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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Cute girl with WTA over everything vs. Cute Knights on Scary horses xD

Ah yes, Mistel finding six other would-be-housewives to join her battalion.

I always got a laugh at that aspect of YU. Most cases you can handwave or explain, but some others is just... lol

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, Mistel finding six other would-be-housewives to join her battalion.

I always got a laugh at that aspect of YU. Most cases you can handwave or explain, but some others is just... lol

here's my headcanon: She's an Android that can clone herself!

Also Yggdra at the beginning was suppossed to be alone, yet she had a legion with Valkyria with her or something xD

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

here's my headcanon: She's an Android that can clone herself!

Also Yggdra at the beginning was suppossed to be alone, yet she had a legion with Valkyria with her or something xD

That one too. XD

On the other hand, it can also led to some more serious moments. Like, why is Milanor's Flunky only playable for the first map? As Milanor himself points out after, "they lost a few men". No longer enough bandits for two battalions. Sad.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That one too. XD

On the other hand, it can also led to some more serious moments. Like, why is Milanor's Flunky only playable for the first map? As Milanor himself points out after, "they lost a few men". No longer enough bandits for two battalions. Sad.


Still wanna see Durant's reaction Yggdra promising the Castle to the Thieves if they help her retake the country xD

Will it become a...Thiefocracy?

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also i love how our Thief is called ''esquire'' by the Knight haha xD

Considering he wants the royal castle, there is a rarely-used medieval official title that would work- castellan. Quite simply, "one who governs a castle and the surrounding territory", castles being invented first and foremost as fortresses and all, not luxury houses. Give him the title as an upfront payment.


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, Mistel finding six other would-be-housewives to join her battalion.

I always got a laugh at that aspect of YU. Most cases you can handwave or explain, but some others is just... lol

Well, IRL armies have not infrequently had the wives and maybe kids of the common soldiers follow them around, if never with official permission. Often doing the laundry, and maybe some desperate women sold their bodies to the hordes of unserviced servicemen. It's not entirely infeasible that few might decide "Hey, I think I could swing a scythe!". 

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Cute girl with WTA over everything vs. Cute Knights on Scary horses


Wait, they don't work like Berwick lances, do they.... Even though they really look like them!

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I never used him, but I think so?

I mean, the route also gives you an extra older man (Fuga), and access to Hoshido units you might like, like the male Pegasus knight or Rinkah.

I mean, for male pegasus knight, there's always Shigeru.

...no wait, that wasn't it, was it...

Shigure. There's always Shigure.

Though yeah, Fuga being playable is neat. Though I still would've taken Izana over him.

10 minutes ago, Wraith said:

..I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve sated my thirst many times.

I have not. I am currently dead from dehydration.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, IRL armies have not infrequently had the wives and maybe kids of the common soldiers follow them around, if never with official permission. Often doing the laundry, and maybe some desperate women sold their bodies to the hordes of unserviced servicemen. It's not entirely infeasible that few might decide "Hey, I think I could swing a scythe!". 

Yes, Camp Followers. The practice mostly died out by the Modern Age, but in places like Latin America it was only taking off. Which led to the famous Soldaderas of the Mexican Revolution.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait, they don't work like Berwick lances, do they.... Even though they really look like them!

Though as pointed out, they're WTD against Scythes. Because in YU, Scythes have WTA over all three of Swords, Lances, and Axes.

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My girl Yggdra with the Revolution clutch!

Pretty sure Leon would've game over'd me here if she didn't pull it off haha

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 Give him the title as an upfront payment.


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, they don't work like Berwick lances, do they.... Even though they really look like them

They don't, but!

Horsies get extra Bonus on Roads (+20% instead of +10%)

They have the exclusive Chariot skill, which cuts enemy battalion number to be equal to yours. Considering Horse Battalions usually start with 4 Units and rest with 8, this can be really scary

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I just learned that the Mobile/Switch version of YU lets you keep Flunky for the rest of the game.


I don't care if it's Japanese only, I'm buying that Mobile version now! Flunky MVP on everything!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Current Trails the 3rd party:

  Hide contents

Kevin, Kloe, Estelle, and Renne. 

Working out pretty nicely honestly.


Pro tip: Switch your party around! Final Dungeon requires use of all 16 Characters!

You do get a big training Dungeon before it tho, so you can train up everyone there

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, for male pegasus knight, there's always Shigeru.

...no wait, that wasn't it, was it...

Shigure. There's always Shigure.

Ah yes, the most memorable character.

Right, well anyway, him too.

I guess you can make Subaki his father for extra male Pegasus knight-ness, even though Shigure is a peg anyway.

Edited by Sooks
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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Ah yes, the most memorable character.

He got shafted by Nina twice lol

I do intend to play Heirs of Fate at some point. Perhaps he'll shine there?

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

He got shafted by Nina twice lol

I do intend to play Heirs of Fate at some point. Perhaps he'll shine there?

I don’t know, I never played any Fates DLC unless you count downloading Birthright and Revelation onto my Conquest cartridge.

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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

For me, i like the idea of the EU, and am very pro-EU, but the current way things are done and the execution? BIG NOPE!  Big big nope. Not to mention it's clear east expansion isn't working with how those same 4 states block everything yet keep getting money.

Not to mention current EU is just a scapegoat for unlikable policies, so goverments can just every unpopular law on EU, even though it was the countries who pushed for it. 

Imo the EUP needs more power, the commission much much less.

  (I lost what I typed here, sorry it's a bit worse)

I find the Commission to be shambolic, but it's not like there's no issues with, say, the . Each organisation having part of the process of legislation sounds alright on paper, but there's a pretty limited scope for accountability and the fact that it's initiated solely by the Commission is a definite part of the problem.

(tangent: our commissioner last year was removed over a covid scandal that should have seen a bunch more brought to account and that was for just how blatant his behaviour was. And that was exceptional circumstance and he wasn't pushed directly at all and the Commission acted pretty poorly about it too)

When it comes to scapegoating, I do think there's scope for the institutions of the EU to be better at explaining themselves and their actions, but yeah it's pretty apparent (The UK were a prime example while they were members)

(As for the EP, I can't say I'm fond of the EPP's constant grasp on power there, but we send more than we should to there imo)

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What is wrong centralization? Just centralize it all under the good & smart people, it's better than letting the bad & stupid ones in the localities have a say. Keeping the bad & stupid out of power shouldn't be a problem right?

Alas, why can't men be angels? Centralization vs. autonomy ultimately depends on where the bad and the good are, but those are frustratingly subject to change. We wouldn't need to debate the form of government if everyone in government everywhere was good.

There are matters that do deserve to be more local anyways (Here our council level is very much underpowered, to give a bit of context), an overdependence on a central body for the handling of political topics and policy can lead to many matters getting swept under the rug and a sufficient disconnect doesn't help with dealing with specific cases and can hurt the lay person's involvement in these matters when they're all taken out of their hands and relevant information that can affect their lives is put out of their reach (And it's not like this is unique to the EU level, I will say it's pretty poor here on a national and regional level).

(I'm trying to figure out what you're going for here, apologies if I take a bit too serious a tone here)

Just now, Wraith said:

...I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve sated my thirst many times.


4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I guess you can make Subaki his father for double male Pegasus knights.

I'm confused why you'd go that route, he doesn't really need it or Subaki's growths.

(Is pretty bummed out by a history of Suckbaki)

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know, I never played any Fates DLC unless you count downloading Birthright and Revelation onto my Conquest cartridge.

It sounds like Cindered Shadows but better and I don't hate half its cast. So yeah, looks pretty good from outside.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

the fact that it's initiated solely by the Commission is a definite part of the problem

yeah definetly

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(tangent: our commissioner last year was removed over a covid scandal that should have seen a bunch more brought to account and that was for just how blatant his behaviour was. And that was exceptional circumstance and he wasn't pushed directly at all and the Commission acted pretty poorly about it too)

atleast you guys didn't send a failure of a defence Minister be comission president.

I facepalm everytime i remember that.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

atleast you guys didn't send a failure of a defence Minister be comission president.

I facepalm everytime i remember that.

I mean, this guy was the minister who established Irish Water (the utility that was being pried for private purchase and was an utter failure in it's goals and delivery, which might have been accelerated by protests, but that just meant it never got to be an utter disaster in a decade). Not exactly a man with many positives on his resume.

And he was Trade Commissioner. Which is definitely a big position to be getting, especially at the time he had it, which was part of the defence of him at the time (for the "Ireland needs that position at the table we can't have him resign for.... going through a dozen counties in a lockdown for pretty selfish reasons over the course of a week, ending at Golfgate attendance).

(I mean, I could rant a bunch about politics here, but I don't expect anyone here wants to hear that.)

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

I mean, this guy was the minister who established Irish Water (the utility that was being pried for private purchase and was an utter failure in it's goals and delivery, which might have been accelerated by protests, but that just meant it never got to be an utter disaster in a decade). Not exactly a man with many positives on his resume.

And he was Trade Commissioner. Which is definitely a big position to be getting, especially at the time he had it, which was part of the defence of him at the time (for the "Ireland needs that position at the table we can't have him resign for.... going through a dozen counties in a lockdown for pretty selfish reasons over the course of a week, ending at Golfgate attendance).

oh my god



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Just now, Dayni said:

(I'm trying to figure out what you're going for here, apologies if I take a bit too serious a tone here)

I was speaking in broad generalizations.

The rights of member states is good -if the states are themselves enlightened, and the center is wrong, then yes, autonomy sounds like a great idea. But if the individuals state aren't and the center is smart & good, then why wouldn't you ask for centralization?

When I look my own country, is it centralized enough or is it too centralized? If the White House and Congress are in relatively good hands, as they are now, yes federal power is cool! I don't want backwards states standing in the way of progress and environmental protections. If the federal government is in bad hands, aka the prior presidency, then I will pound the table for states' rights, because sure Florida is crap, but California and some other states can be trusted to do better at least? I'll take something over nothing. 

I haven't formulated whether I prefer centralization or decentralization, because I don't recognize either as inherently good, both can be subverted into the agents of evil and regression. It all depends on the political situation. I want democracy and I want enlightenment government, one and inseparable. The exact relation of the center to the member states, of federal to state to provincial to local government, should be whatever is necessary to preserve democracy and promote the progress of humanity.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The rights of member states is good -if the states are themselves enlightened, and the center is wrong, then yes, autonomy sounds like a great idea. But if the individuals state aren't and the center is smart & good, then why wouldn't you ask for centralization?

Thing is, ''good'' and ''bad'' can change on a whim, or in our case, an election. Hence a balance of powers is needed

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



That said, Milanor getting to use the castle while going back to being just a regular bandit is still a funny scenario to picture.

They simply become corrupt nobles... or tax collectors. BOOM, they climbed from poor thieves to rich thieves.


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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Sweet and innocent princess is cold-blooded after all? All one big deception? 😯 Or will she go the opposite way and say "I can't give the castle to you. I do approve of us "sharing" it. Can you say you do approve of that?💒".


7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Thing is, ''good'' and ''bad'' can change on a whim, or in our case, an election. Hence a balance of powers is needed

Well of course you need a balance of powers. Although, I've recently seen supposed some "checks and balances" fail, despite the system as whole managing to survive. So are checks ever foolproof? No. And hence, I am left agnostic on the specifics of the distribution of power.

...I'll stop with the politics, sorry for this.

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