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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


You are my slave now

There is no Uno reverse card or whatever the crazy kids say today to save you soul Shrimpy. You blasphemed against the Holy Trinity, thus your soul is forfeited to me.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Super charming pixel art vs. detailed low-saturation cardboard


Eh, I know I'm in the minority here, but I like DSFE's artstyle, while FE3 (and 4) have the ugliest pixel art in the entire series. In my humble opinion, of course.

10 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Imagine FE support system, BUT

Protag only. No one else get's anything with other characters. Only with MC-kun

FE12 then? I can't say I care that much there


Also more dating and romance focused.

Fates then? I can't say I care much there

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

*Comes back from dinner

I see Teehee's going mad over there.


We need the return of the bonk.

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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:


Yes, Shrimpy, laugh. Laugh while your soul is ripped from your body. Laugh as the numbness spreads across you. Laugh while the darkness swallows your consciousness. Laugh will your skeleton is picked clean. You’ll make for an awesome spectacle, a laughing corpse is hard to come by nowadays.

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3 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Yes, Shrimpy, laugh. Laugh while your soul is ripped from your body. Laugh as the numbness spreads across you. Laugh while the darkness swallows your consciousness. Laugh will your skeleton is picked clean. You’ll make for an awesome spectacle, a laughing corpse is hard to come by nowadays.


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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Bright eyes, burning like fire 
bright eyes, how can you close and fail? 
How can the light that burned so brightly
suddenly burn so pale? Bright eyes.

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:



27 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Oh no.

I think I recognize this character.

I've been on the internet too much it seems

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7 minutes ago, Benice said:

Oh no.

I think I recognize this character.



7 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:



4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Rabbid Mario when you unlock his "can move after attacking" skill

He gets Canto eh?

And so does Sigurd, Mario BBQ confirmed?

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2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

He gets Canto eh?

Yes but considering this game, Canto wishes it was this broken.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

nd so does Sigurd, Mario BBQ confirmed

There is a fire meteor Spark.

Which reminds me @Saint Rubenio that came in clutch during the train fight. I lined myself up so that the meteors hit the five set of eyes and then Mario used his two shots to take out the remaining two on the other end.

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7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Listen, in my defense-

...Actually, I'm not certain that I have one.

I need Saul Goodman to save me

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We need the return of the bonk.


47 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I had no idea that Ping worked as an artist for IS.


Best I could do, but I think my collegues iterated on that initial draft quite nicely.

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This is why I haven't gotten bored with this website yet. It's meant to keep the chaotic people busy, and I can tell that it seems to be working. I always feel drawn back to see what chaos is unfolding.


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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Why are you so scared?

I am a merciful father Ü

I'm glad you approve of my choice of waifu, I think?

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is time that I give the final verdict of Shadows of Valentia.


It has not budged from it's original position.

This is not because my opinion of it remained unchanged, no no no, it is in fact because my opinion has changed so incredibly drastically that it has looped all the way around to slot into this tier on the list.

First and foremost, the story. To address the elephant in the room, it is very sexist. Celica being damseled not once, not twice, not thrice but four damn times with a bonus fifth time if you count Nuibaba faking her being damseled with her strong male savior Alm getting an endless amount of Hero worship through most of the game.

Now the beginning of the story I absolutely loved, it's all I want from a Fire Emblem story. Political intrigue, lots of international conflict and lots little details that make the world feel alive. However all of this goes downhill pretty quickly once you reach Rigel. The first few acts were about Zofia and the various conflicts that shaped how it ended up today. The remaining acts should've been about Rigel and how the people have always lived without Mila's bounty, or how the Duma faithful became the terrible cult it is. International and religious conflict is almost non-existent with only a few passing mentions, and we never get to learn in game much about the relationship between the church and state. Halcyon mentions being part of the original Duma faithful but that's all we hear of it, and Nuibaba mentions something about rivaling against Jedah but that gets silenced quickly after she dies. King Rudolf's death happens far too quickly, and in the game that already had a few filler chapters I feel that could've been used to flesh him and other parts of Rigel more. Had Alm, or the audience, knew that Rudolf before his death I feel that it would've hit much harder when he did croak.

When it comes to Celica and Alm, I almost wish there was an actual division between the two. From the very beginning of the game I noticed hints of the two growing up to fight against each other just as Duma and Mila did before them, all we get of that though is a few minor disagreements that ultimately don't change how they feel about each other and a single shock value moment when Alm stabs Celica in the chest no different from when Robin "kills" Chrom in Awakening.

Which by the way, if something is different in the original Gaiden, I do not car- well I do care just...it doesn't change my rating here.

Berkut and Ferdinand's  deaths also serve no purpose, they honestly feel like they both exist because the writers didn't know what to do with them in a story that didn't originally have them so they shoved them in the fridge to make more important characters feel bad for a couple seconds.

Now the gameplay

I, uh, both hated it and liked it.

For the most part it was okay, but a lot of times it got downright frustrating. The EXP sink is insane and I don't like how the game almost holds you hostage to grind. I didn't find much interesting play out of the combat arts either as most the time I'd only use them to guarantee a hit, and while the game is definitely built around the fact that units can only hold one item, it sure as hell made me wish they could at least hold two so that they had food on them.

So yeah, high B tier, it's not the same high B tier it was originally but it's high B nonetheless.


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