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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

FE has been around for how long and lacks balance across the board, why would that change now? 

Do you REALLY believe the game is gonna be balanced? I sure as hell dont.

There is no such thing as a perfectly balanced game in the first place.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Alear getting ready to say the N-word in a heated gamer moment.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ratatouille flashback meme with GBA crit animation.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My expectations of the story are really 0, because i don't care about it that much honestly

People really be going into this game expecting a riveting plot when the OP of the game is Power Rangers.

Not that Power Rangers doesn't have good storylines but you know what I mean.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I hear apparently there are S-Supports and there's no gender restrictions (so everyone is bi) but also that there aren't any S-Supports.

Maybe S just determines the paired ending and isn't inherently romantic this time.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

People really be going into this game expecting a riveting plot when the OP of the game is Power Rangers.


IS: "Now that KT made you enjoy your Edelgard discourses and edginess and all that crap, we just want to have some fun and cool gameplay, so here, Emblem Rangers!"

Fanbase: "HOW DARE YOU!"

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9 minutes ago, ping said:

How ridiculous is your hair on a scale between 1 and Yugi Muto?



9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Engage has two endings:

1. Madlear real

I need no more.

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16 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Except in this case you're saying absolute everyone is racist, if we stick to the allegory. Since you can't even seem to word the concept that a noble can be a nice individual. So then you don't believe a president can be nice? Governors, CEO's, People in any position of authority? Because it's not something that is unique to Nobles. Rather, to any equivalent counterpart since, again, our systems haven't really changed. We just mostly changed the labels.

...No, no I don't. I'm not entirely sure what your point is here.

I firmly believe that a person having any kind of power over others is a bad thing.

16 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No. Since Slaver =/= Noble. Nobles can be Slavers if the society allows for Slavery, but they aren't inherently one.

Historically speaking peasants might as well have been slaves. In fact the term serf literally means slave in old French.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

You know damn well that's not equivalent.

Yeah, it's probably just a coincidence that most of the rich and powerful in Latin America are white while most of the impoverished are dark skinned.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

You know damn well that's not equivalent.

Construction has always been dangerous, moreso back then when safety standards didn't exist. If the Emperor went himself to build alongside them, he probably would've died, then he gets replaced by a new one assuming a bloody succession war doesn't break out (war in Ancient China happened like every week tbf).

So the alternative was to just....not build the Great Wall i guess? But it was built as a defensive measure since China's north is honestly pretty vulnerable. So it was either built or it wasn't and while it sucked, a lot of that had to do because humans are once again F-tier garbage animals in everything outside the brain and we didn't know what safety was.

We cannot apply our modern standards to stuff that happened thousands of years ago.

Well it may interest you to know that the Great Wall just...didn't work. In fact it was breached so many times by nomadic tribes that Emperors and dynasties just gave up on maintaining it after it was built.

And I find the "It was different back then!" excuse to be a poor one since we know that the people who were forced to build that thing definitely didn't see it like that. People may see the Wall as this proud symbol of Chinese pride now but back then it was seen as a symbol of imperial oppression because of how many commoners died to build it.

Besides, I don't buy that they had no other options when not a thousand years prior the Egyptians built their Pyramids through organized volunteer workers who were paid handsomely in steaks, something that was a huge luxury back then.

16 hours ago, Benice said:

Oof... I wish I could, like, transport you to here so you could be in my AP English class, I'm certain you'd bring an indelible sparkle to the class.

Regardless, I hope the opportunity comes up for you someday in the near future.

Hopefully one day...

16 hours ago, Benice said:

Yeah, you're right, those kinds of people are the wor-

I am a moron.


Hey, if you ask me, looking to much into something is a core of literary analysis. Knowing the author didn't intend that and looking really deep into something can co-exist.

This video is a great example of this I feel. They make the claim that Mario Bros is about the exploitation of the working class under capitalism which is a huge stretch but that's what makes it fun! Especially since you can't entire disprove the stuff they say.

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6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I firmly believe that a person having any kind of power over others is a bad thing

I didn't wanna say this, and don't take this negatively, but

You really should see the world as less Black/White.

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

They make the claim that Mario Bros is about the exploitation of the working class under capitalism which is a huge stretch but that's what makes it fun! Especially since you can't entire disprove the stuff they say.

I mean, Mario did have to get like a thousand jobs over the course of his life. Job security is at a low in the Shroom Kingdom, and even the princess's right hand man hasn't enough of a wage to afford living. Alas, Mario is too pure and innocent to follow in his more shrewd younger brother's footsteps and find himself a rich sugar daddy whose senility to exploit. Thus, he was forced to take any offers that came his way.

...I do remember the game the video focuses on. It was one of the neater games in Game & Watch Gallery 4.

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Seriously, that kid reminds me of Jotaro. The outfit is... kinda, but then his base class able to use martial arts, combined that this is basically Stand Emblem. Seriously, when I get the game, I'd give him Byleth and pretend it's Star Platinum - ZA WARUDO The World.

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Oh my fucking Christ.


You can give Sommie a tiny top hat.

You can also enlist his help in your quest to obtain fish.

For him, probably.

I can't. This little guy is too much. I don't care how many souls I must sacrifice, he must be protected.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Seriously, that kid reminds me of Jotaro. The outfit is... kinda, but then his base class able to use martial arts, combined that this is basically Stand Emblem. Seriously, when I get the game, I'd give him Byleth and pretend it's Star Platinum - ZA WARUDO The World.

I guess there's a chance it was intentional. Jojos is pretty big, after all.

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10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I didn't wanna say this, and don't take this negatively, but

You really should see the world as less Black/White.

If you can successfully name me five times a person in power did something that changed the world in a positive way on par with the terrible changes people in power have made, I may rethink my view.

It can't be just people that do these terrible things, it's always been clear that kindness and progressive politics just don't mix well with absolute power. There may be exceptions but they are just that, exceptions.


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18 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

The link.



Sorry if its a bit late, but utilities have been spotty due to weather.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Construction has always been dangerous, moreso back then when safety standards didn't exist. If the Emperor went himself to build alongside them, he probably would've died, then he gets replaced by a new one assuming a bloody succession war doesn't break out (war in Ancient China happened like every week tbf).

So the alternative was to just....not build the Great Wall i guess? But it was built as a defensive measure since China's north is honestly pretty vulnerable. So it was either built or it wasn't and while it sucked, a lot of that had to do because humans are once again F-tier garbage animals in everything outside the brain and we didn't know what safety was.

And not creating safety standards was a choice made by those in charge. The people of the past were certainly capable of building things safer if they wanted to, but they had systems in place that encouraged them to do otherwise, like the "divine right of kings" you mentioned, and as @Acacia Sgt mentions those systems weren't simply a part of the past, they were imposed upon it by people. There wasn't this false dichotomy of not build it, or suffer the consequences, they could have built it safer, or find other ways to mitigate those consequences.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:


But back then people believed in the "divine right of kings" and all that. So while it sucked, again we can't like, apply our modern standards to that. The age of kings and emperors is mostly long gone at this point. Heck the only actual empire left in the world is Japan and the emperor is literally just a formality, the imperial family of Japan holds no real political power.

Of course we can apply our modern standards to the past, otherwise we sugarcoat the past, and encourage others to try and bring the nightmares of those olden times back. Its what makes slogans like "Make America Great Again" so popular, and disgusting, as it is all about bringing back the past, while forgetting the faults it had.


7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, Edelguardiansing can't even write nice in those statements without putting the word in quotation marks. Look at the posts, plenty of "nice" thrown around instead of just nice. How else to interpret it, other than being a statement of the lack of belief?

By the same token, you haven't been able to actually name any of these nice nobles, so even on your end the nice is purely hypothetical. A single counter example is the low bar of disproving an absolutist statement, but you haven't actually done that leg work, and simply assumed there must be one. Not that I think that is a fruitful direction of discussion, but its hard not to see your own use of the word nice as implying the " " with such a glaring omission.


7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No system is inherently good or bad.

You complain about absolutist statements, and then throw this really obviously wrong absolutist statement out there. As a simple counter example, a system of chattel slavery is inherently bad, as it requires people to be less than human (or treated as less than human) to function. Sure we haven't found a perfect system, but we have found better, and worse ones, and that is no reason to stop trying to improve them.



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Half of these are probably courtesy of @Saint Rubenio

9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

absolute power.

Were you talking about that or any kind of power at all?

Because you even believed Governors, CEOs, Prezs., etc can't be good people, and these people don't have absolute power.

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

There may be exceptions but they are just that, exceptions.

And with that you can argue anything as "exceptions"

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39 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You complain about absolutist statements, and then throw this really obviously wrong absolutist statement out there. As a simple counter example, a system of chattel slavery is inherently bad, as it requires people to be less than human (or treated as less than human) to function. Sure we haven't found a perfect system, but we have found better, and worse ones, and that is no reason to stop trying to improve them.

It's a paradox. For there be a lack of absolutism, that means also a lack of "everything isn't absolute". It's not unlike the statement: "The only thing that doesn't change is that everything changes." It's going to inevitably contradict itself.

Yes, chattel slavery is bad, but this isn't an isolated system. It's more of a sub-system. An alternate way to describe: it's the corrupted form of the larger system it belongs to: System of Management. Slavery is one of the inherently bad subsystems of this larger non-inherently good or bad system. Or if you will: The bad way of making use of the neutral system. After all, how did slavery even came to be? What made humanity decide on subjecting their fellows to such a thing? If this was after the domestication of animals to do work (like say, an ox dragging a plow or a horse-drawn cart), then it can be considered a corruption of that, to do the same to other human beings. Granted, this does open the door of debate if having done that to animals to begin with was also a good or bad thing. As it stands, it's more likely we first started having people working for other people before doing it by way of slavery, than the other way around.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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No context 13 Sentinels


The Engage stuff looks interesting, but I won't absorb any of it because I'd like to go in with minimal information.

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Half of these are probably courtesy of @Saint Rubenio

Veyle has shackles on her legs, the Kaga End is already real.

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17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Because you even believed Governors, CEOs, Prezs., etc can't be good people, and these people don't have absolute power.

Hmm, I suppose you're right. Okay then, name me five Governors, CEOs and Prezs who did positives things that balance or outnumber out the



Congo's miners dying to feed world's hunger for electric cars | World | The  Sunday Times

Not to mention

War in Iraq (2013–2017) - Wikipedia

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5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

No context 13 Sentinels


I like how Sooks and Armagon were so careful to disclose absolutely nothing when they played the game, and then you came about and started dropping images and spoiler boxes.

Like, this is legit the first time I have ever seen what the game's cutscenes look like. I had not seen it before. This is apparently gamebreaking spoilers.

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