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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Wait, why is Conrad still wearing his Lucina mask?

Top secret magical combat visor. Thermal vision, x-ray vision, polarized vision, balloon animal vision, the mask has it all.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Welcome to SoV, the only Fire Emblem game that forces you to solo as the main character.

Totally alone, yes. But...

...fret not, what you haven't seen ain't too bad.😉

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I was feeling quite worse for wears last night as well. Got a good cry in which I haven't done in a long while. You aren't alone in feeling pathetic as I myself have been feeling similar notions as of late. I'm glad we could be given the chance to express it as that is the first big step to take to make things better.

Thank you!🙂

Typing it all out helps me a little. I express myself best in writing.


2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

How bout I don't.

Thank you as well.🙂


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Still, we know that some exchange/migration eventually happens, since wyverns are in Valm by Awakening's time.

Considering it'd be 2000 years, plenty of time for that to happen. Alas, 2000 is too long for me to wrap my mind around fanfict writing up how it might have happened.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

General Zeke, he is A CHAR.

He got the colors wrong, black-on-red, not red-on-black.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

"So, he can be Camus on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; and Zeke on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays."

"What about Sunday?"

"Threesome Time."

Up to you who is who.

Camus or Zeke, the three BSFE Grust boys will follow him everywhere. If Tatiana needs a seat and there are none around, all Zeke has to say is "Chair." and one of his devoted manservants shall get on his knees so Tatiana may sit on his back.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Camus is "killed" in Grust, that little peace of land dangling in the southwestern corner of Archanea. Rigel is in the north....and Camus likely washed up on it's west coast unless Tatiana was strolling through the east which is doubtful cause that's Duma Faithful territory. Do not ask how a man drifted unconscious through all that distance.

The thought dawned on me earlier this evening, Camus didn't drift.

He was rescued by an... angel? No. Sea dragon, who lives in an underwater kingdom. Whatever the affairs of the surface world, the seas witness all. The saline waters saturate themselves with the memories of the dry land. Blessed with their deep domain neither Man nor fellow Dragon can reach, the sea dragons of Mu live as impartial observers. A young maiden of the sea dragons broke the law of noninterference and secretly rescued Camus and brought him to the kingdom, placing one of her scales on his neck so he could survive underwater. And her scales have that much power, because she is the daughter of the royal prince of the Sea Dragons who died a long time ago, assassinated actually because the current king of Mu the maiden's granduncle wanted to usurp the throne. And she knows her granduncle's treason yet is powerless to undo it and has grown up in village on the outskirts of the kingdom hiding her real identity from all but her dearest confidants. As she slept another night in sorrow, she had a dream of a human of great promise who fell into the ocean, and the next day she set out to find him. Long story coming to a close, she enlisted Camus and his Gradivus to stop her granduncle's nefarious plans, which involved the creation of the Time Orb, with which he would've manipulated time as though a god. But by destroying the Time Orb, Camus accidentally threatened to forever distort time's flow beyond recognition. The secret princess however used her abilities to control the unleashed power of the Time Orb to keep prevent this from happening, she rewrote it so that the Time Dragons instead abolished their monarchy and became a republic after her grandfather's peaceful reign. She then teleported Camus's body to Valentia immediately after he fell into ocean -no drifting to Valentia- so as to keep him from affecting the affairs of his native Archanea as he could have otherwise. The altering of history meant his saving of Mu never happened, the removal of those memories induced his temporary amnesia although the amnesia was unintended. Alas, the princess would cease to exist as she knew herself in this timeline, she accepted that this meant she would forget Camus, yet she yearned to remain with him, and so it was that her longings caused her soul to splinter and incarnate a fragment of itself as a Valentian, a Rigelian to be precise.

This had to be what happened. It makes perfect sense.😄

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering it'd be 2000 years, plenty of time for that to happen. Alas, 2000 is too long for me to wrap my mind around fanfict writing up how it might have happened.

Considering New Mystery, I have a headcanon over how it could've started, at least.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He got the colors wrong, black-on-red, not red-on-black.

He also has yet to launch a giant asteroid onto Archanea to liberate humanity from the shackles of the bottom of the gravity well.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Camus or Zeke, the three BSFE Grust boys will follow him everywhere. If Tatiana needs a seat and there are none around, all Zeke has to say is "Chair." and one of his devoted manservants shall get on his knees so Tatiana may sit on his back.



For argument's sake, if I were in fact the Grustian general you claim I am, Sir Belf... 




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Started a new Echoes save file and I want you guys to decide what classes my villagers will be. My aim is Hard mode Blitzkrieg.

Gray: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Tobin: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Kliff: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Atlas: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Faye: Cleric, Mage, Cavalier or Pegasus Knight.

And I have 3 pitchforks, should I reclass someone? If yes, who?

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:


It's nice, but I don't know the context behind it, so I can't comment on it.

Isn't VS1 final map lever hell?

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

We had a cone-shaped spaceship materialize out of thin air in Sky but a cult is too unrealistic?

The problem isn't whether it's realistic or not, it's that Falcom keeps inserting supernatural elements where there's no need.

3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Anytime the question is asked people just go "No medieval no play"

There was a time when it was "No medieval Europe, no play".

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Gun Celica is something i never knew i needed.

Gimme IS

But what about the Gun Elise I once used as my pfp?

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Too slow

But that Fujin Yumi tho

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just me venting some depression is all! You can ignore all of the above!

Never! You are special and you will receive your due attention.

Also, what series are you watching about life on other planets? I wish we could venture to other planets, to see with our own eyes what wonders lie outside this blue trapped bubble...

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Remember to play the best 3H route afterwards, Azure Moon.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, welcome back? I'll admit I don't remember you... I think.

Such is the fate of those who change their usernames every 2 months.

But I keep putting "06" in the name, dammit!

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, Sumia. The first character I paired Robin with. She's very relatable, suffice to say. And the Robin supports are about books and reading! She's pretty too with a nice design. What wasn't to love.

Her supports with Chrom

23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

General Zeke, he is A CHAR.


15 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I have Mare (Law) and my other 2 are at level 2 only. Xd (I like choosing the morale choices, im sorry.)

At least it's not Grey, the worst one.

There's still hope, using optimal strategies you can get all 3 alignments to level 5 in the same playthrough. You need to become darkcosmo, now!

Besides, the sidequests are the best written in the franchise and the decisions with the most questionable morals have the most interesting payoff.

37 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Forgot to quote it, but who is Shizuna? (Not a route specific char i hope)


On 7/27/2022 at 7:03 PM, Doomer06 said:

Ikaruga. To unlock it you need to keep your Law and Chaos levels balanced. Shizuna is fun as hell to play in action mode and the route offers the greatest amount of lore alongside Ouroboros'. These two were the best.


I talked a little bit about my experience of the game with Lighchao, but it could be spoiler-y (at least is what he thinks)

47 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

But for Reverie, Burning Heart (Lloyd), Chrono Burst, and notgrailsphere can truck through any fight (also any EP formation such as Musse/Elie) 

The problem is when these are not available at the time, like Rean chapter 1...

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1 minute ago, Doomer06 said:


Started a new Echoes save file and I want you guys to decide what classes my villagers will be. My aim is Hard mode Blitzkrieg.

Gray: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Tobin: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Kliff: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Atlas: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Faye: Cleric, Mage, Cavalier or Pegasus Knight.

And I have 3 pitchforks, should I reclass someone? If yes, who?

In order, I've done this:

Mercenary, Archer, Mage, Mercenary, Pegasus Knight. So that's my recommendation too.

1 minute ago, Doomer06 said:

Such is the fate of those who change their usernames every 2 months.

But I keep putting "06" in the name, dammit!

Hmm... ... ... ... sorry.

1 minute ago, Doomer06 said:

Her supports with Chrom

Localization overdid it with the pies, yes. Japanese one was more normal-ish.

1 minute ago, Doomer06 said:


Hey, don't steal my joke.

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2 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Kliff: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.


3 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

And I have 3 pitchforks, should I reclass someone? If yes, who?

Lukas to villager/merc after letting him promote to knight/baron.

Yes I do enjoy some multi dread fighter shenanigans.

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23 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Also, what series are you watching about life on other planets?

Oh, nothing particularly great- Alien Worlds. I was merely looking for a way to keep myself entertained for 45 minutes to make the walking go by faster. 

Just four episodes, and the last was more about the idea of a highly intelligent civilization having to colonize another planet. Alternated in each episode between snippets of theoretical life on another planet, and instances of life here on Earth that would be relatable. The number of theoretical lifeforms on other planets they included in each episode was also pretty low, less of the fantasy I was expecting it to be.

It passed the time, and I learned a bit, so not bad. But it wasn't as bewildering as I was expecting it to be, I thought it would be relatively light on science, high on spectacle. I would imagine YouTube has more of this life on other planets stuff, although I've never dived in the rabbit hole of YouTube and what's actually good/accurate on there.

28 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Gray: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Tobin: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Kliff: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Atlas: Mercenary, Soldier, Archer, Mage or Cavalier.

Faye: Cleric, Mage, Cavalier or Pegasus Knight.

Archer, Mercenary, Cavalier, Mage, Mage.

A bunch of these are suboptimal b/c I felt like that.

My more optimal suggestions if you think you'd need it for Blitzkrieg would be: Archer, Mage, Mercenary, Mage (b/c second user of Rescue, if you could get Atlas that leveled), Cleric.

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The End of Shadows of Valentia: Part 2


Alright it took a shit ton of backtracking and takis fuego but I made it back.




This is literally just Marth's falchion and you cannot convince me otherwise.


I know goddesses having green hair is a common motif, especially since she's described as the Earth mother but still.

Mila, Naga, Sothis, what ever other green haired goddess there is have to be related.


So I guess that disproves my theory that Alm and Celica are descendants of these gods.

...Unless the story is implying incest, which to be fair is a very Fire Emblem thing to do.


How many gods did Naga need to sever to carve blades from her fangs so much?


So let me get this straight. Naga gave Duma, the god she knew was going to turn into a raging mad beast, the only weapon that could defeat him, somehow knowing it would end up in the hands of mankind anyway?

Is that correct? Or did I miss a line of text?


Didn't Alm not listen to a single word Celica said to him this entire game.


So the game is giving me Celica's army back, but since I can't go back to the statue of Mila they wont let me promote the many soldiers that can be promoted.

This game is terrible.


So the story is that mankind wants to get rid of the gods and live off their own free will.

Alright SoV, I see you. Doesn't erase my earlier gripes but it's still a much better message then what I thought you were going for.


Well you would be, fighting the Shadow Dragon and all.


Oh god he really is Camus.



This is a good final boss theme to be sure, but I don't know if it's better than God Shattering Star or Id Purpose.



Jedah has reached maximum scooby-doo villain levels.


So like, if Duma can grant Jedah a gift that nullifies all damage, including damage done by Falchion, why doesn't Duma just put that power onto himself?






Ah, this level is too difficult! I can't bare it any longer, it's hopeless!

Wh-What's that sound I hear? I hear voices! The voices of my comrades are calling out to me!

7 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Good luck, friend!

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Good luck.

I'm open if you need any suggestions.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please enjoy the grand finale!

7 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

best of luck fam

best final map theme in the series, hands down

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I hope it's enjoyable for you.😀


6 hours ago, Doomer06 said:

Good luck. Final boss has a long range laser attack.

This-This newfound strength...

Yes, I will defeat Duma, I will bring an end to this war. With my friends at my side, anything is possible!








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23 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This is literally just Marth's falchion and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Same origin, but not the same sword.


I know goddesses having green hair is a common motif, especially since she's described as the Earth mother but still.

Mila, Naga, Sothis, what ever other green haired goddess there is have to be related.

Nah, just dragons. The one actual goddess in FE is instead red-orange haired.


So I guess that disproves my theory that Alm and Celica are descendants of these gods.

...Unless the story is implying incest, which to be fair is a very Fire Emblem thing to do.

Okay, so, basically, what is going on here is that dragons can give their blood to humans. This gives the human a big power boost, as well as a brand somewhere on their bodies to indicate their blood has the power of dragons coursing through their veins. You see, long before the start of the game, a Pirate Nation rose in eastern Valentia. The local Valentians fought with the aid of Duma and Mila. During this conflict, two individuals would distinguish themselves to catch the dragon siblings' eye. Rigel and Zofia. Thus, they decided to make blood pacts with them. These blood pacts not only carry power, but can also bind artifacts and abilities as well so only those with the blessed bloodline can use them. For Duma that was Falchion, for Mila that was the Ragnarok spell (though this one can still be taught, since Zofia taught it to Luthier and Delthea's ancestor and it also got passed down). Rigel is Alm's ancestor, Zofia is Celica's ancestor.

So you see, their bloodlines were not created special. They became special because Rigel and Zofia worked hard to earn Duma and Mila's blood blessings. They rose far beyond their station through hard work. And thus Berkut and Fernand once again get proven wrong.


How many gods did Naga need to sever to carve blades from her fangs so much?

Just two, technically three. Medeus, Duma, and Loptyr. The last one didn't require turning a third fang into a sword. That was something else, but you'd need to play Genealogy to know the full details.


So let me get this straight. Naga gave Duma, the god she knew was going to turn into a raging mad beast, the only weapon that could defeat him, somehow knowing it would end up in the hands of mankind anyway?

Is that correct? Or did I miss a line of text?

Basically this. Naga had the premonition that ruin would come to dragonkind, but didn't knew exactly what sort of ruin, and Duma and Mila were not going to be exceptions (maybe if they knew to turn into Manaketes, but no word ever reached them about it). It was the mental degeneration. As such, she gave them a Kingsfang/Falchion to give to the locals of whatever land they ended at, so they had the means to defeat them should the need arise. Whether due to the prophesized ruins or some other reason.

Problem is, Duma binded the Falchion to his blessed bloodline, thus limiting who can use it. Not unlike how Gotoh binded the other Falchion to Anri and his descendants, like Marth. This is why when Rudolf imprisoned Mila in the Falchion, Mila sealed the Falchion in return, so it couldn't be used against her brother, despite him being mad and ordering the destruction of Zofia. So she was dooming Valentia to ruin. Jedah wasn't wrong about that either.


So the game is giving me Celica's army back, but since I can't go back to the statue of Mila they wont let me promote the many soldiers that can be promoted.

This game is terrible.

And this is the last part I talked about Celica in Gaiden. She is simply still with her army, fighting off the Terrors and Duma Faithful.

So to wit. In Gaiden, Celica is only ever a Damsel in Distress once. However, this comes to be because she saved Alm and his army from necrodragons. Then, she wasn't put in a cell, or brainwashed. She remained fighting alongside her comrades against Jedah and his forces. So simply put, Gaiden treats Celica much better than SoV does. That's... quite something, yeah.

Also fun fact. In Gaiden, Celica's party can die if you take too long to reach them. They'd lose HP for every X steps or so you did, randomly however.


So the story is that mankind wants to get rid of the gods and live off their own free will.

Alright SoV, I see you. Doesn't erase my earlier gripes but it's still a much better message then what I thought you were going for.

SoV adds the whole "the gods are going mad so we must also put them out of their misery"... but yes, this is a theme in both Gaiden and SoV. Though of course in the former it's simpler since, again, the madness thing isn't a thing.


So like, if Duma can grant Jedah a gift that nullifies all damage, including damage done by Falchion, why doesn't Duma just put that power onto himself?

Likely a loophole. Falchion is effective against all dragons, because it comes from Naga, who is more powerful than Duma. But Jedah is human, so Falchion is just a sword to him. So that technically means the barrier can protect him but not Duma...? I don't know.


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Also fun fact, due to how it was coded in Gaiden, Nosferatu can bypass Duma's damage immunity, not just Falchion. This was kept in the remake even though it makes no sense and it was basically a glitch in Gaiden.

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The End of Shadows of Valentia: Part 3


If Celica's the wisdom person, should she lead the kingdom while Alm becomes the captain of the guard or something?



Yeah I wanted to use her more, but I got her too late into the game.


Fuck Conrad




He was probably my favorite character in the game. Best voice acting too.


Did I atone for my sins?


Best game ever. Ten outta ten.


"And weirdly enough, he dyed his hair white and became the protagonist of Fire Emblem Fates"

"...Er, in the Japanese version at least"


You weren't kidding. They do canonically fuck a lot.


What the fuck.


Oh, so they're like co-rulers.

Alright, fair enough SoV.

Knowing medieval dynasties though, that good peace is going to end minutes after Alm and Celica die.


Hey look, it's my favorite Awakening map.


I failed to capture it in time but oh man, seeing the two of them as adults is a very nice touch, SoV.

And that's the end of Shadows of Valentia! Of course I still have the post game but I think I've already deducted my final verdict on this game as a whole, which I'll tomorrow likely.

I've also already decided on what the next game in the franchise I'll play, but until then I'll keep it a...mystery.

34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, so, basically, what is going on here is that dragons can give their blood to humans. This gives the human a big power boost, as well as a brand somewhere on their bodies to indicate their blood has the power of dragons coursing through their veins. You see, long before the start of the game, a Pirate Nation rose in eastern Valentia. The local Valentians fought with the aid of Duma and Mila. During this conflict, two individuals would distinguish themselves to catch the dragon siblings' eye. Rigel and Zofia. Thus, they decided to make blood pacts with them. These blood pacts not only carry power, but can also bind artifacts and abilities as well so only those with the blessed bloodline can use them. For Duma that was Falchion, for Mila that was the Ragnarok spell (though this one can still be taught, since Zofia taught it to Luthier and Delthea's ancestor and it also got passed down). Rigel is Alm's ancestor, Zofia is Celica's ancestor.

So you see, their bloodlines were not created special. They became special because Rigel and Zofia worked hard to earn Duma and Mila's blood blessings. They rose far beyond their station through hard work. And thus Berkut and Fernand once again get proven wrong.

Just two, technically three. Medeus, Duma, and Loptyr. The last one didn't require turning a third fang into a sword. That was something else, but you'd need to play Genealogy to know the full details.

Basically this. Naga had the premonition that ruin would come to dragonkind, but didn't knew exactly what sort of ruin, and Duma and Mila were not going to be exceptions (maybe if they knew to turn into Manaketes, but no word ever reached them about it). It was the mental degeneration. As such, she gave them a Kingsfang/Falchion to give to the locals of whatever land they ended at, so they had the means to defeat them should the need arise. Whether due to the prophesized ruins or some other reason.

Problem is, Duma binded the Falchion to his blessed bloodline, thus limiting who can use it. Not unlike how Gotoh binded the other Falchion to Anri and his descendants, like Marth. This is why when Rudolf imprisoned Mila in the Falchion, Mila sealed the Falchion in return, so it couldn't be used against her brother, despite him being mad and ordering the destruction of Zofia. So she was dooming Valentia to ruin. Jedah wasn't wrong about that either.

And this is the last part I talked about Celica in Gaiden. She is simply still with her army, fighting off the Terrors and Duma Faithful.

So to wit. In Gaiden, Celica is only ever a Damsel in Distress once. However, this comes to be because she saved Alm and his army from necrodragons. Then, she wasn't put in a cell, or brainwashed. She remained fighting alongside her comrades against Jedah and his forces. So simply put, Gaiden treats Celica much better than SoV does. That's... quite something, yeah.

39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If you want more info, you can check the official timeline shown in the Valentian Accordion:



I'll give my story review soon enough but thank you for this.

41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also fun fact, due to how it was coded in Gaiden, Nosferatu can bypass Duma's damage immunity, not just Falchion. This was kept in the remake even though it makes no sense and it was basically a glitch in Gaiden.

Hah, how curious. I heard the development was handled by someone who was overly found of the original Gaiden, I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

have Reflect and Invisibility on him, I want him to be even more broken.

Well yeah, so do I lol

The invisibility spark even boosts dash damage, like it was designed to go with Luigi's jump upgrade.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Damn, I wouldn't be able to exploit it for movement.

How do you think I found out haha

8 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Fire Emblem fans would literally go Z-chan on IS' ass if they try to do something not medieval.

Anytime the question is asked people just go "No medieval no play"

People might be worried that they might go full high school harem (Persona) if they set a game in modern times.

Personally, I don't care. Give me good gameplay, I want nothing else from this series.

7 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I might actually use Setsuna


Shrimpy gains good taste.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

These two were definitely banging each other's brains out and there's no possible way you can convince me otherwise.

Accidental gay ships are the best ships. Kaga is only capable of writing a good romance when it's between men and he doesn't even mean it.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh Jesus that makes- How many times has Celica been damseled at this point? I've lost count.


Actually it was enough way back in act 1, but...

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

To be continued...

Fun, eh? It's almost like forcing a protagonist solo in a game where the protagonist is not guaranteed to be up to speed is a bad idea.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Saint Rubenio i found it. The one bad map in the entire game.

Hahahha! Oh yeah, I saw that one. I'm still scratching my head wondering what happened here. 

Also, I love how in the video your characters are actually further away from the win zone than at the start. Did you just not realize victory was within reach to begin with?

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Wh-What's that sound I hear? I hear voices! The voices of my comrades are calling out to me!

Good thing I didn't think to mention that I have not beaten this game.

After 40 minutes of absolute tedium, moving one tile at a time while Genny covered the army with summons, Alm made it to Duma. Then Celica got one-rounded by a sperm. The turnwheel doesn't work in lord deaths.

I believe my exact words were "your mother's going to do all that again"

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Celica's the wisdom person, should she lead the kingdom while Alm becomes the captain of the guard or something?

No but man. C'mon, Quetzal, think of the traditional values.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Fuck Conrad

Fuck Conrad

You really didn't give me enough chances to say that.

EDIT: FUCK i missed one when you pointed out he's still wearing the Lucina mask.

Well, better late than never.

Fuck Conrad

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

And that's the end of Shadows of Valentia! Of course I still have the post game but I think I've already deducted my final verdict on this game as a whole, which I'll tomorrow likely.

Will look forward to it!


I've also already decided on what the next game in the franchise I'll play, but until then I'll keep it a...mystery.

Oh dear

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I dunno why, but I simply can't get back into Fire Emblem again. The last time I've so much as touched an FE game was months ago. I thought buying FE3H would reignite a spark in me but... I can't just play strategy rpgs like I used to. I played a bit of Phantom Brave on the Wii, but I couldn't get into the groove then either. Honestly, the only things I've been doing is doing is my work, play Pokemon Unite, and work on my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EOS romhack. I'm pretty sure at this point Pokemon is really the only franchise I've been playing consistently, but it's always been old reliable anyway. I'm pretty sure this was the greatest period of Video Game stagnation in my life, which stinks because I know I'll grow weary of Pokemon Unite eventually, be it in a month or more, and I don't have anything else when it comes to Video Games.

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12 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

I dunno why, but I simply can't get back into Fire Emblem again. The last time I've so much as touched an FE game was months ago. I thought buying FE3H would reignite a spark in me but... I can't just play strategy rpgs like I used to. I played a bit of Phantom Brave on the Wii, but I couldn't get into the groove then either. Honestly, the only things I've been doing is doing is my work, play Pokemon Unite, and work on my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EOS romhack. I'm pretty sure at this point Pokemon is really the only franchise I've been playing consistently, but it's always been old reliable anyway. I'm pretty sure this was the greatest period of Video Game stagnation in my life, which stinks because I know I'll grow weary of Pokemon Unite eventually, be it in a month or more, and I don't have anything else when it comes to Video Games.

Hey, that's okay. Stuff like this happens. It's probably time to try out some other hobbies, see if anything else sticks. Do you have any other hobbies you enjoy as much as videogames?

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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

People might be worried that they might go full high school harem (Persona) if they set a game in modern times.

Personally, I don't care. Give me good gameplay, I want nothing else from this series.

That ship pretty much sailed when Stahl whined in front of his liege about how no one woke him up so he would be there in time for that whole "war" thing.
If it hadn't, it would have sailed when Sumia publicly slapped her liege.
The paintjob on this cartoony highschool bullcrap couldn't have been any more thinner. Only thing it was missing was a beach episode. Which they added.

Also, FE1 was ancient Rome themed. And when Awakening's art actually resembles something, there is a certain Victorian era visible. Credit where credit is due, this actually matches up rather nicely with the supposed 2000 year time gap.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've also already decided on what the next game in the franchise I'll play, but until then I'll keep it a...mystery.

Gosh, I wonder if it has some mysterious dude with a mask on in it.

...no, actually, I wonder how many mysterious dudes with a mask on there will be.


Assuming there will be two mysterious dudes with a mask on, I expect Fighter!Yubello to be used. Otherwise, I shall make chicken noises to mock your cowardice. Which you won't hear, but you should know that I would have made them.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I believe my exact words were "your mother's going to do all that again"

Spanish is such a beautiful language.

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I guess one other constant has also been reading, but I tend to have hyper specific tastes that change around at the drop of a hat. I'm far, far too liable to switch up on what I enjoy, but that usually meant I had a nice stream of stuff I focus on, with my interests ebbing and flowing, but so far I've exclusively been ebbing. I dunno, maybe this just a rough spot in my hyperfixation cycle and I'll be back to FEH posting or playing FE3H in a few more months.

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Just now, ping said:


Oh wait, you can't do that on a first playthrough. Aw man, his default reclass options all suck :(

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You know one thing British politics do right?

The cats.

Politics would be so much more pleasant if every country had cats watching over their government institutions.

Like, I'm not even British and I want to vote Larry for prime minister.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

That ship pretty much sailed when Stahl whined in front of his liege about how no one woke him up so he would be there in time for that whole "war" thing.
If it hadn't, it would have sailed when Sumia publicly slapped her liege.
The paintjob on this cartoony highschool bullcrap couldn't have been any more thinner. Only thing it was missing was a beach episode. Which they added.

It definitely would've sailed when Sumia brutally broke her face against the hard ground and everyone just laughed it off and called her clumsy.

...no seriously, I get it's supposed to be lighthearted slapstick, but I always found the way she falls to be absolutely horrid. It actually looks and feels like it would cause fracture. Sheesh. Make her comically fall on her ass or something.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Also, FE1 was ancient Rome themed. And when Awakening's art actually resembles something, there is a certain Victorian era visible. Credit where credit is due, this actually matches up rather nicely with the supposed 2000 year time gap.

I never noticed. That's rather neat.

1 minute ago, ping said:

Gosh, I wonder if it has some mysterious dude with a mask on in it.

...no, actually, I wonder how many mysterious dudes with a mask on there will be.


Assuming there will be two mysterious dudes with a mask on, I expect Fighter!Yubello to be used. Otherwise, I shall make chicken noises to mock your cowardice. Which you won't hear, but you should know that I would have made them.

Fighter!Yubello unfortunately requires a save file with class sets unlocked.

1 minute ago, ping said:

Spanish is such a beautiful language.

Hah! To be fair, that was my reaction on the thread, which was in English. But then, I just translated my actual reaction, so...

1 minute ago, FlyingKitsune said:

I guess one other constant has also been reading, but I tend to have hyper specific tastes that change around at the drop of a hat. I'm far, far too liable to switch up on what I enjoy, but that usually meant I had a nice stream of stuff I focus on, with my interests ebbing and flowing, but so far I've exclusively been ebbing. I dunno, maybe this just a rough spot in my hyperfixation cycle and I'll be back to FEH posting or playing FE3H in a few more months.

That's possible too. Still variety is the spice of life. Nothing wrong with switching things up, I'd say.

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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Accidental gay ships are the best ships. Kaga is only capable of writing a good romance when it's between men and he doesn't even mean it.

Fernand wasn't in Gaiden. Point still stands, of course.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Actually it was enough way back in act 1, but...

Most certainly more often then the "once... sorta" from the original.

Back then it was really more a matter of Alm providing reinforcements. Celica could not push past the regenerating mogalls and Jedah's defenses.
I mean, I wouldn't call her being a damsel while she still has a sword in her hand. But of course there was no ambiguity that she was fighting a losing battle.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

It definitely would've sailed when Sumia brutally broke her face against the hard ground and everyone just laughed it off and called her clumsy.

...no seriously, I get it's supposed to be lighthearted slapstick, but I always found the way she falls to be absolutely horrid. It actually looks and feels like it would cause fracture. Sheesh. Make her comically fall on her ass or something.

Oh god, right?

Like, holy fuck, how dare they call themselves her friends? They obviously don't give a shit if she dies. She literally can't walk in a straight line and they think letting her on the battlefield is just okie doki. Fuck those guys.

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46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Accidental gay ships are the best ships. Kaga is only capable of writing a good romance when it's between men and he doesn't even mean it.

Reminds me of a post I saw once of a person talking about how their favorite genre of media was the hyper masculine stuff that's too homophobic to admit it's gay but is filled to the brim with homoerotic tension.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good thing I didn't think to mention that I have not beaten this game.

After 40 minutes of absolute tedium, moving one tile at a time while Genny covered the army with summons, Alm made it to Duma. Then Celica got one-rounded by a sperm. The turnwheel doesn't work in lord deaths.

Oh wow, ahahaha!

Honestly, I was close to doing similar things during this run.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No but man. C'mon, Quetzal, think of the traditional values.

We just killed god, gender roles are next.

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuck Conrad

You really didn't give me enough chances to say that.

EDIT: FUCK i missed one when you pointed out he's still wearing the Lucina mask.

Well, better late than never.

Fuck Conrad

Tsk tsk tsk.

Hmm, I'm not sure whether to commend you or not seeing as you missed it at first but fixed it later.

Tell you what, I'm going to use Conrad in post game and sneakily hide him in various screenshots, if you can managed to catch and curse each one, I will use your favorite unit in MoTE.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh dear

I was originally going to actually keep it secret but as I was writing it i just could not resist the pun.

16 minutes ago, ping said:

Gosh, I wonder if it has some mysterious dude with a mask on in it.

...no, actually, I wonder how many mysterious dudes with a mask on there will be.


Assuming there will be two mysterious dudes with a mask on, I expect Fighter!Yubello to be used. Otherwise, I shall make chicken noises to mock your cowardice. Which you won't hear, but you should know that I would have made them.

I was actually planning on playing the original MoTE first, seeing as how up until now I've played all the remakes but none of the originals before hand and I'd like to change that with Mystery and see how playing the original will effect my views of the remake instead of vice versa for the other games.

Unless of course you folks object to that and say it would be best for me to just play the remake.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It definitely would've sailed when Sumia brutally broke her face against the hard ground and everyone just laughed it off and called her clumsy.

...no seriously, I get it's supposed to be lighthearted slapstick, but I always found the way she falls to be absolutely horrid. It actually looks and feels like it would cause fracture. Sheesh. Make her comically fall on her ass or something.

11 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Oh god, right?

Like, holy fuck, how dare they call themselves her friends? They obviously don't give a shit if she dies. She literally can't walk in a straight line and they think letting her on the battlefield is just okie doki. Fuck those guys.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Sumia gets nothing but concern from her friends when she tumbles. Chrom always asked if she was alright and even lets her stay behind and not fight, only to jump into the fray on her own will the next chapter.

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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but Sumia gets nothing but concern from her friends when she tumbles. Chrom always asked if she was alright and even lets her stay behind and not fight, only to jump into the fray on her own will the next chapter.

She falls flat on her face twice in the same scene. There is no ambiguity that on the battlefield she is a liability and a threat both to her comrades and to herself.

As Titania put it: "The life we’ve chosen…It does not forgive even the smallest error. Such a lapse means…someone dies."

Yet no one tells her the simple truth that she shouldn't be in the military at all. Or whatever the "Shepherds" are supposed to be. Might as well just be Chrom and his drinking buddies playing militia, with the way they are presented.
Instead Chrom tells her that "some lessons can only be learned on the battlefield". Yeah, I don't think this is something she should have to worry about while she is still incapable of taking three steps without risking a concussion. Maybe worry about combat lessons once that little hurdle is dealt with.

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9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

She falls flat on her face twice in the same scene. There is no ambiguity that on the battlefield she is a liability and a threat both to her comrades and to herself.

As Titania put it: "The life we’ve chosen…It does not forgive even the smallest error. Such a lapse means…someone dies."

Yet no one tells her the simple truth that she shouldn't be in the military at all. Or whatever the "Shepherds" are supposed to be. Might as well just be Chrom and his drinking buddies playing militia, with the way they are presented.
Instead Chrom tells her that "some lessons can only be learned on the battlefield". Yeah, I don't think this is something she should have to worry about while she is still incapable of taking three steps without risking a concussion. Maybe worry about combat lessons once that little hurdle is dealt with.

That's why she's a pegasus knight. Similar to Cordelia's reasoning, Sumia is bad on her feet but fine with a lance, so she relies on her mount to travel across the battlefield.

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