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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You know what's worse? It's when you find the character ok when he is not in the focus/lead, but once he gets all the focus you hate him again lel

Shows how much missed potential there was in cases like these.

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10 minutes ago, Benice said:

What's wrong with Otsuu?

Imagine the "M'lady *tips fedora*" meme combined with the living, breathing embodiment of a stereotypical simp, take out the irony and play it completely straight, then put on a healthy dose of "I'm an asshole to everyone except the object of my affection", which makes the times she is not a complete douchebag (namely to her aforementioned object of affection) seem completely fake. And then you have this abomination of a character.

Also, and this is me being petty, but:
*breathes in*
Phew... Glad I got that out of my system. XD

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You know what's worse? It's when you find the character ok when he is not in the focus/lead, but once he gets all the focus you hate him again lel

I wonder if I'll think the same about Otsuu when Mary Skelter Final comes out, in which she reportedly won't have a leading role anymore.
Though I probably won't, considering I hate her very personality. XD

And I've said it before and I'll gladly repeat myself: Rean is at his very best in CS3. If I have to say one good thing (besides new Class VII being great) about CS3, it's that. Though whether or not that's really a unanimously good thing is up in the air and down to taste, I suppose.

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It's 4 am, and it's finally cooling down a bit


Maybe i can get some shuteye today after all

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Shows how much missed potential there was in cases like these.


4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Imagine the "M'lady *tips fedora*" meme combined with the living, breathing embodiment of a stereotypical simp, take out the irony and play it completely straight, then put on a healthy dose of "I'm an asshole to everyone except the object of my affection", which makes the times she is not a complete douchebag (namely to her aforementioned object of affection) seem completely fake. And then you have this abomination of a character.

reminds me of a VN i dropped.

I fucking hated the main character. Your description reminds me of him.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Rean is at his very best in CS3.

And i still couldn't like him xD

Especially with how much he is worshipped. 

But yeah that's beating on a dead horse at this point. Everyone knows my opinion on Rean xD

I will say though: Remove the player insert and worship aspect from him and he might've made a decent MC.


to retrun to FE: Imagine if they removed the support system in exchange for Base convos + Tales like Skits.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I fucking hated the main character.

So much passion coming from those words! Such ferocity as well!

Seriously though, I really dont like when this happens, it sucks.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

to retrun to FE: Imagine if they removed the support system in exchange for Base convos + Tales like Skits.

At first i was thinking "wait but how do you do that with so many characters" and then i remembered Skits involve mutliple characters all the time so if FE were to do something like that, you'd be killing multiple birds with one stone.

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

reminds me of a VN i dropped.

I fucking hated the main character. Your description reminds me of him.

I would ask for the name of the VN, but I think in this case, it's better I don't know about it. XD

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And i still couldn't like him xD

That's totally fine!

I don't actually hate the guy, he isn't my least favorite part about Trails of Cold Steel certainly (there are bigger fish to fry for me, namely snakes that bite their own tail and chancellors).
But I understand where you're coming from. Definitely do. Especially now that I'm playing Sky.
And I'd never say he's a good protagonist by any stretch of the imagination. At least not as he is.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Maybe i can get some shuteye today after all

I hope so for you!

I just checked my thermometer.
It's still 29 degrees (Celsius, of course) with humidity that makes it feel like I'm in a greenhouse.
I've said this before also, but f*** 2020. Seriously.

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Oh that reminds me! 

Out of Tales of Berseria and Tales of Vesperia... sorry guys, I gotta stick with Vesperia. 

I like the combat a bit more, TBH, even if the movement is funky as heck. The options are much more fun to me, and lacking things like overlimit, the ability system they have in place, and their much more diverse equipment setup, I think it's a bit more fun. 

That's just me, though. 

Edited by lightcosmo
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i can feel wind from the fan


20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At first i was thinking "wait but how do you do that with so many characters" and then i remembered Skits involve mutliple characters all the time so if FE were to do something like that, you'd be killing multiple birds with one stone.

Yup. This could also remove the whole character regressing between different supports thing, and involve the side character more in the story. You can also have support between characters increase depending on choices

And honestly, gameplay wise (And only gameplay wise) i feel the support system should be replaced by support skills instead. Every support giving Hit/Avo (and some giving Atk) is boring.

I think a link System ala CS could work very well, where you can link character in battle and have some support skills. For exmaple, the healer linking with someone else gives some healing early on during fights, and with increased support level you get more stuff. An Archer can give cover fire, etc.

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I hope so for you!

I hope for you, too!

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

t's still 29 degrees with humidity that makes it feel like I'm in a greenhouse.
I've said this before also, but f*** 2020. Seriously.

dear god...

and yeah, 2020 hasn't been nice.

18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh that reminds me! 

Out of Tales of Berseria and Tales of Vesperia... sorry guys, I gotta stick with Vesperia. 

Unlike the combat a bit more, TBH, even if the movement is funky as heck. The options are much more fun to me, and lacking things like overlimit, the ability system they have in place, and their much more diverse equipment setup, I think it's a bit more fun. 

That's just me, though. 

It's npnp

There're still stuff you will unlock in Berseria though

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11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh that reminds me! 

Out of Tales of Berseria and Tales of Vesperia... sorry guys, I gotta stick with Vesperia. 

I like the combat a bit more, TBH, even if the movement is funky as heck. The options are much more fun to me, and lacking things like overlimit, the ability system they have in place, and their much more diverse equipment setup, I think it's a bit more fun. 

That's just me, though. 

If you feel that way, then you don't need to apologize for it. Vesperia's gameplay just appeals to you more than Berseria's does. Nothing wrong with that, I think.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I hope for you, too!

Thanks a bunch! ^^

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

dear god...

and yeah, 2020 hasn't been nice.

That it has indeed not.

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Forts in GBA era cost two spaces of movement for promoted infantry, right? I've nearly got Cog of Destiny beaten, but I can't tell if a hero would be able to reach and kill Canas if he retreated from a fort...

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Somehow I slept pretty well although I have been awake a little early today. Maybe I got used to the heat already...

Super Mario Maker 2 is really fun and I'm impressed how many features it has. I have to get used on the menu because it's a bit overwhelming, but once I have taken the time, it can suck some of my freetime. Made another level yesterday I yet have to play through. Self made challenges are truely the hardest ones.. Also I can't get enough from the castle theme from Super Mario World. An oldie, but goldie!

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5 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Somehow I slept pretty Well although I have been awake a little early today. 


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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yup. This could also remove the whole character regressing between different supports thing, and involve the side character more in the side story. You can also have support between characters increase depending on choices

Mmmhmm. SoV was a start but i liked how more characters beyond just the Lords were relevant. They didn't really have their own arcs but it was something. I feel this is something Three Houses failed to do, particularly in the 2nd Gen.

We could also take a page from Xenoblade X's Affinity Missions in that each character would have their own sidestory, and this would especially be helpful for characters not really present in the story. Three Houses kinda did this with the character paralouges but i'm talking an expanded version of the idea. Sidestories spanning multiple paralouges instead of just one.

This would result in a massive Fire Emblem game but there's no harm in throwing ideas around.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:


F for Draggy

1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

Seeing you around at a time like this gives me the hint the sleeping trouble is still continuing. 😞 

I was just about to try and get some shuteye now that it cooled down a bit over here. But yeah, it's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot

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1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

Morning guys!

Seeing you around at a time like this gives me the hint the sleeping trouble is still continuing. 😞 


Yeah, sadly it is.
And it probably will do so for the rest of the week in my area...
Unless the weather report is finally NOT wrong and there really will be thunderstorms as announced...

1 minute ago, Benice said:




Send help...?


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Thanks, Draggy! You were right. Canas survived!

...For now. I'm not sure he'll make it to the end of the game, but thank you for helping me out!

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We could also take a page from Xenoblade X's Affinity Missions in that each character would have their own sidestory, and this would especially be helpful for characters not really present in the story. Three Houses kinda did this with the character paralouges but i'm talking an expanded version of the idea. Sidestories spanning multiple paralouges instead of just one.

This would result in a massive Fire Emblem game but there's no harm in throwing ideas around.

Is this another way of saying you want Monolith to work on FE? xD

Seriously though, i agree with you. You can have these paralogues involving more than one character even, and it will increase the support between all characters involved in that side story

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Unless the weather report is finally NOT wrong and there really will be thunderstorms as announced...

Weather report: RAIN

Reality: 20 minutes of rain

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Send help...?

Rewarp staff time!

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I was just about to try and get some shuteye now that it cooled down a bit over here. But yeah, it's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, sadly it is.
And it probably will do so for the rest of the week in my area...
Unless the weather report is finally NOT wrong and there really will be thunderstorms as announced...

Yeah, I get sick of this too.

Btw no single raindrop in August yet.

After forecast it shall change on thursday, but temperature shall only drop by a little bit, means even more tropical conditions.



Buenos dias!

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Weather report: RAIN

Reality: 20 minutes of rain

Meanwhile, Hessen was like:

Reality: Nothing, except clouds and a little bit of wind.

Friggin' hell!

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Thanks, Draggy! You were right. Canas survived!

...For now. I'm not sure he'll make it to the end of the game, but thank you for helping me out!

Well, then, okay! Glad to be of assistance!

Even though I really was not sure about it. But I'm happy Canas is alive, at least!
Until his ending kills him off. F*** you, too, IntSys.

Phew... dodged a bullet on that one...

2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Yeah, I get sick of this too.

Btw no single raindrop in August yet.

After forecast it shall change on thursday, but temperature shall only drop by a little bit, means even more tropical conditions.

One advantage to this whole mess: it started late, meaning it won't last too long.
September is right around the corner and so is Fall, so there's hope.

It would have been much worse had it started back in April or May like two years ago.

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