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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Didn't play XIII yesterday, got back to it today. Plant boss went down and I stopped right after it. 

  • Potions with the doubling accessory are still proving superior to Medic at this time due to group healing and no need to waste ATB on it, please have aoe Cura, whenever you show up.
  • The plot-dungeon design situation is strange, while the beginning was bombastic narrative, the present slowdown is... dragging? Little is actually happening, and the linear areas make me want to think the game is a bunch of small and pretty set pieces, but it's not. Could they've trimmed a little off these early-ish areas? 
  • And why'd they have to separate Sazh and Vanile for this time? Are they actually going to do something soon, because it a bit absurdist, they've been cursed by the incomprehensible and will likely die soon, but they're blindly stumbling around without a real goal so far. At least Lightning and Hope are looking to get a taste of vengeance before their demises. And I'd like to have a full team of three again soon.
  • I'm not sure what to make of the best strategy in fights much of the time being "Let everyone fire off a full ATB Gauge, Paradigm Shift for an unconditional ATB boost, shoot off another round of abilities, Paradigm Shift again ASAP afterwards (even if someone remains in the same role!) and repeat for the most actions in the least time".
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The game rewards me for destroying expensive property at a local mom and pop business. Accomplishments!

Well anyway, I started the game in full since I got a sword, shield and link’s signature green outfit. Then the plot moved forward and I got two heart pieces, a bigger wallet, a bug net, an upgrade to my pouch, two goddess cubes (which led to one of the heart pieces and said upgrade), upgraded said shield and got a slingshot from advancing the plot. I will do the first dungeon later.

Edited by Sooks
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You know, when you actually think about the areas in the Metroid Prime games, they.... don't really make sense. The areas themselves isn't what I'm talking about, it's how their connected. Like everything is either located above or below and I get that's how it is in 2D Metroid but in 3D Metroid, it doesn't really make sense when you think about it. I mean, why is Sanctuary Fortress below the Temple Grounds when it looks to be higher in elevation?


.... don't take this post too seriously. The answer to all of this is "because it's a video game".

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That final battle for Scarlet Nexus was dope.

Every part of it had equally dope music to go with it.

music spoilered for size




Edited by twilitfalchion
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Unmistakably inspired by Smash. -But does Smash mislead about Metroid's music quality?


4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Spider Guardian

"This is pretty cool"

>Guardian drops Spider Ball power-up literally right in front of a Power Bomb door


You liked the boss fight? I've heard it described as horrendous. Nearest Save Station is far away, boss can hurt a lot on the higher difficulties. And for GC, no Spring Ball means you need Bomb Jumps to move up, Bomb Jumps take a second to happen, and the timing on those bomb switches is narrow to the point of frustration as a result.

And yeah, this is what I warned about before, back to Torvus for the Power Bombs!

Still, as the Luminoth said earlier, you're like ~2/3rds through.

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You liked the boss fight? I've heard it described as horrendous. Nearest Save Station is far away, boss can hurt a lot on the higher difficulties. And for GC, no Spring Ball means you need Bomb Jumps to move up, Bomb Jumps take a second to happen, and the timing on those bomb switches is narrow to the point of frustration as a result.

Probably because I played on Normal difficulty on the superior Wii version but the Spider Guardian was a non-issue. Certainly a better boss fight than any in Torvus Bog.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yeah, this is what I warned about before, back to Torvus for the Power Bombs!

Information that is definitely conveyed to the player. At least there's probably a shortcut.

Either way, I'm appearently not supposed to head back yet. Have to continue a bit further in the fortress until I come across Dark Samus.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • I'm not sure what to make of the best strategy in fights much of the time being "Let everyone fire off a full ATB Gauge, Paradigm Shift for an unconditional ATB boost, shoot off another round of abilities, Paradigm Shift again ASAP afterwards (even if someone remains in the same role!) and repeat for the most actions in the least time".

The best strategy depends on... Your strategy, haha.

I usually attempt to gather as much ATB as possible, as I play offence most of the time. (Of course Lightning is mostly offence, so that strategy works well with Axis Blade equipped and the accessories to boost ATB rate.) 

Maxing ATB bars helps mostly when using RAV to maximize the chain gauge buildup and stalling it from depleting. If you prioritze buffs/rebuffs, you dont need to max them out as its a use as you go kinda thing. 

Oh and another tip if you hadnt noticed yet: when an enemy is staggered, using a debuff that works will almost always connect on the first attempt. Consider that on enemies that you have troubles getting them to work on.

(I can mostly tell you things from the PoV as having Lightning the leader, sorry if you prefer anyone else XD) I cant say I enjoyed any other characters style. 

Edited by lightcosmo
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Trying to climb the Reactor Core in Sanctuary Fortress is fucking dogshit man. You are literally given zero warning when the thing will light up so I just get surprise ambushed by the electricity, forcing me to restart from the beginning.

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Kinda short thoughts on Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus

Great new IP from Bamco. Fantastic art direction, dope music (that final boss theme chef's kiss), and slick, responsive combat make for a consistently fun action RPG experience from beginning to end, nitpicks aside.

Overall, Scarlet Nexus excels more in its presentation and gameplay than narrative (though I found that to be fairly solid as well). The plot isn't anything particularly novel (still good regardless), but I found the characters to largely be very charming, and their interactions equally so. And the dual story paths gives a nice bit of replay value (I've spent almost 22 hours on Yuito's story alone).

If I had to gripe about anything, I'd say that the story has a few things left feeling unresolved (though that may very well be addressed by playing both storylines) and the camera could be a bit wonky in some enclosed spaces.

Other than those minor criticisms, I was very happy with the game. Would recommend.

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27 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

@Shrimperor I can see what you meant by the EVA +50% buff being broken! Dodging for days!!! Xd

In Ao you won't even need it because you can reach 95% evasion with equipment alone on Lloyd :'D

Also you can't evade S-crafts and usually can't evade Arts either

Edited by Shrimperor
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Okay, so the SoHaE translation calls Zelot and those loyal to him the "conservative faction." They have also been refered to as the "confederation." I'm... not sure how I feel about that, especially considering they're our allies who just saved our asses.

I mean, I guess his name's really close to zealot, isn't it...

In other news

Kymwa2em o

Is that the best name for a throwaway boss or what?

N75hnnuv o

Also, reference. The hack does this a few times, the creator made some portraits for some of the more infamous recolors from the older games and sprinkled them around. As well as a little surprise that I only came to appreciate years after my first playthrough...

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59 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

In Ao you won't even need it because you can reach 95% evasion with equipment alone on Lloyd :'D

Also you can't evade S-crafts and usually can't evade Arts either

Yeah I noticed that, but dodging 4 attacks is better than 0! XD

Is confusion useful in this game? Its helped me a ton in some ransoms, so i was curious.

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I beat the first dungeon, and I’m pretty sure I got everything as well. It was good for a first dungeon. The boss was fun as well, although the fact that you need to have him take your sword in order for him to tell you how to beat him is a little annoying. It would have nice if they had involved the dungeon item in this fight, but I understand that the beetle isn’t exactly brimming with combat potential. The boss key puzzle is a really odd addition, I’ve never opened a boss door in Zelda and thought “you know what this needs? A really simple puzzle where your key is an oddly shaped block and you have to figure out the right way to sit it so it fits in the door”. It might be a bit more intuitive with the motion controls Skyward Sword was designed around, but even then, knowing the solution and then spending 5 extra minutes grappling with the motion controls isn’t what I’d call fun.

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I finished FE12 a couple days ago, so I'm gonna give some thoughts on it (it's also now in the list in my sig for my ranking for it among the other FE games).

First, the common complaints, mainly story stuff. Kris was a very middle-of-the-road character in the supports; sometime he seemed like a real person with flaws and whatnot, other times he was getting praised simply for existing. Mostly inoffensive, but his story presence was such a drag. All the times he shows up just to completely shatter the tone of especially serious moments (particularly after Chapters 7 and 21, those were so hilariously awful), or steal great lines from people like Jagen or Marth. I get the defense of Kris that it makes the exposition dumps a bit less wonky since he's, y'know, a dumbass from a small village, but then he suddenly comes up with stuff like the plan in Adria Pass, a place he knows nothing about. Great consistency.

Now, to gameplay: Right off the bat, I was not a fan of the prologues and the gaiden chapters, but that was to be expected from what I'd heard. Especially 20x. I hated stuff like 3x and 10x for being stupid puzzles / infinitely respawning OP ambushes, but 20x... god that map was terrible. Easily one of the worst ones I've played across the series. The normal chapters were interesting, because some chapters were straight up improvements over FE3, and others completely misunderstood what the original maps were about. I've talked about the changes to maps like Graveyard of Dragons, and how it went from an intense rushdown through enemies that were obscenely powerful offensively despite their 0 AS, to a map where you just facetank the dragons with a high-defense unit and then just block the forts for a while until Marth seizes. I feel like this style of change makes a lot of the mid-lategame feel like Block the Fort Emblem (BTFE), which isn't very fun to me. This touches into probably my biggest complaint with the game, coming from H1: a lot of the enemies felt super weak against my tanky units, but with the BTFE-style changes to the original maps and the design of some of the Gaiden maps, I don't exactly feel encouraged to try a higher difficulty because I fear the stat inflation will just exacerbate the problems. Though, to my knowledge at least, H2 doesn't spam reinforcements as much as H3, so if I replay the game, H2 will be my choice. 

Despite my rantings on the gameplay, though, I did ultimately enjoy a lot of the game. Heck, maps like 23 and Endgame were super fun experiences when they were just kinda easy cheese in FE3, which was refreshing. I know it's still completely possible to cheese Endgame on H1, but it's gotta be a lot harder unless your army is basically all just staffbots + Marth. I also get the feeling Ch23 would've been more easily cheeseable if my Merric wasn't speed-screwed, but hey. 

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4 minutes ago, Spara said:

steal great lines from people like Jagen or Marth

I've always felt this criticism is blown way out of proportion. Sure, they chime in great moments, but they hardly ever steal lines. Take the badass "old and senile" line from Jagen, for example. That's still entirely his own. And... that's honestly the only line either of them get in the entire game that I can remember, so that's all I have in the way of arguments lol. Marth really peaked in Shadow Dragon...

Anyway, there's certainly enough things to criticize about Kris's role in the story, but I don't believe "line stealing" is one of them. Honestly, most of the time Kris just feels weirdly tacked on (I mean, they are, so it's only natural). They're just tagging along, giving bland reactions to things that happen to other people while they just sort of stand there.

More than Kris themself, I think the big problem is the parts of the story from book 2 that were just straight up cut out, like Lang's backstory, the truth about Archanea's first king and stuff. That all sounds pretty awesome, and I know nothing of any of it because it was cut out from FE12 for... no discernible reason.

5 minutes ago, Spara said:

then he suddenly comes up with stuff like the plan in Adria Pass, a place he knows nothing about.

This, on the other hand... Yeah, that moment is super iffy, no two ways about it. This and the end of the bridge map are their worst moments. In FE3 I believe Jagen reassures Marth that the army will survive because they're strong and dependable, whereas in FE12 it's just "no sire they'll be okay because Kris is here." Bleh.

No comments otherwise. Solid write-up. I really need to get around to play Book 2 now...

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

tbf have you seen Kris' stats?

My FE12 LP Kris was worse than Wrys.


I mean, sure, every other Kris I've ever had was godly, but... I'll always fondly remember that run. Crap Kris isn't something you see every day, just as a horseman raiding a village...

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Stupid things seem to happen every time I try LPing. In that one run, I had a shitty-ass Kris that I ended up benching for Frost, a godly Matthis with half his stats capped, usable Athena past the prologue and Roshea in the lategame. Then in my FE6 one, I had Marcus swinging Durandal at dragons in the endgame while Lot facetanked the entire world and Perceval sat on the bench. In TRS I had Garo and a strength-blessed Sasha maiming the entire enemy army on her wyvern. In SGW the unassuming staffbot that nobody uses because she's the most boring unit in the game got two move level ups in a row, and I proceeded to have her kill half of the game's bosses. Even in Berwick Saga I somehow managed to get some weirdness to happen, in the form of Adel losing Leon and still somehow managing to promote and survive the game.

So yeah, my point is, the RNGoddess can sense when you're LPing and actively goes out of her way to make everything dumb. It's great.

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