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This armor looks so funny xD


49 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

@Shrimperor where do you find the mod for Fates having actual weapon icons?

Are you talking about this one?

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Now that i think about it, i feel like Awakeing Knight/General designs got repurposed into the Mechs from FEH.


It's like the same kind of bulky design.

It also helps that Kozaki is behind this.


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29 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I’m compelled to agree with this after playing BotW and seeing its success, not to mention Xenoblade’s success as well.

Nintendo acquiring Monolith Soft was the best thing that happened to both companies.

Nintendo gets a 1000% based developer on their team and Monolith Soft gets pretty much complete control over their original projects.

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

FE made by Monolith Soft when.

I keep asking for it but my wishes are currently just that.

Edited by Armagon
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Berwick spoilers:



Herman you motherfucker

God, Kaga just cannot write villainous characters with any degree of nuance


Edited by Robert Stewart
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I think that is enough for today. Chapter 13 is where the fun begins.


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1 minute ago, Maof06 said:

I think that is enough for today. Chapter 13 is where the fun begins.


I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one who didn’t completely blitz through Awakening.

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3 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

I think that is enough for today. Chapter 13 is where the fun begins.


Time to strive to what Fortress of Iron means...

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one who didn’t completely blitz through Awakening.

Hey, I didn't, either.

Never found the appeal to play through a game as fast as one can. Unless there's something like FFIX's Excalibur II as a reward for speedrunning... why the rush? I'd rather savor it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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6 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

God, Kaga just cannot write villainous characters with any degree of nuance

Ehhhhhh TRS had some nuanced villains. The best part of that game was how the bad guys weren't the bad guys, even if there were some shitters. Of course the cult throws a wrench into everything but my point is that i kinda disagree with this statement.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one who didn’t completely blitz through Awakening.

I didn't blitz through it either. 

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one who didn’t completely blitz through Awakening.

Hey, I usually don't do it either. This time is the exception, as I wanted access to unlimited reclassing as quickly as possible (and child units too).

Edited by Maof06
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5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That doesn't mean its poorly designed, though. 

Multiplayer just adds another layer of options, which says they were willing to put the effort in. 

I didn't say it was poorly designed, I'd say it was unnecessary design. Not because it was bad, but because how little it was likely used. Maybe if a Tales tossed an online version of its usual coliseum it'd have seen a spike in real use.


1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

I’m compelled to agree with this after playing BotW and seeing its success


Almost 40 new job listings for Monolith's Kyoto studio, several mention the Zelda franchise, although none say explicitly what games the jobs will work on.

It might be fair to say Monolith has picked up on a lot of technical experience of some kinds since Xenoblade, which is likely a quiet and unappreciated, but versatile thing to have in the industry. 


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I’m starting to feel like I may have played Awakening wrong.

There is no way to play wrong, ways I might not care for or personally disagree with, but not objectively wrong.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I keep asking for it but my wishes are currently just that.

Random thought, the whole automata from lategame 3H, start from there and try to construct a small-scale mechs gimmick for the game? We've seen remote-controlled mechs in Xeno, how about giving the heroes a few little steel giants they can command without piloting? (Of course, for drama, a few villains or a hero might hop inside one for a battle or two.)

Being able to deploy a super-unit or three every map, with certain limitations (Limited means of healing? Energy consumption for actions? An inability to move more than X spaces away from its brain-linked master?), alongside the standard basic infantry and infantry with extra armor/cyber-bicycles/jetpacks or hoverboard. Sounds like an alright idea to try for a single game.

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All right, I have updated my signature. Awakening goes above the following games:

- Three Houses, because Awakening does not anger me nearly as much as that time sink of wasted potential.

- OG Mystery, because MotE is almost as easy and Awakening isn't nearly as tedious to play thanks to its superior engine.

- Blazing Sword because this game couldn't be any less memorable if it tried. I'm not going to be forgetting yesterday's stupidity in a hurry.

- Gaiden remake, because Awakening's map design, while absolutely terrible, isn't quite as obscene as SoV's.

- Path of Radiance, because while both games consist entirely of watching the game and its OP units play themselves, at least Awakening doesn't take ten thousand hours.

And there you go. Top of the bottom of the barrel. It was the opposite experience from the other bottom of the barrel FEs: Whereas those started fine, but then worsened to the point where I absolutely hated them, Awakening started awful, and then grew even more awful, to the point where I started to love it. That's Awakening for me. Unlike Three Houses, I do not regret playing it, so yeah. Consider that praise if you like.

8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

So I see Ruben gives Awakening a perfect review, i knew he would. Xd

I mean, I changed my tune really quick from "wow this game does everything wrong" to "WOW THIS GAME DOES EVERYTHING WRONG HAHA I LOVE IT IT'S SO BAD." At that point it was obvious that I'd be kinder on it than I first intended to.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


What? But I praised something about Awakening! There's just no making you happy, is there, Armagon?

8 hours ago, Dayni said:


Yes... Perfect. Thanks, Dayni.


I'm disappointed you didn't respond to me taking the quote from the cutscene in the opening and play along with it.

I missed the reference. As usual.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Marlena must've slammed into the doors one too many times while trying to get to bed without turning on all the lights. Or does that just happen to me?

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

oh boy

Ch19 looks like it will be something alright

tomorrow then, have alot of stuff to do early tomorrow

You know, I love how we both started at roughly the same time, then you got far ahead of me as I grew more and more bored of Awakening.

Then Panne happened and I mirrored her performance in real life: After spending most of the time way behind, I just shot ahead, caught up to you, left you behind in the dust and shattered my game into a million tiny pieces. All over the course of a single day.

Thanks, Panne. I love you.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:



I don't think I have ever played a game of theirs, so I suppose I'll just hop on to Sony's ship...

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Just give me Tellius ports and I'll be happy for a good while.

Tellius on a modern engine would be something I'd be truly interested on.

Straight Tellius port would be a hard pass.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I keep asking for it but my wishes are currently just that.

I would take a FE made by Monolith Soft. Modern IntSys are terrible at making FE games, and Conquest feels more accidental than anything else. Might as well hand over the brand to someone else.

3 hours ago, Robert Stewart said:

God, Kaga just cannot write villainous characters with any degree of nuance

I mean, Volcens is standing right there and he has nuance, I swear he does

Also, Zieg.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:


Me, an European: Whomst?

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Made myself a birthday present by puchasing Persona 5 Strikers for 35 € on Amazon.

Though I guess no one here does play it...

I think I should turn into a ghost again since this chat is blasted with games and other things I have no clue of, and no one plays or cares for Kirby.

Monologing only causes depression.

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