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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God I can't stop missing. I just lost the run because the avatar missed a 94.

Berwick Saga fan complains about hit-rates.

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Yeah, that's right, miss some more. See if I care. I got my ice bridges built already. I can just run, regroup, and then unleash the full force of our might upon these fools.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Berwick Saga fan complains about hit-rates.

Berwick is designed around low hitrates, this isn't

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or worst. That they lost The Game.


1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that's right, miss some more. See if I care. I got my ice bridges built already. I can just run, regroup, and then unleash the full force of our might upon these fools.

Berwick is designed around low hitrates, this isn't

Honestly my strategy is to pair up everyone at the start of this map, keep everyone closer together.

Then again, I'm just someone who actually likes the next map.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Honestly my strategy is to pair up everyone at the start of this map, keep everyone closer together.

Then again, I'm just someone who actually likes the next map.

Actually, I'm liking it too. Best Rev map so far, even. The first couple of turns were a bit woozy in terms of hitrates that I absolutely needed to hit, but it's been smooth sailing since.

And yeah, I did do that to reinforce Protagonist's ship, since it was by far the one that came under the most heat. The lower right ship straight up didn't get attacked lol. I did, however, leave some troops in the upper and left ships. Wolfgang and Virgil handled themselves well, but eventually they had to run because the RNGoddess was after them.

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Yeah, i think i'm just gonna drop SteamWorld Heist. Idk if the maps are supposed to get longer and i'm nearly done with the first world but man like, there's nothing for me to latch onto. Like literally nothing. 

I don't know if i played reasonably far enough to give it a score (i'm 95% done with World 1 out of 3) but considering this feeling of just.....boring emptiness is something i've never really felt with a game before.....yeah, imma score it. 2/10.

Like bro, maybe that's too harsh a score but even games i've dropped because they weren't my thing or because i thought they were bad didn't make me feel this way. I've at least felt something with those games. It actually would've been better if this game was just straight-up bad.

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I fucking hate you, Camilla.

It1puqcz o

I kill you with the meme. Crawl in a ditch where you belong and bleed out.

Fun fact: I wanted to name this image "screw you Camilla", but I found out that I already had a picture called "screw you Camilla" in my folder of cursed Fates images. Huh. Go figure.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i think i'm just gonna drop SteamWorld Heist. Idk if the maps are supposed to get longer and i'm nearly done with the first world but man like, there's nothing for me to latch onto. Like literally nothing. 

I don't know if i played reasonably far enough to give it a score (i'm 95% done with World 1 out of 3) but considering this feeling of just.....boring emptiness is something i've never really felt with a game before.....yeah, imma score it. 2/10.

Like bro, maybe that's too harsh a score but even games i've dropped because they weren't my thing or because i thought they were bad didn't make me feel this way. I've at least felt something with those games. It actually would've been better if this game was just straight-up bad.

It's all right. Nobody will judge you for this, Armagon. We are all entitled to our own view on the world.

...Even one who is always wrong and ugly such as yourself--

Jokes aside, now you know what I felt playing FE3 book 1 and Path of Radiance. The feeling you described was exactly what I felt when playing those games, word by word.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I fucking hate you, Camilla.

It1puqcz o

I kill you with the meme. Crawl in a ditch where you belong and bleed out.

Fun fact: I wanted to name this image "screw you Camilla", but I found out that I already had a picture called "screw you Camilla" in my folder of cursed Fates images. Huh. Go figure.

Oh my...

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jokes aside, now you know what I felt playing FE3 book 1 and Path of Radiance. The feeling you described was exactly what I felt when playing those games, word by word.

It was indeed possible to learn this power.

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Wew, that map was kinda long. And good, surprisingly enough. But we're almost done now. Just gotta kill a few prepromotes for experience, whack Flora and then we can welcome Roderick and Sven into the group. I actually had the choice between Hubert and Roderick for my outlaw that I'm not sure I'll use, but I thought Hubert might warp out of prison, so I went for Rody instead.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh my...

Acacia no! Cease!

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It was indeed possible to learn this power.

Too bad for you. If you ever wanted to know the reason I put Three Houses above those two in spite of my much more vocal hatred for it... well, there you go. Sure, Three Houses is possibly the most disappointing game I have ever played, but... well, I felt something about it. For a time I enjoyed it, even. I hate it because I want to like it and I can't.

Those two are just... I'd rather watch paint dry, frankly, because at least I don't have to bother pressing A a bunch of times when watching paint dry. I should probably get around to changing the FE3 ranking to FE3 book 1 in my signature, though. If Spara is right, book 2 should be an entirely different beast.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Chapter 9 is done. It went surprisingly well, my only mistake was putting Azura into enemy range while trying to maneuver her to the dragon vein and overestimating how many enemy units I could take on at one time (I tried to take on the entire group of enemies at the front while a couple of my units were out of range lol), both of which happened at the very beginning. After that it was all smooth sailing (I didn’t even need to use the dragon vein!), and of course really fun, because it’s chapter 9. Mozu is looking like she might fix her levelling issues. Maybe, fingers crossed. But next chapter is the real test of my mettle. Lastly, I captured Haitaka, who I will definitely recruit using the actual passage of time, zero shenanigans whatsoever. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The Rainbow Sage, though. That's the most fascinating part of that. Why the nobody NPC who appears once per route...? I know dreams make little sense most of the time, but surely there's got to be a reason your mind decided to show that character of all characters...

My brain was trying to warn me that the rainbow sage chapter is where everything goes wrong. Setsuna was there, maybe its trying to tell me she will wreck my team.

Seriously though, I’m not 100% sure it was the Rainbow Sage. It looked like him but with dark blue hair, but that was never actually confirmed, so it was just my best guess. The only other similar design I can think of is Lloyd from Trails in the Sky, but I can’t remember if he has a beard.

This character was an archer, so I really was just taking a shot in the dark.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She dies before they can even move lol. First there's player phase, then there's enemy phase, and she doesn't make it to ally phase.

Oh, yeah I definitely didn’t forget that it goes player-enemy-ally. Nope, not at all…

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I have a similar problem. He's one of those characters who's just... really boring, and then as a unit he's not outrageously bad or good or have any fun gimmicks. He just... exists. I use him for a while in Conquest and then drop him like a brick.

I actually bench him immediately. But I use Mozu, you don’t, so you wouldn’t really have that ability to bench him in the early chapters.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

When I said game, I meant singular.

There will only be one game.

And people will still debate the correct way to play it.

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And yeah, I did do that to reinforce Protagonist's ship, since it was by far the one that came under the most heat. The lower right ship straight up didn't get attacked lol. I did, however, leave some troops in the upper and left ships. Wolfgang and Virgil handled themselves well, but eventually they had to run because the RNGoddess was after them.

  I just put everyone in the left ships, less worrying about the other side that way. As I said, I like the next map more, but this is one of the better ones too once you figure out how you deal with being divided.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fun fact: I wanted to name this image "screw you Camilla", but I found out that I already had a picture called "screw you Camilla" in my folder of cursed Fates images. Huh. Go figure.

That sounds about right.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It was indeed possible to learn this power.

Saint Rubenio is Palpatine confirmed.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I actually had the choice between Hubert and Roderick for my outlaw that I'm not sure I'll use, but I thought Hubert might warp out of prison, so I went for Rody instead.

Sniper!Hubert confirmed?

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those two are just... I'd rather watch paint dry, frankly, because at least I don't have to bother pressing A a bunch of times when watching paint dry. I should probably get around to changing the FE3 ranking to FE3 book 1 in my signature, though. If Spara is right, book 2 should be an entirely different beast.

For me, I ruined playing MotE because I tied myself to using only promoted units.

It was a mistake. A long, arduous mistake.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I put Three Houses above those two in spite of my much more vocal hatred for it... well, there you go. Sure, Three Houses is possibly the most disappointing game I have ever played, but... well, I felt something about it. For a time I enjoyed it, even. I hate it because I want to like it and I can't.

Yeah like, Thracia 776 made me feel hate. That's something.

SteamWorld Heist made me feel nothing and that actually makes me call it my least favorite game of all time now that I think about it. Used to be Thracia but it has been surpassed.

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Thracia is one of the few FE games where I can say roughly 85% of the cast can contribute to the team, that says something. 20 stat caps make it so the difference in power isnt extreme as well.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Thracia: 3/10

SteamWorld Heist: 2/10

I dont think ive played a game I could potentially say is THAT bad in my eyes. Perhaps im too nice with ratings. Xd

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Oh hey, change of plans today, I actually don’t have anything to do so I will be able to play a bit more Conquest. Nice, not having a life pays off again.

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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fun fact: I wanted to name this image "screw you Camilla", but I found out that I already had a picture called "screw you Camilla" in my folder of cursed Fates images. Huh. Go figure.

Post the original "screw you Camilla" image.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh hey, change of plans today, I actually don’t have anything to do so I will be able to play a bit more Conquest. Nice, not having a life pays off again.

Enjoy while it lasts, young man...


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Very well, Sven the dark mage and Roderick the outlaw have joined our merry band of generics that are probably better people than the royals. I'd like to know why generic dark mages are so fabulous. Like, prepromoted sorcerers look like middle-aged clerks with a severe case of sleep deprivation, but these dudes are positively pretty for basically no reason.

Then again, they went all out on every generic for no reason. They look better than a lot of the friggin' proper playables...

Anyway, Rody's actually way better than Saburo in every stat other than defense. Saburo has a ton of defense for some undiscernible reason. As for Sven, he's a better Orochi. Enough power for a nice nuke, though at base level he can hardly compare to...

Wcftz2al o

Trained Suzume. Look at that. Who needs proper characters? She's way cuter than Sakura too, it's all advantages!

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

3H bashing?! I arrived just in time!

No, no, let's not start. We've been over this a million times, and I know the others here are sick of it.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But I use Mozu, you don’t, so you wouldn’t really have that ability to bench him in the early chapters.

How do you replace Silas with Mozu? Mozu is hilariously horrible for a long time. You kinda need Silas's high movement and solid bases for at least a few chapters. Mozu can't do any of the things Silas does.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah like, Thracia 776 made me feel hate. That's something.

SteamWorld Heist made me feel nothing and that actually makes me call it my least favorite game of all time now that I think about it. Used to be Thracia but it has been surpassed.


Another disagreement for the pile.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I dont think ive played a game I could potentially say is THAT bad in my eyes. Perhaps im too nice with ratings. Xd

Weren't you concerned a little while back that you were too harsh on games? Pffft watch the rest of us

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Oh hey, change of plans today, I actually don’t have anything to do so I will be able to play a bit more Conquest. Nice, not having a life pays off again.

Hurray for no life!

Just now, Ghost_06_ said:

Post the original "screw you Camilla" image.

It was just Setsuna sniping her. Probably posted it a little while back.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How do you replace Silas with Mozu? Mozu is hilariously horrible for a long time. You kinda need Silas's high movement and solid bases for at least a few chapters. Mozu can't do any of the things Silas does.

Well, you see, Silas boring, Mozu not, so I find a way.

Seriously though, that’s because the only effective way to use Mozu is to reclass her, feed her as much of her paralogue as you can, and watch her growths pick her up. After that, even in the early chapters her offense is really good (better than Silas’ for sure since she knows what doubling is), so she can definitely contribute. She’s squishy, but so are like half the units you have at that point, so it is manageable. Her stats should really only be bad in the beginning of her paralogue that way. Of course you could get unlucky like me, my Mozu is slightly strength screwed, but she can still one round with attack stance. Silas would never be able to do that so early. As far as what Silas can do, he can take one or two hits, but Effie can take like five and this early that’s really all you’ll need. He has better movement but eh, not too big a sacrifice. The only time I can think you would really want it is chapter 8 where you have to get 3 villages, but I didn’t use him and still got them all so it is doable. Plus with Mozu’s heart seal class being archer, she gets range without her speed being completely destroyed. Silas doesn’t have that privilege.

Edited by Sooks
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Thracia is a contender for one of the best FE games #KagaDidNothingWrong.

I mean, FE4 is one of God's gifts to mankind, yes, but Thracia's gameplay is something beautiful. Probably up there with Conquest.

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