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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, exactly. Why would Marth sacrifice one of his trusty, loyal knights over some kid he doesn't even know that can't even fight?

Because he has a heart, and all of his loyal knights are already prepared to die for him. I mean, we know he canonically sacrifices Frey.

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh hey, it's the girl who had the most chemistry with Rex, but it didn't pan out, because red strings be stranglin'.

a classic


Although i don't think Rex x Coffee with Milk is that bad. And Nia still had a big part to play and even as friends there was good chemistry


Shulk x  Fiora shafting Melia is much much much worse

Edited by Shrimp γ
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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't even get why it's happening either. They used to be everywhere.

Maybe it's a popularity thing? That would be the only explanation I could come up with.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can say that again. Oh, well. Guess I'll keep the emulator around. It hardly weighs anything and it might sort itself out...? I can't see why it would but... then again, I can't see why it broke in the first place, so...

Well, especially in cases like that, it tends to sort itself out eventually. Just give it time. XD

1 minute ago, Shrimp γ said:

Although i don't think Rex x Coffee with Milk is that bad. And Nia still had a big part to play and even as friends there was good chemistry

I honestly thought the whole Rex x Coffee with Milk was just a bit forced (see the Tales of Hearts comparison). Really did not see the whole "yeah, them loving each other makes sense". They just kinda did, because that's what the "boy meets girl" thing demands.
At least that's the way I felt about it.
Then again... I wouldn't count myself as the biggest fan of those characters in the first place. Time to run!

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Yup same series alright. 

Why do i have a habbit of getting into contious series. First Trails, now Sci;Adv. Although tbf i got into S;G before Trails iirc.

Hopefully i won't end up dissapointed like my former fav. Series... *looks at reviews of latest title*

Oh boy

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

boy meets girl

Tbf this trope can be hard to swallow sometimes. Or most of the time. 

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Time to run!

DW we are a nice bunch^^

I think

Edited by Shrimp γ
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Just now, Shrimp γ said:

Tbf this trope can be hard to swallow sometimes. Or most of the time. 

True, but there were also plenty of instances where it worked.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World being a fairly decent example

... as much as the entirety of the Tales fanbase would probably like to slaughter me for that one. XD


Best Tales ship, don't @ me.

1 minute ago, Shrimp γ said:

DW we are a nice bunch^^

I think

Hmm, I am inclined to believe you.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

Shulk x  Fiora shafting Melia is much much much worse

I liked the part in 1 towards the endgame where everyone gives a little speech about their motivations and then Fiora's just like "Shulk".

Anyways Fei x Elly is the best Xeno romance and it's not even close. It's actually still just the best romance in a game in general for me.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Maybe it's a popularity thing? That would be the only explanation I could come up with.

No way it's a popularity thing when the candidates are still very popular.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Time to run!

No escape



4 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

Why do i have a habbit of getting into contious series.

I was gonna say "is it really a habit" and then I realized you meant series where each entry is part of a bigger story instead of something episodic or standalone.

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15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh hey, it's the girl who had the most chemistry with Rex, but it didn't pan out, because red strings be stranglin'.

Look on the bright side- at least they didn't go full-on harem. 

Although, there is the alternative of "Harem, but not romancing any of them". By which I mean, either: the male MC is oblivious to the multiple girls' love of him, or, the male MC is aware, but chooses not to choose because he doesn't wish to harm any amorous female's feelings. Either way, he is left not romancing anyone, while the ladies follow him devotedly everywhere.

And then there's SagixGuillo&Milly, a bare minimum harem that works.


15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

You know... now that I think about it, that aspect of the game was eerily similar to Tales of Hearts R. That game really tried hard to force Kor and Kohaku together, but Kor had much better chemistry with fellow team member Beryl (who was also in love with the guy, similar to Nia with Rex), and it just ended up making a mess that was a stain on the story as a whole.

Are you saying you played Hearts R, or did you just watch it? Are you one of those seven people who bought a Vita?


37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Turns out old age does make you stronger -once you're old enough to be a literal living fossil that is. Get over the 120s, and you'll go from decades of stat-decline, to stats spiking like a asteroid slammed by some cosmic giant against the Earth's surface.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I realized you meant series where each entry is part of a bigger story


4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

By which I mean, either: the male MC is oblivious to the multiple girls' love of him, or, the male MC is aware, but chooses not to choose because he doesn't wish to harm any amorous female's feelings. Either way, he is left not romancing anyone

worst timeline

absolute worst timeline


I liked the part in 1 towards the endgame where everyone gives a little speech about their motivations and then Fiora's just like "Shulk".

Her reappearance is the start of the story nosediving imo, but i already talked about that many times

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Look on the bright side- at least they didn't go full-on harem. 

That is very, very true. If they did that, I would have dropped the game right then and there, probably.
I hate harem stories with a passion. Love is meant for one person and only one person.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, there is the alternative of "Harem, but not romancing any of them". By which I mean, either: the male MC is oblivious to the multiple girls' love of him, or, the male MC is aware, but chooses not to choose because he doesn't wish to harm any amorous female's feelings. Either way, he is left not romancing anyone, while the ladies follow him devotedly everywhere.

Almost just as bad as a full-on harem. xD

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Are you saying you played Hearts R, or did you just watch it? Are you one of those seven people who bought a Vita?

Yup, I have!
I have a good bunch of games on the system, too: the three Neptunia Re;Birth games, Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, Tales of Hearts R, and the original release of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth.

Sadly, the charger for it doesn't work anymore, so I couldn't play anything on it in ages.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turns out old age does make you stronger -once you're old enough to be a literal living fossil that is. Get over the 120s, and you'll go from decades of stat-decline, to stats spiking like a asteroid slammed by some cosmic giant against the Earth's surface.

Haha! Nice one! xD

10 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

worst timeline

absolute worst timeline

Also something the Ys series comes scarily close to, only averted by Adol leaving each and every girl that falls for him behind.
But if they ever make multiple of them appear in something like an Ys compilation game... ooof. XD

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways Fei x Elly is the best Xeno romance and it's not even close. It's actually still just the best romance in a game in general for me.

It's difficult for it not to be. JRPG main character romances tend to be to their stories' detriment.


15 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

Tbf my main distaste of Boy meets girl comes from Shirou x Saber xD

I'd say I soured on love in video games with Final Fantasy VIII when I got to it on my PS3. The game's title screen artwork emphasizes the love of the two main characters, but, their love story was pretty weak if you ask me. And considering how of the plot is dedicated to it ...it was a total waste of resources. 

10 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

worst timeline

absolute worst timeline

Didn't realize it'd evoke such feelings.😅

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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No way it's a popularity thing when the candidates are still very popular.

Then... I dunno! xD

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No escape


Crap! XD

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's actually still just the best romance in a game in general for me.

Nights of Azure for me. 100%

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

By which I mean, either: the male MC is oblivious to the multiple girls' love of him, or, the male MC is aware, but chooses not to choose because he doesn't wish to harm any amorous female's feelings. Either way, he is left not romancing anyone, while the ladies follow him devotedly everywhere.

Third option: he is aware but he does not respond to the girls' feelings because he is simply not interested in romance. Or fourth option, he's gay. I saw a fan manga (or was it real) about this somewhere, it was basically your typical harem bullshit except the main guy is gay so all the tropes don't work on him and he gets annoyed that girls are still chasing him.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then there's SagixGuillo&Milly, a bare minimum harem that works.

Guillo has enough love for everyone


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Sadly, the charger for it doesn't work anymore

Surely that's easily replaceable, right?

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

But if they ever make multiple of them appear in something like an Ys compilation game... ooof. XD


3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Didn't realize it'd evoke such feelings.😅

It's the worst thing ever. 10 times as bad as Harem, and i am already not fond of that

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