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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus fucking Christ.

You go too far, 06.

Take it back at once.

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:


You've officially gone too far.




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And with that, Fuga's Wild Ride comes to an end. Screw the haters, I still like this map. Lunatic made it super intense, it took me a ton of tries to get a proper strategy going, but eventually I managed to ride the wind to Fuga, sort out the moving enemies and from there it was a simple matter of going from group to group of enemies, cleaning up the map. Got all the treasure, all the experience, all the everything.

Even nabbed me a falcoknight and a priestess! The priestess will hit the bench, because Edsel the adventurer is still going strong, but the falcoknight looks pretty great! She has stats comparable in some aspects to Elfuigi, B staves, and she's got trample, so that's an extra 5 attack against 90% of the enemies left in the game. But I have no room...

...Pfffhahahaha, ahhh fuck you Siegbert. You're hitting the bench for the generic. Sorry, dude. I trained you up to level 7 and you gained... serviceable stats, but everything you can do, Iggy can do better and he flies too.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:



For this transgression, I demand that in your current run of Sacred Trilogy, you use

An old man.

That's right, 06. You're gonna use Moulder instead of Lena recolor nº 8. Tremble and despair! Less kawaii for your team!

Plus that way you get to tell me what they did to my favorite character in the game

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hope it wasn't anything too bad.

Oh, thank you! No, it wasn't, it's just the third day of classes and we were told to get into groups and everyone sort of already knew who they wanted to work with, me not being included. Which isn't anything new, I've dealt with that practically every single time we're told to get into groups/get with a partner since I'm very very frequently the new student (whereas everyone else mostly knows each other) but it caught me completely off guard and in the moment I panicked and spent half of the allotted time talking to the teacher/waiting my turn to ask my question and then spending the other half unproductively sitting at my desk working alone, knowing I was going to have trouble because I'm not really good with this particular subject. And then I got to sit and think about that for the 40 minute bus ride home. It was so weird, because I don't usually like to sit in my emotions like that. When there's a clear problem that's making me feel a certain way, I like to just get up and fix it (provided I can), and in this case, that's as simple as inserting myself into a group, but I didn't. If it was a room full of total strangers I would be absolutely fine, but it's the fact that most people know each other and go to each other for groups and stuff that bothers me. It makes me sad and.. afraid? I really don't know why, and that caused me to panic and do nothing.

I also don't know why I'm unloading all of this here, but here we are. I think I have a vague plan of action. I really just have to go for it, y'know? Still though...

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, she's a royal, but she's also a footie staffbot with pretty awful bases. Then again, I never really gave her a chance. Maybe her growths are Wolfgar tier?

I mean iirc they're not that good (from what I hear about Wolf and Sedgar) but you're definitely underselling her.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Great, just my luck to end up in such a place...

It's funny because you frequently mention how gameFAQs back in the day was all growths > everything else, but gameFAQs favorite pass time now is to dunk on Mozu and you just end up here.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P for pathetic, E for excrement, R for rotten, I for idiotic. Like mother, like son.

Ah yeah, Peri is a pretty bad mom. She's not really great or even good for anyone, but she won't completely wreck physical kids.

I guess Soleil kind of likes her?

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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Spider-Man (PS4) is a damn good game

This is my first game for the PS4 and damn, this was a great game to introduce me to the system. I won't lie, it actually had a solid chance at becoming one of my favorite video games of all time but there were a few things here and there that stopped it from getting into that club. But i'll get to that.

Spider-Man PS4 is the only open-world game where i never used fast-travel at any point in the game (outside of the one time you're forced to use it). Now of course, the world isn't that big because while NYC is a big place, it's not like, an epic open world fantasy. But regardless of the size, it didn't matter because swinging around feels so good. Why would you ever fast-travel in a game where you play as Spider-Man? Now matter how much i played, this never got old. The world itself feels very much alive and not just because it's NYC. It does a very good job at establishing that Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for a while now, as well as confirming the presence of other Marvel superheroes, even if it goes a little bit out of it's way to explain why none of them show up at all. Avengers Tower is here but Peter comments on how literally all of the Avengers are on the West Coast and they never use the Tower as a result. And speaking of the world feeling alive, those J. Jonah Jameson podcasts were always a treat. I was always waiting for the next one to appear because J. Jonah Jameson is always comedy gold.

The combat itself is similarly very good. At it's core, there isn't any faults with it. Landing hits, perfect dodging, throwing projectiles back at the enemy, it all feels nice. Combining this with Spider-Man's speed and his rather glass cannon attributes in this game honestly makes for a perfect action game. Admittedly, the combat does become a little stale but only because of the situations that occur with it. There are enemy bases scattered around the city as well as crimes that pop up every now and then. These get stale and while i did do most of them, doing them for too long would just get too tiring. You can go the whole game without doing them as the campaign is short but you'll end up underpowered as you wouldn't have any tokens to upgrade with. But even still, maybe they should've it toned it down a bit here.

The story is decent. I only have Spider-Man movies and Spectacular Spider-Man to compare it to but yeah, it works. It's a good Spider-Man story, although i do think some parts of it happen a little bit too quickly. I also think the story should've spent some more time with Mr. Negative and Doctor Octopus. Their motivations are there but i feel the story is a bit too quick in getting Spider-Man to punch them. I would've taken out the Sinister Six and instead have more time devoted to Mr. Negative and Doc Ock.

The worst part of the game though is absolutely the stealth missions. Specifically, stealth where you play as MJ or Miles. While they do get a little bit better when both of them get some tools so they aren't completely defenseless, i could've 100% gone without these missions and it's the only part of the game i'd actually call bad. They add nothing to the game, you could've just made it a cutscene and it would not change anything. Stealth is only good when you're playing as Spider-Man.

The second worst part of the game is the soundtrack. It's not bad and i do like the main theme but for the most part, it didn't really do it for me.

Overall, the game is fantastic and i definitely recommend it to anyone who has a PS4 (or 5, it's remastered on there). A few minor issues ironed out and i would've called it a personal masterpiece because of just how good it felt to play.


Updated "ranking every game i played in 2021" list.

I'll buy the DLC post-game stories at a later date. I'll probably do those first before playing Miles Morales.

Pretty much agree on all counts. Great game, with some nitpicks.

Also, I have an extra DLC code for all three packs. I'd gladly DM you the code if you're interested.

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25 minutes ago, Benice said:

...I forgot that you're not playing Sekiro. In my experience, you'll most certainly be fine on the Jedi Knight difficulty once you get to Fallen Order, and I hope you enjoy it!

I hope so too.

Don't know when that'd be tho haha.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Also, I have an extra DLC code for all three packs. I'd gladly DM you the code if you're interested.


Please do. I probably won't play it right away cause now it's 13 Sentinels' turn to enter the rotation but if you're offering, i accept.

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@Saint Rubenio I know you gave me that shaders fix before, but how do you go about actually getting that to work on Citra once you have it downloaded? I've never modded Citra before.

Edited by Sooks
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33 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I mean, I would recommend a game I just finished that I know I keep mentioning, but come on, I could just take a look at my brother's pile of titles. If I hadn't put them away to give back to him.

I don't own any other PS4 games physically cept KH and FF games.

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10 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

The sad thing about completing the first case of the second Great Ace Attorney game is I'll never voice Auchi again. ]:

Let us have a moment of silence for Auchi's hair...


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Meanwhile, at Angel Island Immigration Station in the early 20th Century:

"Let's see, Auchi family... your new family name will be Payne. Welcome to America!"

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Oh, by the way. While I had a minute, I went ahead and checked out a myth that I had been meaning to corroborate for a while now.

So you know the wiki that everyone says is good while the other one stinks? Turns out, that one is capable of making mistakes as well. In direct contradiction to what the good wiki states, you can capture the bosses that appear in the Museum Melee DLC. They appear as "visitors", but their name changes to their regular one when they reach the prison. Which means you can have Daniela in Conquest and build an army of Candaces. Very important knowledge, right there. I haven't checked if it's possible to capture Omozu, however. I've heard not, but we'll see.

I just have to wonder why this happens. It's super weird. Every other "visitor" cannot be captured, but the capturable bosses that show up can. Recycled character profiles, perhaps? It's either some sort of technical shortcut that led to these dudes being considered capturable, or they did it on purpose so you could have route-exclusive bosses in every route. Either way, I like it.

6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

The PS5 has been vaguely mentioned, now I have an excuse to post this:


Pffft. Amazing.

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh, thank you! No, it wasn't, it's just the third day of classes and we were told to get into groups and everyone sort of already knew who they wanted to work with, me not being included. Which isn't anything new, I've dealt with that practically every single time we're told to get into groups/get with a partner since I'm very very frequently the new student (whereas everyone else mostly knows each other) but it caught me completely off guard and in the moment I panicked and spent half of the allotted time talking to the teacher/waiting my turn to ask my question and then spending the other half unproductively sitting at my desk working alone, knowing I was going to have trouble because I'm not really good with this particular subject. And then I got to sit and think about that for the 40 minute bus ride home. It was so weird, because I don't usually like to sit in my emotions like that. When there's a clear problem that's making me feel a certain way, I like to just get up and fix it (provided I can), and in this case, that's as simple as inserting myself into a group, but I didn't. If it was a room full of total strangers I would be absolutely fine, but it's the fact that most people know each other and go to each other for groups and stuff that bothers me. It makes me sad and.. afraid? I really don't know why, and that caused me to panic and do nothing.

I also don't know why I'm unloading all of this here, but here we are. I think I have a vague plan of action. I really just have to go for it, y'know? Still though...

Hey, don't sweat it. Social anxiety is something that I'm sure most of us can relate to. I know I can. I hope you have better luck tomorrow!

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean iirc they're not that good (from what I hear about Wolf and Sedgar) but you're definitely underselling her.

All right, duly noted.

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It's funny because you frequently mention how gameFAQs back in the day was all growths > everything else, but gameFAQs favorite pass time now is to dunk on Mozu and you just end up here.

Hah! Well, gameFAQs is just the meme at this point. It was the general mindset back in the day for the entire community.

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ah yeah, Peri is a pretty bad

Yeah true.

18 minutes ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio I know you gave me that shaders fix before, but how do you go about actually getting that to work on Citra once you have it downloaded? I've never modded Citra before.

Apologies for the late response. You have to go to the citra menu, right-click the completely legit Fates copy and select "go to location of mods" or something like that. There, you have to create a folder named "exefs" and drop the code.ips patch there.

That's all. If you want to add more mods it gets more complicated, but for the moment that should be enough.

17 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

The sad thing about completing the first case of the second Great Ace Attorney game is I'll never voice Auchi again. ]:

Wait... GAA's Payne is called Auchi?

That's fucking brilliant.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait... GAA's Payne is called Auchi?

That's fucking brilliant.

They were always Auchi in Japan. GAA didn't change the name(s) for once.

Now eat your hamburgers, Apollo!

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, don't sweat it. Social anxiety is something that I'm sure most of us can relate to. I know I can. I hope you have better luck tomorrow!

This is true, I was one of those. Still am, slightly.

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lol I went into the good wiki's discord to report the mistake, since it misled me into believing I couldn't have an army of Candaces and I'm sure it did for a couple other people too.

The person I spoke with told me it was the first time in three years they had spoken about Fates positively. I am truly glad to have been the one to bring some light into the darkness.

Also, I found a fellow Frost fan. I believe that makes... four of us? Five of us? Either way, it made me smile.

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Just 120 more pages to go, Byzantium is almost finished. I'll wrap it up tomorrow or the day after.

The Komnenos dynasty wasn't as much of a last hurrah as someone had made me think it was. Nobody had any political brains at this time, being able to capably conspire does not translate to national defense. An army of 260k with more troops than it needed, shrunk by the Turkish conquests to 20k, the Themata soldiers gone, mercenaries increasingly foreign being what was left. Diplomacy was as messy as Byzantium knew how to make enemies, but couldn't choose it allies: Genoa, Pisa or Venice and HRE, Pope, or Normans- pick one of each and stick with it. Hug the crusaders more too, maybe more Christian love would've averted some of the hostility.

However, the book also made the point that sheer land isn't everything, as the parts of Anatolia which remained were coastal and very prosperous. The inland Anatolian Peninsula was big, but barren and thinly populated, useful mostly for defense, but little else. And comparatively, the Seljuk conquests were less damaging than the losses to the Arab conquests much earlier. Crete and Cyprus were lost, and so was Bulgaria, but Greece survived almost entirely intact.

The Great Schism is underplayed in this account. Not unfairly, since it had almost a millennia of gradual religious differentiation behind it. The Popes and Eastern Roman Emperors actually wanted to heal the rift, but found it difficult and might have chosen to leave it lasting as the best solution. Assembling theologians to work out compromises would've likely resulted in much acrimony, and implementing the true miracle of a solution into every diocese, bishopric, and church would've been yet more impossible. The actual brutally hard feelings felt between West and East Europeans seem to have less to do with the schism, as it was a general cultural separation in which religion was but one component that had happened since the Romans.

Curiously, this the tome of much lore says was the cultural and intellectual boom period for the Byzantines, with a pretty strong economy. The unprecedented debasing of the nomisma gold coin was financial stupidity, but the new hyperpyron fixed that and the economy kept doing well. Palatial building on a scale not seen since Justinian, and a flourishing of more original literature than in past centuries. A heavily urbanized culture unlike Western Europe, but also heavily aristocratic, like Western Europe. Constantinople's population approached it pre-Arab peak of 400k again, while Venice at the same time had but 100k inhabitants (and 10k Venetians resided in Constantinople for a time). "Reverse protectionism" is not a term I thought I'd ever hear, but the Byzantine merchants did quite well in spite of it, and Venice needed Byzantium more than the other way around. Turns out political collapse does not instantly equate to collapse elsewhere. -Until the Fourth Crusade.

I wasn't aware a four-way war where the Eastern Roman Empire sorta didn't actually exist at all was what followed the Fourth. It's worse than I thought.


3 hours ago, Dayni said:

That is some Damming with faint praise.

I had watched a tv documentary wherein the successful actress Grace Kelly, who married and became Princess Grace of Monaco, was reported as having been complemented by her father. His words- "I never thought you'd be the one to support me in my old age".

Don't get the wrong impression. What I express with that sentiment is a lack of enthusiasm, of a great burning desire to get the game, I can't deny that. It doesn't mean I'm not hopeful for it to be fun.

I loved TWEWY as a kid in junior high. I might question why I loved it back then nowadays, however, I am genuinely open towards seeing how a reunion with a modern sequel plays out. If an old flame can be rekindled or a new one set, then that would be fairly pleasant. Since you earlier said a deep knowledge of the original is almost necessary in the review, well that leaves me curious. Better to get it firsthand than from the grapevine.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Please do. I probably won't play it right away cause now it's 13 Sentinels' turn to enter the rotation but if you're offering, i accept.

Just want to say I glimpsed a few posts elsewhere on the game. The one thing I remember reading was that you shouldn't think you know what the story is when you're like 75% of the way in, the game supposedly keeps it thrilling and unpredictable to the end.

Tell me how much food-related conversation is in the game BTW.

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