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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, so I have finally found a difficult chapter. In the wonderful, wonderful world of Awakening, "difficult" means "ambush reinforcements with siege tomes appear all over the place every turn and kill Frederick before Panne can fly straight to the boss."

If this is supposed to be a chill, relaxing game, I have to say, a map like this kinda ruins the whole idea.

...Then again, I would've let Fred die if it wasn't for the fact that the RNG decided it really wanted Panne dead. The amount of 10%s that connected is just not right.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If Sonia were live for more than a hundred years.

Her game took place in 1450AD. Trevor's in 1476Ad. Simon's in the 1690's AD.

Only if Legends follows Igarashi's chronology. If not, then it's possible. See the arguments here.

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So, I decided to put all my theories into practice and try a Knight / General-only run in Awakening. There is a problem, however: only 8 units can naturally reclass to Knight. Of these 8, 1 is the avatar, 1 is a child unit and 2 only join us at the end of the game. To get around this problem, I need to optimize my pairings so that the children of mothers who do not have access to the Knight line can access it. So, my pairings are as follows for now:

  • Chrom x Sumia: Chrom cannot change classes to Knight, so he will be reduced to Pair Up bot for a wife who will be a Knight (Robin or Sumia). Since Sumia already has natural access to Knight, she and Chrom have a reduced pairing pool, and I need to use a male avatar to get as many children with Knight access as possible, Sumia wins. That way, Lucina and Cynthia will be able to change classes immediately.
  • Kellam x Lissa/Miriel: Owain and Laurent both have rather easy paralogues, so I can recruit them right away. Somehow, Kellam is a decent parent for them, and they’re apparently the only magical children who can afford a physical father.
  • Sully x Donnel / Gaius / Vaike: Sully is an interesting case, since although she does not have natural access to the Knight class line, her daughter Kjelle is a Knight at base, and to unlock Kjelle I need to pair Sully.
  • Tharja x Gaius / Donnel / Vaike: Yes, Tharja among all others has natural access to Knight, and automatically passes it to Noire, meaning that I can pair her with any parent.
  • Frederick x Olivia / Panne / Cordelia: Frederick passes Knight to any child. Inigo is the one who benefits most from Fred as a father, so Fred goes with Olivia automatically. It's a good way to nerf Frederick too.
  • Flavia and Basilio: both have access to General naturally.

This playthrough will have rules, which are as follows:

  • All units that cannot become Knights will be benched, or become Pair Up bots for me to exploit their children.
  • Chrom will never lead.
  • Frederick will only change classes when he reaches level 10, since the way the Awakening reclass works he cannot access General automatically.
  • Sully will lead until she produces Kjelle, so she will become her daughter's backpack or be sent to the bench.
  • The avatar will be the first character to reclass.

Now comes the fun part (for you guys, anyway): I'll let you choose what my (Male) Avatar will be like and what his pairing will be.

Robin Customizer.

You can use this site to customize a Robin, and then post his presets here in the thread.

Here is the strawpoll with possible pairings.

In case you choose a mother who already has a pairing planned, I will simply use the second option.

Example: If Lissa wins the vote, Kellam will pair with Miriel and vice versa.

Edited by Maof06
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Btw, did you take advantage of the shops in chapter 17.

There was some fun stuff there. Like, you can buy Nim magic and send it to the convoy to be used by Accorte. You know, the magic that hits twice and has 3 range. And there is a Repair staff with 2 uses that is in theory really overpriced, but since Tallan can repair anything that has more then 1 durability, can in fact be quite the bargain.

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Okay, so now the RNG has decided that Panne is going to get hit by all the hits in the world, and the day I slow down and be patient is the day I quit this game, so I'll take this as my cue to stop playing this game for tonight.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Another other likely reason Legends was dropped, was because it is heavily implied that Sonia and Alucard have feelings for each other. Furthermore, Trevor Belmont is very likely Sonia's child when you look at the chronology of things. This would mean during Dracula's Curse, Trevor allied with his dhampir father to defeat his vampire grandfather. No. The idea the Belmonts are related to their immortal enemy is/was treasonous to the fanbase. If the Netflix Castlevania animation wanted to sink itself at the last minute, that would be the thing to include.

Idk, if you ask me, that could make for an interesting storyline. Someone who carries the blood of two immortal enemies could make for some interesting plot.

But I'm not a Castlevania fan so idk.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so I have finally found a difficult chapter. In the wonderful, wonderful world of Awakening, "difficult" means "ambush reinforcements with siege tomes appear all over the place every turn and kill Frederick before Panne can fly straight to the boss."

If this is supposed to be a chill, relaxing game, I have to say, a map like this kinda ruins the whole idea.

...Then again, I would've let Fred die if it wasn't for the fact that the RNG decided it really wanted Panne dead. The amount of 10%s that connected is just not right.

Considering Mire is awful, I'm surprised this is giving you a bit of trouble.

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so I have finally found a difficult chapter. In the wonderful, wonderful world of Awakening, "difficult" means "ambush reinforcements with siege tomes appear all over the place every turn and kill Frederick before Panne can fly straight to the boss."

If this is supposed to be a chill, relaxing game, I have to say, a map like this kinda ruins the whole idea.

...Then again, I would've let Fred die if it wasn't for the fact that the RNG decided it really wanted Panne dead. The amount of 10%s that connected is just not right.

I actually liked this chapter, but you have to keep in mind I was dealing with ambush spawn garbage for like 15 chapters now.

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7 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Now comes the fun part (for you guys, anyway): I'll let you choose what my (Male) Avatar will be like and what his pairing will be.

Robin Customizer.

You can use this site to customize a Robin, and then post his presets here in the thread.

The CoRobin.



Because I'm not bright.

Just now, Armagon said:

Idk, if you ask me, that could make for an interesting storyline. Someone who carries the blood of two immortal enemies could make for some interesting plot.

But I'm not a Castlevania fan so idk.

Itprobably rankles because the whole thing with the vampire hunters in the series is that they're human unless the character specifically isn't. Which would kinda not work for the most prominent bloodline in all this, the Belmonts.

Also from what I know Alucard's not been an enemy in the main timeline barring one time that would certainly not count but sh.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Considering Mire is awful, I'm surprised this is giving you a bit of trouble.

Fred has fallen off really, really hard. He's only good to give Chrom a couple extra points of move.

But, honestly, I would've just let him die. Heck, I'dlet anyone die at this point. But then the RNG decided "nah man, Panne's gonna keep getting hit by 10%s"

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I actually liked this chapter, but you have to keep in mind I was dealing with ambush spawn garbage for like 15 chapters now.

This game does literally everything wrong. I love it.


Oh, okay, and now Metal Gear Nanomachines has decided it also wants to make me sad. I got into an ambush, barely fought all the enemies off... And then a glitch happened and I was stuck. No checkpoint, either. Nice.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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30 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Now comes the fun part (for you guys, anyway): I'll let you choose what my (Male) Avatar will be like and what his pairing will be.

Robin Customizer.

You can use this site to customize a Robin, and then post his presets here in the thread.

Now you might be thinking, “but Sooks, this guy looks stupid, why would I use him?” Well I’d be happy to explain.

Fire Emblem tells us that people meant to be armor knights are big and massive, which gives you more defense obviously (Dedue, Kellam, Arden, etc.). Therefore, big Robin build = better armor knight. His hair is shaved because the less hair you have the better you are in battle since the enemy can’t mess with it.* I chose the serious face option because being serious in battle helps you not die. So, Sooks, why did you choose the atrocious hair color of pink? Well it’s to reflect his internal struggle, his deep desire for a wife to spend his time with and spend his love on, and this desire for romance that leads him to marry uh...


Olivia! Olivia is nice, dancer x armor knight couldn’t go wrong. Plus her hair is also pink.

And she’s winning, nice.

So yeah, the most genius Robin you could go with, you’re welcome.

*I doubt playable armor knights wear helmets because Fire Emblem, but if they do the enemy could still rip it off, and hair could potentially be bothered by the helmet.

Edited by Sooks
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All right, now that the RNG let Panne stop getting hit by bows and the ambush reinforcements have stopped killing Fred, I have won. That map was awful. What's next?

...Straight line to Aversa. Perfect. Now this is more my kind of Awakening map.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, now that the RNG let Panne stop getting hit by bows and the ambush reinforcements have stopped killing Fred, I have won. That map was awful. What's next?

Which map was this?

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Just now, Spara said:

Which map was this?

The one between Walmart and Aversa. Chapter 21, the one where bishops with siege tomes keep spawning, and there's assassins with bows.

It is also known as the only map that has posed any challenge in the entire game. And it was a bad challenge. I love this game.

Just now, BrightBow said:

I recall when I played the game, I thought Frederick's 14 defense was complete overkill. Needless to say, I didn't expect this kind of powercreep.

Fight fire with fire. It's what I did.

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Time to open the door to stop playing pacifist walking simulator and start actually playing Fire Emblem again so i can get to Bow Sigurd's group because dear god do i miss them right now. And i'll make sure to kill every last enemy on the map. No mercy

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Shrimpy two days ago: Bow Roy

Shrimpy Today:

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Bow Sigurd


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Rout the enemy.

This is where our journey ends...

...It was funny, at first I thought the chapter was literally just the prelude again. Imagine my surprise when I tried skipping the enemy phase and suddenly Lon'qu was deployed and dead.

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