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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


  • Acacia Sgt


  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Got some gift cards for steam for birthday gifts! What to spend them on... Xd

Get B. Saga, when it goes on sale next week.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Get SRW 30... *shot*

2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Freedom Planet 2.
Or Freedom Planet.


Get B. Saga

FE fans: "One-dimensional characters are bad"

Also FE fans:

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Got some gift cards for steam for birthday gifts! What to spend them on... Xd

That's a way to sneak in a birthday announcement, happy birthday!

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Just a little dig at how predictable we all are whenever someone utters the phrase "I wonder what to play next" haha. I meant no offense. Heck I've never even heard you say such a thing, I just couldn't resist

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just a little dig at how predictable we all are whenever someone utters the phrase "I wonder what to play next" haha. I meant no offense. Heck I've never even heard you say such a thing, I just couldn't resist

Ah, you were referring to that.

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, you were referring to that.

Yeah, seeing so many obvious reactions from us together, I figured I had to bring up a classic FE fan stereotype. Quick everyone act really positive so I can make the same joke with the "FE fans hate FE" trope

4 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

@lightcosmo Time for Ys!

By Ys, I assume you mean "Yeah (B.) Saga"

I agree, by the way.

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I'm just in a good mood right now. It's been a good day. Who would've thought dentist day would turn out to be so awesome. One of my bosses who is retiring invited me and a fellow intern to his goodbye party, where we ate our fill, the dentist was fairly painless, I ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in a long time after and to top it all off, I managed to park my car parallel in a tight spot. Shut up I know that's not impressive, but I'm garbage at parking so I'm proud of me.

Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Engage best designs



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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, seeing so many obvious reactions from us together, I figured I had to bring up a classic FE fan stereotype. Quick everyone act really positive so I can make the same joke with the "FE fans hate FE" trope

Path of Radiance gameplay good.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, seeing so many obvious reactions from us together, I figured I had to bring up a classic FE fan stereotype. Quick everyone act really positive so I can make the same joke with the "FE fans hate FE" trope

Haha, well, for me it'd be either SRW or Another Eden, but you don't need to buy the latter, so...

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7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Path of Radiance gameplay good.

It also has some pretty baller designs. Tauroneo, for instance. Tauroneo is awesome. I wish I had half the stache he has. I also like his name. Tauroneo. Something about it is just satisfying to pronounce. Maybe because I pronounce it wrong lol, I spanishize it and say it like "tah-oo-roh-neh-o". Also Titania. Titania's hair is a work of art.









6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Haha, well, for me it'd be either SRW or Another Eden, but you don't need to buy the latter, so...

That's true enough.

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Happy birdday @lightcosmo!


31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just a little dig at how predictable we all are whenever someone utters the phrase "I wonder what to play next" haha. I meant no offense. Heck I've never even heard you say such a thing, I just couldn't resist

What game do you guess I would recommend? You might get a cookie if you get it right.

16 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

This is real

How does this fit into the Toy Story timeline?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It also has some pretty baller designs. Tauroneo, for instance. Tauroneo is awesome. I wish I had half the stache he has. I also like his name. Tauroneo. Something about it is just satisfying to pronounce. Maybe because I pronounce it wrong lol, I spanishize it and say it like "tah-oo-roh-neh-o". Also Titania. Titania's hair is a work of art.

You're not that far-off actually. Tauroneo in Japan is タウロニオ, as in, Tauronio. Which is why it's Neo since in English it'd be pronounced like how we in Spanish would do if it was Nio.


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I never realized the Etrian Odyssey Super Arranges were official -albeit rearranged by different people other than Yuzo Koshiro- so I never gave them a listen. They're... inconsistent and wildly different it seems, listening to a few.

(When I get to 3DS emulation, I'll see if EO can still be fun. Only one save file in IV means I haven't wanted to NG+ it for a second run.)

But, I can't deny this one is awesome!😄:

@Imperator Squilla Do ya think this version would be fast-paced, hardcore, and overall suitable enough for a Ys boss battle? Or is still too slow & soft? It is by the one of the two original Ys composers. That made think it might be suitable if X's soundtrack is lacking and you don't want to replace with same-old, same old.

And would this work for maybe a dungeon, Shrimpy? Can't see it fitting a Ys boss.


3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

(Play B2W2, figure out how the Chosen'd fit in that narrative)

Actually, while I’m not sure if I ever fleshed out what happened between flying away and this next point, I now remember (unless it's a false memory) that I did have him and N meet again in the post-story. Since endless indefinite shapeshifting was possible for the Chosen of Pokemon, he did at some point meet N again in Pokemon disguise, tagged around for a while (which leaves me now pondering all these years later how I thought he would able to hide his true nature from N's sixth Pokemon Whisperer sense), only for some emergency moment where they retook their human form. What was said at this point, if I planned any of that in detail, isn’t remembered by me, nor what happened after. I'm not good at all at finishing stories, and I'm more of the "write several key moments first, not start with one point and let everything organically result from there" person, so once I've made enough of those moments, the rest never comes together.

I could play B2, it's sitting in my closet right now, always has been since its release. But I've never once played it. The Internet introduced me to competitive battling, I couldn't get into it, but I couldn't get it out of my perspective either. I also realized I'm a "maingame/short-term postgame" Pokemon fan, things like the Battle Frontier can't hold my long-term interest. Thus it came to be after B&W that Pokemon "lost its charm" for me. After having departed from the franchise for so long, barring one GBC Blue version run I did... IDK how many years ago, and the disillusionment with the quality of the current games, getting back into Pokemon now ...it'd be impossible to recapture the magic of extended childhood. Whether any kind of magic at all could be kindled is another difficult question, or if I should at least return to the oldies 🐬ing Colosseum and then booting up the old GameCube for XD could be a thing.


3 hours ago, Green06 said:

t has pretty boys


...I mean given time I might be to come to like it, I would like to consider myself adaptable and easygoing enough for that, I got used to SoS: FoMT's redesigns. But, this aesthetic displeases me greatly upfront at least. I don't screw around with people who've made their faces extra flat even for 2D by doing too many drugs.


2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Got some gift cards for steam for birthday gifts! What to spend them on... Xd

Happy birthday!🎂🎉

28 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


@lightcosmo Time for Ys!

...I'll second this suggestion! Merely as a suggestion though, not as an evangelizing endorsement -with VIII as the starting point b/c it worked for me and it's great. Might be worth considering Falcom's Only Other Franchise. And I can't think of anything else to suggest.

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4 hours ago, Green06 said:

The guy with a Darkrai in D/P used cheats

True but I'll let it slide because Darkrai is my favorite Legendary. 

"Um actually, Darkrai is a mythi-" *gunshot*

No loss will ever be as bad as that one time Ash lost the League to a guy who forgot to bring a 6th Pokemon.

4 hours ago, Green06 said:

Infernape >>>>>>>>>> Asspull frog

Hard disagree because they spent like the good first half of XY&Z developing Ash-Greninja. It's not like he suddenly pulled it out during the League.

Ash-Greninja vs Mega Sceptile still GOATED too, unless you watched the English dub.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sure I often give my not-me special powers and circumstances

Who wouldn't too. It's something I've thought about and find a bit ironic. In stories, there's a criticism if a character is too strong or something, the worst cases get called self-insert or wish fulfillment. And yeah, I've used these criticisms before.

But hypothetically, if you were placed in a special situation like the guy in a story.... well I think being "too powerful" at least for me might've had me go "yeah this goes hard".

On the subject of Pokemon, I think I self-projected myself into the world through my experiences with the games. Just like how Ash travelled to every region, collecting Pokemon, I too did that, except instead of starting in Pallet Town in the Kanto Region, I started in Nuvema Town of the Unova Region. From there I went to Sinnioh -> back to Unova (BW2), Johto -> Kanto -> Kalos -> Hoenn -> Alola, and with each new Gen, every Pokemon I had caught and raised (which was like 15 boxes by the time of ORAS) was carried over to the next before my journey was forcibly ended by Game Freak decided that only Pokemon with Galarian and Paldean visas would be allowed from now on. I think that's why I reacted so strongly to Dexit.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Got some gift cards for steam for birthday gifts! What to spend them on... Xd

Yo Happy birthday.

You should get CrossCode.

40 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

ah, 2010 when the world was still alright and i still had all the hope in the world

2010s is also when Katy Perry condemned the entire music industry to damnation in the eternal abyss for at least half a century.

Everything bad that has happened in the world since 2010 is because we as a society allowed her to release California Girls. We deserve the punishment tbh.

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@ping Not to make light of the tourists' situation or the political situation in Peru, but this sound like a broken City Connection to me. At Machu Picchu.


13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Who wouldn't too. It's something I've thought about and find a bit ironic. In stories, there's a criticism if a character is too strong or something, the worst cases get called self-insert or wish fulfillment. And yeah, I've used these criticisms before.

But hypothetically, if you were placed in a special situation like the guy in a story.... well I think being "too powerful" at least for me might've had me go "yeah this goes hard".

"Absolute power absolutely corrupts" Armagon!

Which is why I tend to balance power with insecurity, instability, vulnerability, weakness, and or self-doubt. Be it in mind or body. Might be other reasons I like that.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On the subject of Pokemon, I think I self-projected myself into the world through my experiences with the games. Just like how Ash travelled to every region, collecting Pokemon, I too did that, except instead of starting in Pallet Town in the Kanto Region, I started in Nuvema Town of the Unova Region. From there I went to Sinnioh -> back to Unova (BW2), Johto -> Kanto -> Kalos -> Hoenn -> Alola, and with each new Gen, every Pokemon I had caught and raised (which was like 15 boxes by the time of ORAS) was carried over to the next before my journey was forcibly ended by Game Freak decided that only Pokemon with Galarian and Paldean visas would be allowed from now on. I think that's why I reacted so strongly to Dexit.


And lmao at the meeting of fan-tasy and developer mistakes. I getcha how that could leave you embittered. Maybe if I you weren't an Internet Friend of mine, I'd deem you petty in your complaint and tell you to get over it -maybe (the Bayo fans complaining about Bayo3 sinking BayoxJeanne don't seem entirely unjustified from a distance)- but since you are what you are to me, I getcha!😉

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36 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

What game do you guess I would recommend? You might get a cookie if you get it right.

You? Well, you aren't as quick on the uptake as some of us, so it's not quite as easy a guess, but uhhhhhhhh Xenoblade?

39 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Who wouldn't too. It's something I've thought about and find a bit ironic. In stories, there's a criticism if a character is too strong or something, the worst cases get called self-insert or wish fulfillment. And yeah, I've used these criticisms before.

But hypothetically, if you were placed in a special situation like the guy in a story.... well I think being "too powerful" at least for me might've had me go "yeah this goes hard".

Meanwhile me: Found a way to kill myself off in every single one of my LP

Though to be fair I also did write myself as heroic and sympathetic, so I guess it does check out.

...Until I completely murdered myself off-screen between TearRing and Berwick and only ever came back as a villain

Dang LPs were wild I tell ya

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Pokespe made me fall in love with Hoenn, a region (and games) that I never cared about

3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Formerly was mostly Ubuntu since 12.04 or something (No, I did do upgrades. so it wasn't just 12.04). Functionally Pop!OS complicated some things in terms of applications but I haven't ran into much worse than that since the change barring that encryption ID issue that came up in August and that was something new for me anyways.

But Pop!OS is based on Ubuntu, isn't it? Things should keep going on smoothly

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Got some gift cards for steam for birthday gifts!

Happy Birthday!

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

What to spend them on... Xd

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition on Steam

Review The Banner Saga | Reviews | TechTudo

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I'm feeling as much pain as you, Ruben

44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...I mean given time I might be to come to like it, I would like to consider myself adaptable and easygoing enough for that, I got used to SoS: FoMT's redesigns. But, this aesthetic displeases me greatly upfront at least. I don't screw around with people who've made their faces extra flat even for 2D by doing too many drugs.

It's a fanart, here's official art


46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No loss will ever be as bad as that one time Ash lost the League to a guy who forgot to bring a 6th Pokemon.

Unova in the anime was a fever dream

47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hard disagree because they spent like the good first half of XY&Z developing Ash-Greninja. It's not like he suddenly pulled it out during the League.

Yes, but they invented a new form for Greninja whereas in Infernape's case they just took a mechanic from the games and wrote the arc around it.

50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

2010s is also when Katy Perry condemned the entire music industry to damnation in the eternal abyss for at least half a century.


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45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually, while I’m not sure if I ever fleshed out what happened between flying away and this next point, I now remember (unless it's a false memory) that I did have him and N meet again in the post-story. Since endless indefinite shapeshifting was possible for the Chosen of Pokemon, he did at some point meet N again in Pokemon disguise, tagged around for a while (which leaves me now pondering all these years later how I thought he would able to hide his true nature from N's sixth Pokemon Whisperer sense), only for some emergency moment where they retook their human form. What was said at this point, if I planned any of that in detail, isn’t remembered by me, nor what happened after. I'm not good at all at finishing stories, and I'm more of the "write several key moments first, not start with one point and let everything organically result from there" person, so once I've made enough of those moments, the rest never comes together.

I could play B2, it's sitting in my closet right now, always has been since its release. But I've never once played it. The Internet introduced me to competitive battling, I couldn't get into it, but I couldn't get it out of my perspective either. I also realized I'm a "maingame/short-term postgame" Pokemon fan, things like the Battle Frontier can't hold my long-term interest. Thus it came to be after B&W that Pokemon "lost its charm" for me. After having departed from the franchise for so long, barring one GBC Blue version run I did... IDK how many years ago, and the disillusionment with the quality of the current games, getting back into Pokemon now ...it'd be impossible to recapture the magic of extended childhood. Whether any kind of magic at all could be kindled is another difficult question, or if I should at least return to the oldies 🐬ing Colosseum and then booting up the old GameCube for XD could be a thing.

Jeez I can relate to that last sentence. It's happened often enough in any story structuring. As for how they'd hide themselves, considering they're able to disguise themselves so adeptly as a mon maybe that does prove sufficient? Could be an asspull, but I dunno.

I'll say this: I think this game does that kind of game pretty well overall, improves on BW as a region in the main game, there's a tower with trainers with pokemon with actual high levels (> 75 by the end) and the new Frontier equivalent (Subway still exists) is a nostalgia suite in the PWT.

5 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


How are you feeling about the news of 40K getting a series which might make Cavill the Emperor?

1 minute ago, Green06 said:

But Pop!OS is based on Ubuntu, isn't it? Things should keep going on smoothly

It's always the little things in these situations.

They're few and far between, true.

2 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Unova in the anime was a fever dream


2 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Pokespe made me fall in love with Hoenn, a region (and games) that I never cared about

That explains some of the ORAS talk before.

I found a copy of the first volume in a thrift shop recently.

If I had an idea of how many other volumes I could find, I could consider getting them

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