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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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16 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am stunned you took the time to get Hyper Beam...then again, you did take the time to grab Porygon, so I guess you were used to the Coin costs of things.

Thank Arceus for emulator speed-up. :lol: But I generally played with some sort of video on a second screen, so spending a few minutes button-mashing didn't bother me all that much. Plus, Hyper Beam is cool, so one has to make use of the Gen 1 recharge mechanic (which, in my humble opinion, is how Hyper Beam etc. should work, bug or no).

17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Fairly certain Bruno is dumb AI, and just picks moves randomly.

Oh, interesting. I thought Agatha was the only E4 member with random AI, but I guess you'd normally just not notice it with Bruno since all his Pokemon except for Machamp are so easily one-shottable.

21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am suprised you didn't just use Beedrill's Psychic weakness to do exactly the same ting but safer, altough it is nice to give Dux a time to shine.

...and I completely forgot about Agility on Dragonair. Whoops. All the more proof that SD+Agility Beedrill is secretly overpowered. :lol:

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Mimic is a great move, but it works best on Pokemon that don't get a boosting move, or has a worse attacking option than STAB Body Slam.

Yeah, with DUX already having to spend multiple turns on boosting his stats, it's inconvenient to add anothe turn to steal a move. Plus, it probably needs a bit more foresight than I gave it to know who has moves worth stealing. Also, it might be better in Yellow - stealing EQ from Sandslash in the final rival fight, for example.

29 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is a hilarious choice of HM user.

The only Pokemon that can learn more than three HMs, and all Pokemon that can learn three HMs have Surf as one of them, which you normally don't mind having on one of your fighting Pokemon. It's optimal!

Plus, with DUX being part of the fighting crew, my usual Fly+Cut guy was out.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:


One of the funniest tweets of all time

I'm sorry, but it's difficult for any tweet to compare to the magnificent "elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario') 1/14" thread from like a year ago.

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Fellas, is it gay to not want to get married so you can keep travelling with your "best friend"?

Just now, ping said:

'm sorry, but it's difficult for any tweet to compare to the magnificent "elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario') 1/14" thread from like a year ago.


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:


Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind. 6/14

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...I could very well be done with the game by the time this reaches maturity.

The last then-known-as-Harvest-Moon game I played as a child before my long departure from the franchise was Magical Melody, which I believe was the game that introduced the concept of fruit trees that take entire seasons to grow. So this doesn't surprise me, it just feels like was made for a game with shorter days. At least it ain't the 120-day Emery Flower that Rune Factory invented.

And, "doesn't grow well in winter" is perhaps odd. Some varieties of apple tree don't bear fruit until late autumn, so basically the boundary of winter. Double-checking my memories, the wild fruit trees in RF Frontier indeed don't provide apples until the Winter.

-Keeping monster/human allies around b/c they alert you to hidden items is nice. Lots of minor stuff, but this and the mushroom that sells for 10k are good, as is the flowers, because for some reason the shop doesn't sell them from the start. That is weird to me, as some of my oldest SoS memories go back to being told not to plant flowers in 64 and Back to Nature because you couldn't sell them for money way back then.


57 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am stunned you took the time to get Hyper Beam...then again, you did take the time to grab Porygon, so I guess you were used to the Coin costs of things.

I forgot how Hyper Beam was obtained in Gen 1. I do remember from Bulbapedia that between Def-halving, high power in a game with a shortage of move diversity & potency, and no recharge turn if it kills, that Hyper Beam seems crazy good in Gen 1. I was wondering why you and Ping weren't factoring it into your builds.😅

Thanks for the reminder!


45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You get used to it yes. My eyes have learned to look at what, where and when and for how long.

No different from driving! Left mirror, right mirror, middle mirror, front window, back window, side windows, gauges, maybe the wheel, gearshift, and pedals. -The difference is my eyes are better trained for Xenoblade battles than IRL automobiles.😐

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Since Ruben brought up UI overload before, when it comes to XCX Overdrive, I usually simply stop looking up and keep my eyes on the Arts palette and the counter/timer.😆 

The blur effect discourages looking around to a degree. And I'm usually fine with the eyes down low b/c infinite Overdrive strong. -Unless the enemies move around a lot and possibly out of the range of my Arts and I have to run towards them or the terrain is precarious. Can feel a little disorienting when I have to change focus to the enemy itself.

And to some extent the lower half of the keeps my attention in the other Xenoblades. And Baten Kaitos too no surprise. -Although that simply is where pretty much all JRPGs put their action-selection menus.

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I may or may not be subposting several RPG series here.

Don't worry, Ruben doesn't mind a post-timeskip Three Houses bashing.😛

Though it ain't only that, Rune Factory 2 was too budget to afford aging anyone for its Gen 2, which looked strange.

And, Koei Tecmo almost never ages anyone in Dynasty and Samurai Warriors. Ieyasu in Samurai Warriors 5 looks like this during the story's first battle, which happened in 1151 (I think) when he was 9.:


Ieyasu looks exactly the same when the game finishes in 1582, now age 41.

Ironically, for every Samurai Warriors game prior to 5, Ieyasu had the opposite problem of always looking like a fat old man. Even in 1560, age 18 and free to serve Oda Nobunaga into the annals of history following Nobu's killing of Ieyasu's then-feudal overlord in a desperate battle that year. 

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fellas, is it gay to not want to get married so you can keep travelling with your "best friend"?

That's what they did back in the wonderful 1800s and into the 1900s. -Or "lavender marriages" which hide the purple (or rather "rainbow" we would say nowadays) inclinations under a false union of superficial heteronormativity.

Tell me when Ryza responds by crafting two led-lined coffins to be laid next to each other one day.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Back to my little Bug run, again I use the classic Speed Runner Map through Rock Tunnel, and skip all the trainers I can on the way to Celadon, as that is where I can get my next Pokemon


By purchasing my new Pinsir, Badge-Boost Glitch. Now I did have to spend a little while on item management via the PC to sell enough stuff to get him without gambling, but I had enough useless (for this run at least) TMs that I could sell off.


And with the added power of Body Slam, I use the underleveled Pinsir to clear out Erika's Gym easily


Erika included. Now I start thinking about skipping trainers in the Rocket Game Corner hideout, but I end up in enough optional battle with speedup mistakes that I decide to clear it out anyway, although against Giovanni,


my Butterfree, Long-Range-Trainer uses her access to special damage to power past his defensive Rock types, and finish off the Kangaskhan with Badge-Boost.


The Pokemon Tower Rival did prove a bit more dangerous than he usually is, Badge-Boost powered through a lot of his pokemon, but was finished off by his Charmeleon, who also killed Long-Range-Trainer (even with some Sleep Powder use on my part), and with Parasect (MissingNo), almost certainly dead to a quad super effective move, it was down to the wire with my Beedrill, Gen-1-Miss here finishing things off.


And I go through the tower skipping as many trainers as I can, as once I have the Pokeflute I can get my last encounter of the run. After defeating a Snorlax, and taking cycling road (skipping all the trainers along the way), I can catch


A little Venonat I name Glitch City, and while a bit premature


I teach my new member my main Special attack TMs, as once evolved it will be my pokemon with the highest based Special. Now I think its best to use the SilphCo to both get my next major TM I want to use, and get Glitch-City to evolution so I fl-


...sigh, why would I assume Flying types (or one my two Bug-Poison types with wings) pokemon would be able to learn fly. Time to grab another Doduo to get back to SilphCo, and Venonat's current form is bad enough that I consider going back to switch mode to make switch-training easier on him, but before I am done clearing it out


He finally becomes a functional pokemon after evolution, MissingNo learns their signature Spore move, and I use the Swords Dance TM I find on Badge-Boost the Pinsir. Once I reach the SilphCo rival, I save before him, and it does take three attempt to get past him. To be fair the first time, I played the fight poorly by leading with Badge-Boost against the super effective Pidgeot, and not being able to buff him up enough to clear the way to Charizard, so by the time I get to that threat my team is way too weak to deal with him. Second attempt I handled it better, but  Charizard managed to get three Ember Crits in a row to finish off my team (no crit needed for MissingNo, and injured Badge-Boost), but attempt number three I open with MissingNo using Spore on the Pidgeot, to give me more time to Swords Dance with Badge-Boost, and while it wakes up in time to do some damage, and I get an unluck crit to miss a kill and take more, he manages to sweep the way to Charizard


with a little lucky against Alakazam with its move choice, and while I thought it was going to be a repeat of attempt 2 against Charizard


It turns out one of those crit one-shots was a range to begin with, and after using Sleep Powder, and spamming Psybeam


Charizard awakens with low enough HP that the Confusion it picked up while asleep is enough to kill itself after Long-Range-Trainer falls. To be fair, I probably should have dug out, and cleared out the generally easier Koga Gym first, as that did take a fair bit of luck. Speaking of which


Koga ends up even more trivial than normal thanks to all of my pokemon but Badge-Boost having their best moves being super effective against all his Pokemon. Admittedly, once again, I forget to immediately switch against his Weezing immediately, so lose out on the experience from it immediately exploding. As for the next Gym, I decide to go for Sabrina's gym beffore Blaine due to the generally better type match up, and while I might regret skipping the trainers, I end up


Using Spore to give Badge-Boost all the time he needs to Swords Dance up, which makes it an easy sweep, although


Her last two pokemon do outspeed Badge-Boost, after he gets a levelups and loses out on the boost to speed he is named after. The Venomoth wastes its turn poisoning him, and the Alakazam did a full health use of Recover, so its a no damage sweep in the end. I do Surf my way over to Cinnabar (skipping all trainers again), but I think I will end things off for there for now.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

and not just "we added some more numbers but it's basically the same exact character as before".

...And only now do I realize you meant aging as a character more than you did physical aging. My mistake!😅

I guess you were referring to Trails then? Big long series with plenty of opportunities to return & age characters sounds like that'd be it.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In Episode III, I still don't, and the addition of special attacks tied to the same points as Boost, with the player allowed to store only 3, I've so far always kept a point in reserve that I never use.

if you arent using it, your seriously hampering yourself. If course early game it doesnt matter as much but late game the player can have 6 or 7 boost points at max, so it can be invaluable to turn skip a broken enemy.

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I don't know what got my hands dirtier: Breaking open 20 year old computers today at work, or coloring Zelkov.

Too much graphite. Too much graphite.

I am rather happy with the result, at least. Now that I look at it the eyes don't convince me entirely, but it's too late to fix them. There is no rubber in this world that could extract that amount of graphite.

Maybe I'll draw Lindon next. Lindon will be so much easier to color lol

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:


One of the funniest tweets of all time

If only operation Starman saw as much success in the end...


53 minutes ago, ping said:

Plus, it probably needs a bit more foresight than I gave it to know who has moves worth stealing.

Generally the ones that come to mind are:

Sabrina's Mr.Mime's Light Screen, as Mr. Mime is the safest of her Pokemon to buff against, and half Special Damage makes getting past her Alakazam easier.

Blaine's Growlithe's Agility, as his Growlithe is his first and weakest pokemon, his Raapidash and Arcanine are hard to outspeed otherwise (not to mention the Badge Boost Glitch)

Giovanni's Dugtrio's Dig, not the safest pokemon to use a turn on, but it is a 100 pow move super effective against the rest of his team.

Pre-Victory Road Rival's Pidgeot's Agility, it is one of his least dangerous pokemon to buff against, and outspeeding his Alakazam turns one of his most dangerous pokemon into one of his least dangerous (not to mention Badge Boost Glitch)

Lorelei's Slowbro's Amnesia, one of her safest pokemon to buff against thanks to it only having Water Gun as an attacking move, and gives you access to the best buffing move in the game, and the most obviously powerful mimic use in the game.

Mimicing Hypnosis from Agatha can give you the edge you need to turn the RNG to your side, but you do need to be a bit desperate to go for that strat.

Mimicing either Agility from the Dragonair to outspeed the Aerodactyl which is his last pokemon that isn't trivialized by a Psychic weakness, or Hyper Beam for a powerful move are both solid options.

Champion fight depends on the version, but Mimicing Hypnosis from Exeggcutor, or Hydro Pump from Gyrados for a super effective move against Charizard are the two options that come to mind.


53 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Fellas, is it gay to not want to get married so you can keep travelling with your "best friend"?

Its extra funny how they have her blush to make doubly sure you don't miss the gay subtext...but still felt cowardly enough to use the cliche to begin with.


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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...And only now do I realize you meant aging as a character more than you did physical aging. My mistake!😅

I guess you were referring to Trails then? Big long series with plenty of opportunities to return & age characters sounds like that'd be it.

Trails but also

  • Fire Emblem when it actually does it
  • Atelier (tbf i give this one a pass because slice-of-life)

Of course, it all depends on a variety of factors. How much have they aged between installments? What were their experiences? 

I think if the character in question is a teen and a time skip happens enough that they're an adult, there should be some aspect that feels like it. Just as a rule of thumb.

Across these three series i mentioned, the biggest character age timeskip is Sophie in Atelier. At the start of that subseries she's 16 and by the end she's 24. Yet apart from just being a better alchemist and legally being allowed to get drunk, it doesn't feel like she grew up that much. But also SOL so w/e.

.....actually i lied biggest character age timeskip in Atelier is Rorona. 14 at the start (or 17 in NA), 35 by the end. She is basically the same character regardless, although there's like one or two moments where her maturity comes out. 

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

If only operation Starman saw as much success in the end...

I tried looking this up but i only get comicbooks and something about Mega Man.

14 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its extra funny how they have her blush to make doubly sure you don't miss the gay subtext...but still felt cowardly enough to use the cliche to begin with.

The devs are fully aware of it too and they won't commit. Cowards.

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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

he is basically the same character regardless, although there's like one or two moments where her maturity comes out. 

Because most of the time Anime ages, at the end of the day, mean nothing at all. They only exist to justify them being in school or having freedom or whatever since in jp your life is over after high school (or college if you get into that), so to make the characters relatable they put the characters in that age while making them act nothing like it or have experiences of people 40 years older lol. That's the crux of the matter.

What i am saying is, people who get triggered by anime ages are weak and won't survive the winter

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>Be me

>Looks up some Xenosaga gameplay


Ok, this might be heresey to older Xeno peeps, but

Instead of a Remaster can i wish for a XBC style remake because i don't think i will be able to get into that gameplay at all

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Just now, Armagon said:

I tried looking this up but i only get comicbooks and something about Mega Man.

It was the big push Starman.net did to try and get the other Earthbound/Mother games released internationally, including multiple record breaking (for the time) online petitions of 10,000 names back in 2000 to encourage the announced N64 version of Mother 3 be release in the states, doomed to fail thanks to its cancellation for the console after the death of the N64DD; a 31,000 name petition in 2003 to see the release of the GBA Mother 1+2 remake, followed by a letter campaign, the collection of all 31,000 petitioners into creating a 819 page document worth of signatures, and a week long phone campaign; and of course the most famous being the 2007 push for the release of GBA's Mother 3 in English, which resulted in the creation of a 270 page book of fan art, multiple CD of fan music (I think it was 12 CDs but don't quote me on that), all of which were sent to both Nintendo of Japan, Nintendo of America, and a few of the prominent Games Journalism companies, not to mentions years of asking Reggi about it, much to his own frustration. After the frustrating lack of any interest from Nintendo, they made one of the best known fan translation for Mother 3.


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Came across this video, it's an interesting topic. Cause like when we talk about the "future of Fire Emblem" and whatnot, a lot of people thought the next game would be "Three Houses 2" before Engage reminded us that IntSys is always doing something different.

Zelda don't work like that. From a reception standpoint, the games are much more universally liked barring occasional odd ones out. It wasn't until Breath of the Wild that was a complete radical departure from established norms. And despite the remakes and remasters, the next new Zelda game to follow Breath of the Wild is Tears of the Kingdom. So unlike IntSys which found a winning formula in Three Houses (critically) and went "nah" with the next game, Zelda team found a winning formula with Breath of the Wild and proceeded to follow up on a game that looks to bring out the true potential in that. And believe it or not, there exists a divide in the Zelda fandom, although it's mainly the textbook elitism. The whole "Breath of the Wild is a good game but not a good Zelda game" from the people who really want that linear traditional 3D experience again. 

With Fire Emblem, if you don't like the new game, you can just go "ok better luck next time in like two years". If you're a Zelda fan who doesn't like the direction the series is heading in, it does feel like you're actually just out of luck. The last new 2D Zelda was A Link Between Worlds in 2013. We could probably get Oracle/Minish remakes in a bit but those would be remakes. And also Anouma himself has stated this is the way he wants to go in. So hardcore Zelda traditionalists are just kinda fucked aren't they? 

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Because most of the time Anime ages, at the end of the day, mean nothing at all.


6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>Be me

>Looks up some Xenosaga gameplay


Ok, this might be heresey to older Xeno peeps, but

Instead of a Remaster can i wish for a XBC style remake because i don't think i will be able to get into that gameplay at all

I'm actually not sure how a XBC style remake would fit in. I mean i suppose they could FF7R-it (not the "completely changing the plot" part).

Also which game did you see cause Episode III is the only one where the combat truly is good ngl.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It was the big push Starman.net did to try and get the other Earthbound/Mother games released internationally, including multiple record breaking (for the time) online petitions of 10,000 names back in 2000 to encourage the announced N64 version of Mother 3 be release in the states, doomed to fail thanks to its cancellation for the console after the death of the N64DD; a 31,000 name petition in 2003 to see the release of the GBA Mother 1+2 remake, followed by a letter campaign, the collection of all 31,000 petitioners into creating a 819 page document worth of signatures, and a week long phone campaign; and of course the most famous being the 2007 push for the release of GBA's Mother 3 in English, which resulted in the creation of a 270 page book of fan art, multiple CD of fan music (I think it was 12 CDs but don't quote me on that), all of which were sent to both Nintendo of Japan, Nintendo of America, and a few of the prominent Games Journalism companies, not to mentions years of asking Reggi about it, much to his own frustration. After the frustrating lack of any interest from Nintendo, they made one of the best known fan translation for Mother 3.


Ah so they're the ones responsible then. Interesting.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also which game did you see cause Episode III is the only one where the combat truly is good ngl.

1 and some of 3

Just look too...standard?

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

mean i suppose they could FF7R-it (not the "completely changing the plot" part).

Xenosaga now with plot altering nopons!

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just look too...standard?

Yeah fair enough. I think conceptually Xenogears has the best combat out of the pre-Blade games as it's turn-based with a mix of fighting game DNA. Unfortunately it is a PS1 RPG so.....

Functionally, Episode III's is the best but there isn't anything real special about it (other than the Uber broken skill that two shots the final boss that you can get towards the end).

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That said i was looking at some XBX gameplay and that looks like somthing i'd totally dig, so gimme XBXDE ninty

It's what we deserve.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>Be me

>Looks up some Xenosaga gameplay


Ok, this might be heresey to older Xeno peeps, but

Instead of a Remaster can i wish for a XBC style remake because i don't think i will be able to get into that gameplay at all

I wouldn't think this would work, honestly. Especially in EP III.

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I think the most unrealistic thing about Trails is how many students got jobs immediately after graduating.

I like Future Redeemed's idea of tying character upgrading to exploration, but I don't like how it gates art/gem/accessory slots and affinity growth behind items you need to find. I would've preferred if they were unlocked by leveling up like they were in the main game.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Dickson?! Hulk Hogan is called Dickson? I can't fucking believe it. Why don't they have more old people in the series? They are great at making old people and yet they insist on sticking to highly marketable anime teens!

I hadn't realized that you didn't know Dickson's name until now. Unfortunately he's only a party member for the intro and one battle after that.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know what got my hands dirtier: Breaking open 20 year old computers today at work, or coloring Zelkov.

I'm sure Zelkov would be very impressed with your coloring *skills*.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...And only now do I realize you meant aging as a character more than you did physical aging. My mistake!😅

I guess you were referring to Trails then? Big long series with plenty of opportunities to return & age characters sounds like that'd be it.

I mean only four years pass between the first game and the big game that brings everyone together, it's not that long of a timespan.

Ace Attorney kind of did that too... probably because people complained when returning characters did change significantly.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>Be me

>Looks up some Xenosaga gameplay


Ok, this might be heresey to older Xeno peeps, but

Instead of a Remaster can i wish for a XBC style remake because i don't think i will be able to get into that gameplay at all

Or you could be like me and watch the cutscenes online instead.

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22 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

but I don't like how it gates art/gem/accessory slots and affinity growth behind items you need to find. I would've preferred if they were unlocked by leveling up like they were in the main game.

I think tying to UMs/chests/Relics is fine

But some random items on the ground is a bit much

23 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Or you could be like me and watch the cutscenes online instead.

or lparchive

Only has Ep1/2 tho

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28 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I think the most unrealistic thing about Trails is how many students got jobs immediately after graduating.

Benefits of essentially living in the 50s.

10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

or lparchive

Only has Ep1/2 tho


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