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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kinda is when you have to choose between them, and on top of that girl Corrin has the added advantage of unlocking two paralogues for the price of one. Jakob is just a better option for servant 1, I'm afraid.

But, I’m not trying to argue that Felicia is better than Jakob or that you should go Male Corrin I mean you should because Felicia is way more entertaining than Jakob but that’s not the point. I’m only arguing that Felicia 1 is really good. Everyone knows that female Corrin is a lot better than male Corrin but, well, male Corrin is still widely used. This isn’t about optimal play or whatever, it’s just that Felicia 1 is a good unit. Jakob is better but that doesn’t make her bad, far from it.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If we count DLC classes, pretty much anyone can be awesome in them. It's a rather moot point.

But if your point is that she doesn’t have any good options…

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, if we're going there, let's not forget that I absolutely despise Takumi's Fun Castle. If Birthright has one bad map, that pretty much just puts it right next to Conquest.


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can only go so wrong with Fates mechanics.

Revrlation says hi!

But yeah i agree Fates base mechanics are pretty damn solid, and probably the best of all FE

32 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I decided to watch an Ys Seven playthrough.
A few things that immediately spring to mind: the story around the main threat of the game is really similar to Ys VIII. Like... uncannily so. As though the writers at Falcom looked at Ys Seven and said "hey, let's do that again, just change up a few things here and there." The Lacrimosa is just the Rite of Demise, Primordials are just Titanos in a dinosaur package, the Wardens of Evolution are less villainous versions of Tialuna and Scias. Even the final bosses look almost identical. Theos de Endrogram looks like a less demonic and much larger version of Rul-Ende, and they are conceptually the same thing, too. I still love Ys VIII's story, but seeing this definitely made me raise more than a few eyebrows.
Music was amazing. I'd say definitely a close second to Ys VIII's.
And the plot twist of who I thought would be Adol's "girl of the week" turning out to be the main villain was an absolutely genius move. Though she did continue the tradition of suffering blue-haired girls in Ys, and she got an even worse ending than Dana did.

Yeah as you said they are very similiar, but there a few majore key differences:

- Ys 7's event was localized. Only Altago would've "suffered" so to say, unlike 8's world ending event

- 7 was more a human conflict, since it was waifu of the week who pressed the reset button, so to say. 8 was about humanity surviving the natural and supernatural

- Waifu kinda... deserved her Fate imo. As much as shitty many of Altago's people were, many were also good and trying to help everyone. She just went and wanted to doom everyone in the country. I can understand why, but i don't agree with her

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wow, that was quick! Has it been it development for a while now?

It's been in development hell for 15 years.

Well sorta. Remember Dread was originally supposed to be on the DS but the tech just wasn't what they wanted and then development restarted and was cancelled twice. Then, when Nintendo saw what MercurySteam did with Samus Returns, they were like "yes, now we can finally make Metroid 5".

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*Makes to the end of the Palamecia, struggles long and hard destroying the boss's four auxiliary parts*

*Removes maybe 1/4th of the boss's HP, casts Doom on me, my Summon has already been used up.*

*Ragequits hard.*

Total BS. The game underwent visual strain from the boss's agaagaagaagaagaagaagaagaaga spam- who the hell let it cast Haste on itself? I don't have time to Dispel when I'm barely able to survive its onslaught with a Sentinel and Medic plus the occasional Potion because weak single-target heals and strong enemy aoe attacks amirite? It's the aircraft boss from before, but way worse. I actually stood a real shot of killing it before it used Doom, did the game seriously expect me to kill this thing before the death count ran out? 

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Ah, Fates: Conquest. A game where I always had mixed feelings. I played it for the first time when I was just starting out in the franchise, and almost dropped when I got to chapter 20 (this is going to be important). Also, I was actually reading the story, so I can already say that the experience wasn't going well. Anyway, after finishing the game only once and never playing it for a long time, I decided to give it another chance, this time on Lunatic. Anyway, let's talk about the game's particular features, starting with its much-acclaimed gameplay.

In the first few maps, Conquest offered me the perfect combination of difficulty, customization and fun. Even DLC classes, which have some OP (Cough Cough Warp) abilities don't remove the difficulty from the game, Awakening pairup has been improved (though it could still be better; defensive stance is almost universally better than attack stance) and there are several ways to tackle maps depending on who you use and each character's builds.

I'll admit it: Conquest was the game that gave me the most hours of fun in this franchise. And that scares me. It scares me because this game, for all its flaws, is the best IS has done all these years (and probably will).

Favorite maps: 12 > 8 > 10 > 24 > 23

Chapter 12 is the epitome of good game design involving challenge, time-based missions and gimmicks. The gimmick is well thought and transparent, the turn limit is fair and the reinforcements aren’t a problem, and there’s enough incentive to go out of your way to get chest items. Ryoma can be dealt with Camilla for example. In retrospective, this is probably my favorite map in the game.


Chapter 8 is where Odin joins and you can start turning him into a killing machine. 'Nuff said.

Everyone has already said what makes chapter 10 good (in spite of being a defend map), so I won't waste my time. Takumi best Fates character.

I can’t actually pinpoint exactly why I liked Hinoka’s map. I had fun and it was memorable.

Takumi's last map really feels like you are taking over a castle. I think the only problem with the map is Takumi himself, as he could end your fun after all your work if RNGesus decides it will.

Least favorite maps: 19 > 20 > Endgame > 26 > 25


As I said, the earlygame is exceptional, and continues at that pace until about chapter 19, when the devs thought that Fates didn't have enough gimmicks and decided to increase everything by 1000% turning the game into a degenerate gimmick/skill fest. Furry Hell and Fuga’s Wild Ride are notoriously known for having the most obnoxious gimmicks in the game. While the furries map is already considered the worst map in the game, I won't waste too much time talking about it and will just say that it encourages lowmanning and that genocide is based.

As for chapter 20: the mechanics are poorly explained (I'll go into a little more details), you have to be wasting time with the winds if some of your units aren't flier/ have low mov and be extra careful with fragile units. About the mechanics: the explanation reads “At the end of the enemy phase, any of your units caught in the wind's path will be moved five spaces. If there is nowhere to stand, they will be moved to the nearest safe space”. How the game determines the "nearest safe space" and what happens when multiple units have the same "nearest safe space"? Which takes priority, a unit that reaches space through the 5 moved spaces, or a unit that reaches space as the "nearest safe space"? There are a lot of unclear questions that you have to learn the hard way (thanks Eltosian for putting some of my thoughts in a post). Basically, the only way to fully understand how the map plays is to play it first. And unless you memorize the wind pattern or are looking at a guide, this map will only frustrate you. And worst of all, this map requires the player's knowledge to take advantage of just one mechanic that you won't find anywhere else in the game. It’s a mess, and not fun at all.

Endgame is everything wrong with Conquest on a single map. The game has always been fair in the sense that you and your enemies have always been on an even ground and can benefit from all the mechanics in the game. The final chapters of Conquest threw it all down the drain by introducing enemy-only skills. While one of them at a time might even be bearable, on this map they put them all together at once. It's almost impossible to finish this map without letting anyone die, unless you're extremely lucky or well optimized.

The problem with chapter 26 is that it wanted to test the player's knowledge by putting everything we saw during the game on a single map. The beginning of the map is quite interesting (Hero room), and the mechanics of Boss (although he's in a class that can't use Staves) is better than many previous ones, but the rest of it has a fatal flaw: Stoneborn and Wary Fighter spam (same problem as in chapter 21 actually, only without Dragon Veins forcing you to use Royals and with more annoying enemies with Wary Fighter). There are literally zero reasons for you to go left, and that final room, even using Entrap on Hans, is bullshit. Plain and simple. It's not exactly a bad map, and I've never been too frustrated playing it myself, but the very existence of these problems made me put it here.

Chapter 25 made me rethink and realize that Kotaro's map isn't all that bad. You can proceed more slowly, waiting for the reinforcements. Saizo can be suicidal, but he can also help, and the enemies themselves aren't too difficult for a high defense unit. Chapter 25, however, is the real Ninja Hell, thanks to the Lunatic-only skill Inevitable End that makes all stack debuffs. Enjoy getting -13 defense after being raped by ninjas in a hallway 😘

About the duel in the chapter: it was poorly thought out. If your Corrin has not been tailored to be a Ryoma counter, RNG decides whether you succeed or not.

But anyway, don't let that distract from the fact that, despite all of this, Conquest is an 8/10.

Edited by Maof06
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Makes to the end of the Palamecia, struggles long and hard destroying the boss's four auxiliary parts*

*Removes maybe 1/4th of the boss's HP, casts Doom on me, my Summon has already been used up.*

*Ragequits hard.*

Total BS. The game underwent visual strain from the boss's agaagaagaagaagaagaagaagaaga spam- who the hell let it cast Haste on itself? I don't have time to Dispel when I'm barely able to survive its onslaught with a Sentinel and Medic plus the occasional Potion because weak single-target heals and strong enemy aoe attacks amirite? It's the aircraft boss from before, but way worse. I actually stood a real shot of killing it before it used Doom, did the game seriously expect me to kill this thing before the death count ran out? 

Question: do you utelise more than one sentiniel? Even simply switching to the role to take a hit then switching back is a safe bet. 

Just being the sentinel role decreases damage taken, and if you have the damage reduction on AoE attacks ability, even better when stacked! 

Not sure if you realised that increasing your role level actually made a difference, but just in case, now you do for sure!

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's been in development hell for 15 years.

Well sorta. Remember Dread was originally supposed to be on the DS but the tech just wasn't what they wanted and then development restarted and was cancelled twice. Then, when Nintendo saw what MercurySteam did with Samus Returns, they were like "yes, now we can finally make Metroid 5".

Really? I had no idea it was always a thing! Thats awesome! 

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11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Question: do you utelise more than one sentiniel? Even simply switching to the role to take a hit then switching back is a safe bet. 

Just being the sentinel role decreases damage taken, and if you have the damage reduction on AoE attacks ability, even better when stacked! 

Not sure if you realised that increasing your role level actually made a difference, but just in case, now you do for sure!

I've recognized the importance of role level. Although none of my Paradigms have more than one Sentinel, in part because I'm didn't change my team from the default Lightning-Hope-Fang. And considering how this boss flings magic as frequently as blinking in the first half, I'd end up eating spells out of Sentinel no matter what.

The guides I saw said "use Rav-Rav-Com" and never mentioned Sentinel with sporadic healing, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to rush down the pauldrons and other two parts that quickly, there is simply too much enemy HP & offense for that.

I'll just have to give it another try. I understand why the boss would be so strong narratively, but there is a limit to what it can justify in gameplay.

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I played some Mario Strikers Charged with my friend.

It was... Way too intense.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

But, I’m not trying to argue that Felicia is better than Jakob or that you should go Male Corrin I mean you should because Felicia is way more entertaining than Jakob but that’s not the point. I’m only arguing that Felicia 1 is really good. Everyone knows that female Corrin is a lot better than male Corrin but, well, male Corrin is still widely used. This isn’t about optimal play or whatever, it’s just that Felicia 1 is a good unit. Jakob is better but that doesn’t make her bad, far from it.

Well ok, fine.

...but I'm still gonna bench her every time.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Revrlation says hi!

One of these days I really gotta play that one and see what the fuss is all about.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

But yeah i agree Fates base mechanics are pretty damn solid, and probably the best of all FE

I agree that they play really well. I'm not sure if it beats Thracia capture, but it's awesome nonetheless.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

When you go back to Tear Ring Saga after having beaten Berwick Saga several times.


Use Luca.

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2 hours ago, Maof06 said:


But anyway, don't let this strip amuse the attention that, despite all that, Conquest is an 8/10.

Overall good review! You put my one of my favorite maps in your least favorite category (chapter 20) and one of my least favorites in your favorite category (chapter 12), but other than that I agree with mostly everything else said, though I might have given it an overall higher score, but I don’t really rate things with numbers so idk.

Note that I haven’t played the game on lunatic.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I played some Mario Strikers Charged with my friend.

It was... Way too intense.

I haven’t played a Mario golf, but that’s how I would want it to be, I think.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well ok, fine.

...but I'm still gonna bench her every time.

I would expect nothing less, she’s not a capturable boss and she’s not that funny.

On Conquest I usually I mean I only did it once but shhh slowly have her fade into the role of Leo’s backpack, though.


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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Overall good review! You put my one of my favorite maps in your least favorite category (chapter 20) and one of my least favorites in your favorite category (chapter 12), but other than that I agree with mostly everything else said, though I might have given it an overall higher score, but I don’t really rate things with numbers so idk.

Note that I haven’t played the game on lunatic.

I agree with most of this take. Except the chapter 12 thing. I enjoy that one.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I haven’t played a Mario golf, but that’s how I would want it to be, I think.

Strikers ain't golf tho, you club the players instead of the ball

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I would expect nothing less, she’s not a capturable boss and she’s not that funny.

Hah! C'mon, I'm not that shallow. For instance, I like Kaze, even though he also isn't funny or a capturable boss, because he's green. That's different, see?

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

On Conquest I usually I mean I only did it once but shhh slowly have her fade into the role of Leo’s backpack, though.


That reminds me, in my second Conquest run I did use her. She married Leo, then Leo hit the bench and she stayed alongside Forrest. Jakob was used for like two chapters at the start.

Huh. So much for my grand arguments...

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I agree with most of this take. Except the chapter 12 thing. I enjoy that one.

I always felt like the gimmick just got in my way and made the map a boring slog.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! C'mon, I'm not that shallow. For instance, I like Kaze, even though he also isn't funny or a capturable boss, because he's green. That's different, see?

Yeah, there’s also the reason you like Rinkah.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That reminds me, in my second Conquest run I did use her. She married Leo, then Leo hit the bench and she stayed alongside Forrest. Jakob was used for like two chapters at the start.

Huh. So much for my grand arguments...

Did you just use her as a staffbot?

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, there’s also the reason you like Rinkah.

Hey, now... I genuinely think she has a cool design!

Then again, I've warmed up a lot to Fates's artstyle since I started to give it a proper chance. Obnoxious fanservice aside, the artist is one of the best the series has ever seen. Every portrait has so much personality.

God, I've become everything I swore to destroy...

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Did you just use her as a staffbot?

No, actually. Hd her killing things with the flame shuriken.

Honestly, the worst part of early Felicia is the bad impression she makes. She's so bad at base, it gives her a bad look. I'd say she actually benefits of coming later, with Leo and the flame shuriken already there. She basically joins at the peak of her existence.

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53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Really? I had no idea it was always a thing! Thats awesome! 


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 I actually stood a real shot of killing it before it used Doom, did the game seriously expect me to kill this thing before the death count ran out? 

And this is why insta-kill moves in the hands of the enemy are bad, especially if there's not much you can do about it.

2 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Endgame is everything wrong with Conquest on a single map. The game has always been fair in the sense that you and your enemies have always been on an even ground and can benefit from all the mechanics in the game. The final chapters of Conquest threw it all down the drain by introducing enemy-only skills. While one of them at a time might even be bearable, on this map they put them all together at once. It's almost impossible to finish this map without letting anyone die, unless you're extremely lucky or well optimized.

What makes it worse is that if you reset for whatever reason, you have to do Ch.27 again because the game doesn't let you save.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of these days I really gotta play that one and see what the fuss is all about.

Revelation: the Other M of Fire Emblem.

For the record, I don't think Revelation is actually that bad but I also hate Kaga FE way more so lol.

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All right, so where was I.

Ah yes, I wanted to do paralogues, but I failed to get Ryoma and Azura married before I ran out of paralogues. So now I have to do an invasion. Doesn't count as grinding, these things are also in Conquest and I used them all the same.

Also, I'm thinking of using Selkie. Opinions?

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Note that I haven’t played the game on lunatic.

You'll start loving Bow Knights.

28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For the record, I don't think Revelation is actually that bad but I also hate Kaga FE way more so lol.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of these days I really gotta play that one and see what the fuss is all about.

If Ruben can stand New Mystery's stat inflation, Revelation will be just fine.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I'm thinking of using Selkie. Opinions?

Use her, Selkie best girl.

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All right, there we go, Ryoma boned Azura. Now he can support her from the bench, and I get to pick up Tarba.

7 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

If Ruben can stand New Mystery's stat inflation, Revelation will be just fine.

I wonder... well, I suppose there's only one way to find out, is there.

7 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Use her, Selkie best girl.

I like her portrait. It's cute.

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Oooohhh so I see. That's why you guys were telling me to do Shiro's paralogue early - it's because I have, and even then the guy's managed to get himself killed on the enemies that deal 5 damage to him.

Nice. And people complained about Ignatius? At least Ignatius didn't charge like a moron...

EDIT: OH! HE DIDN'T TURN BLUE WHEN RYOMA TALKED TO HIM! NICE! BEAUTIFUL! I am so gonna send you to the bench right behind your dad...

EDIT 2: never mind, I'm blind. Great.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've recognized the importance of role level. Although none of my Paradigms have more than one Sentinel, in part because I'm didn't change my team from the default Lightning-Hope-Fang. And considering how this boss flings magic as frequently as blinking in the first half, I'd end up eating spells out of Sentinel no matter what.

The guides I saw said "use Rav-Rav-Com" and never mentioned Sentinel with sporadic healing, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to rush down the pauldrons and other two parts that quickly, there is simply too much enemy HP & offense for that.

I'll just have to give it another try. I understand why the boss would be so strong narratively, but there is a limit to what it can justify in gameplay.

Relentless Assault is arguably the Paradigm in the game. Just to stress its power.

Idk how fast your switches are, but you should be able to weave in and out while your allies heal you in between role switch cool down.

Do you utelise Sabouer at all? If not, if reccomend it highly!

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