, one that can fight), and no one thinks the other two lords. Deirdre, Julia, and Ninian are likewise plot-important but I wouldn't count them as lords. And including Ninian but not Nils as a "lord" is very questionable too. Basically, I think IS fucked themselves by making too many male lords in comparison to female lords in the actual games, and now Heroes is tripping over themselves by giving certain female characters false importance by saying they're lords. I wish they'd stop and just make more actual female lords in future games while letting actual male lords get the lord treatment.

Well, it makes sense to have this kind of problem ,the franchise it's old, the franchise was molded originally by 80s and 90s mentalities, where female characters were less commonly main characters (the exception was usuaully of course if the girl was a love interest of other main character or in some case if the casts was mostly women, which wasn't also a given considering harem are a thing)., and prior to Eirika, the franchise only really had one true female main character (Celica), which funny enough, fits the previous criteria xD

Now we live in other times...A just happen that females are so much popular compared with males (outside of some exceptions).

Characters like Shiida/Caeda, Tiki and Lilina really were helped by this change of approach; they were always popular, but now IS needs to do stuff with them.

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2 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Well, it makes sense to have this kind of problem ,the franchise it's old, the franchise was molded originally by 80s and 90s mentalities, where female characters were less commonly main characters (the exception was usuaully of course if the girl was a love interest of other main character or in some case if the casts was mostly women, which wasn't also a given considering harem are a thing)., and prior to Eirika, the franchise only really had one true female main character (Celica), which funny enough, fits the previous criteria xD

Now we live in other times...A just happen that females are so much popular compared with males (outside of some exceptions).

Characters like Shiida/Caeda, Tiki and Lilina really were helped by this change of approach; they were always popular, but now IS needs to do stuff with them.

Even so, it doesn't change the fact that barring a remake or something it still doesn't make Caeda, Tiki, Lilina, Ninian, Julia, etc. lords. Like, if Heroes waited until after a hypothetical remake made Julia et al. into lords to give them legendary alts, I'd be fine with that. Or if they got non-legendary non-seasonal alts ... well, I'd be less okay with that but I could still accept it.

Basically, I don't like that characters like Ryoma, Julia, and Grima got legendaries before Seliph or Sigurd or Micaiah. Or, yes, even Corrin, whom I don't even like but they're still a lord. If we had less FE games I could understand them padding out, but as it is the legendary pool is super bloated and we just keep on getting more and more of these characters with seemingly no end. Red and blue are already full on certain months whenever the characters are rotated. How long is it going to take until every month is literally just legendary heroes and nothing else?

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It's time for the Main Character Gameplay/Story Importance Tier List!

Tier 1 (Pretty much always important to the plot, you literally can't remove yourself of them, unless you do skirmish or online battle in some cases).

Marth, Alm, Sigurd/Seliph, Leif, Roy, PoR!Ike, Chrom, Corrin, Byleth.

Tier 1.5 (The awkward Eirika corner, there is one choice that can potentially turn Eirika into essentially an honorary Tier 1 character, but the other choices ends up lowering her in the categories)


Tier 2 (You don't always play with them, but when you have access you need to use them, they're almost always important)

Celica, Eliwood/Hector, Micaiah, RD!Ike, the 3H Class Leaders

Tier 2.1 (The awkward Ephraim corner, pretty much the same deal as Eirika, but he doesn't have the advantage of appearing since the very beginning)


Tier 3 (Main character for technicalities, but aren't treated the same way as the ones above, for several reasons).

Lyn, PoR!Elincia, Lucina

Tier 4 (Misc.; includes pseudo lords, ej. Tibarn; some of the characters that are considered Caedas; and very special cases like Julia)

Other characters

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Yeah, I'm totally cool with the above tier list. That's pretty much where my thoughts line up, although I personally wouldn't differentiate between tiers 1 and 2. I guess by the terms of that list, I'd say that I wouldn't want tier 3 and 4 characters to get a legendary before all the tier 1 and 2 characters get theirs.

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37 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Yeah, I'm totally cool with the above tier list. That's pretty much where my thoughts line up, although I personally wouldn't differentiate between tiers 1 and 2. I guess by the terms of that list, I'd say that I wouldn't want tier 3 and 4 characters to get a legendary before all the tier 1 and 2 characters get theirs.

Yeah, the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2, it's pretty small, it's mostly that with Tier 1 character it's pretty much indisputable they're the main characters not matter how you want to twist the narrative, while with Tier 2, it's possible to play at relatively large portions of the game without them being in the spotlight; this is quite easy to see with characters like Micaiah and RD!Ike (because of the game's main gimmick); or the non-Byleth 3H Main Characters (again, because of the game's main gimmick).

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58 minutes ago, Troykv said:

It's time for the Main Character Gameplay/Story Importance Tier List!

Tier 1 (Pretty much always important to the plot, you literally can't remove yourself of them, unless you do skirmish or online battle in some cases).

Marth, Alm, Sigurd/Seliph, Leif, Roy, PoR!Ike, Chrom, Corrin, Byleth.

Tier 1.5 (The awkward Eirika corner, there is one choice that can potentially turn Eirika into essentially an honorary Tier 1 character, but the other choices ends up lowering her in the categories)


Tier 2 (You don't always play with them, but when you have access you need to use them, they're almost always important)

Celica, Eliwood/Hector, Micaiah, RD!Ike, the 3H Class Leaders

Tier 2.1 (The awkward Ephraim corner, pretty much the same deal as Eirika, but he doesn't have the advantage of appearing since the very beginning)


Tier 3 (Main character for technicalities, but aren't treated the same way as the ones above, for several reasons).

Lyn, PoR!Elincia, Lucina

Tier 4 (Misc.; includes pseudo lords, ej. Tibarn; some of the characters that are considered Caedas; and very special cases like Julia)

Other characters

I would move Ephraim to the same tier as RD!Ike because other characters in tier 2 also don't appear since the beginning. 

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