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28 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I think where they placed Wingull in the game is highlighting that the Wingull line is mediocre in a vacuum. Wingull has a solid matchup versus Roxanne (should be able to remove the geodude's safely), a good matchup versus Brawley, can tank Flannery alright (and tanking Flannery neuters her team), and gets Protect early enough to cheese a Slaking on Norman, but in this hack you can only get one after those fights, and the pokemon's matchup against later opponents is fairly neutral. Looking at its base stats, they are rather mediocre, and in the range of many of the pokemon included in this hack, and a movepool that is fairly mediocre beyond what you would expect from a water and flying type (although Protect is a nice bonus to it). If you got Wingull early enough for those fights, it would be great, but at this point, its kind meh.

I didn't get said Wingull until after Norman.

Wingull still good.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We need him in a mainline FE.

Who do we went for a future title as main artist?

Ippei, Hidari comeback, Kozaki? (with an art director who isn't Kusakihara maybe), the person who did Thracia/Tearring/Berwick's dead so sadly no, not sure off the top of my head who else.

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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point he's just making all the mistakes he made in S;G lol.

Eh not really. At all.

Cern is not the enemy in beta. Enemy of my enemy and all, as beta is world war between murica and Russia

Yes that means real life is slowly heading to beta

Not to mention FB is more loyal to Nae's safety than Cern

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Moeka best.

She has a bigger 'partner' role in 0 yeah.

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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...Atlus is teasing what I expect to be a port of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers? Like why? It's not a bad game, just a dated game from the Classic SMT era. What's the point? Only a very niche crowd can tolerate that. I doubt it's worth a full resources full upgrade full redesign remake.

It is curious though that they would do this right after Nintendo sends out a Laplace Mail about the eShop. Atlus thrived on the 3DS.: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, Shin Megami Tensei IV, SMTIV: Apocalypse, SMT: Strange Journey Redux, Devil Survivor Overclocked, Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, five Etrian Odyssey games and two Mystery Dungeon spinoffs. That is 16 titles, sure a bunch of them are enhanced DS ports and Soul Hackers was a Sega Saturn game, but the prolificacy is remarkable regardless.

They'll be losing a lot very soon. Maybe Atlus got the Death Clip early and are trying to immigrate their labor to a new refuge now? PC wouldn't be bad for their sakes. Though Etrian will be a real challenge to port anywhere (they haven't said anything about EO's teased successor in years).

I wouldn't rebuy Soul Hackers for the sake of support Atlus's emigration, it's too aged even with the QoL updates for for that. Sorry Nemissa! Though if they were so unexpectedly nice as to bundle it with the first Devil Summoner... sure it's slightly older even, but not even fans have translated that yet. I'd bite to fill in more of my SMT portfolio then. Although I'd rather take that official SMT1 iOS translation (which doesn't seem to function on newer iterations of iOS) bundled with an official SMT2 translation if we're talking about filling gaps in the international SMT record. And where is the Digital Devil Saga HD bundle I assume you'd be announcing soon enough? Sure I have them on PS3, but at a good price I would double dip.


I also scrapped my museum visit for today. Why'd I get cold feet the morning of?😩 Do I not like fun? Eh, no rush, it's less than two hours away. But we started thinking of seriously doing this back in October of last year.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

From what i understood it doesn't auto-translate it, but it gives you an easy to edit text file from which you can translate stuff.

Ooohh... Yeah, in that case, that might help VS2.

...if Kaga updates to the latest version. We know how Kaga is.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Who do we went for a future title as main artist?

Ippei, Hidari comeback, Kozaki? (with an art director who isn't Kusakihara maybe)

I'd take any of these three, myself. Or a comeback from the GBA or Tellius artists. Really, anything that isn't Three Houses's artist. No ill will towards her, but I find her artstyle to be a step below the rest.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

the person who did Thracia/Tearring/Berwick's dead so sadly no, not sure off the top of my head who else.

Actually, Berwick's artist is different than Thracia/TearRing's, and I'm pretty sure they're still alive.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Eh not really. At all.

Cern is not the enemy in beta. Enemy of my enemy and all, as beta is world war between murica and Russia

Yes that means real life is slowly heading to beta

Not to mention FB is more loyal to Nae's safety than Cern

Hey, I was just saying that based on what Sooks posted.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

She has a bigger 'partner' role in 0 yeah.



Given that she became an interesting character after being revealed as a traitor, I am a little disappointed that she's just a partner in 0.

Of course, I'd have to see it for myself to judge properly. I'm sure they handled her well still.


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So according to XenobladeJP, these are mobile weapons known as "Iron Giants" (JP name, may be different in English).

We uh......we fight these things based on the trailer. Oh dear. The one in the screenshot above has it's clock (we're calling it that until we know what these rings are) split in two but otherwise the machine looks functional. Was it already like that when we got there? Or did we beat it?

That said, not all of these are hostile....ish.


The ones where the soldiers live (actually they live in all of them but there's a distinction here) are called Colonies and they are numbered. Sound familiar?

Some colonies don't focus on combat and instead are there to provide support, such as weapon manufacturing.

By the way


Maybe it's just me but the rock structures here seem to remind me of Temperantia.


If it truly is Temperantia, then life does indeed find a way.

12 hours ago, Sooks said:


Clearly, the best art in all of video games.

Okarin looks like he's had it.

Had several days of going without sleep that is.

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


A new CPU makes this seem more and more like a mainline title. Even if it technically isn't.

Don't know what Grey Sister is supposed to represent Google Stadia.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Atlus is teasing what I expect to be a port of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers? Like why? It's not a bad game, just a dated game from the Classic SMT era. What's the point? Only a very niche crowd can tolerate that. I doubt it's worth a full resources full upgrade full redesign remake.

Any chance that it's just a new Soul Hackers?

Edited by Armagon
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Niime and Hugh in Heroes? Kick ass, some decent PNGs for a change. Also, Gonzo. That's always nice.

It's a pretty varied banner all things considered.

I also think a post-FE6 Idunn is a neat idea, i like this trend of characters doing things after their game is done.

Can't wait for postgame Canas where he's just bones.

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I've been watching the Olympics for the past two weeks, not intensely, but whatever's on I watch -unless it's curling. I just caught the end to the women's figure skating.


For what should be a joyous moment for the triumphant, wound up being very bittersweet. The accused doper, supposedly the best women's figure skater in the world, fell several times on the ice and was relegated to 4th place. I would say "karma", except she is 15. I very much doubt she of her own free will chose to dope and that the real blame lay on the adults who forced her into it. Not helped by Russia having the best female figure skaters in the world -evidenced by her two compatriots taking 1st and 2nd- and the government having ran a colossal masterpiece of a doping program back in 2014. The Olympics organization shouldn't have let her compete at all, because by doing so, her victorious nationals were crying what were very likely tears of abject sadness at seeing their friend they've trained alongside fumble so badly, no doubt because of what the immense doping scandal pressure does on a young psyche. Their wins might not feel legitimate knowing their friend was very much not able to give it her all. Need it not be said she must herself must be miserable, and the camera showed that she was. And had she ended up in the top 3, there would have been no medal ceremony at all. As things turned out, one of said compatriots said she wasn't feeling like getting on the podium, though she did, doing a very good job of switching from tears to a semblance of normal awkwardness and happiness at having won Olympic silver and gold.

What a good cup of the human condition to sip at 9 in the morning. -Not to heartlessly commodify the suffering. And yet, it feels delightfully real, because it is, but doesn't feel so horrible as to make me depressed, it's "only" sports after all. That is why I liked watching it. I could feel profound humanity without feeling like death is ever present. Though a life has been, due to forces outside of her control, publicly ruined in the short term at least. Being 15, maybe she'll be able to go clean and rise from the frosty ashes and show up at the next olympiad. Assuming her infamous country and the adults around her don't fail her next time.


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Any chance that it's just a new Soul Hackers?

Possibly. But, why would you resurrect the Devil Summoner moniker when, if you exclude the two Tales-ish Raidou Kuzunoha games from 2006/8, the second of the two games released in 1997????

This is strange. Nobody expected this, and probably nobody is overly excited either. Not that I won't take more Atlus, I'm just wondering what their thought process was. And if you're going to set it in the same dimension same timeframe again, can Persona 2 get a nod?

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Can't wait for postgame Canas where he's just bones.

He died in a blizzard. I don't want a skeleton. I want a monocle on a fleshy, but eldritch-horror-tier-ravaged-by-frostbite bluish body. Nerdy personality completely intact. Give me my perfectly ordinary ice zombie.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Eh not really. At all.

Cern is not the enemy in beta. Enemy of my enemy and all, as beta is world war between murica and Russia

Yes that means real life is slowly heading to beta

Not to mention FB is more loyal to Nae's safety than Cern

She has a bigger 'partner' role in 0 yeah.

Okabe does not know that Moeka is not his enemy, though. The entire reason he’s there in the first place is to make sure she doesn’t hurt Maho. And he knows she won’t if she doesn’t know anything about their time travel, yet there he goes!

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Can't wait for postgame Canas where he's just bones.

Can’t wait for postgame Lyn where she’s just

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's a pretty varied banner all things considered.

Yeah, it's one of those good ones that happen from time to time.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He died in a blizzard. I don't want a skeleton. I want a monocle on a fleshy, but eldritch-horror-tier-ravaged-by-frostbite bluish body. Nerdy personality completely intact. Give me my perfectly ordinary ice zombie.

I was going to propose Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shining, but this is a much morbidly hilarious idea.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He died in a blizzard. I don't want a skeleton. I want a monocle on a fleshy, but eldritch-horror-tier-ravaged-by-frostbite bluish body. Nerdy personality completely intact. Give me my perfectly ordinary ice zombie.

He makes ice puns now.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

And he knows she won’t if she doesn’t know anything about their time travel, yet there he goes!

To be more exact, she turns into his enemy if FB orders her to get the time machine. Moeka is loyal to FB, not to Cern

Okabe never built the time leap machine in beta, and FB is putting Nae over his duties to Cern, since FB technically didn't discover anything himself

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd take any of these three, myself. Or a comeback from the GBA or Tellius artists. Really, anything that isn't Three Houses's artist. No ill will towards her, but I find her artstyle to be a step below the rest.

Ah yeah, Senri Kita.

Preferred her PoR work honestly, the returning chars in RD I wasn't much of a fan of.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, Berwick's artist is different than Thracia/TearRing's, and I'm pretty sure they're still alive.

My bad.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Can't wait for postgame Canas where he's just bones.


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11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Now this is a bit of a lucky find, as it gives me the option of a checkmate victory against Tate and Liza. While I am bringing back dead names, might as well name this one af-


I am bird.

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