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I also like the Shmup section in Freedom Planet. It's not too special in gameplay, but using the awesome boss you just beat as a mount has an inherent coolness that can't be beat.

Well, in Lilac's case at least. The other characters just use tanks. Those losers don't get any giant lasershooting holographic dragons.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It shouldn't be a big deal, Soma can go back and fix it, he'll be what, 50? Not too old to go and take out a castle filled with demons well try to, he'll die and pass the burden to his 18-year-old successor 'dem laws of anime. And for better or worse, none of those demons will be Ixtab, considering having the eclipse happen over Japan didn't result in any Shinto-Buddhist "demons" showing up, I never saw Izanami or King Enma.

Thanks for the IRL info by the way.

True. Heck, Julius himself is in his 50's during the Sorrow games. If not, there's always that guy that Julius trained to be his successor in the novel that takes places after Dawn of Sorrow. Or Julius' sister, Kokoro Belmont.

No problem.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Agreed. Old-school games could have non-sequiturs thrown in, and because limited storytelling capacities, they didn't need to explain them at all. Not saying I approve entirely of immersion-breaking or incoherence, but I did like the train ride in Ritual of the Night. I don't think it truly belongs, even if the historical period of the game would've allowed it, but I'm willing to turn a blind eye towards it, because it has that "fun" old-school vibe.

Yeah, I think I can agree with that. Especially if the games have minimal storytelling, because then there it's less immersion-breaking and more of a wacky fun moment.




Campfire on the moon. Cherry on top.

....we don't see them return to Earth.

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What happens in Berwick if one of your units get captured?

I assume their inventory gets taken and you have to trade them for your own captures, but after that do they get sent to the Abbey like if you'd escaped them?

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9 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

What happens in Berwick if one of your units get captured?

I assume their inventory gets taken and you have to trade them for your own captures, but after that do they get sent to the Abbey like if you'd escaped them?

The Empire doesn't steal anything. They are civilized, unlike those Verian heathen.

You have to ransom them, but they do get to keep all their stuff.


13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

....we don't see them return to Earth.

Oh hey, sounds like the ending of Star Trek Voyager.

Edited by BrightBow
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Here's what i had to say about Curse of the Moon 2 on Backloggd.

"Curse of the Moon 2 is pretty much the same as the first game. That classic-old school Castlevania feel but with a few more playable characters and that is fine. But whereas Curse of the Moon was pretty straight-forward, this game goes a little bit more wacky. I mean, one of the playable characters is a CORGI PILOTING A STEAMPUNK MECH so really, what else is there to say. The game's a masterpiece.

Ok jokes aside, the game isn't a masterpiece. While the core gameplay is fine, for some reason, Inti Creates decided that if you wanted to beat the game, you'll have to replay each of the seven levels three times before you can access the final level. And this honestly left a bad taste in my mouth. It's not that the levels themselves are bad but going through them three times with minimal variation just felt tedious. Curse of the Moon 1 was fine but nothing special but that game didn't force you to repeat levels. This one does, for some reason, and i was honestly prepared to give it a 5/10 but that last level saved it for me and i brought the score up to a 6/10. Both the level itself and the way you got there was honestly really cool and i ain't gonna question it because this is a game where one of the playable characters is a corgi in a mech.

Now my rating of this game is based on the single player but if you're able to bring a friend and play multiplayer, this game shoots up to like an 8/10. Just based on my experience with the multiplayer, this game is a blast to play with friends, especially when you can laugh at each other's incompetence."

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

The Empire doesn't steal anything. They are civilized, unlike those Verian heathen.

You have to ransom them, but they do get to keep all their stuff.


And they get sent to the clinic after the exchange?

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Just now, Robert Stewart said:


And they get sent to the clinic after the exchange?

Assuming it's still the same chapter they got captured in, they will still be crippled.

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Just now, BrightBow said:

Assuming it's still the same chapter they got captured in, they will still be crippled.

That's what I figured.

Though I was kinda hoping it'd be a "one weird trick" to instantly healing your crippled units. It wouldn't make any sense, but I still thought it might work that way, somehow.

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Ah, so that explains why it feels like Aegina never gains wind rank - her growth for it is only 50%.

Seems getting her to promote would be quite a pain...

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, but in Voyager we at least see them returning to Earth.

No, we don't. We just see them return to the Alpha Quadrant. Just a random piece of space that looks no different from the random piece of space they just came from.

They could have gotten hit by a meteor on their way to Earth and died miserably, for all the audience knew.

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

No, we don't. We just see them return to the Alpha Quadrant. Just a random piece of space that looks no different from the random piece of space they just came from.

They could have gotten hit by a meteor on their way to Earth and died miserably, for all the audience knew.

Beta. Earth, or rather Sol, straddles the Alpha and Beta boundaries, so technically they could've appeared on the Beta side.

I said returning. The last shot is of them with Earth right ahead, surrounded by Federation ships. Hence why I said we saw them returning. Just not arriving. Compared to those guys just chilling on the moon with a campfire.

Watch, as soon someone points that out, it goes out like in Spongebob.

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Ultimately, the point is that's still a shot of them returning to the planet. Per previous dialogue, they're less than a light year away (and with Earth looking like that, definitely in the inner portion of the Solar System), so the idea of a random meteor striking the ship, specially when they're surrounded by other ships (twenty-seven, also as per previous dialogue) serving as escort, is just ludicrous.

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But it's still amazing that a show whose entire premise was that a spaceship stranded at the wrong end of the universe is trying to return back to Earth ended before they actually got there.
Of course the show also did an amazing job of not making the finale of it's 7 season run feel like a finale in general.
It wasn't the first wormhole they found that promised a passage home. Wasn't the first time a surviving crew member from the future used time travel to try and get them back home either. Guess they called it "Endgame" because otherwise that point just wouldn't get across.

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


How can you do this? This is outrageous. It's unfair!

How can you be a literature-obsessed boomer and make a typo?

Fight through the pain!

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

It's just... If he doesn't suicide into dragon, Slayn adepts him to death while trying to bring him to 10 HP, everytime...

And the only other unit beside Zade and Slayn on that side of the map is Hilda, which will just destroy him lol, and i don't wanna restart from the start just for him

I will try tomorrow again. Put i already put a save after i rekt him.

To be honest, I found the dragon to be more trouble than its worth. If it doesn't murder Bald Wario, it suicides on the upper long-range archers or the lower lancers. Just hire it right before the end, don't even bother otherwise.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Alternatively, we can skip FE4 and go straight to FE6. The good timeline.

Oh hey, it's that day of the year again when I agree with Armagon on something!

...Mostly because it's the only FE to which I would react at least a little bit differently than "yeah, I'll give it a week or two after launch to make sure it's not Three Houses 2."

Frankly, I wouldn't even bother with a FE4 remake. I've played FE4. I think it holds up. Sure, it's flawed, but to be fair, a lot of what we call "flaws" are really just things that make it different, and a lot of people are all for it. It's not like FE6, which is just a FE with some plain bad design choices that could be improved.

My point is, I believe a remake could turn FE6 into something truly great. A FE4 remake would either be just FE4 all over again, or so different that there's no point in even calling it FE4 anymore, and I don't think either is worth the time and investment put into developing it.

7 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I’m dyslexic.


...Well, I was just memeing, but still, I'm sorry.

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I can't really see Intelligent Systems do the kind of mechanical changes that would actually improve FE4.
And in terms of visuals and music, the original game is hard to top at the best of days. Of all people it's not gonna be surpassed by the guys who made all those ugly 3DS games before primarily focusing on mobile casinos.

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Okay, so I've been watching some gameplays, and I've got two things to say that concern the thread:

1- Yakuza 0 looks like exactly my kind of game: The kind where you beat people up with extensive movesets. A bit reminiscent of Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, which is one of my childhood's games. Combat system looks absolutely lovely... With the arguable exception of some moves that look a bit too scripted for my tastes. All I'm wondering is if there's the ability to throw people into other people. I know, a bit of an oddly specific question, but well, @Benice any chance you can confirm this for me?

...also, what the hell is this:

"Interact with the colourful denizens the red light district: help a budding S&M dominatrix learn her profession"

2- Trails in the Sky also looks neat, but I have a grievance. It seems to suffer from the typical JRPG issue where, at least as far as I can see in these gameplays, you cannot see how much damage you're going to deal on an attack. You just have to toss whatever at the enemy and hope for the best. Of course, the game's just 8 bucks at the moment. Well, we'll see. I've still got a couple more days till the sale is over.

Also, the woman with the unpronounceable name is a very Japan character. Just sayin'.

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5 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Oooh, welcome back, Draggy!

Thank you! ^^

5 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Finished first dungeon yesterday.

First boss caused me a bit trouble till I noticed how to dodge properly.

I'm still in the learning progress, but the game makes fun so much.

Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself!
Sounds like the bosses are more Nights of Azure-style, as well! That makes the game even more interesting to me!

5 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Also this theme is hilariously good:

Sounds pretty awesome to me! ^^


Morning all!

Oh, and speaking of Musou, I have gotten the chance to play Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate recently. Fun game!
Even if it reuses maps even more than Three Houses does and the Deification thing they so heavily advertised is practically useless (the characters I played as the most were ones that couldn't use it whatsoever). And its story revolves around the two most overused and by now pretty boring pantheons of deities: Greek and Norse. So that's a bit of a bummer, but I kinda liked the story nonetheless. Their interpretation of Odin was interesting to see. Also, the music is absolutely godlike (no pun intended), particularly some of the remixes of themes from other, previous Musous.
Like this. (Still prefer the Warriors All-Stars version, but this slaps)
Or this. (Which I daresay is better than the original)
And of course this (Which is probably the most "Dude, you're f***ed" version of this theme to date, even if I prefer the DW8 and Warriors All-Stars versions of it)
Also, this game finally cemented Naotora Ii as the worst character in all of Musou to me. Good lord, did she get on my nerves in this one! xD
I'm glad she vanishes from the plot halfway through.
Fittingly, her Deification theme is also the worst one. Easily. Probably the only theme I'd consider a stinker on the entire OST (and I'm apparently not alone in thinking that, because I can't find it anywhere on YouTube. xD)

Also, Hades looks like a discount Gilgamesh from Fate, and that's hilarious.

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