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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

That's why you go to Sitting on Clouds and download the soundtrack instead.


I'm too afraid to even google the name of the game.

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Alot of Fates crit animations are really really cool

GBA but better 😛

Fates's animations are pretty nice, yeah. Not quite Berwick tier, personally, but pretty awesome. Yet another aspect where Three Houses dropped the ball hard.

...Of course, in my ROM they come with those wonderful cursed models. Not sure if that makes them better to worse, to be honest.

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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Alot of Fates crit animations are really really cool

GBA but better 😛

Isn’t everything better than the gba stuff for you?

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The jokes just write themselves.

22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

GBA but better 😛



22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Reminder that I solo'd the strongest Superboss with those Custom parameters. Took me like 30 minutes and several attempts but I did it.


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>Nasuverse AMV with Ys music


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Isn’t everything better than the gba stuff for you?

Not when it comes to animations

They are much better than DS atleast...

I like GBA animations, but they are super duper overrated

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Reminder that I solo'd the strongest Superboss with those Custom parameters. Took me like 30 minutes and several attempts but I did it.


Oh yeah i challenged you to do that one time and you succeded

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Finished reading one book so far for this year. There is one thousand things for an enlightened/happy life that society asks of you and or which you want to do, and most of which you inevitably fail to accomplish. Considering where my degree is, I had to read a bit of history else I would feel great shame. A primer on the totality of Indonesian history it was, because I like diversifying my history and Civ 6 introduced me to the Majapahit Empire, even though it was barely mentioned in what I read -beggars of the local library can't be choosers.

Next up, I'm gonna nosedive into the Thirty Years' War. Which sounds like about as long as it'll take to read it, according the online description of the book, it's 996 pages in length. A few of those pages are gonna be dedicated to the index, and tens of additional pages will be for the bibliography any good history monograph should have; it's probably gonna be more like 900 page read. Which I'm fine with, considering I've heard it described as the definitive English text on the topic. And it looks to be hopefully more than just military history, which I'm not the biggest fan of (although, I admit reading economic histories that repeat the same terms describing the lavish luxury goods flowing to the rich cities can be boring). I remember a few things about the 30YW: Defenestration of Prague, four phases (Bohemian, something, Swedish (the great king Gustavus Adolphus dies in battle), and French), last war in the European Age of Religious Wars period, ends with the Peace of Westphalia, sets up the world order to -roughly given the ambitions of Louis XIV and Frederick II- endure over Europe until Viva La France!, and that the war was fought mostly in the Holy Roman Empire, with the human cost being so high that it took 1-2 generations for parts of Germany to recover from the sheer devastation.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyone know that feeling when you're playing a very story-based game and you want to listen to its music, but you know that if you dare to click one related video on Youtube, your recommendation feed will be filled with spoilers, so you have to wait until you finish the game?

It's so annoying.

Click on a link to another video? Nononono! Tell me about seeing major spoilers in the comment section of the video you're listening to. 

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyone know that feeling when you're playing a very story-based game and you want to listen to its music, but you know that if you dare to click one related video on Youtube, your recommendation feed will be filled with spoilers, so you have to wait until you finish the game?

It's so annoying.

I use a browser extension to remove Youtube recommendations and disable autoplay. Of course Youtube still loves to show spoilers in the initial search, no matter the search terms. Probably not much that can be done about that, other then going directly to an OST channel.

My reason for installing it back in the day were all the rightwing conspiracy bullshit and the neverending stream of "women ruining video games/Star Wars/anime/etc" videos pushed by the algorithm.
Maybe Youtube cleaned it's act up since then, but I care very little about Youtube's opinion on what I want to watch in general. So I never saw a reason to change it back.

Edited by BrightBow
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33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If all works according to Keikaku, I should be starting XB2 myself on Wednesday or Friday.


Edited by Benice
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36 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If all works according to Keikaku, i should be starting XB2 myself on Tuesday or wednesday

Decided to wait for the DLC after all?

2 minutes ago, Benice said:


Wait, you too Benice? Let's gooooooo.


As for me, I'm thinking of starting a second Xenoblade X playthrough once I'm done with my current Xenoblade 2 playthrough. Enough time has passed, I feel, and I've been thinking of playing as female Cross on my second playthrough. I'll go the OC route with that, as many Xenoblade X fans like to do.

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