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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, so Bloodstained is pretty awesome, but there are two things it will never have.


11 hours ago, Spara said:

I'll give no specifics, but HSoS Accorte >>>>>>>> VS1 Accorte. No contest. 

I would hope so, VS1 Accorte was basically just Echoes Faye.

11 hours ago, Shrimp γ said:

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long

Eh, I'm fine with waiting. I'm just so glad that it's happening, damnit.

8 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:




Hah! Who else but Ghost_06_?

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


And if you feel any sense of ickiness like I do with some of these, the website says in a disclaimer everyone here is 18 or older.😬

Please arrest me. I don't deserve mercy.

Okay, so this is, uh... certainly an interesting recommendation for the thread. I do not believe I will be taking you up on it, personally, but all the power to anyone who does.

23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Seems I missed out on some good stuff. XD

Pervy talk in Teehee. I mean, what else is new? Cows go moo?

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8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

What, you dont wanna see yet another Noctis?

One Noctis is enough. Maybe Jack Garland can appear instead after mistaking Sora for Chaos. Nomura created him so he's fair game.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

I am 100% expecting Marvel and Star Wars content in KH at some point. A lightsaber Keyblade would actually be rad as fuck.

And I don't want anyone telling me it "wouldn't fit" because I've seen people be opposed to this because "it wouldn't fit in KH" as if cohesiveness was an aspect of the series.

Maybe, but getting Pixar content was apparently hard enough so who knows when it'll happen.

Nomura won't make KHIV until they let him use Star Wars and Marvel characters, so it will take another 10 years to release.

Edited by Lightchao42
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26 minutes ago, Sooks said:


While making a sandwich.

That's so fucking low, wow. Poor hufflepuffs. I mean, c'mon, at least they had one relevant character. What did Ravenclaw have? Harry's first love interest that didn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things? Pfft.

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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

One Noctis is enough. Maybe Jack Garland can appear instead after mistaking Sora for Chaos. Nomura created him so he's fair game.

What would that look like I wonder?

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's so fucking low, wow. Poor hufflepuffs. I mean, c'mon, at least they had one relevant character. What did Ravenclaw have? Harry's first love interest that didn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things? Pfft.

Luna Lovegood.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw erasure is more Gryffindor propaganda

Edited by Dayni
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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

How long had you been trying to do that?

Too long. But my efforts have borne fruit! 


Now featuring Scwarzritter!


And Gilbert!


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TIL Amelia and Neimi have a support together. I never knew. That's neat, now they can support each other so they can better obliterate armies on their lonesome. I mean, they won't, the rest of the army will help them, but they could.

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I didn't sleep well last night. Ironic. When I'm trapped in mortal fear, I don't want to sleep. When my mind is overflowing with thoughts about the joy of life, I can't sleep. I had half a mind for some 1:30 AM treadmill time to burn off the energy thankfully my electoral college was stacked against it.

So much thinking about and listening to SRW in the past few days, and so much guilty pleasure horny at the same time. No wonder I'm the one person in the world who loves Endless Frontier, I am the games. Not sure where food fits into this, other than the guy whose food history vids I've been watching said "Yes way, Jose!💘" earlier this month.

But alas, no actual video game playing, Neo TWEWY and Xcode must be furious at my neglect. Do they need hunky android chefs to get my attention?

In my melancholy, I can feel alienated from the universe and existence itself. Why am I myself? Why am I only myself? Why do I exist at this time? Why is the universe as it is, with death a feature of it? All becomes surreal, nothing is normal, there is nothing that can be normal. The unanswerable questions, save through a leap of faith or a statement of "it just is" haunt me. Yet here, looking at this pathetic little wreck I am, looking at the absurdity of coincidence of the above, I feel a sense of outlandish, humorous beauty in the bizarreness that is reality. Reality is strange, and I love it.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Seems I missed out on some good stuff. XD

My apologies!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

Vomit over me if you wish.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so this is, uh... certainly an interesting recommendation for the thread. I do not believe I will be taking you up on it, personally, but all the power to anyone who does.

I'm struggling to convince/not convince myself, there is no freakin' way I could recommend it to anyone here.😆

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Oh hey, looks like Hayden joins in the egg map. If you forgot the man, he's Innes's dad. In this game, he's basically just Beran 2. He also has no excuse for not joining in the original - Frelia is in no danger after Grado's fall, his son and his entire army are out there fighting to save the world and the creature campaign establishes he can fire a bow all right. I mean, sure, CC characters aren't exactly canon, but it's still more confirmation that he can fight than people like Klimt or Dara get. So yeah, my theory is that Hayden is lazy and that's why he never went to join the effort to save the world. For shame, Hayden.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Luna Lovegood.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw erasure is more Gryffindor propaganda

I completely forgot that chick was from Ravenclaw. Still, given each house gets only like one or two characters of any relevance, it really feels like Rowling just woke up one day and went "oh shit I just remembered I wrote two houses other than the Evil House and the Good House, I better do something with them." I mean, Luna straight up doesn't even exist until the fouth book... coincidentally the same book where Hufflepuff got their relevant person. Makes you wonder.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh hey, looks like Hayden joins in the egg map. If you forgot the man, he's Innes's dad. In this game, he's basically just Beran 2. He also has no excuse for not joining in the original - Frelia is in no danger after Grado's fall, his son and his entire army are out there fighting to save the world and the creature campaign establishes he can fire a bow all right. I mean, sure, CC characters aren't exactly canon, but it's still more confirmation that he can fight than people like Klimt or Dara get. So yeah, my theory is that Hayden is lazy and that's why he never went to join the effort to save the world. For shame, Hayden.

Isn't he a unit that joins via the Tower of Valni?

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But alas, no actual video game playing, Neo TWEWY and Xcode must be furious at my neglect. Do they need hunky android chefs to get my attention?

No android chefs sadly in the former. No idea on the latter.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In my melancholy, I can feel alienated from the universe and existence itself. Why am I myself? Why am I only myself? Why do I exist at this time? Why is the universe as it is, with death a feature of it? All becomes surreal, nothing is normal, there is nothing that can be normal. Yet here, looking at this pathetic little wreck I am, looking at the absurdity of coincidence of the above, I feel a sense of outlandish beauty in the bizarreness that is reality. Reality is strange, and I love it.

There's no accounting for it that's for sure.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I completely forgot that chick was from Ravenclaw. Still, given each house gets only like one or two characters of any relevance, it really feels like Rowling just woke up one day and went "oh shit I just remembered I wrote two houses other than the Evil House and the Good House, I better do something with them." I mean, Luna straight up doesn't even exist until the fouth book... coincidentally the same book where Hufflepuff got their relevant person. Makes you wonder.

I thought it was the 5th?

It's apparent how little there was given for the students outside Harry's year (much less outside Gryffindor) barring whoever was going to get pulled into the story as needed. Adding characters in later books isn't an issue on paper and in one way it's understandable that characters who interact less with the perspective character will be less used. There's a bunch of named characters who are pretty much only relevant for a moment in this series and that doesn't have to mean that it feels like parts of a setting feel underused. Yet they were in the series and that's because they were used less, especially early on.

Also at least Luna mattered outside the book she was introduced.

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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Do I have an idea for Cross in XCX2 now?

Haha, you'll in theory be able to replicate it as I get the feeling X2 will be taking visual similarities from Xenoblade 2 and DE.

(I'd strikethrough this but mobile lol).

4 hours ago, Dayni said:

...... I was too late.

It has spread.

The horny is too powerful to be contained.

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I must've been blessed by the algorithm, because I've been getting more comments on my videos than usual lately.

"I didn't realize this was a generic only playthrough and was immensely disappointed that Wolfgang wasn't an actual unit. He looks so damn cool"

Yes that's it Youtube, bring more people in, convert more subjects to my cause, show all the true power of generics!

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Isn't he a unit that joins via the Tower of Valni?

In this hack he joins in the actual campaign. I believe Morva replaces him in the CC.

51 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I thought it was the 5th?

Oh yeah, actually, it is. I thought it was the 5th too, but I wasn't sure, so I checked online. The harry Potter wiki refers to the 5th book as "the fourth year", which... Of course, is technically right in her case, since she's one year below Harry and company. A fact that I had also completely forgotten. I forgot a lot of things regarding this girl, it seems.

51 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It's apparent how little there was given for the students outside Harry's year (much less outside Gryffindor) barring whoever was going to get pulled into the story as needed. Adding characters in later books isn't an issue on paper and in one way it's understandable that characters who interact less with the perspective character will be less used. There's a bunch of named characters who are pretty much only relevant for a moment in this series and that doesn't have to mean that it feels like parts of a setting feel underused. Yet they were in the series and that's because they were used less, especially early on.

I mean, secondary characters are a necessary evil. I just wish (like pretty much everyone, let's not pretend this discussion is a new thing) Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw hadn't been completely wasted, and that Slytherin had been given more than exactly two characters that weren't completely evil, moronic or both. Heck, even the two "good" Slytherins were both pretty gray.


Also at least Luna mattered outside the book she was introduced.

Okay so, Harry Potter spoilers, though at this point I'm not sure it's necessary.


Cedric's death is more of a character than Cedric lolololololo


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Haha, you'll in theory be able to replicate it as I get the feeling X2 will be taking visual similarities from Xenoblade 2 and DE.

Hehehe! My unceasing yearning for the anointed sequel grows! *Proceeds to rip off my shirt and makes an x-slash across the surface of my chest so as to make a blood offering to Monolith*

Please add more casual wear MonoSoft, fashion gear that makes "Srexy" feasible. (Going with the unaltered name would feel plain weird. Adding the two missing letters of the word "sexy" ought to keep it short, but still bury the image of the sweet and innocent Master Driver. And "Srexy" still looks like a normal-ish name.) In particular, XCX has no baseball caps, or hats at all. Start being useful and sell some you Miran Nopon!

And thanks to that brilliant stroke by Monolith, if I get tired of the joke, I can overhaul the body into whatever I want later, even if I'm stuck with the name.

The queers invented drag, the nerds invented cosplay, and online avatars made us all queer nerds. I'll embrace it!😄

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All these years, and I'm just now realizing that in his support with Dozla, Ewan was just dreaming about fertilizer, planes and telephones. That's so meta, I love it. I was always too distracted by how much of a swell guy Dozla is to realize.

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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In this hack he joins in the actual campaign. I believe Morva replaces him in the CC.

Eyo. What hack ya playin'?

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All these years, and I'm just now realizing that in his support with Dozla, Ewan was just dreaming about fertilizer, planes and telephones. That's so meta, I love it. I was always too distracted by how much of a swell guy Dozla is to realize.

Yup. It's a pretty slick support. The fact that he's talking about technologies we actually have today makes it pretty surreal to read, which, y'know, is something.

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4 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Eyo. What hack ya playin'?

Here you go. I'm loving it so far, barring some weirdness in the desert chapter and a couple features that I removed on FEBuilder because they weren't to my liking. Everything else it's done to the game has been a flat improvement in my eyes. It still has a few chapters left to drop the ball, but so far I'm quite pleased and would really recommend it.

4 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Yup. It's a pretty slick support. The fact that he's talking about technologies we actually have today makes it pretty surreal to read, which, y'know, is something.

At the end of the A support Ewan straight up goes "I can almost picture a world like this." Yeah, no shit, you were CREATED by such a world!

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

While making a sandwich.

That's so fucking low, wow. Poor hufflepuffs. I mean, c'mon, at least they had one relevant character. What did Ravenclaw have? Harry's first love interest that didn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things? Pfft.

Neither Ravenclaw nor Hufflepuff really had anyone of relevance, the only thing the Hufflepuff who got screen time™ did was die for us to go “Oh crap, these books are dark and serious now!” and the most the Ravenclaw who got screen time™ was like… find Harry on the train in the sixth book and fix his nose, except actually no, that was a movie change and was done by a different character in the book. (Actually, now that I think about it, Tonks is a Hufflepuff, so I guess one of them did do something that mattered.)

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm struggling to convince/not convince myself, there is no freakin' way I could recommend it to anyone here.😆

I think the biggest problem for it is just that it doesn’t swing the same way everyone else in the thread does. Or, at least, everyone who’s “vocal” about it. You know if that art you shared had a bunch of girls instead of a bunch of guys, 06 would be playing it right now.

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Just now, Sooks said:

Neither Ravenclaw nor Hufflepuff really had anyone of relevance, the only thing the Hufflepuff who got screen time™ did was die for us to go “Oh crap, these books are dark and serious now!”

Hey, to be fair, that's...

...Something. That's something.

Just now, Sooks said:

the most the Ravenclaw who got screen time™ was like… find Harry on the train in the sixth book and fix his nose, except actually no, that was a movie change and was done by a different character in the book. (Actually, now that I think about it, Tonks is a Hufflepuff, so I guess one of them did do something that mattered.)

Wait, that was a movie change? I read the books a billion times when I was a kid and I could swear it was Luna that found Harry on the train... You know, with those weird glasses of hers? Right after that is when they talk about these fancy horses that only people who have seen death can see, I'm pretty sure. Or was that the fifth book? Damn, it's been ages since I read those books...

Just now, Sooks said:

I think the biggest problem for it is just that it doesn’t swing the same way everyone else in the thread does. Or, at least, everyone who’s “vocal” about it. You know if that art you shared had a bunch of girls instead of a bunch of guys, 06 would be playing it right now.

Hahahahahaha... Yeah, I'm afraid that's a bit of a problem. I'm into girls, I'm afraid. I mean, sure, girls manlier than me, but girls all the same.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, to be fair, that's...

...Something. That's something.

It is something, but is it really good for an entire house’s contribution to be one of its members dying? He didn’t even get an epic fight or chose to sacrifice himself or anything, the main villain just called him “the spare” and then he was dead.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, that was a movie change? I read the books a billion times when I was a kid and I could swear it was Luna that found Harry on the train... You know, with those weird glasses of hers? Right after that is when they talk about these fancy horses that only people who have seen death can see, I'm pretty sure. Or was that the fifth book? Damn, it's been ages since I read those books...

In the fifth book Harry learns about the fancy horses with Luna.

In the sixth book Harry tries to eavesdrop on Draco in the train because he’s convinced Draco is a death eater and because eavesdropping is his favorite hobby, but Draco finds him and magically stuns him. He leaves him on the train so he’ll get sent back home instead of going to Hogwarts, then throws the invisibility cloak over him so no one finds him (he also breaks his nose for kicks). It’s only because he’s found by someone that he doesn’t get sent home, but who it is is changed from book to movie. In the movie Luna does find him with her glasses, but in the book it’s Tonks (who’s one of the adults that’s not very relevant, she’s the one that can change her appearance and dated Lupin, but she is a Hufflepuff, so that’s something).

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, sure, girls manlier than me, but girls all the same.

Hey guess what Trails has.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here you go. I'm loving it so far, barring some weirdness in the desert chapter and a couple features that I removed on FEBuilder because they weren't to my liking.

Schweet, thanks.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At the end of the A support Ewan straight up goes "I can almost picture a world like this." Yeah, no shit, you were CREATED by such a world!

And yet he knows nothing of those who created him, just as we cannot know the Father but by revelation.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm into girls, I'm afraid. I mean, sure, girls manlier than me, but girls all the same.

Yeah, girls are scary. That's why you should get ripped and become maximally manly yourself. Women don't go for men who are weaker than them, make less money than them, or aren't 6 feet tall.

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