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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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48 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Hydrocortisone cream is a gift from the gods.

I feel so much better

Go easy on that, though. It's a steroidal anti-inflammatory medication that thins out the skin long-term, making it prone to bruising. As long as you're not seeing long-term use of it for more serious reasons (read: dermatitis or eczema), you should be okay.


On 6/29/2020 at 6:33 AM, lightcosmo said:

If you see an enemies name in red, that means your accuracy is going to be awful. Yellow means it will be bad, but not awful. Gray means your going to destroy your opponent. 

Story-wise, the bolded text ought to happen, in order for Shulk to look like the Godslayer that he is.

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26 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Go easy on that, though. It's a steroidal anti-inflammatory medication that thins out the skin long-term, making it prone to bruising. As long as you're not seeing long-term use of it for more serious reasons (read: dermatitis or eczema), you should be okay.

Oof. It's mostly there to help with my allergic reaction to the prescription deodorant. Which I am going to cease using cuz I'd rather have sweating problems than this shit

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

You still should remove the Spoiler that...

  Reveal hidden contents

a 4th route exists xD


Your assumption I haven't already complained in PM about it is admirable 

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2 hours ago, Karimlan said:

Story-wise, the bolded text ought to happen, in order for Shulk to look like the Godslayer that he is.

Oh, I know that, i was just emphasizing it for fun, really.

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These ADS or how these pop ups are called go on my fricking nerves.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yes and no. It's not as expansive as Torna and the combat system is literally the same as XC1, only difference being the removal of Skill Trees and Chain Attacks being replaced with Union Strikes (the second part is for the better imo, Union Strikes are so much more useful).

I will say, if you want to experinece Future Connected to it's fullest, do all of the sidecontent (at the very least, all of the Quiet Moments). If you just do the main story, you will end up disapointed. 

Sounds nice.

I will definitely play it more to an exent than I did with the main game.

(still will do more content of the maingame after that)


I decided to buy the Deluxe Edition of Cold Steel III for Swich because it's available for the same price as the regular game, means all DLCs are for free.

I will sell my PS4 copy then since I don't tempt to play it on a stationary console anymore.

If a game also exists for Switch, then I go for it first unless the price difference is exteme to PS4's favor like Dragon Quest XI was (15 € for PS4 compared to 60 € for Switch).

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Chapter 3 of XCX is done. It was fun rummaging through the enemy stronghold- barring the wrong turn area with lvl 40-50 enemies. Found and slew the low-leveled Tyrant standing on the roof of a building- Langul, the Alien Payload. Elma is restrained, willing to try diplomacy with the most obvious of thugs, but she's still awesome when she brandishes her guns.

A not-bad intro to the Ganglion menace not yet named as such (thats Chapter 4), was ruined by the arrival of the Hellspon. I could not stand one moment of the neck-snapping tonal shift and turn to the one-two jokes that by the time Chapter 3 finally ends have become a zombie stallion bruised so badly the brown steed has become indigo from mouth to back hoofs. I wish you could seriously leave it to suffocate in its container as the game gave you the sweet illusion of being able to do.

With the end of Chapter 3, the "tutorial" portion of the game is effectively over. Overdrive isn't available yet, nor Skells, but now freedom is mine. Online Squad Missions are available, and all future Story Missions are accessible from the table in the Barracks once I've surveyed enough of a given region, met the minimum level, and have completed other prerequisite missions.

Elma and Lin left my team, they're now optional except for missions when they're required (aka every Story and a slew of Affinity ones). The game informs me Doug, Irina, and Gwin are now instantly available- would've been nicer if I got a word from them before this notice. Although he's sorta bad, I go and add Gwin and Elma and Lin again, I want them to learn more stuff before the Goetia battle.

Yelv and H.B. have had their recruitment Affinity Mission added. And I can do Elma and Lin have their first Affinity Missions accessible now- they require one heart each and I have precisely that much now. I might do all these, but I might wait until after Chapter 4 for no reason. These four missions all low-teens set in Primordia. The one other character whose recruitment Affinity Mission has been added to the map now is Hope's, but that is weird, because it requires a minimum level of 22 and is set in Cauldros. Sure the very entrance of Cauldros is weaklings I could win against in my current state, but I'm neither sneaking through Sylvalum nor swimming for fifteen minutes.

I complete a few Basic Missions, and most of the Normal Missions available. The ones I leave undone but still accepted involve collectibles. One of these missions involves the future Blood Lobster's true identity, you can let them get punched right in the kisser and knocked down to the pavement, I did.

I reached 20% on the Primordia survey, I needed 15% for Chapter 4, I got to BLADE Level 3 and put both upgrades into the Mechanical Field Skill for more probing, I've got FrontierNav online from the Green Threshold at Noctilum's border in the west to La Mancha at Oblivia's border to the east, but I did not step foot in either. I intend to hold off until after Chapter 4 and 5 respectively.

One probe site showed itself on the map to be in a spot at my current levels, but to reach it I had to cross a bridge guarded by two 40 Grexes. I tried to jump up cliffs to get past them- it failed. I tried to run right between them- OHKO'ed. Frustration culminated in remembering Elma has learned Shadowrunner. 1000 TP for 20 seconds of undetectability let me run right between them like I didn't exist. Then I saw that if I had continued down the safe road towards the Green Threshold, I would've reached a spot where I could turn left and back and walked without issue around the Grexes- I had no need for unorthodox exploration tactics after all. 😆

I've been having a lot of fun with the combat, more than I used to. I understand it better and that makes a difference, I'm not cheesing every battle with Overdrive or a Skell either. I'm intentionally not firing off my Arts first thing, waiting for Secondary Cooldown instead, because I recognize it's a 50% damage boost over using the same Art two separate times. I went into Chapter 3 as a Rank 1 Enforcer, left at Rank 6, and my questing and exploration bumped me up to 10 and now into a Rank 1 Psycorruptor, maybe its here where the Class Rank leveling slows. Elma is now Rank 12, fighting along the way to Goetia should bring her to Rank 13- Ghost Factory time.

Speaking of Arts, Screamer which I just acquired is terrible on an ordinary basis. It's the one Art that inflicts Sleep, but any hit instantly wakes up a sleeping target. You need certain Skills and Augment (of XX quality) to make a gimmicky Sleep setup, wherein you pound away at an unresponsive foe, functional. Or in the case of multiple, you use orders to tell the AI to focus on one enemy while you hop to another and Screamer it and then return to the other one -but this requires the absence of area attacks able to prematurely wake up the target to function.

As for tutorials in XCX, to comment on them...

  • The Good:
    • XCX does a slow job in the first few chapters explaining the basics of the narrative and the gameplay related to it- exploring Mira, setting probes, and fighting Indigens and taking on missions. It tries its best to invest you into the world and humanity's survival.
    • A mandatory Normal Mission teaches you how the network of probes you create works to collect Credits and Miranium, another good point.
  • The Bad:
    • The main weakness of the tutorials is in combat itself. There are no tutorial battles and the majority of tutorials are non-repeatable single slides. Some NPCs provide additional tips on battle- but they're scattered and temporary- not consolidated in a permanent "beginner's advice NPC".
    • Another fault is Squad Missions and the online aspect is underexplained, it is merely spoken of as it relates to the overarching narrative.


And to end et cetera, I'll first revise my opinion somewhat on the useless Follow Ball you're given by the being which I pray Monolith has learned is meme-bad and will severely tone down or remove him in X2. I used the Follow Ball once to figure out where an NPC who was my current Mission's objective was located, I didn't need its help at all, I did this to see how bad this red orb I used once and never again in my first playthrough was. The Follow Ball gracefully followed the roads of NLA and moved swiftly towards its target's area until it reached the limits of my field of sight. Maybe the Follow Ball has a use, but it would be be very limited due to the map UI providing other, more readily useful mission target guidance. Blue dots on the hex map for the location of targets, green exclamation points over NPCs/enemies you must interact/fight with, orange circles on the mini-map for the general area of your target. 

On the positive, the Aerial Cam. It's about as useless and entirely forgettable as the Follow Ball, but it's actually cool in concept. From your wrist you launch a camera very high into the air directly above where you stand and get a periscope-like 360-degrees view of everything around you. It has limited use at best for figuring out your surroundings, but the perspectives it provides are as beautiful as those from the ground in this very viewtiful game. I'd want it back in X2 because then I could screenshot like sights.

Another lovely little thing- the pop-ups at the Arms Manufacturer terminal that introduce a company and tell you what getting them to their next level unlocked. The marketing is strange, because of the eagerness that goes into it, as if wants me to respond "Yes! How did you read my mind? I've always wanted electrified swords!". Does anyone really want new weaponry or armor, do most people get happiness from this in a world where humanity's survival is at the brink? It's the absurd preservation of humanity's old love for zesty advertisements when they are least needed. -And I love it! I need to write down the rest of these.

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Hard to hate Tatsu when Lin's around. Don't mind me, however. Only thoroughly surveyed roughly up to this point of the game personally. Or was it after Chapter 4?


Okay, last reminiscence trips. Only info to be found at Heaven's Above Abbey and Fortuna. No, didn't went to the Casino. I still think it's too early to start getting those Metal King Swords and Gringham Whips. Although I suppose the time is getting near.

Anyway, last trip, Coburg. Where the Merry Man run off to. This time the prize was more useful, the Hela's Armour. Too bad it's cursed, dropping Agility to 0 as well. Gave it to Sancho, who doesn't have much Agility to speak of in the first place. The breath protection makes it worth the curse, which just boils down to being unable to remove it and have to pay a priest for that. Anyway, the main point of the place, visiting old friend Harry. lol History repeats with his son Kendrick being a brat, just like him. Although Madason certainly got PTSD flashbacks when Kendrick pulled the disappearing trick act too, this time on his children. Thankfully for him that's where the repeating stopped. Though dammit chancellor, why barge in from the same doors the kidnappers did over twenty years ago! Anyway, amusing as it was, it does have the purpose of getting us the Hermes' Hat. Free Zoom! Although... well, back then that looked nice since Zoom had a cost of 8 MP. Nowadays it's just 1 MP, so... yeah. Still a good headgear upgrade for Madchen, at least.

Okay, this was the last stop. From here on out, it will be new stuff! Still not setting quite yet for Lofty Peak, but the following is in the way, so might as well. Though that's for next time.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

don't spoil him man xD

Let him get surprised

Thanks for looking out for me, but I already know that a fourth route exists. XD
I just don't know what happens in it yet, except that Tamamo gets shafted for Nero.

Speaking of Altera's route, I'm having a lot of fun with it so far.
I fought Gilgamesh already, as well. The guy really is an absolute show stealer.
I mean... THAT is peak smugness right there. XD
His entrance was epic as hell, too. As is his theme song.

As for Altera herself, I certainly did not expect some of the things that were revealed about her so far.
She really is an interesting character for sure.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Thanks for looking out for me, but I already know that a fourth route exists. XD


8 hours ago, Caster said:

Your assumption I haven't already complained in PM about it is admirable 


well, atleast Dragon can look forward to Nero's outfit


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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And to end et cetera, I'll first revise my opinion somewhat on the useless Follow Ball you're given by the being which I pray Monolith has learned is meme-bad and will severely tone down or remove him in X2. I used the Follow Ball once to figure out where an NPC who was my current Mission's objective was located, I didn't need its help at all, I did this to see how bad this red orb I used once and never again in my first playthrough was. The Follow Ball gracefully followed the roads of NLA and moved swiftly towards its target's area until it reached the limits of my field of sight. Maybe the Follow Ball has a use, but it would be be very limited due to the map UI providing other, more readily useful mission target guidance. Blue dots on the hex map for the location of targets, green exclamation points over NPCs/enemies you must interact/fight with, orange circles on the mini-map for the general area of your target. 

On the positive, the Aerial Cam. It's about as useless and entirely forgettable as the Follow Ball, but it's actually cool in concept. From your wrist you launch a camera very high into the air directly above where you stand and get a periscope-like 360-degrees view of everything around you. It has limited use at best for figuring out your surroundings, but the perspectives it provides are as beautiful as those from the ground in this very viewtiful game. I'd want it back in X2 because then I could screenshot like sights.

Y'know, I've never used those functions, I never found any need to. They sounded useless and I guess they are.

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Seeing a Trails game for a Nintendo console feels so weird for me.


Got 28 € for the PS4 copy of Cold Steel III at Gamestop.

I think it's ok... still more than 50% of the price I originally paid for.


That said I definitely won't play it right now even if it's fricking Musse.

I don't like this game that much that I would like to replay it anytime.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


well, atleast Dragon can look forward to Nero's outfit


Speaking of alternate outfits, I actually like the "Regalia mode" designs for both Nero and Tamamo.

23 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

That said I definitely won't play it right now even if it's fricking Musse.

I don't like this game that much that I would like to replay it anytime.

CS3 with Musse as MC would have been interesting, I think.

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1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

...Honestly I'm considering to replay it to make a Teehee-counter.


I don't like betting, but this would be fun in betting how often she "teehees".


My guess is 36 times.

I'll say it's 40 Teehees.

And happy birthday @Acacia Sgt

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I mean, I wouldn't do it right now.

This game is very long (> 50 hours) and I try to get a bit variety right now.

I might do a replay at the end of the year... yeah... you consider it as my christmas gift to you.


This reminds me I should continue with my supports.

I already promised it last week, but Xenoblade ruined my plan.

Though I have to get to know Claude's supports since I'm not acknowledge about his personality and supports at all.

Of the three House Leaders it's the one I know the least (except for having Kurt Vendor's voiceactor).

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Removing Rean and old Class 7 would've made for a much better game tbh

That it would.
But without Rean, I wouldn't have gotten one of my favorite memetastic conversations in a non-Nep game.
You know the one.

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