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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

...you know, maybe I could change my stance on this but I wonder if Metroid Prime just being "Metroid but in 3D" was the best way to go. Like I'm having fun but I do kinda feel like the game would be better if it just wasn't trying to be Metroid but in 3D.

I can see what you're saying. I still think Metroid works better in 2D, but that's me. And I can understand why they'd play it safe for the first Prime, it was already a daring deviation from everything before it.

Of course, I couldn't conclude this without actually experiencing the game in-full myself. So that was a benefit of returning to this almost two-decades-old game.


3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I mean, the Story and the mystery surrounding it are really intriguing, but i can only take so many "you will know the truth soon" before i think that you should've told us a while ago.

I am now scrambling my brain trying to figure out what game I played I felt overdid the withholding of information, but I simply can't remember what I'm thinking of.😆

Failure to communicate as individuals IRL you think would, can be a source of humor. Such as comedies on TV wherein people try to hide things from others or don't know how to express it and they act all ridiculous to do anything to avoid the topic until the episode approaches its end and the truth comes out in an awkward way.

But, in serious stories, the withholding of information must be justifiable, and it not always is. The result can be that bad things happen, bad things that simply didn't have to happen at all had there been more open communication.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, they should just re-release the old games already. Superstars is already kinda that, except instead of the full games it's just 20% of each, because Nintendo are adamantly against true game preservation, it seems.

Only 25% of the old boards -minus the Duel mode ones from Mario Party 3.

I think there was a special charm to the pre-rendered graphics of the boards of MP64 too, but those are a dated concept. That style died out after the 64-bit era with a few lingering 128-bit exceptions, mostly because competent 3D could replace the cumbersome blend of dimensions.

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Ooohhh, fuck. CrossCode wants me to pay attention to the lore. I never pay attention to the lore. Any time games offer books or notes or whatever I pick it up, think "I'll read it at some point" and then I never do. I'm going to fail this quiz, big time...

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:




Ever heard of bog bodies? Sure they're natural mummies, but fantasy world conversion to preserving living organisms? A bog is watery, but not pure and viscosity-free H20. Sounds like a way to have Adol fall unconscious and wake up covered in mud later. 

Or, his fabled final expedition to Antarctica, the old "got frozen and woke up centuries later" trope could be another way to do it.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I still think Metroid works better in 2D, but that's me.

So far, i can agree. 

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ooohhh, fuck. CrossCode wants me to pay attention to the lore. I never pay attention to the lore. Any time games offer books or notes or whatever I pick it up, think "I'll read it at some point" and then I never do. I'm going to fail this quiz, big time...

You keep taking the quiz until you pass it but imma judge you if you don't pass it on your first try.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You keep taking the quiz until you pass it but imma judge you if you don't pass it on your first try.

If I even make it that far. I've been having some trouble in the dungeon, and I'd sooner quit than go back and grind.

...That, and to be absolutely honest with you, I've been noticing a problem with the combat. Namely, it has no depth and it's extremely repetitive, so I'm finding myself bored of it 4 hours in. That's... very bad, not gonna lie, but I'll try to keep going for at least a little while longer, and hopefully it'll get better.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been having some trouble in the dungeon, and I'd sooner quit than go back and grind.

Better to just get some better gear. There's two levels, player level and equipment level. Your equipment level should ideally be at or higher than your player level.

If that's still too much, you can change the difficulty in the settings.

But as far as grinding goes, you shouldn't really have to. Can't say i ever grinded that much and i was playing on an easier difficulty and sub-optimally on my first playthrough.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been noticing a problem with the combat. Namely, it has no depth and it's extremely repetitive, so I'm finding myself bored of it 4 hours in.

It's cause you haven't unlocked the different elements yet. You get the Heat Element in this dungeon, which opens up a whole bunch of new skills.

Once Elements are introduced, there's this balancing act where staying in an Elemental Mode for too long will cause it to overload and you can cool it down faster by switching to Neutral Mode. Admittedly, i don't like this aspect (because Neutral Mode isn't that great haha) but i know people that do.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If I even make it that far. I've been having some trouble in the dungeon, and I'd sooner quit than go back and grind.

...That, and to be absolutely honest with you, I've been noticing a problem with the combat. Namely, it has no depth and it's extremely repetitive, so I'm finding myself bored of it 4 hours in. That's... very bad, not gonna lie, but I'll try to keep going for at least a little while longer, and hopefully it'll get better.

I can see why you dont enjoy most RPG's, grinding is usually kinda important.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I can see why you dont enjoy most RPG's, grinding is usually kinda important.

In the 90s. Nowadays, if an RPG seriously expects you to grind, then it's probably pretty bad.

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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Better to just get some better gear. There's two levels, player level and equipment level. Your equipment level should ideally be at or higher than your player level.

If that's still too much, you can change the difficulty in the settings.

But as far as grinding goes, you shouldn't really have to. Can't say i ever grinded that much and i was playing on an easier difficulty and sub-optimally on my first playthrough.

The problem is that equipment kinda costs money. A shitton of money. I was broke from just buying a set of basic-ass bronze armor. I probably would have to grind for money if not for experience, which effectively amounts to the same result. I mean, I guess I could do quests for money instead, but the quests so far have been such bland fetch quests that I really would rather not, honestly.


It's cause you haven't unlocked the different elements yet. You get the Heat Element in this dungeon, which opens up a whole bunch of new skills.

Once Elements are introduced, there's this balancing act where staying in an Elemental Mode for too long will cause it to overload and you can cool it down faster by switching to Neutral Mode. Admittedly, i don't like this aspect (because Neutral Mode isn't that great haha) but i know people that do.

What's with you guys's recommendations and the promise of games becoming good in X hours?

Well, I'll try to keep myself going at least until I unlock the element system, but let me be brutally honest here: right now, every aspect of this game are all boring me to tears. The story is boring, the gameplay is boring, the music is boring - Heck, even the graphics are boring. Personally speaking, of course. There is absolutely nothing about CrossCode right now that is making me feel engaged at all. And, well, from my rants about FE9, you should know I consider a game being boring even worse than a game being bad.

Sooo yeah. Ruben off to hate on everyone else's favorite games once more. Oops.

11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I can see why you dont enjoy most RPG's, grinding is usually kinda important.

That's why my favorite RPGs are games like Live a Live, Mother 3, Lisa: The Painful and Omori - games where grinding is either minimal or just plain nonexistent, while super popular RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Pokemon and Final Fantasy did absolutely nothing for me. I believe a youtuber by the name of NitroRad said it best:


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's why my favorite RPGs are games like Live a Live, Mother 3, Lisa: The Painful and Omori - games where grinding is either minimal or just plain nonexistent, while super popular RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Pokemon and Final Fantasy did absolutely nothing for me.

What? You hardly need to grind in CT.

Sounds more like people just having no patience or can't make use of the full tactics extent of the characters...

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10 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

...And now my other dog had to get put to sleep, what a great last few weeks I’ve been having!

Sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What? You hardly need to grind in CT.

Sounds more like people just having no patience or can't make use of the full tactics extent of the characters...

In my defense, I will say that I played Chrono Trigger many years ago. Actually, I kinda had the opposite problem: the game was super easy, I breezed through it... Until the final boss, who had like 10 phases, and I lost only because I ran out of healing items. At that point, I would've had to go grind for money to buy more healing and for levels to last longer.

Instead, I said "fuck it" and never touched the game again.

Besides, grinding isn't my only problem with RPGs. Boring, repetitive combat is another, and Chrono Trigger definitely suffered from this, as I recall.

15 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

...And now my other dog had to get put to sleep, what a great last few weeks I’ve been having!

Oh, man. That's terrible. Hang in there...


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In my defense, I will say that I played Chrono Trigger many years ago. Actually, I kinda had the opposite problem: the game was super easy, I breezed through it... Until the final boss, who had like 10 phases, and I lost only because I ran out of healing items. At that point, I would've had to go grind for money to buy more healing and for levels to last longer.

Instead, I said "fuck it" and never touched the game again.

Besides, grinding isn't my only problem with RPGs. Boring, repetitive combat is another, and Chrono Trigger definitely suffered from this, as I recall.

Sounds you never tried the Epoch approach. You avoid the past-bosses gauntlet that way. Changes the ending too.

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8 minutes ago, Benice said:

Sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

Don’t worry about it Benice, just stay focused on what you need to get done/having a nice summer holiday.

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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sounds you never tried the Epoch approach. You avoid the past-bosses gauntlet that way. Changes the ending too.

Well, I don't think I even knew what that is at the time. Or now. Sooo yeah, I didn't.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I don't think I even knew what that is at the time. Or now. Sooo yeah, I didn't.

Then I see you never tried to use the Epoch to travel to 1999AD. If you still haven't fought Lavos' outer shell, you get the option to ram it with the Epoch. You avoid that part of the final fight, but you lose the Epoch in exchange.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Then I see you never tried to use the Epoch to travel to 1999AD. If you still haven't fought Lavos' outer shell, you get the option to ram it with the Epoch. You avoid that part of the final fight, but you lose the Epoch in exchange.

Right... Yeah, I don't think I thought to try that. I don't think, at least. My memories of this game are pretty sparse. I just remember finding it pretty boring and easy except for the Magus fight.

But hey, it must've done something right, because I played almost the entire game. I don't think I did a single sidequest, but hey. It's more than Final Fantasy 6. That one I hardly played at all before I got bored.

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So, though I've never really had any talent for art, I decided to sketch some characters (Berwick, HSoS) that I like recently. I'll post the better ones in a spoiler tag to not take up too much space.










And Ariel:



And now, for something completely different: I'm up to 10x in FE12 H1 now. So far, some maps have been super fun (Chapter 8, Chapter 5), some have been piss-easy (Chapter 10), and some have just been a slog (Chapter 3, the throne room of Chapter 6). When the maps are fun, it's a blast, but the lack of dismounting and the free reclassing system trivializes the hell out of some of these maps. Ultimately, I'd say this game is a bit over 3H for me, maybe.

Also, sidenote on Kris: I actually think he's pretty decent in most of the talk conversations. He's a bit of a dumbass who can lose his cool, and I think having a self-insert be this rash sometimes-idiot is kinda fun. The problems arise when he's actually in the story for me, when he starts stealing lines and just ruining any sense of tone. Like at the end of Chapter 7, when Jagen's telling Marth they'll have to move quickly across the bridge in order to not get killed, and then any urgency is ruined by Wendell basically saying "HEY KRIS YOU WANNA TRY ON A NEW HAT?!"

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