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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, Luigi is enough of a menace as it is...

Yeah, he should be more.

Ruben, do me a favor cause I can't do it myself rn. Activate the invisibility Spark on Luigi and then on the turn before it wears off, use an Immunity Charm. I want to see if "immune to Super Effects at the cost of any currently applied not wearing off" will extend invisibility.

3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

The Egyptian movie me and @Armagon were talking about

Speaking about that, i just finished it...

Wew boi.

That was a heavy one. More heavy than expected.

Haven't felt that uncomforatble watching something in a while.

Especially with how much stuff is still relevant worldwide

I suppose it makes sense why this course made such a big deal about it.

1 hour ago, Doomer06 said:

That was incredibly disappointing to me, I wish her parents were just shitbags who sold her to child sex trafficking ring.


Welcome back btw.

20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That seems inefficient, on a continent with only two countries that hate each other, trying to reach trade relations with distant lands seems pretty important.

When you got Sea Dragons blowing up ships, naval travel is not uh....as simple.

21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Why doesn't Fire Emblem have more Manga.

There's an FE4 manga that's better than the actual game, there's two Binding Blade mangas, there's a Blazing Blade LN.....and then the 3DS games got some 4-komas.

23 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

, it feels like it's about how the ruling class are objectively more powerful than the commoners but that's fine because as long as nice high class people take the throne it's a-okay! And you as a commoner should just accept that.

Delthea is the strongest mage in the army but Clive didn't want to risk rescuing her cause she's just some girl and Alm rightfully called him out on it.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I suppose it makes sense why this course made such a big deal about it.


The movie's themes are

  • Treatment of women (especially in conservative societies)
  • Treatment of disabled people
  • Worker rights and unionization
  • People going somewhere from the dream to get rich and well...finding nothing of the promised

All of which is still relevant today everywhere, more or less

And all of that in the melting pot of people that is Cairo station

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Actually this is a new list, changed after having viewed a lot more Fates support conversations.

And Garon is still at the top because no character development in Fates is even half as entertaining as Garon.

Ahahahahahaha... Yep. You got that right.


Yeah that's pretty much what I did too.

In fact literally the only reason Iago is so high is because his is the best character design I've ever seen in a Fire Emblem.

I'm not joking, the fact that his incredible design is wasting on such an E tier character is a damn tragedy.

No kidding, that mask he wears is great. And his facial expressions are top tier.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, he should be more.

Too true.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ruben, do me a favor cause I can't do it myself rn. Activate the invisibility Spark on Luigi and then on the turn before it wears off, use an Immunity Charm. I want to see if "immune to Super Effects at the cost of any currently applied not wearing off" will extend invisibility.

Say "Berwick Saga is a masterpiece and Kaga is a man I admire" and I'll do it.

Also why Loogi specifically lol

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@Armagon Nah doesn't work like that. Pretty sure "can't get rid of existing effects" means you can't use the charm to cure them instantly, not that it prevents them from ever depleting.

Also what's the movie's name? I missed it and now I'm rather curious.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

When you got Sea Dragons blowing up ships, naval travel is not uh....as simple.

Ah, true enough...

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Delthea is the strongest mage in the army but Clive didn't want to risk rescuing her cause she's just some girl and Alm rightfully called him out on it.

Delthea is part of a bloodline of strong mages who's magic is especially potent in it's female members, the entire point of Delthea as a characteris that she never worked for her powers.

Edited by Edelguardiansing
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2 hours ago, Doomer06 said:

Seems I have missed much while I spent my time away

Just the usual shenanigans.😛

Welcome back.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everything about Garon's design is funny. It's like they were out to make the worst design imaginable.

I while I don't love the beard, I will say that either it was carefully thought out, or at is an accident that looks like it was the product of some higher plan. There is a good contrast to it.:

  • Black
    • Small
      • Narrow
        • Sharp
          • Foreground
  • White
    • Large
      • Voluminous
        • Round
          • Backdrop

A yang & yin complement in more traits than one. 

Given there is no way that could be natural, there must be a royal barber who tends to it every day and keeps the shapes and colors perfect. The black goatee also brings to mind how Pharaonic Egypt sometimes had pharaohs don false beards, always long and thin, so being attentive to facial hair was not unheard of among monarchs IRL.


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That seems inefficient, on a continent with only two countries that hate each other, trying to reach trade relations with distant lands seems pretty important.

Honestly, given the medieval European setting of FE, I'm surprised ships even can cross it. Hugging the coasts and sticking to the Mediterranean was the extent of European sailing, the gulf between the realms, while it looks unexpectedly small, brings more to mind that keeping the Old and New Worlds apart. -And yes, I know other parts of Eurasia were long distance ocean-sailing just fine. It just seems... off. I would guess IS didn't want to place a huge amount of filler water between Valm and Ylisse.

As for the scope of trade, I don't know exactly what perishable goods could survive the distance between Archanea and Valentia.

High quality textiles, precious metals and minerals, these things don't spoil so they could make the voyage. Spices, given the fact Greece could appreciate flavors from Indonesia, would also be viable to make the journey. Such luxury goods as these would presumably fetch a high enough price to cover shipping costs nobody goes becomes part of the merchant marine if it isn't profitable. 

But Valentian oranges, wheat, would they rot en route? IDK. If the islands of Zofia have abundant fish b/c Mila, then salted fish could go the distance, and it would need to be in high volumes shipped to compensate for the low per-unit price of dried fish. Does Rigel have anything in sufficient abundance to export? -Probably. Since what country comprising what appears to be about 30-40% of a continent's landmass wouldn't be able to find something to trade?

As for trade relations. The nice thing about Archanea, which the games under appreciate, is how watery it is. All the major countries are islands, or none too far from the coast. Aurelis looks like it'd be the most continental of states, and even it has coastline that ought to keep it in good trade with Gra, Altea, and everyone else. Most of Archanea's population seems to be away from the west coast however. It wouldn't take very long to sail from Grust, the one west coast country, to Altea, yet it doesn't change the fact that Grust is the only major power on the west.

We can presumably rule out a trade in wyverns, since you'd think Zofia and or Rigel would have otherwise added them to their armies. I can imagine that given only Macedon itself employs them, perhaps Macedon like China with tea IRL was trying to keep them all within the country. Or, nobody has figured out how to raise wyverns in their particular climate and geography, not yet.

Relations beyond trade and any religious or cultural baggage that comes with it, probably next to nil.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I'm attempting to beat a secret boss without Luigi.

It is not going well.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

while I don't love the beard, I will say that either it was carefully thought out, or at is an accident that looks like it was the product of some higher plan. There is a good contrast to it.:

  • Black
    • Small
      • Narrow
        • Sharp
          • Foreground
  • White
    • Large
      • Voluminous
        • Round
          • Backdrop

A yang & yin complement in more traits than one. 

Given there is no way that could be natural, there must be a royal barber who tends to it every day and keeps the shapes and colors perfect. The black goatee also brings to mind how Pharaonic Egypt sometimes had pharaohs don false beards, always long and thin, so being attentive to facial hair was not unheard of among monarchs IRL.

Reminds me of that one Fates fan who often went on passionate defenses of the story. "Yin and Yang" were words they often brought up. I guess they were right, if a part of the game so critical as Garon's beard follows the pattern.

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I realized that future Trails games probably won't give Tio a Mishy pajamas outfit, and now I'm sad.

As an aside, for some reason I've been compelled to play Sonic Adventure 2. Hopefully I'll beat it this time! I reached Pumpkin Hill yesterday to fit the Halloween spirit.

2 hours ago, Doomer06 said:

That was incredibly disappointing to me, I wish her parents were just shitbags

Welcome back.


That would validate her reasons for becoming a villain, which is against the point of her character arc. Renne learning that her parents love her after all helps set her on the road to recovery and cuddling with Estelle, rather than burying her trauma.

Or it could be like Star Wars where they sold her into slavery to protect her from her grandfather, Palpatine.

29 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hmm, what are the chances this works out?

Taking all bets!

Sega remembering that Knuckles has a backstory? Referencing Tikal and Chaos? Advancing the lore for the first time in over a decade? Is this real life? And here I thought Sonic 2 would be the only good Knuckles content this year.

Sakurai liked playing Frontiers, but he also liked Cyperpunk 2077 so make of that what you will.

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Well, that was probably the most difficult battle so far. In hindsight, I don't know if I can blame my lack of Loogi, there wasn't so much room to maneuver here and getting up close and personal with Rabbid Mario is how I won anyway.

Thank goodness for Peach. Can't nosferatank if the enemy can't take damage.

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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Welcome back 👋

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Welcome back btw.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just the usual shenanigans.😛

Welcome back.

33 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Welcome back.

Ty ty

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

PS5 yes, Ps4 games still sell semi decently

"Semi decently" is a nice way to put it.

It depends on the size of the IP, and even then it is inconsistent. Recently the Japanese had their minds destroyed by MOBAGES, which made the mobile market explode. With the release of the Switch, Sony's console market IMPLODED, causing most gamers to migrate. Covid made the situation difficult for everyone. And it's also worth mentioning the fact that Sony is shitting on Japanese consumers with its new policies.

Tales of Arise sold 150k in the first week, okay, the franchise is already established and had a lot of marketing, but it was still less than other titles in the franchise (Berseria and Zestiria for example). The PS4 version of Dragon Quest X sold 48k while the Switch version sold almost 100k more. This is awful considering the number of PS4 users and the importance of Dragon Quest to the Japanese public. The PS4 version of Soul Hackers 2 sold 31k (51K with PS5 numbers) and, let's be honest here, Atlus has more traction in the market than Falcom. And the less we talk about Falcom's interna; policies, the better.

By all indications, approximately 50k is the average sales that most PS games are getting. There's a lot more to the situation besides "old fans are unhappy with the current direction of the series", especially since they are a loud minority.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I like her supports, they just don't reach the same heights as others in my opinion.

C'mon, man


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Which by the way, I like all characters on this tierlist, Awakening so far houses my favorite cast of characters in Fire Emblem and even the lowest characters in that list I consider better than pretty much all characters in Fates.

Tbf, it's not very hard to have better characters than Fates

Also, why is Iago in S? I get Garon because he's funny, but Iago is a shitter. He's not even "so bad it's good".

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I... Actually have no idea what your saying here, besides you are talking about something I havent even unlocked yet. Which in that case it isnt breaking anything when its not usable.

There's a shard skill named Ark Feather. It initiates a follow-up attack after using arts that inflicts an absurd delay. It's basically Kuro's version of CS1's Arc Slash, except pretty much anybody can use it. You can access it with like, 8 mirage and wind elemental attributes. Stack it on Feri/Judith/Risette and the enemy will never take a turn.

Mare, Van's Hollow Core, has different upgrades according to your LGC level. You should always choose it btw, because the Chaos options are way more interesting. Chaos Mare boosts Crit chance and damage to insane levels, so Grendel!Van can melt every enemy with two back-to-back S-crafts.

Since you've gotten to the part where Fie was playable, you're almost halfway through the game, so I thought you figured that out.

And I'm not even going to talk about Shizuna...

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Did we play the same CS games/Reverie or did you miss my video? I think damage dealt is the least of the enemies issues, I think turns and accuracy should be. How can you fail when CB exists? Its 100% impossible.

Did we play the same Kuro? Because even playing super sloppily the game was a breeze even on Nightmare, while Haji's earlygame on Abyss threw me some curveballs.

Like, I'm not even trying to be antagonistic towards you, this discussion is genuine.

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Awakening's biggest crime is not giving us Chrom x Cordelia as a possibility


1 hour ago, Armagon said:



>create a pessimistic but realistic story

>suddenly satanic cults, demons and whatnot

Falcom moment.

If this shit was in Cold Steel, it would be endlessly mocked.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Delthea is part of a bloodline of strong mages who magic is especially potent in it's female members, the entire point of Delthea as a characteris that she never worked for her powers.

Delthea still a cute. A cute!

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Reminds me of that one Fates fan who often went on passionate defenses of the story. "Yin and Yang" were words they often brought up. I guess they were right, if a part of the game so critical as Garon's beard follows the pattern.

And he was even wrong about the Yin-yang lol

33 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I realized that future Trails games probably won't give Tio a Mishy pajamas outfit, and now I'm sad.

No, but Van...

UPDATES] The Legend Of Heroes: Kuro No Kiseki II Crimson Sin Shares Several  Pre-Order Bonuses - Noisy Pixel

33 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

That would validate her reasons for becoming a villain, which is against the point of her character arc. Renne learning that her parents love her after all helps set her on the road to recovery and cuddling with Estelle, rather than burying her trauma.

It could have been a simple story where, even if her parents were shitbags, revenge is bad and she has to let go.

Well, at least she's okay in Kuro.


33 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Or it could be like Star Wars where they sold her into slavery to protect her from her grandfather, Palpatine.

Don't even joke about this.

Edited by Doomer06
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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

#TeamImouto is back?

In your honor i might let the linked Ironman Corn marry Sakura....If she or her soulmates don't die, that is.

You guys are doing a linked ironman gain?

Okay, now I'm salty because I missed this

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Fuck it. I'm just going to go ahead and beat SoV right now. Wish me luck, friends!

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly, given the medieval European setting of FE, I'm surprised ships even can cross it. Hugging the coasts and sticking to the Mediterranean was the extent of European sailing, the gulf between the realms, while it looks unexpectedly small, brings more to mind that keeping the Old and New Worlds apart. -And yes, I know other parts of Eurasia were long distance ocean-sailing just fine. It just seems... off. I would guess IS didn't want to place a huge amount of filler water between Valm and Ylisse.

As for the scope of trade, I don't know exactly what perishable goods could survive the distance between Archanea and Valentia.

High quality textiles, precious metals and minerals, these things don't spoil so they could make the voyage. Spices, given the fact Greece could appreciate flavors from Indonesia, would also be viable to make the journey. Such luxury goods as these would presumably fetch a high enough price to cover shipping costs nobody goes becomes part of the merchant marine if it isn't profitable. 

But Valentian oranges, wheat, would they rot en route? IDK. If the islands of Zofia have abundant fish b/c Mila, then salted fish could go the distance, and it would need to be in high volumes shipped to compensate for the low per-unit price of dried fish. Does Rigel have anything in sufficient abundance to export? -Probably. Since what country comprising what appears to be about 30-40% of a continent's landmass wouldn't be able to find something to trade?

As for trade relations. The nice thing about Archanea, which the games under appreciate, is how watery it is. All the major countries are islands, or none too far from the coast. Aurelis looks like it'd be the most continental of states, and even it has coastline that ought to keep it in good trade with Gra, Altea, and everyone else. Most of Archanea's population seems to be away from the west coast however. It wouldn't take very long to sail from Grust, the one west coast country, to Altea, yet it doesn't change the fact that Grust is the only major power on the west.

We can presumably rule out a trade in wyverns, since you'd think Zofia and or Rigel would have otherwise added them to their armies. I can imagine that given only Macedon itself employs them, perhaps Macedon like China with tea IRL was trying to keep them all within the country. Or, nobody has figured out how to raise wyverns in their particular climate and geography, not yet.

Relations beyond trade and any religious or cultural baggage that comes with it, probably next to nil.

Now that I think about it, in Awakening sailing from Archanea to Valentia only takes a few days unless it is to be implied that the journey took around month as it would to sail from the old world to the new in the 16th century.

Awakening does take place thousands of years later but it doesn't seem like technology has advanced that much...or at all.

7 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Also, why is Iago in S? I get Garon because he's funny, but Iago is a shitter. He's not even "so bad it's good".

Best character design in the entire damn franchise, most unique, most interesting, I wish there was more like it in Fire Emblem and it is a damn shame that the character it's paired with sucks.

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@Armagon I don't know if you've any interest in getting Luigi's "get more dashes after jumping" upgrade, but if you do, I just found out the way that the extra dashes are only added on a clean landing. If you fall on a piece of cover or a character, it doesn't count. It's similar to how Rabbid Peach and Bowser's jump effects don't work if you don't land on clear ground, but in their case there's a visual cue. Not so here.

So yeah, just a fair warning.

10 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Also, why is Iago in S? I get Garon because he's funny, but Iago is a shitter. He's not even "so bad it's good".

They said earlier that it's because they love Iago's design. It's Fates, doesn't take more than that.

10 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

And he was even wrong about the Yin-yang lol

Fuck no, the Garonbeard points to it! Proof enough for me!

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fuck it. I'm just going to go ahead and beat SoV right now. Wish me luck, friends!

Please enjoy the grand finale!

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Best character design in the entire damn franchise, most unique, most interesting, I wish there was more like it in Fire Emblem and it is a damn shame that the character it's paired with sucks.

In fairness, it's not inconsistent. Fates works in such a way that the throwaways and generics get all the best designs. The more important you are, the more bullcrap your design is. This culminates in Garon being pretty much the main villain and being, well, Garon.

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15 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fuck it. I'm just going to go ahead and beat SoV right now. Wish me luck, friends!

best of luck fam

13 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


best final map theme in the series, hands down

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21 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

And the less we talk about Falcom's interna; policies, the better.

Probably better than their policies used to be?

Some also recall Masayuki Kato fondly on a personal level, and as more than just a colleague. "I'm still friends with that guy, by the way," says Henk Rogers (Black Onyx creator, founder of Bullet Proof Software and the man who was instrumental in getting Tetris on the Game Boy), warmly. "Kato-san. Former president of Falcom. We had an organisation called STAC - Software Technology And Communication. It was software companies, sort of a who's who of the early computer game industry. Then within STAC we had several groups: we had SST, which stood for Super Software Team, which is the Tokyo group. We joined to fight against software rental and piracy. We started doing everything as a bloc. And we used to get together once a month. So we would have a meeting, where we discuss issues, and then we would go out and have dinner, and then we would chase girls. < laughs> It was wild... <laughs> Oh yeah! Perhaps let me put it this way: we were banned from a Nagoya hotel. <laughs>"

We laugh, expressing awe at the party atmosphere of the 1980s, hoping for Rogers to tell us more, but not wanting to seem overly keen. Rogers does not disappoint.

"We were doubling up in the rooms at the time, meaning two guys to a room. And when the girls came in, one of us would have to wait out in the hallway for the other one to get on with it, so to speak. And the guys in the hallway were all getting drunk and saying... Lewd things to the other hotel guests. <laughs> And a number of us became kyoudai. You know what kyoudai is in Japan? The word means siblings, but there's another use for this word, and it's if two guys sleep with the same girl they become 'kyoudai'. So a number of STAC members became kyoudai. <laughs>"

We laugh again at the anecdote, impressed at the rockstar lifestyle the company presidents were able to live. But we wanted to be sure, was Rogers alright about us publishing this? "Well, as long as I'm not mentioning anyone's names," he replies.

Was Masayuki Kato a member of the "kyoudai club" along with the presidents of Square, Game Arts, Bothtec, Sacom, and the rest of SST and STAC? We may never know. Whatever happened in STAC stays in STAC, and Rogers is not mentioning any names.

-The lighthearted moment in a collection of interviews that collectively portray Nihon Falcom in the 1980s as not the most pleasant of workplaces. Which ultimately led to employees steadily leaving the company.


22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fuck it. I'm just going to go ahead and beat SoV right now. Wish me luck, friends!

I hope it's enjoyable for you.😀

If you'd want to afterwards look at the Valentian Accordion art book and what else it has to say about the world and its characters afterwards, he is a link to it entirely translated.:


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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-The lighthearted moment in a collection of interviews that collectively portray Nihon Falcom in the 1980s as not the most pleasant of workplaces. Which ultimately led to employees steadily leaving the company.

It hasn't gotten any better...

Atleast a few years ago when i was still active in the fanbase

Especially their composers

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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It's been a while since I played any FE, I think I'm going to play SoV

40 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

And not just a normal one

But with 5 people!


It's going well so far, i think XD

Hope you are using a rebalance mod, because Revelation is pain

40 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fuck it. I'm just going to go ahead and beat SoV right now. Wish me luck, friends!

Good luck. Final boss has a long range laser attack.

42 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Now that I think about it, in Awakening sailing from Archanea to Valentia only takes a few days unless it is to be implied that the journey took around month as it would to sail from the old world to the new in the 16th century.

Awakening does take place thousands of years later but it doesn't seem like technology has advanced that much...or at all.

Awakening is very inconsistent with the lore

42 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Best character design in the entire damn franchise, most unique, most interesting, I wish there was more like it in Fire Emblem and it is a damn shame that the character it's paired with sucks.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They said earlier that it's because they love Iago's design. It's Fates, doesn't take more than that.

B-but Iago looks like Tommy Wiseau...

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-The lighthearted moment in a collection of interviews that collectively portray Nihon Falcom in the 1980s as not the most pleasant of workplaces. Which ultimately led to employees steadily leaving the company.

Yes, but we do not talk about this

15 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It hasn't gotten any better...

Atleast a few years ago when i was still active in the fanbase

Especially their composers

And this, especially

28 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

best final map theme in the series, hands down

*blocks your path*


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