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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, I didn't play for long this time around. Or at least, not did much. For now, I placed my Golem out of the active party to place back Nera. As expected, missing out on a good chunk of the game means she's quite behind in levels. At least I can give her better equipment. Yep, I'm going with the whole family together.

Also, I finally opted to use the stat boosting seeds. This is the reason I did not do much for this update. Spent a long time resetting the app for the maximum gains. Also, to my surprise, Agility Seeds do give a 1-3 boost, unlike back in IV where it was 1-2. Interesting.

Well, I'll truly head for Nadiria... next time.


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31 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Glad you have some interest in the story, that's always good!

If i have to guess, i probably just finished early game, so it should starting getting stronger from here. End of chapter 5 already showed some promising stuff

@Armagon Kaguya 195 out!


Calm before the Storm. A very heavy storm is brewing, i bet

Next week break again...

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The romp of plentiful questing is being fun. Though I remember a slew of these little stories, they're pleasant all the same. I got Lao to 4 Hearts, I haven't unlocked the dog for the Barracks yet, so I haven't done his HtHs at the moment to see that'd get me to 5. After ditching Lao, H.B, and Hope, I changed my teammates to Irina, L, and Alexa to train them up. The first mission I completed, which was slightly hard, got me my Orpheans, all five of them. I hadn't done the mission to build the water purification plant at Lake Biahno, and I knew that'd almost definitely be required before I could get the Senirapa Water quest for the multiplication of the Orphe, so I did that next.

Next mission was a crazy lady (95% certain she's a Definian if my memory is right) who was poisoning Ma-non and running a fake cult to draw them in. The sight of a Ma-non drinking poison to commit suicide because you've discovered they're poisoning the water and they cannot escape arrest except by offering themselves to the fake deity they've been tricked into believing isn't Nopon serious-absurdity, but it's encroaching on that turf.

Completing a few more easy quests, I reached one where I had to slay a lvl 24 Cinicula on a bridge. It was difficult, I could rip off about half its HP, but everyone except Cross would soon die and alone I'd fall too. I'm noticing that even when my companions aren't that underleveled, they're dying rather quickly now, even the tanker ones. Faced with a roadblock, I got Alexa a little more Class Exp nearby to learn Maximum Voltage. I gave her the Ramjet Rifle, set and leveled the appropriate Arts and Skills, gave her gear with TP cap boosts, took control of her and fought a few nearby enemies to get her TP to over 5000. With this done, I entered battle with the Cinicula, waited for Secondary Cooldown to go into effect, activated Overdrive and followed with Hair Trigger-Furious Blast and Power Dive-Maximum Voltage and then used Overwhelm to get my TP back to 3000 for the extension. At this point, the fight became a blur that was over reeeeeeeal fast, one minute of Overdrive broke it. I swapped back to Cross and went into the cave where the quest demanded I go. As I'm opening a treasure chest all by its lonesome, to no surprise to me it turns it was a trap and Vespers descend on me- I accidentally used Overdrive, but 5 enemies + Lightning Cloak + 5 AoE hits of Stellar Ray meant an instant 50 count and hence a very successful Overdrive. The cave being a crowded place, when I aggroed an enemy I didn't want to, I intentionally aggroed more enemies and used Overdrive, and the above tactic worked again as I destroyed them all in a fast sustained Overdrive.


And random tidbits I found.: 

One BLADE said the Ma-non told them without explanation that the space around Mira was "small". How could space be small? My layman's guess is Einstein's physics in play, that an object sitting in the fabric of space-time distorts the space-time around them. If Mira's "phenomenon space" -as the Ganglion might have called it- is "small", which the Ganglion stated too, then I suppose Mira relative to its size doesn't emit the distortions it should for the average planet of its size? Density could play a role in this, the denser an object is the more space-time distortion it creates, maybe Mira isn't a very dense chunk of space rock.

  • The Ma-non said they left their children on their home planet, that explains the absence of young ones among them. They produce few offspring as well.
  • The individual Ma-non who said the above called themselves long-lived, but the Affinity Chart from what I noticed showed the oldest was 53, not really that long lived, about the same or shorter than a human. Given the age of some of them helpful ones I've seen so far, they reach professional-grade intellectual capacities a couple years sooner than humans.
  • The Ma-non find big human bedrooms over much smaller sleeping pods weird. 
  • The Ma-non on the whole are all but stated to be atheists, deities one cannot see and prayers one cannot determine the efficacy of defy reasonable thought.
  • The Ma-non long viewed eating as chore because their food is for nutrition and not so much taste, Earth food is almost a form of entertainment with its rich flavors, excess calories, and lack of nutrients. 
  • The Ma-non Ship we encounter is utterly minuscule in size compared to the main (for the pleasure interstellar travel and possibly commerce, definitely not war given what is known) Ma-non fleet's spacecraft.
  • And although they're very different from the Orpheans, the Ma-non share not only in a love of a logic, but in a lack of societal hierarchy. There are no true leaders among them, Ma-non leadership is ad-hoc.
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Tales of Berseria complete. I will write my throughts tomorow.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

If i have to guess, i probably just finished early game, so it should starting getting stronger from here. End of chapter 5 already showed some promising stuff

Yeah, Ch.5 is like the end of early game arguably. 

Pro tip: now that you have four party members, you can replace Sharla with literally anybody and have a much better experience. Trust me, from here on out, having Sharla in your party is a liability. It's not like healing is that important in Xenoblade anyway but if you're worried about heals, Riki can do just as much healing as Sharla without compromising everything else.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Kaguya 195 out!

Yep, read it a bit ago. Time doesn't feel real this year so i forgot if this week or next week was the chapter lmao.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Next week break again...


Actually, given Covid, i wouldn't be surprised if Kaguya becomes a bi-weekly publication now.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Next mission was a crazy lady (95% certain she's a Definian if my memory is right) who was poisoning Ma-non and running a fake cult to draw them in. The sight of a Ma-non drinking poison to commit suicide because you've discovered they're poisoning the water and they cannot escape arrest except by offering themselves to the fake deity they've been tricked into believing isn't Nopon serious-absurdity, but it's encroaching on that turf.

Ah, this one. This seems to be one of the more well known Xenoblade X sidequests, at least in the circles i'm in.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Ma-non long viewed eating as chore because their food is for nutrition and not so much taste, Earth food is almost a form of entertainment with its rich flavors, excess calories, and lack of nutrients. 

I wonder, does that mean they prefer taking nutrients in by drinking them? Or hell, even just injecting them into their bodies? For a highly advanced species, it could be plausible.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Tales of Berseria complete. I will write my throughts tomorow.

Ping me when, I'm curious, and my sleep schedule doesn't exist, so.

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1 minute ago, Caster said:

Ping me when, I'm curious, and my sleep schedule doesn't exist, so.

Yeah, you're right, sleep is for the weak! 

*Opens up a fresh whiskey bottle and takes a swig*

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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Indeed. The fact that it's all 99% practical effects makes it age pretty well. Hell, even if we go back further, the original King Kong duology's stop motion effects are very charming and fun to watch.

I prefer the Heisei and MonsterVerse Godzilla eras more but the Showa era is definitely the easiest to like.

I'll admit, the only Godzilla movie I ever saw was Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla when that one aired on TV quite some time ago (must be 13 years at the very least), so my knowledge of the newer ones (or that whole genre really) is limited to hearsay and what you wrote about them.

10 hours ago, Benice said:

Yep. Best game of all time. (Okay, it's not, but it's my favorite by three miles.)

Seriously though, I'm not certain I'll ever find I game I love that much.

I feel that, haha!
Though two other games came close to equal my all-time favorite.

10 hours ago, Benice said:

Which is too bad, because to some extent it's the black sheep of the franchise. I will say that if you want to try playing it, I'd try Twilight princess first, as it is overall much easier in terms of combat but still utilizes motion controls. Skyward Sword isn't very easy in the beginning. (Also, the plot takes a while to get going, but it eventually will and the game spams text walls at you less and less as you progress.) but Twilight Princess' visuals and, in my opinion, music aren't as good as Skyward Sword's due to being made first on the Gamecube rather than the Wii. Holy cow, do I love Skyward sword's soundtrack. Best in the franchise IMO. Twilight Princess has some bangers too, though.

As far as I know, the main reason Skyward Sword isn't as beloved as the other ones is because of the motion controls.
I only ever heard good things about the characters in particular. Also, from the few gameplay videos I've watched of the game, it looks beautiful.

10 hours ago, Benice said:

Erm, anyways, if you do decide to play either game, I'd be happy to give advice as you can probably tell!

Very much appreciated!

10 hours ago, Benice said:

He's an amazing villain in SS. (Haven't played Hyrule Warriors, so I can't speak about that.) He hums his own theme song in part of the game. He's my favorite antagonist in the franchise, followed by Wind Waker!Ganondorf.

He's quite entertaining in Hyrule Warriors, but he takes something of a backseat along with Zanto compared to other the major villains the game has.
If you like killing thousands upon thousands of mooks in a spectacular fashion, give HW a shot sometime. It's a fun game (though I could have done without the monster battles. Those were kind of annoying).

10 hours ago, kittykatie said:

well pick a god and pray because I am about to tee hee...


Welcome to the Knights of Teehee!

9 hours ago, Armagon said:


@DragonFlames Atelier Ryza 2 has been leaked. And given this is coming from Australia's game rating system, which is handled by the Australian government itself iirc, this is legit.

This is a new precedent for the series, since we now have a character be a protag in more than one game. And honestly, I'm glad. Atelier Ryza's character interactions were a bit on the weaker side so seeing the crew come back for round 2 means only good things.

Uuh, nice! I've been wondering what Gust has been up to. Seems like they've been making this.
Thanks for the info! Now I have another game to be excited for!

Interesting that they are apparently keeping Ryza as the protag. But I'm happy about that, too. I liked Ryza a lot in the first game.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Tales of Berseria complete. I will write my throughts tomorow.

Nice! Let me know what you think!


So, DQV.
Got stomped by snake skeletons. Then went back and was faced with seven enemies at once, one group of three of those bone snake things among them, as well as an enemy type that utterly kills your defense. Got stomped by those, too.
So... what to do against enemies who constantly spawn copies of themselves or a group that severely outnumbers you, when you have nothing in the way of AOE, a limited pool of MP to heal, and only two characters who die surprisingly quickly? Because I'm stumped.

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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

'Kay then!

What even is an Anti-Teehee?

It's a crusade...*stumbles as he gets to his feet*...it's a crusade against the idea that everything in life has to be moe, moe and more moe. To get people to imbibe in other forms of entertainment and art that goes well beyond...*stumbles again*...the prolific yet limited purview of anime and its ilk. 

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

you can replace Sharla with literally anybody and have a much better experience. Trust me, from here on out, having Sharla in your party is a liability. It's not like healing is that important in Xenoblade anyway

Really...? XD

I find myself needing heals quite a bit against Bosses. I couldn't even defeat bronze face without leading with Sharla and playing a support role for that fight haha. Maybe when i get Riki, whoever that is, i shall see xD

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Actually, given Covid, i wouldn't be surprised if Kaguya becomes a bi-weekly publication now.

Afaik they aren't becausecof covid, but because those were planned vacations because of the Olympics


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*Staggering while being supported by a wall*

It's midday, time for Daady's painkiller... 

*Pours his whiskey into a shot glass until it is over flowing, then drinks it in one gulp*

*Grimacing*...oh yeah, yeah... 

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Nevermind. I don't want to get into a quarrel with you.
Or anyone, really.

Wait...didn't you call me Old Chap in your previous post. I though you were German not Polish. Anyway, as to your comment earlier about generalising an entire genre...*hiccups*...As I've gotten more decrepit, drunk and disenchanted over the years, I've wanted to spend my free time in a manner agreeable with my tastes. *Burps* Anime and its ilk are still fairly young art forms and I find when people recommend me the 'classics' or 'best of' these genres (Neon Genesis, K-ON, Tales of series, My Hero Academia etc.) I find them wanting. I turned to alcohol to shuffle off my mortal coil faster and books because of it being a art form thousands of years old. I find there to be plenty more masters of this medium who have honed their craft over decades of experience, whereas in anime there are fewer to choose from. This isn't to say that there aren't any in anime and its ilk, but as a younger medium it hasn't been given the 100+ years of modern fantasy or science fiction to develop and create as many works of genius in my opinion. Ultimately, minus a few exceptions (Studio Ghibli films and a few anime like Gun Grave), I feel that anime still has a couple of decades more to go before it has the ability to rival the 'classics' or 'best of' found in the genre fiction of literature. 

*Drinks another shot, then collapses under the table*

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Pro tip: now that you have four party members, you can replace Sharla with literally anybody and have a much better experience. Trust me, from here on out, having Sharla in your party is a liability. It's not like healing is that important in Xenoblade anyway but if you're worried about heals, Riki can do just as much healing as Sharla without compromising everything else.

I personally think she is helpful for people that don't know the guts of the battle system yet.

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20 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Wait...didn't you call me Old Chap in you previous post. I though you were German not Polish.

I just called you that because I thought "chap" meant something like "buddy".

21 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I want to spend my free time in a manner agreeable with my tastes.

And nobody will ever fault you for that, my friend. That applies to all of us, I think.

22 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Anime and its ilk are still fairly young art forms and I find when people recommend me the 'classics' or 'best of' these genres (Neon Genesis, K-ON, Tales of series, My Hero Academia etc.) I find them wanting.

Gotta admit, I haven't watched too many anime myself, so my stakes in that particular discussion are practically nonexistent, as I haven't watched enough to make that call.
Of the things you mentioned, I really only know K-On and the Tales series and I personally love both.

24 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I find there to be plenty more masters of this medium who have honed their craft over decades of experience, whereas in anime there are fewer to choose from. This isn't to say that there aren't anyin anime and its ilk, but as a younger medium it hasn't been given the 100+ years of modern fantasy or science fiction to develop and create as many works of genius in my opinion. Ultimately, minus a few exceptions (Studio Ghibli films and a few anime like Gun Grave) I feel that anime still has a couple of decades more to go before it has the ability to rival the 'classics' or 'best of' found in the genre fiction of literature. 

I'm the last person who would fault you or anyone for thinking like that.
Maybe I have you all wrong, in which case, you have my deepest apologies, but sometimes, it feels as if you're putting down others who do not share that view (even if unintentionally), which is something I am allergic to, as it were, due to having been subjected to such behavior during my school days (albeit those other """"""people"""""" were much more direct and aggressive about it). That's why I went on that little tangent earlier, but edited it, since I really did not want to quarrel with you, and also because I thought I may have overreacted a bit due to aforementioned traumata.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

The Achylte Steppe? I got lost a lot there when I played FFXIII.
Good luck!

Yep, and I'm doing some serious grinding on CP right now. Still sticking it out with the party of 

Lightning, Fang, and Vanille. The others? They are warming the bench.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yep, and I'm doing some serious grinding on CP right now. Still sticking it out with the party of 

Lightning, Fang, and Vanille. The others? They are warming the bench.

That's exactly the party I used, too! They were the most useful for most battles, I felt and they had great synergy.

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