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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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12 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'd like to say it all worked out, but it's only partially resolved. I mean, I've fixed my sleeping pattern, and gained some physical strength, finished my Marvel collection for good, dealt with a rodent infestation and helped get a scumbag out of the medical profession for their part in scamming an elderly woman. I've still not finished with the other person involved in the scam thanks to the eternally slow wheels of the legal system, and I'm still trying to recover from a partially collapsed lung. I also still have to finish getting my collection bagged for the sake of stopping silverfish yet. So more up than down I guess?

I kinda suspected not everything would be sorted, but hey you're in a good position by the sounds of it.

13 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean I do have some concerns, given cystic fibrosis has existed on one side of the family. But with any luck it's.. well basically anything else. After all there's a lot of less permanent things that could do this to me. Also more likely given my own medical history.

Hmm, I don't recall it having a particular effect on people who had a single recessive gene instead of the pair which is the cause of Cystic Fibrosis, in which case it only having an effect recently seems a bit surprising (in a positive way). But I'm not an authority on it.

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8 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'll try. As I said, the cystic fibrosis is not a pleasant notion... even if it's unlikely compared to it just being related to my Immunoglobin A deficiency, Which may be a lifelong thing, but at least I can live with it, if you'll pardon the expression.

I can only hope things turn out as well as possible. As Dragonflames said, take care of yourself!

36 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

As a means to celebrate The Roger's return, here's one of my favorite battle themes in all of FE:

The sound of getting Gradivus/getting horrifyingly overwhelmed by Dracoknights. xD

Ah yes, the sound of Camus getting one-shot by Matthis before he can even say his proper battle quote.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..Except I made an error, and mistook two different songs,

...you sure about that? The 2 songs sound similiar enough! Well, even then, both fire!

Also welcome back, Roger!

3 hours ago, Wraith said:

Shrimp-kun, why must you keep reminding of games I beat well over a decade ago?

Relieve your memories!

Edited by Shrimperor
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1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seems I'm not the only one who can predict the future by accident. Oh, also hi everyone. Not sure what else to say after being absent so long.

Glad to see you again.

45 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

 Don't worry about it. Life's a bit unpredictable and all, but the lung has been caught in the early stages... so unless I've got really unlucky, I should be right. At least, that's what we're hoping between the steam baths and so forth to try and remove the mucus that's got it in this state.

I hope that whatever's the issue is resolved and that you're feeling better as soon as possible. Like others have said, please take care of yourself.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I kinda suspected not everything would be sorted, but hey you're in a good position by the sounds of it.

Hmm, I don't recall it having a particular effect on people who had a single recessive gene instead of the pair which is the cause of Cystic Fibrosis, in which case it only having an effect recently seems a bit surprising (in a positive way). But I'm not an authority on it.

The catch basically stems from that exact problem. See, because it's a recessive gene it's a ticking timebomb when two people who have the recessive gene have kids without realizing the gene is present in both. The fact one side of my family has had the gene in places means I only need the other side to unknowingly have the gene for it to become a problem. So it's recessive... but at the same time that allows the damn thing to hide all the more effectively in a blood line. Then again, we don't know for sure my mother actually has the gene, just that some relatives do. So it could work out I don't even have the half. Genetics are kind of a douche like that.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...you sure about that? The 2 songs sound similiar enough! Well, even then, both fire!

Also welcome back, Roger!

Relieve your memories!

Hi again.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A rookie mistake. It is The Roger.

Let's not split hairs on this one. Though I've realized I've developed a habit of reacting to the term "Roger" when it's said in the phrase "Roger that" thanks to the username. Wonder if anyone else gets that kind of thing.

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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the sound of Camus getting one-shot by Matthis before he can even say his proper battle quote.

Camus: "I am Camus, leader of the Sable Ord--"
someone from Marth's crew: "Dude, let him finish, at least!"

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14 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Let's not split hairs on this one.


14 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Though I've realized I've developed a habit of reacting to the term "Roger" when it's said in the phrase "Roger that" thanks to the username. Wonder if anyone else gets that kind of thing.

Hahahaha... Well, I know I've been unable to look at the name Lee the same way since that LP.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Camus: "I am Camus, leader of the Sable Ord--"
someone from Marth's crew: "Dude, let him finish, at least!"

Funny thing is, I meant what I said. He really didn't have time to say his battle quote. I charged him with my sig's Matthis, which prompted his scene with Marth and Nyna to play... But then the battle started immediately afterwards, without his regular battle quote. I imagine it would've played if he had survived long enough to fight a second battle.

He didn't.

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21 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Glad to see you again.

I hope that whatever's the issue is resolved and that you're feeling better as soon as possible. Like others have said, please take care of yourself.

Thanks. It's good to be back.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahaha... Well, I know I've been unable to look at the name Lee the same way since that LP.

That's what I call a Leesurely stroll down Memory Lane.

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29 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The catch basically stems from that exact problem. See, because it's a recessive gene it's a ticking timebomb when two people who have the recessive gene have kids without realizing the gene is present in both. The fact one side of my family has had the gene in places means I only need the other side to unknowingly have the gene for it to become a problem. So it's recessive... but at the same time that allows the damn thing to hide all the more effectively in a blood line. Then again, we don't know for sure my mother actually has the gene, just that some relatives do. So it could work out I don't even have the half. Genetics are kind of a douche like that.

Genetics is full of tripwires, even ignoring epigenetic effects. Having Huntington's is a frustrating example, seeing as it's a dominant gene.

It's interesting hearing how a single recessive could have been selected for in particular environments, Sickle-Cell Anemia is a prominent example as a single recessive could result in a resistance to malaria and it's been theorised about CFTR potentially having a selective pressure here in the 1800's, hence the very high proportion of those with a single recessive here. Though it has also been shown in some research to have potential for lung problems even without infection, but the paper's research was conducted in a populace with a different profile of mutations with a smaller proportion of the most well known mutation ΔF508 (Which is definitely prominent here)

5 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

That's what I call a Leesurely stroll down Memory Lane.

Let's Leeve it to the past.

Edited by Dayni
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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Genetics is full of tripwires, even ignoring epigenetic effects. Having Huntington's is a frustrating example, seeing as it's a dominant gene.

It's interesting hearing how a single recessive could have been selected for in particular environments, Sickle-Cell Anemia is a prominent example as a single recessive could result in a resistance to malaria and it's been theorised about CFTR potentially having a selective pressure here in the 1800's, hence the very high proportion of those with a single recessive here. Though it has also been shown in some research to have potential for lung problems even without infection, but the paper's research was conducted in a populace with a different profile of mutations with a smaller proportion of the most well known mutation ΔF508 (Which is definitely prominent here)

Let's Leeve it to the past.

I remember reading about the Malaria/Sickle Cell anemia cases. I found it fascinating how the gene could sometimes be a positive, but could become a negative when a duplicate gene was present. Kind of strange when you consider that a successful mutation generally spreads and becomes the norm, but were the sickle cell gene to become the norm, it'd spell disaster because the gene can only be beneficial if one parent doesn't have it. It almost seems like a evolutionary error masked by it's short term usefulness, suggesting that natural selection aims more for the immediate future than the long term of a species. Which ultimately explains the amount of evolutionary dead ends we've seen over the millennia. I guess the Fire Emblem equivalent would be playing FE1 with the intent to use Barst for the endgame... then not stocking up enough axes to last once the shops stop selling them (an easy enough mistake to make if you've only played Shadow Dragon and then played the original later. I sort of ran afoul of it myself, except I simply borrowed Cord's equipment, though it did cost a deployment slot at Knorda).

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Is it strange how i recognize many of Riviera's Tracks despite never playing the game before?

Probably heard in hacks and gaming medleys out there...

But holy are the Tracks Good!

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1 minute ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I remember reading about the Malaria/Sickle Cell anemia cases. I found it fascinating how the gene could sometimes be a positive, but could become a negative when a duplicate gene was present. Kind of strange when you consider that a successful mutation generally spreads and becomes the norm, but were the sickle cell gene to become the norm, it'd spell disaster because the gene can only be beneficial if one parent doesn't have it. It almost seems like a evolutionary error masked by it's short term usefulness, suggesting that natural selection aims more for the immediate future than the long term of a species. Which ultimately explains the amount of evolutionary dead ends we've seen over the millennia.

If you take the Selfish Gene theory into account, then of course the idea of being a recessive mutation makes it easier to sustain in a population if it happens to have deleterious effects, as so long as you don't get a pair together you can keep going and even if that happens it's still possible to pass down.

This kind of evolutionary dead end as a result of mutations that have negative effects outstripping their positives is in a way inevitable, not every change is going to be positive in a species where there's plenty already functioning fine (despite issues. Like how the eye is in and of itself not well designed on the inside for the taking in of light, as a professor reminded us in an evening lecture)

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One thing i can say now for sure i love in Yggdra tho:

It's ''map based'' story telling works without hampering the gameplay, at all *cough*FE4*cough*

Like each Chapter is actually a big map, spilt into smaller Battlefields, with ''checkpoints'' between them....

But the reason it works so much is how fast the gameplay is.

When i see Unit Blocks in FE, my reaction is usually like this:


Because i know what a chore it usually will be to deal with such things in FE, as it's mostly the unit block suiciding into your super OP unit.

In Yggdra, using the right card and positioning, you can wipe a whole squad out in one turn, however you are actively doing so and not just watching, so to say. Not to mention sometimes you really don't want the enemy to initiate, because if their Tec is high enough they will wipe half your Soldiers out before your counterattack.

Also the battles themselves have some interactions in them, with card skills, charging and stuff.


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:


The author of Berserk passed away due to heart problems.

I’m sorry. I hope that the author’s friends and family can find piece, and that something good comes out out of his unfinished work.

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54 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

>slum Town

>Steals item from your inventory



Hero- "Yo village people! Knock knock! I'm here to warn you there is a raging battle going on right now, so you should maybe shut your gates to stay safe you know. -Now where's my free stuff for saving your lives?"

Villager-"No, thank you for the free stuff!"

Hero- "What? *Notices something is missing*...Hey, give it back you bastard!"

Villager- "Where do all these suckers come from? Come again you legionary lollipops!" *Slams gates shut on the "hero"*


Kaga did actually subvert typical village expectations of goodies once, in TearRing Saga, none so pernicious as stealing your stuff though. Just a bunch of wholly ungrateful people, whose attitudes were so bitter that you'd have a gut reaction of wanting to put 'em on a pike -except that would've only validate their cynicism that kings, nobles, and soldiers are all selfish asscaves.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hero- "Yo village people! Knock knock! I'm here to warn you there is a raging battle going on right now, so you should maybe shut your gates to stay safe you know. -Now where's my free stuff for saving your lives?"

Villager-"No, thank you for the free stuff!"

Hero- "What? *Notices something is missing*...Hey, give it back you bastard!"

Villager- "Where do all these suckers come from? Come again you legionary lollipops!" *Slams gates shut on the "hero"*

In Yggdra it's a kid acting ill and the heroes trying help her and than bam, item gone xD


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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Kaga did actually subvert typical village expectations of goodies once, in TearRing Saga, none so pernicious as stealing your stuff though. Just a bunch of wholly ungrateful people, whose attitudes were so bitter that you'd have a gut reaction of wanting to put 'em on a pike -except that would've only validate their cynicism that kings, nobles, and soldiers are all selfish asscaves.

Ah yes, the dude going "that whore at the orphanage accepted money for the imperials for her street urchins! You should throw them all in jail for treason, and hey, while you're at it, reward me for my service in ratting them out."

I wanted to introduce him to Sasha, but the game wouldn't let me.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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9 hours ago, Armagon said:


The author of Berserk passed away due to heart problems.

Fuck life, man. I wasn't prepared for this.

I awake in my room. dimly lit by the early - iFunny :)

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

In Yggdra it's a kid acting ill and the heroes trying help her and than bam, item gone xD


A child? Drat. That makes it worse than an adult. Because a crooked adult is fairly irredeemable and it's fine to hate on them, reforming their behaviors isn't so likely. Adult pricks are pricks forever. A pickpocket child is too innocent, malleable, and lacking in freedom to choose their life's path for anyone with a heart to sincerely want them gone.

Therefore, one can must redirect their feelings of frustration at having been cheated to the socio-economic political system that allowed the child to be so poor they resort to thieving in the first place! If on the odd chance the child comes from a middle or upper class family wherein there are not any major troublesome issues that could affect the child and explain them stealing things, then you find the parents and spank them for their transparent failures at the childrearing job.


7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the dude going "that whore at the orphanage accepted money for the imperials for her street urchins! You should throw them all in jail for treason, and hey, while you're at it, reward me for my service in ratting them out."

I wanted to introduce him to Sasha, but the game wouldn't let me.

I can see why you'd pick Sasha, the man wouldn't die getting b****slapped from her single-digit Str, which would mean you could keep on smacking him until the sun has set.

I'd rather have made it quick and sent in Yoda. Perfect meditative calm of the Swordmaster be darned, sometimes you just get angry and gotta let loose. I think Yoda would agree for some reason, he was nuts enough to let his adopted son run off with the evil cult for a while.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can see why you'd pick Sasha, the man wouldn't die getting b****slapped from her single-digit Str, which would mean you could keep on smacking him until the sun has set.

You kiddin' me, with the Sasha I had in that one run? Girl was like, 3 points away from capping strength!

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd rather have made it quick and sent in Yoda. Perfect meditative calm of the Swordmaster be darned, sometimes you just get angry and gotta let loose. I think Yoda would agree for some reason, he was nuts enough to let his adopted son run off with the evil cult for a while.

Hahahahah... Well, to be fair, Yoda's most likely off with Holmes, so he can't do it.

Raphael, on the other hand...

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A child? Drat. That makes it worse than an adult. Because a crooked adult is fairly irredeemable and it's fine to hate on them, reforming their behaviors isn't so likely. Adult pricks are pricks forever. A pickpocket child is too innocent, malleable, and lacking in freedom to choose their life's path for anyone with a heart to sincerely want them gone.


A child and an adult working together.

The child distracts while Adult steals your item

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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



*Boiler explodes

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can see why you'd pick Sasha, the man wouldn't die getting b****slapped from her single-digit Str, which would mean you could keep on smacking him until the sun has set.

My Sasha might, his would smack him across town.

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