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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...



take care!

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


Oh my, thats terrible! I hope that everything works out!

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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


Oh goodness, I hope it's not a concussion. You seen a doctor about it?

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:



Catholic Priest

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


That can't be fun. I hope you're doing better now, take care of that thing.

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9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


Oh, damn. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.

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20 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, are you?

Scanning... processing...

Results inconclusive.


19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...It's fun theorycrafting for Civ.😆


That is quite impressive theorycrafting :lol: I have to admit that I tend to have my standard buttons to click - open Tradition, pick TIthe+Pagodas as my first two religious tenants, initial research order Pottery->Animal Husbandry->Mining, stuff like that. I really have to force myself to deviate from these openings, although I think I'm a bit more flexible in the follow-ups, like what culture tree to splash before Rationalism gets unlocked, or what Enhancer to take. 

I haven't played as Theodora in long while, I think, so I'd have to see what additionaol tenets would be worth picking, though, so that was in interesting read. 

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11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp I have had a sucky day. Was chasing the doggo around, and ended up tripping and scrapping my head against a fence for a nasty bleeding head wound, where I am worried at every minor thing if its a sign of a concussion. Looking on the bright side, I guess I got a surprise Halloween costume this year...


Hope it heals quickly with no complications.🤕


28 minutes ago, gnip said:

That is quite impressive theorycrafting :lol: I have to admit that I tend to have my standard buttons to click - open Tradition, pick TIthe+Pagodas as my first two religious tenants, initial research order Pottery->Animal Husbandry->Mining, stuff like that.

Trad is simply too strong/Standard no-alterations, Civ5 maps don't have enough land. And 😃 and 💰 issues plague Liberty play too.

Although, I have read that Tradition only became predominant in Brave New World. Maaaaaybe I should try a vanilla/G&K game, once.

As for the initial techs, if I'm not interested in a religion for some reason, Animal Husbandry usually comes first. Definitely for Mongolia or perhaps Arabia. Horses are nice source of production and can be traded for early income.

I've also considered lategame Domination with Morocco on either a Hot or Sandstorm map. Berber Cavalry have a tremendous +50% Strength in Desert, which carries over to tanks. Or maybe Autocratic Portugal to try Autocracy for once. I'll be spamming Naus in the midgame for Gold, which will leave me with a lot of ships I could later use to intimidate City-States for the +6 Influence per turn from Gunboat Diplomacy.

As for other religious possibilities...

Holy War

God of War/Faith Healers + Tithe/Initiation Rites/Church Property/Ceremonial Burial/Interfaith Dialogue + Holy Warriors/Pagodas/Religious Centers + Just War/Defender of the Faith + Heathen Conversion/Religious Fervor/Evangelism.

A lotta options here.😆

  • For the Pantheon...
    • God of War gets you Faith from fighting near cities with the pantheon/religion. That'll keep the spendable spirituality flowing. -But it seems to apply solely to your own cities? Ehhhhh.
    • Faith Healers will patch up your military much faster with +30 HP healing. Including, I’m told, Air Repair-promoted aircraft! (Pre-buy your Missionaries/Inquisitors long before the Modern Era though.)
    • ...Of course, on the higher difficulties, you're probably forced to take a Pantheon with a conventional tile-Faith yield. Although Raging Barbarians might make God of War okey.
  • Conquerers find themselves short on Gold, Happiness, and not-beelining Science, any of which your Founder Belief can address.
  • For the Follower and Reformation Beliefs... 
    • Holy Warriors and Religious Fervor I’m told are really expensive to use, probably a waste of Faith.
    • In which case, take Reli Centers and Pagodas for more Happiness as Follower Beliefs, or Asceticism in case you want to save all your Faith for Missionaries/Inquisitors.
    • For the Reformation then, Heathen Conversion might be viable for an early war, but Evangelism shouldn’t be ignored...
  • Enhancer Belief
    • …Because Evangelism will make Just War cheaper on Faith expense to trigger.
      • Just War is probably the better of the two combat boost Enhancer Beliefs, as a warmonger will be making war and clearing out the enemy units before taking their cities.
  • As Byzantium I would rather take Missionary Zeal or Holy Orders if I chose a second Enhancer than Defender of the Faith.

Mind, the Just War/DotF bonuses are +20%, only 5% more than China’s bonus for Great Generals, which China gets without needing to finagle with religion. -Although China could actually run Just War themselves no problem.

Hoooooooly Sites!

Pilgrimage + Divine Inspiration + Liturgical Drama + Messiah + Underground Sect.

  • As Byzantium, either you pick two Faith-providing Pantheons, or Reliquary as a second Enhancer Belief.
  • Finish Piety + Freedom (+ Korea) for Social Policies.
  • The idea here is to maximize Faith production and Great Prophet generation. All of the above Beliefs grant Faith and don’t cost any, except Underground Sect, which provides you with one boost to religion-spreading. Messiah makes it easier to spawn Great Prophets, and you want as many as possible. Ideally delaying the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Hagia Sophia Prophets as long as possible as they’ll up the cost of the next natural one.
  • A Holy Site with finished Piety and Freedom’s New Deal tenet provides +10 Faith, +3 Gold, and +3 Culture (and 2 Science with Korea). The last of those yields can be made into Tourism with a Hotel and Airport and the National Visitor Center. Maybe not a terrible idea for a Culture Victory?
  • -Except for the cost of Great Prophets. Let’s see (parentheses for Messiah’s effects, possibly miscalculated depending on how it messes with the formula.)…
    1. 200
    2. 300
    3. 500 (400)
    4. 800 (600)
    5. 1200 (900)
    6. 1800 (1350)
    7. 2500 (1875)
    8. 3300 (2475)
    9. 4200 (3150)
    10. 5200 (3900)

…It’d be better stopping at Prophet six or seven, late-nabbing Hagia, Pisa (and completing Liberty), and conserving your future Faith for Musicians (maybe Faith-buying another one or three Prophets).😅 Also, consider sending hordes of Scouts out whose sole purpose are to find and kidnap enemy full-charge Prophets, if possible, Holy Sites are nondenominational.

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13 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


take care!

12 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Oh my, thats terrible! I hope that everything works out!

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

That can't be fun. I hope you're doing better now, take care of that thing.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh goodness, I hope it's not a concussion. You seen a doctor about it?

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, damn. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hope it heals quickly with no complications.🤕


Thanks for all the well wishing, seems like its healing up just fine, it was just painful and stressful, and will probably leave a nasty scare beneath my hairline. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight, as I could barely get any deep sleep after that fright last night.



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Seems like the Switch version of Dark Souls really does not like winter time. Ever since the recent time change the saving symbol flashes permanently during the game. I imagine the game does not actually save non-stop. The framerate would probably feel that.
Still, this is most certainly a bit unusual.
Fortunately switching the time zone over to Tokyo fixed that.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Seems like the Switch version of Dark Souls really does not like winter time. Ever since the recent time change the saving symbol flashes permanently during the game. I imagine the game does not actually save non-stop. The framerate would probably feel that.
Still, this is most certainly a bit unusual.
Fortunately switching the time zone over to Tokyo fixed that.

That sounds like such a bizarre glitch (and solution to said glitch)...

Also have fun with Dark Souls, those games are great.


I have been replaying Dark Souls 3 recently, as I finally saw them put its DLC on a Steam sale, and I wanted to see how well they integrated the DLC into the main game. I have only gotten far enough to see part of the first DLC, and it is not very well scaled for where they actually put the entrance...kind of. They put it in the Cathedral of the Deep, which you can put off for about two bosses before it becomes mandatory, and checking out the DLC at a fairly normal time to face the Cathedral of the Deep, a majority of the DLC was obviously scaled for further into the game, so after getting a little way into it, I returned to main progression a bit before returning (getting another boss into the game), and while I am still checking out what I can of that first DLC area, I might have to return to more main progression before finishing it.

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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except the crab part...although eating them being a pain is true

Also i take min. 3 Hours to sleep

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Saint Rubenio they put Spain in this one.

jooo Wii Rainbow road 😄

Lmao football field in spain kek

SNES Bowser niceeeeeeeeeeeee!

Man, Mario Kart 9 and Smash Switch 2 will have a hard time

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Haha, it even included a football stadium. XD

Thr Vancouver track has an ice hockey field so it checks out.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

SNES Bowser niceeeeeeeeeeeee!

It's definitely the biggest glowup.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Saint Rubenio they put Spain in this one.

I can't believe Spain is in MK8 now. I'm still not buying.

The football stadium is pretty funny. Now it just needs to play Luigi's Strikers theme when you play it.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, when do they add Ruben into the game now?

The 31st of this month

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