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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The next chapter is the one where Lucina comes out of nowhere, uses convenient assassins to prove to Chrom that she can see the future and then they run inside to save Emmeryn from being killed to death.

So it was chapter 5,. This next chapter isn't so bad, other than the story blatantly lying to you about the objective, and that it should have been a defend chapter despite what both the gameplay and story say... actually on second though, playing on a high enough difficulty for the boss to have the Vengeance skill makes it obnoxiously luck based...


8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...And I must say, I already feel my motivation weakening. Not for any big reason, the game's just... not really good so far. It's harmlessly average, but at this point I want more from a FE.

Seeing as I have an Awakening LP that repeatedly goes on hiatus because I get bored with Awakening despite trying to spice it up with a challenge run, I understand entirely...

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

do i miss his recruitment by not talking to him?

Nah. He usually bails like that. You'll see him again later.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


good xD

I was scared for a moment this is some next level kaga thing

Yeah, thankfully he's not that much of a dick about his recruitment. Does a nice bit of characterization for Eddard, at least. Though there is a talk, still with no real effect on gameplay, between him and Merida if she was captured in Chapter 2.

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26 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'm terrified who was the cause of this dream.

Nobody was the cause. I think the real culprit is staying up past 1 AM and waking up before 8 in this case. 

I think this wasn’t the first time SF entered my dreams. I barely remember what happens, but I know it has happened before. 

I might’ve read once that video gamers can be inclined towards more “interactive” dreams than normal, And that moviegoers/TV watchers who lived before color visuals became wholly the standard, actually dreamed in black and white. Do other, more severe social media users have experiences similar to mine or yet more vivid?


22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Now i am curious xD

Oh it was nothing much. Someone was saw a game was on sale (I remember which game and what poster, but, although this is not their fault, I won’t say), but immediately brushed aside the idea of buying it. Because said person had naught but bad experiences with games from that company, and proceeded to dunk on the franchise as a whole from which the game belonged. They called the bosses basically HP sinks and could not believe the franchise could’ve ever have been considered to have had good storytelling. 

I, as someone who has played said franchise and enjoyed it, was thinking about writing a polite explanation to the storytelling criticism. But then I awoke. And proceeded to come here first thing to make sure the post wasn’t actually real.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I, as someone who has played said franchise and enjoyed it, was thinking about writing a polite explanation to the storytelling criticism. But then I awoke. And proceeded to come here first thing to make sure the post wasn’t actually real.

I see you too were scared.

I can't pretend I didn't find the end of the post funny.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I might’ve read once that video gamers can be inclined towards more “interactive” dreams than normal, And that moviegoers/TV watchers who lived before color visuals became wholly the standard, actually dreamed in black and white. Do other, more severe social media users have experiences similar to mine or yet more vivid?

I can say I've had the experience.

The one that stuck to me the most involved playing Pokemon Yellow with it getting glitchier and glitchier, to the point where I remember a Meganium showing up at the end of it.

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7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

So it was chapter 5,. This next chapter isn't so bad, other than the story blatantly lying to you about the objective, and that it should have been a defend chapter despite what both the gameplay and story say... actually on second though, playing on a high enough difficulty for the boss to have the Vengeance skill makes it obnoxiously luck based...

Hoo, boy... Well, I'm only on hard, so it's not that bad. I mean, last chapter was pretty bad, because ambush reinforcements and fliers, but I've got pair-up and OP units, so...

Actually, on the subject of pair-up - For some reason, it simultaneously feels more broken and less broken than in Fates. Less broken because in Fates stances were 100% reliable, whereas here they're luck-based, so oftentimes I'll try to Jeigan something only for them to die because pair-up, and guarding only ever seems to happen when it wouldn't matter at all. On the other hand, in Fates it always felt like there were drawbacks to pairing up, whereas here it seems to just be a straight upgrade, and half the team is so shitty that they've little use beyond boosting the good units.

All in all, I now understand why people say that Fates fixed this mechanic. In fact, all of this game feels like a shitty version of Conquest so far. Even the story. As entertaining as Gangrel is, I must admit, I miss Garon and his horrendous, The Room-tier writing.

7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Seeing as I have an Awakening LP that repeatedly goes on hiatus because I get bored with Awakening despite trying to spice it up with a challenge run, I understand entirely...

I feel like it's the complete inverse of the Conquest situation. Whereas in Conquest I made so many wrong choices that I ended up screwing myself over, here I seem to have made the most broken avatar in the history of avatars. Seriously, girl is better at tanking than SGW Evan. Friggin' Evan. I did not think it was possible. Unfortunately, this game is far, far worse than SGW, so it can't really afford poor balance...

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh it was nothing much. Someone was saw a game was on sale (I remember which game and what poster, but, although this is not their fault, I won’t say), but immediately brushed aside the idea of buying it. Because said person had naught but bad experiences with games from that company, and proceeded to dunk on the franchise as a whole from which the game belonged. They called the bosses basically HP sinks and could not believe the franchise could’ve ever have been considered to have had good storytelling. 

I, as someone who has played said franchise and enjoyed it, was thinking about writing a polite explanation to the storytelling criticism. But then I awoke. And proceeded to come here first thing to make sure the post wasn’t actually real.

...Are you absolutely certain this was a dream? Because it sounds rather par-for-the-course when it comes to this thread...

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That makes me think me and modern Trails, but i don't dunk on the franchise as a whole, and i do enjoy other games from the same developer haha

But let's leave it at that haha

I mean, if Conquest didn't exist I'd be in exactly the same position. Conquest does muddle things a bit, though. They accidentally made a good game in the middle of all the bad ones, and because of it I can't really say in good conscience that modern FE is all awful.

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I have no pattern when it comes to dreams. Sometimes I'll just randomly dream of both my parents dying in front of me, cat corpses or all my teeth shattering for no reason, other times I'll have the wildest lewd dreams and then get angry at the world when waking up. I've also occassionally dreamed of games that I really want being officially translated, or being updated to include features that I really want. Those are also really frustrating when they end.

Actually, the teeth shattering dream in particular seems to be recurring. It's not that common, and it's been a while since the last time it happened, but I distinctly recall it happening multiple times. And every time, it felt extremely real. I wonder what's up with that.

All in all, it's fascinating what the human mind can do.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



she had 83 evasion

and the guy who hit her had like 86 acc


RNG shenanigans. Nothing to do about it, just better luck next time.

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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On the other hand, in Fates it always felt like there were drawbacks to pairing up, whereas here it seems to just be a straight upgrade, and half the team is so shitty that they've little use beyond boosting the good units.

Pretty much. It's gonna become more apparent once the power creep begins.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I feel like it's the complete inverse of the Conquest situation. Whereas in Conquest I made so many wrong choices that I ended up screwing myself over, here I seem to have made the most broken avatar in the history of avatars. Seriously, girl is better at tanking than SGW Evan. Friggin' Evan. I did not think it was possible. Unfortunately, this game is far, far worse than SGW, so it can't really afford poor balance...

I love how they looked at FE12 and were like "You know what the Avatar needs? A skill that increases EXP gain."

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

. I'm not going to quit yet, I don't think, but... Holy shit, I hope this is like, the worst map in the game and it's all gonna get better from here.

Which map.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

And you still have Elder Cornelius?

I saw a 2 use weapon and decided that it must've been a joke and just did not use it.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I will say one thing that I'm not entirely sure if Armagon realized, and it's that, unless I'm misremembering, in the route split "chapter", it's possible to summon enemies to kill for experience. I imagine they did that to ensure that the player didn't get stuck, though Armagon's situation was perhaps a bit too hopeless for that.

Still, definitely would've been better to just let you pick who to send where.

Like I said, even if I could salvage it somehow, I'd still be facing a massive uphill battle that I don't want to deal with.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so that map was awful. Miriel gave up her life because I didn't really want to reset all of it. Besides, who needs squishy mages when the avatar can both tank and cast spells? Besides that, it took 5 minutes because Frederick, Edgy Kabba and Kellam are overpowered.

You could've like, paired her up with someone. She'll still get EXP.

Oh well.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

.And I must say, I already feel my motivation weakening. Not for any big reason, the game's just... not really good so far. It's harmlessly average, but at this point I want more from a FE.

You get reclassing soon.

The memes Ruben. The memes.

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And that moviegoers/TV watchers who lived before color visuals became wholly the standard, actually dreamed in black and white.

Ok now this is actually intriguing. There's no way to prove it but dreams are based on experiences and if you've experienced the time of black and white films...

I wonder how that must've felt. Dreaming where the world is literally in black and white. Bonus points if this is during the silent era of films.

51 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Didn’t Armagon play something semi-recently where he thought the bosses were HP sinks? Maybe?

Ys 7. Well, I hadn't played it in a while but I officially dropped it because I could not find the motivation to pick it up again.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You get reclassing soon.

The memes Ruben. The memes.

Actually, can he access renown without Spotpass?

If he has enough points he could get one right now.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Which map.

The one map that's like, a mountain, and ambush spawns appear to fuck you on top of the fliers swooping down from above.

It took 5 minutes because Frederick, Edgy Kabba and Kellam solo'd everyone.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You could've like, paired her up with someone. She'll still get EXP.

She was, I just made a mistake.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The memes Ruben. The memes.

The memes killed Conquest. And they will again, probably, because I doubt I'll be much more reasonable in my next run.

Just now, Dayni said:

Actually, can he access renown without Spotpass?

If he has enough points he could get one right now.

I think I can, because the first option of the list was unlocked when I checked. No idea how you get renown, though.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think I can, because the first option of the list was unlocked when I checked. No idea how you get renown, though.

I'm trying to remember if renown's gained from chapter maps, but you get it from clearing battles.

There's a second seal as the second reward.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The memes killed Conquest. And they will again, probably, because I doubt I'll be much more reasonable in my next run.

Well I doubt you can screw up here.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

think I can, because the first option of the list was unlocked when I checked. No idea how you get renown, though.

Just by playing the game, I'm pretty sure.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, I kinda wanna see more of him, but at the same time, this last map was so awful that it's kinda left me spooked. I'm not going to quit yet, I don't think, but... Holy shit, I hope this is like, the worst map in the game and it's all gonna get better from here.

Awakening be like

Sorry, you're still in the "good" maps.

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