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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Voice actor change.

Huh, she does a surprisingly good job at sounding like the other VA (I mean she sounds different but not that different).

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Huh, she does a surprisingly good job at sounding like the other VA (I mean she sounds different but not that different).

Speaking of voice actors, this is the last time you'll hear Osborne's voice because they change it in CS4. And it isĀ very noticeable.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So far, the gameplay hasn't had any serious problems, nor has the narrative taken anyĀ serious hits. I'mĀ 12 hours in, at the start of the midgame at very best, there is a looooooot of time left for Zestiria to mess up. Not that I want it to.

zestiria is fine, as long as you're not longtime fans of Tales series. the gameplay not as good as previous or later titles, but still okay-ish imo

the biggest letdown for me is for soren to pull up lailah sword only for it to be forgotten and not used at all somehow. and back to wooden stickĀ 


for the rest of the game..


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of voice actors, this is the last time you'll hear Osborne's voice because they change it in CS4. And it isĀ very noticeable.

Good, because I donā€™t like Osborneā€™s voice.

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It just recently came to me that Brain Powerd is like, the one series added in Alpha 2 that did not return for Alpha 3. Well, it's technically two counting Crossbone Gundam but F91 was already there in Alpha so it wasn't entirely new.

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1 hour ago, joevar said:

zestiria is fine, as long as you're not longtime fans of Tales series. the gameplay not as good as previous or later titles, but still okay-ish imo

Which I am. Symphonia was my first back on the GameCube when I was like 12, actually one of my first non-Pokemon/MarioĀ JRPGs. Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, Xillia 1, Symphonia Dawn of the New World, and the lagfest called GBA Phantasia have all been played as well.

Gameplay-wise, Zestiria isn't unusually problematic so far. It is on the very easy side on Normal against common enemies, I have been considering stepping it up to Moderate, but that is the norm for Tales.Ā As is the combat and equipmentĀ having a laundry list of technicalĀ little details that could make you stronger, but that you're generally fine completely ignoring.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

the biggest letdown for me is for soren to pull up lailah sword only for it to be forgotten and not used at all somehow. and back to wooden stickĀ 

Isn't that theĀ ArmatusĀ he uses whenever he Armatizes with her?

The sheathedĀ ceremonial sword approach is odd. I blame it on Asbel's A-Artes style being entirelyĀ sheathed sword, in contrast to the unsheathed B-Artes, I think he set the precedent that made Sorey possible.


19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It just recently came to me that Brain Powerd is like, the one series added in Alpha 2 that did not return for Alpha 3. Well, it's technically two counting Crossbone Gundam but F91 was already there in Alpha so it wasn't entirely new.

Speaking of- is there any ingame story justification for why not everyone from the prior games returnĀ for the latter ones in the Alpha quadrology? Alpha Gaiden is time travel, correct? So I get why not everyone shows up again in that. But that doesn't explain Alphas 2 and 3.Ā 

For theĀ Z...Ā sextet(?) I get a sense of a lot of dimension-hopping and merging, so I understand why some would get left out of later entries.

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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of- is there any ingame story justification for why not everyone from the prior games returnĀ for the latter ones in the Alpha quadrology? Alpha Gaiden is time travel, correct? So I get why not everyone shows up again in that. But that doesn't explain Alphas 2 and 3.Ā 

For theĀ Z...Ā sextet(?) I get a sense of a lot of dimension-hopping and merging, so I understand why some would get left out of later entries.

Usually, no. Since without the license they can't even be mentioned at all, so the narrative just never brings them up. Perhaps in vague terms, I think, but that'd be the most they could do.Ā Same thing for any series that missed Alpha Gaiden and/or Alpha 2, but returned for Alpha 2 and/or 3. For those usually you can expect an explanation for their brief hiatus, but that's the most we get on that front as well.

And yeah, same thing for the Zverse, as it were. But yeah, that one could pull the multiworld card. It actually caused a little hiccup for Z3 Jigoku Hen. Because in the overall story of the Zverse, the Black History of Turn A Gundam was a big plot event... but Jigoku Hen did not had Turn A Gundam. So they actually had to use "Black History" with different Kanji and spelling, and yes, because the other one was copyrighted and they didn't had the license. Turn A would return for Tengoku Hen, so it became a non-issue, but still.

The reverse tends to be an issue too. When a series is added late, there has to be an explanation as to why they were not relevant or showed up for the earlier games, and it can geld well... or not. I think this was something some people took issue with Gundam SEED in Alpha 3. Zverse had no issue for this since, yeah, the multiworld.

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4 hours ago, Punished06 said:

m no pokefurry, sir



3 hours ago, Sooks said:


Yay! I'm really glad to see you again.




Oh, this year of Youth Symphony is gonna be amazing... Well, provided the concerto doesn't go horribly wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Which I am. Symphonia was my first back on the GameCube when I was like 12, actually one of my first non-Pokemon/MarioĀ JRPGs. Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, Xillia 1, Symphonia Dawn of the New World, and the lagfest called GBA Phantasia have all been played as well.

Gameplay-wise, Zestiria isn't unusually problematic so far. It is on the very easy side on Normal against common enemies, I have been considering stepping it up to Moderate, but that is the norm for Tales.Ā As is the combat and equipmentĀ having a laundry list of technicalĀ little details that could make you stronger, but that you're generally fine completely ignoring.

thats interesting . since almost on every occasion i see longtime fans hating on zestiria. both in story and gameplay

oh theres another that actually annoys me. the fact that game forces one human - one spirit people in party composition. so theres more than one occasion that somehow we battle with soren and one spirit despite theres already several of them in party. even when theres Rose, Armatization gives more problem since the party become 2 people when both doing armatization and annoys me when AI decide to keep attacking instead of reviving when character i use downed

tldr; armatization is counter productive imo

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Incredibly forced feeling and possibly annoying complaints/ā€œconflictā€ dialogue right at the beginning when the class is first getting introducedā€¦ no, Iā€™m seeing more parallels. Juna, please donā€™t be the Machias of this game.

Actually, can we talk about Machias? As a character he confuses me. I hated him for all of CS1 and as such wasnā€™t really fond of him in CS2 either and didnā€™t really pay much attention to his events (even though I did do them) or use him ever, but I watched his final bonding event and it was randomly like, the best one, so now Iā€™m wondering if he had a cool character somewhere in there that I missed. Maybe I should learn from the past and keep an eye on Junaā€¦

Iā€™m also surprised that


Musse and Ash arenā€™t originally part of Class VII. I wonder what will prompt them to transfer out of their classes. But thatā€™s interesting, especially because Iā€™m assuming it will feel much more natural and justified than CS1ā€™s ā€œyeah so Millium and Crow are here now for the thinnest of plot excusesā€. And they both intrigue me as characters, just something about them, idk what. And it also means that they literally made a class with three students in it, which I get that this school is supposed to be a dumpster fire or whatever, but is still really dumb. Old Class VII was small, but not that small. But obviously, thereā€™s some secret reason behind this class that we donā€™t know yet.

Randyā€™s voice is actually not that bad, and Tita being voiced by Sophie FE Fatesā€¦ kinda fits?

I complete forgot about those noble alliance generals that we never got to fight in the first game. And I read their character profilesĀ on theĀ menu before starting.


Yay! I'm really glad to see you again.

Hey Benice, nice to see you too.Ā Whatā€™s been going on with you in my absence?



Is that good or bad?


Oh, this year of Youth Symphony is gonna be amazing... Well, provided the concerto doesn't go horribly wrong.

I hope it goes well!

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22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Is that good or bad?

It's fantastic! Kalinnikov's 1st symphony is my favorite piece of music ever; we started learning it four years ago when I was in Grade 9, but our performance of it got canned by the 'rona; now that I'm (probably) in my last year with the orchestra, the directors brought it back! I was so elated that I couldn't help but jump around.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Whatā€™s been going on with you in my absence?

This sums it up:


I've been doing well, though! School's just back in, and it's really nice to see everybody. I'm in my school's choir now too, so that's pretty neat.

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Ah, finally! I found again that post I made where I talked about doing my own version of the DQV movie. Man, it was from all the way back to 2019? Tsk, no wonder.

I'm tempted to do some tweaks to it. Although, I feel instead of movie it'd work best as an episodic series. I still remember proposing making it two movies instead. Well, it's too late at nightĀ for anything right now. Maybe when I find the time for it, I could do this... perhaps.

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11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Why did nobody tell me there were floating eyeballs in this game.

Mogalls are the coolest monsters.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Crazy thing is I don't think the leaks have ever been disproven.

People just went "nah obvious fake" and left it at that.

In all honesty, the images were questionable at best. Especially because a man with a beard appeared in one of them. FE hasn't remembered what beards look like for 15 years. But one can dream.

10 hours ago, Punished06 said:

I think it's more of a

Fair way to look at it I suppose.

10 hours ago, Punished06 said:


She terrifies me

I like that I can't tell which one you're talking about

EDIT: I had misread.

9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I usually just end up disliking snobby arrogant noble characters but L'ara is just entertaining

To be fair, L'Arachel isn't snobby, she's just insane.

And everyone loves her for it.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:


Return of the socks.

Good to see you again! I see you're playing one of the forbbiden ones. I hope you enjoy it! Do not forget, if Factory Worker Garon makes his grand return, you must let me know. You must!

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Unfortunately, I'm likely to be asleep by the time the Nintendo direct happens so I wont be able to join in on the live reaction with all of you.

In my irony of never having played it (At least past the first chapter) here's hoping for a Genealogy of The Holy War remake.


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5 hours ago, Sooks said:


Ā  Hello to you too Sooks.

As to me, well I disappeared for a few weeks and came back finally explaining what I was trying to do here back in June, ran into some technical difficulties with Tearring and lost 6 chapters (but not Speedy Norton and that was important) and maybe something will start up soon..... or I'm waiting at least another few weeks. *sigh.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:
Don't care what I may have to do to justify it, but if I ever do a fangame, I'd totally include a San Patricios situation in there somehow.

Will they have obvious Orisih accents? /s

The concept of them could have a few interesting details and even could have different effects mechanically in one were to take it that far.

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Today is the day!

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

And whatā€™s with the username?

Just some flair XD

It's Greek for Emperor of Shrimps...according to google tl

Welcome back!

5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh god, the demon has been unleashed.


Me and you right now

I will not comment further on that matter


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5 minutes ago, Ī‘Ļ…Ļ„ĪæĪŗĻĪ¬Ļ„ĪæĻĪ±Ļ‚ Ļ„Ļ‰Ī½ Ī“Ī±ĻĪÆĪ“Ļ‰Ī½ said:

Today is the day!

The fact that I actively hope for this as the best FE worries me.

At least I'd get a laugh and a beardman.

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