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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

You already know my counterpoint but basically: reloading the save and redoing the whole map is fundamentally the same, the difference is just one saves you like 30 minutes. I don't think reloading saves necessarily removes the difficulty on account that restarting the whole map isn't really a challenge, it's an annoyance.

You're only considering the extremes here. FEs with no save features deliver punishment too severe for even the smallest mistakes, but save states and battle saves (let's be honest, they're the exact same thing) allow you to make any mistakes without consequence.

Oh look, a 10% chance to hit that will end the map. Do I look for a better unit to do the job, develop a better strategy? What's the need? I'll just plop a save and keep trying until it works, there we go. Bad level? I might have to consider swapping this unit out for-- Oh wait, who cares, I'll go back to my save and give it another shot. Carefully crafted composition of enemies designed to provide a worthy challenge? Meh, let's just see how many loads it takes for my dodgetank to survive.

And you can say "well, if you want a challenge, don't use them!", which, yeah, true enough, but then the game just jumps to the other extreme and remains not fun.

That's why I like DSFE's saves. They offer some room for error without taking away from the challenge, and they even add an extra layer to the strategy. For someone like me, it's great.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

This tower could've been it's own chapter tbh. Don't know why it's designated as a skirmish.

It's multiple levels.

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25 turns and 5,000 vulnerary used later, I did it! I really thought I was gonna lose when Caspar missed that 97. Anyway, Ferdinand really earned his MVP spot, but everyone was useful in that battle. That was fun.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You're only considering the extremes here. FEs with no save features deliver punishment too severe for even the smallest mistakes, but save states and battle saves (let's be honest, they're the exact same thing) allow you to make any mistakes without consequence.

Oh look, a 10% chance to hit that will end the map. Do I look for a better unit to do the job, develop a better strategy? What's the need? I'll just plop a save and keep trying until it works, there we go. Bad level? I might have to consider swapping this unit out for-- Oh wait, who cares, I'll go back to my save and give it another shot. Carefully crafted composition of enemies designed to provide a worthy challenge? Meh, let's just see how many loads it takes for my dodgetank to survive.

And you can say "well, if you want a challenge, don't use them!", which, yeah, true enough, but then the game just jumps to the other extreme and remains not fun.

That's why I like DSFE's saves. They offer some room for error without taking away from the challenge, and they even add an extra layer to the strategy. For someone like me, it's great.

Better idea: just eliminate RNG. 😈

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's multiple levels.

Ch.20-21 were combined.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh look, a 10% chance to hit that will end the map. Do I look for a better unit to do the job, develop a better strategy? What's the need? I'll just plop a save and keep trying until it works, there we go.

See, that's tedious though. Reloading until you land that low % doesn't sound fun. Same goes for level rigging. Yeah, I could in theory keep reloading until I get that perfect level up but that'll probably end up taking more time. 

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So, uh

Does Canto just sometimes not work in Berwick?

I killed this enemy in Ch5 with Reese and didn't take any damage, but still couldn't canto. :v

Le proof:


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And it is done, I've finished Galahad Fortress, so at last the final character has arrived. Took me 24 hours.

Considering Shulk is the only one in the party when they join, I lower his level to 1 to see if that affected things. Said character arrived level 45 with a minimum of 40. When I did the opposite and raised Shulk to his maximum level of 55, they joined at 54 as their maximum level, with a minimum of 40. Is 40 & 45 their minimum level, or were the other five characters -55, 55, 54, 52, and 51 currently respectively- influencing their joining level?


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He does go way too far with Katri at times, but more than out of real malice, I think the guy's just immature. I mean, his father was a neglectful philanderer. No wonder Holmes has no idea how to handle himself around girls. It's enough that he's not a piece of shit like Vals.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is all true. Honestly, for as much hell as I give Holmes, I do quite enjoy him. I just tend to defend Runan because I like Runan too. I think there's a bit more to him than just "Leif lookalike." He has a mature and complicated relationship with Enteh, and he can also be surprisingly blunt and headstrong at times, no doubt Holmes's influence at play. And his interactions with Eugen are always a joy to watch. Though that's more due to Eugen being the best character in games than Runan himself.

So yeah. TRS lords good, both of them, in my humble opinion.

Unexpected, given your usual jousts at Holmes, I suppose that is purely for one's own, understandable, entertainment. And I will say I'm not opposed to the old-fashioned lord archetype which Runan belongs to, I like Marth and Leif alike plenty.

And yeah, I do think Holmes helps Runan a bit. A character being one-way 100% of the time is a bit boring, the unexpected as long as it doesn't totally destroy their established characterization, livens them up, makes them feel more real.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

(Shrimpy in shambles) but yeah, an anti-Zohar power would be interesting to see.

No, not that kind of black hole!😆

If anything, you expect power to consume all to lead to societal ostracism and manipulation by the wicked. Not that one with infinite generation is immune to experiencing those problems, right Fei?

As for the "Possibilities of Anti-Zohar Power", allow me try to think of some of them.:

  • Destruction- The most blatantly obvious potential.
  • Defense
    • Does this sound odd? Well, what if an enemy shot a giant laser at you? If you could generate a temporary small black hole or thin wall of void, you could use it to absorb the giant laser altogether. You could use this to block something more natural like brimstone rain or falling debris from a collapsing building as well.
  • Generation- What? Isn't this supposed to be the opposite of generation? Well, it depends on how one defines the Anti-Zohar Power.
    • If Anti-Zohar is purest "Void", then there shouldn't be a energy generation aspect.
      • Void is still, void is absolute nothingness, void cannot create anything, only remove.
    • If Anti-Zohar is fundamentally the use of black holes, then generation becomes feasible to an extent.
      • One way to theoretically generate black holes is through particle accelerators. Which are also capable of producing energy, so I've seen in video games.
      • The Black Hole Engine of SRW is somehow able to stream infinite energy through a black hole. Though I don't know if the details of that are known and if that is a particle accelerator or not.
    • If Anti-Zohar is the generation of antimatter, then it can be both annihilation and generation.
      • Antimatter instantly destroys matter when they come into direct contact, leaving pure energy behind. As the universe humans can see and interact with is matter, with dark matter and dark energy still being unknown to us (except in XCX), this would be capable of destroying the world we know.
      • The energy generated by annihilation would be a lot, not infinite, but enough to make it seem like it to the common person.
    • Giving the Anti-Zohar a generation aspect would be essential to perform one of its functions. The Zohar powers the Gears and powers Siren; I don't know if it affects the ES of XS. And maybe Zohar the source of all that is in that one Xeno world? -Not that we need the Zohar to power robots.
  • Black Hole Spatial Manipulation
    • If one defined black holes as the Anti-Zohar, then once a black hole consumes enough energy and matter, its mass grows to the point where it is able to bend the fabric of spacetime like few other things in the universe. This would not be parallel universe-affecting stuff barring some super-extreme sci-fi distortion, it'd be solely affecting the four-dimensional world the heroes live in.
  • Rewriting Existence
    • To explain this, let us begin with one basic question- is what a black hole/void devours gone forever, or is still inside the darkness?
    • If there is truly nothing inside a black hole/void, then the above aspect cannot be. For you cannot rewrite nothing.
    • However, if the existential existence -the "data"- of things enveloped in a black hole or void endure, albeit distorted, then a followup two-part question arises. Can someone alter what data lay within the void, and can one then remove the black holes/void?
      • If you can, then the power of world recreation is at your fingertips. Simply engulf the world in a black hole/void, make your edits, and then dispel the darkness. Nothing is beyond your grasp. At last! I will have a world where  *bashed on the head with a chair unconscious*.

Whilst black holes are nice and all, I think I would want Anti-Zohar to be pure void instead. Void is "sleeker" to me than a whirling distortion of space.

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Hey uh, TRS folks? How do I get Krishna back? I talked to her with Holmes and he said "lol bye" and she remained an NPC. Then I reached the top of the tower and nothing happened.

Oh talk to her with Shigen. Alright reload save time.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Yo canto, tú cantas, el/ella canta...

Haha, yeah, Canto has always been kinda funny for me because of that.

Same for when they named the summoners in SoV "Cantors". I just imagine them singing in order to raise the dead.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Destruction- The most blatantly obvious potential.

Xenoblade 2 spoilers


You could argue Malos is this but he isn't pulling power from the Conduit.


10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Black Hole Engine of SRW is somehow able to stream infinite energy through a black hole. Though I don't know if the details of that are known and if that is a particle accelerator or not.

I think something like that is theoretically feasible too.

You mentioning that reminded me of this.


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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Better idea: just eliminate RNG. 😈

Into The Breach, you mean.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Go play Heroes if you want that.

Heroes just takes the RNG and puts it in the place where you spend money.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

See, that's tedious though. Reloading until you land that low % doesn't sound fun. Same goes for level rigging. Yeah, I could in theory keep reloading until I get that perfect level up but that'll probably end up taking more time. 

True, but with infinite saving it's the objectively best thing to do. Oh, well. I suppose at this point the problem is my personal lack of restraint. With infinite saves I just can't take the game seriously, I just try whatever, no matter how dumb, and if it doesn't work I load and that's it.

1 minute ago, Robert Stewart said:

So, uh

Does Canto just sometimes not work in Berwick?

I killed this enemy in Ch5 with Reese and didn't take any damage, but still couldn't canto. :v

Le proof:


I've... I've never seen such a thing happen. Must be some weird, rare bug. Don't have much else to say, sorry.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Unexpected, given your usual jousts at Holmes, I suppose that is purely for one's own, understandable, entertainment.

Not gonna lie, I love giving Holmes shit. He's a lovable idiot, and as such, a fun character to make fun of. Plus, meeting his dad brings a whole new perspective on him. Once you meet Vals, it becomes easy to sympathize with him. If anything, it's rather admirable that he turned out as relatively well as he did with such a horrible human garbage as his sole parental figure.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Haha, yeah, Canto has always been kinda funny for me because of that.

Same for when they named the summoners in SoV "Cantors". I just imagine them singing in order to raise the dead.

Seems Jedah mobilized everyone for the sake of his plan, including the choir group.

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Honestly @Sooks you can charge forward in Chapter 3, take it from experience.

Not carelessly, just you can push forward in that map, I was well able to get on with facing enemies as they came. Catherine and her squad will get caught up in the enemies in the woods to the west, you can possibly get away with healing as you go (I had to once I think). The enemies in the north of your starting location can be faced in the woods if you're feeling lucky, but try to face them either with terrain or when they leave it. Torches are of course useful, bring a healer with Physic on mission assistance if you can free up a space.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

We both know the reason haha.

True, but I think it would be really neat if they could actually manage to tie the Zohar together with the others in some way. 

Not like throwing it all in one story or anything just gradual ways to relate them, I think.

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16 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Honestly @Sooks you can charge forward in Chapter 3, take it from experience.

Not carelessly, just you can push forward in that map, I was well able to get on with facing enemies as they came. Catherine and her squad will get caught up in the enemies in the woods to the west, you can possibly get away with healing as you go (I had to once I think). The enemies in the north of your starting location can be faced in the woods if you're feeling lucky, but try to face them either with terrain or when they leave it. Torches are of course useful, bring a healer with Physic on mission assistance if you can free up a space.

They’ll already have physic? Excellent. I love Mercedes so that’s simple. And I will have space because I’m insane enough to do a no recruitment run.

Wait would you recommend I push forward carefully or face enemies as they come?

I don’t think you said how you felt about maddening when it was brought up. Did you enjoy it?

@Benice thank you for the tip, I’m guessing they have bow range +1...

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TearRing Saga Ch.31


12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

True, but I think it would be really neat if they could actually manage to tie the Zohar together with the others in some way. 

Not like throwing it all in one story or anything just gradual ways to relate them, I think.

Well unfortunately, Takahashi cannot do that legally.

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Well @Saint Rubenio it seems that even if you kill Zieg in Ch.5, the game just assumes he still interacted with the heroes.

I'm gonna laugh if Kate goes after him now, even though they never met.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:




Well @Saint Rubenio it seems that even if you kill Zieg in Ch.5, the game just assumes he still interacted with the heroes.

I'm gonna laugh if Kate goes after him now, even though they never met.

Congratulations, you've broken the story. I hope you're pleased with yourself. He's still a boss goddamnit, you've gained nothing!

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I believe this is the map @Interdimensional Observer complained about a while back.

That's a lot of monsters. It'd be a shame if i just had a staff capable of just


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Congratulations, you've broken the story. I hope you're pleased with yourself. He's still a boss goddamnit, you've gained nothing!

You know, if he was really that important, he would've been an automatic recruit and his death would cause a game over.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:




Well @Saint Rubenio it seems that even if you kill Zieg in Ch.5, the game just assumes he still interacted with the heroes.

I'm gonna laugh if Kate goes after him now, even though they never met.

'fo reals?!🤣

It's not even like Zieg is shoved in your face. Yes all his skills and name tell you something is different back in Chapter 5. But he wears a helmet, with no pre-battle dialogue IIRC, so it's totally believable that someone wouldn't realize he was recruitable and kill him.


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Congratulations, you've broken the story. I hope you're pleased with yourself. He's still a boss goddamnit, you've gained nothing!

Au contraire, Zieg's internal suffering must be far less, because what fond memories does he have of the side he is now fighting.

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