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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Can you encounter a random event twice? I feel like I’ve seen this one before.

I don't think so. You're probably just misremembering.

2 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

…I thought Sigbjorn was Gunnulf for a second lol.

Nah, Gunnulf is still where you left him.


Sigbjorn is actually not a full-on Gunnulf clone as he may appear at first. In fact, he serves as a rather poor replacement for the man. I'll tell you why some other time.


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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, Gunnulf is still where you left him.

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Sigbjorn is actually not a full-on Gunnulf clone as he may appear at first. In fact, he serves as a rather poor replacement for the man. I'll tell you why some other time.


Well, helping Sigbjorn and the people with him just gave me supplies and renown.


Meanwhile Gunnulf took my supplies, my best unit and my ox.

So Sigbjorn is looking better.

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Some guys just said hey give us some supplies or we’ll attack, and I decided to warn about the dredge, so they responded by attacking.

I mean, it’s their fault they’re dead now.

Oh yeah and as far as keeping my choices updated goes, I decided to help Sigbjorn instead of leaving him there or leading the dredge away. I think that’s it for choices so far in this session. 

Edit: aaand this new town has barely any supplies to give me. All my renown (which is quite a bit) only nets me three days worth.


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6 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:
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Some guys just said hey give us some supplies or we’ll attack, and I decided to warn about the dredge, so they responded by attacking.

I mean, it’s their fault they’re dead now.

Oh yeah and as far as keeping my choices updated goes, I decided to help Sigbjorn instead of leaving him there or leading the dredge away. I think that’s it for choices so far in this session. 


Good choices, I hope.

6 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Edit: aaand this new town has barely any supplies to give me. All my renown (which is quite a bit) only nets me three days worth.

For what it's worth, in both of my runs I arrived at Boersgard with no supplies at all. Difficult to stay afloat in that part of the game.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good choices, I hope.



they let us in with no trouble because Sigbjorn vouched for us helping him, so that was almost certainly a good decision, at least for this part of the game.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For what it's worth, in both of my runs I arrived at Boersgard with no supplies at all. Difficult to stay afloat in that part of the game.

Hah, difficult to stay afloat in Boersgard… that’s funny, because the shortage of boats…

Being serious though, it’s looking like I will have to make a big decision here, so I will let you know what that is, if that happens.

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2 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Hah, difficult to stay afloat in Boersgard… that’s funny, because the shortage of boats…

The best part is I didn't even intend to make a pun lol

2 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Being serious though, it’s looking like I will have to make a big decision here, so I will let you know what that is, if that happens.

Please do.

Oh, one thing I forgot earlier.

32 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Well, helping Sigbjorn and the people with him just gave me supplies and renown.

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Meanwhile Gunnulf took my supplies, my best unit and my ox.

So Sigbjorn is looking better.



I like how you're blaming Gunnulf for the loss of the cart when the reason he died in the first place was that he tried to save the cart. That's cruel, man.


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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know better than to trust leaks, but if the global Nov 11 release date is true, I'll have a pentagram + Jack Frost plush under my Christmas tree this year. Hee-ho Lucifroz yo!

Hail Cold Satan?

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe it's just how I played, but I never noticed such issues with 3H. Not that I can think of.

I wouldn't say I found the issues distracting (Not that I wouldn't notice a slowdown or two like with multiple opponents hit alongside a monster in a gambit), until we got to the one example I always bring up.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's odd, I thought they were universal. The overuse of particles in battles just destroyed the already fragile balance of the game's performance.

I know, I've given a sarcastic bit at particles before, but some of us can forget to notice certain things at times. Like how bad I missed a certain joke in the early chapters (2 I think?) and thought it innocuous.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It does beat all the rest in one category: Damisels in distress. So, uh... hurray for Echoes, I guess.

And yet several of those are among the best units. Make of that what you will.

If you're going to have women captured, maybe hold back on the sleaze, don't make it seem like the code itself is greasy.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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I like how you're blaming Gunnulf for the loss of the cart when the reason he died in the first place was that he tried to save the cart. That's cruel, man.


I was joking, if that wasn’t obvious.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please do.

Right, here we go. I’m not completely done with this section yet, but before this second battle I’ll let you know all my choices so far so I don’t forget them:


First, I tried to find somewhere safe for the caravan to stay. The group house or whatever it’s called looked nice, but the game was all like “we’ve done well all together, staying in the open would keep us together” AND I FELL FOR IT!!! It’s the choices where I kind of know it but second guess myself and get it wrong that bother me way more than the ones where I’m just flat out wrong. But anyway, surprise surprise we were robbed and a bunch of of our people went missing. The next day… *sigh* the next day I spent looking for the missing people, to no avail. So, so, so many people died with us running out of supplies, having been robbed the previous night though there really wasn’t much to steal and Iver having trouble defending the town. On day 3 he and Eyvind were like “hey, if we don’t get some help they’re going to get into the city” so I like “okay cool, I’ll help”, even though I really wanted to try and get supplies, and that seems to have been a good choice because the city was in fact not breached. Then, on  day 4 I went to look for supplies. I already knew that there was basically nothing, and the people who had food were charging way, way too much, so I went to the ravens, I mean they are protecting the governor from these people without food so maybe they have the hookup. Bolvark (I think that’s his name) said no and then started ranting about a lack of mead, so I offered to trade the huge supply we got from Sigbjorn… AND HE GAVE US 14 DAYS WORTH OF SUPPLIES LET’S GOOOOOOO!!!

Now Hakon’s group have apparently shown up to help defend the city, and that’s the battle I’m about to fight but I am incredibly worried. The game let me know before hand that Iver was incredibly tired from defending the city for so long, only getting help on one day. I can’t afford for Iver to die, I just spent 20 renown getting him to max rank, he really is my best unit! Although a part of me thinks he might not be able to die in this game because he’s on the title screen/cover or otherwise important art for Banner Saga 2, with him looking sad while looking at the banner. So I hope that means he has to survive until then, at least.

And that’s where I am.

Edit: Oh and if it isn’t obvious, I won that first battle (I also just won the second). Actually, this is where I’m ending this session.

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23 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

I was joking, if that wasn’t obvious.

Right, here we go. I’m not completely done with this section yet, but before this second battle I’ll let you know all my choices so far so I don’t forget them:

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First, I tried to find somewhere safe for the caravan to stay. The group house or whatever it’s called looked nice, but the game was all like “we’ve done well all together, staying in the open would keep us together” AND I FELL FOR IT!!! It’s the choices where I kind of know it but second guess myself and get it wrong that bother me way more than the ones where I’m just flat out wrong. But anyway, surprise surprise we were robbed and a bunch of of our people went missing. The next day… *sigh* the next day I spent looking for the missing people, to no avail. So, so, so many people died with us running out of supplies, having been robbed the previous night though there really wasn’t much to steal and Iver having trouble defending the town. On day 3 he and Eyvind were like “hey, if we don’t get some help they’re going to get into the city” so I like “okay cool, I’ll help”, even though I really wanted to try and get supplies, and that seems to have been a good choice because the city was in fact not breached. Then, on  day 4 I went to look for supplies. I already knew that there was basically nothing, and the people who had food were charging way, way too much, so I went to the ravens, I mean they are protecting the governor from these people without food so maybe they have the hookup. Bolvark (I think that’s his name) said no and then started ranting about a lack of mead, so I offered to trade the huge supply we got from Sigbjorn… AND HE GAVE US 14 DAYS WORTH OF SUPPLIES LET’S GOOOOOOO!!!

Now Hakon’s group have apparently shown up to help defend the city, and that’s the battle I’m about to fight but I am incredibly worried. The game let me know before hand that Iver was incredibly tired from defending the city for so long, only getting help on one day. I can’t afford for Iver to die, I just spent 20 renown getting him to max rank, he really is my best unit! Although a part of me thinks he might not be able to die in this game because he’s on the title screen/cover or otherwise important art for Banner Saga 2, with him looking sad while looking at the banner. So I hope that means he has to survive until then, at least.

And that’s where I am.

Edit: Oh and if it isn’t obvious, I won that first battle (I also just won the second). Actually, this is where I’m ending this session.

Not too shabby!


Boersgard is always intense. Good to see that you handled yourself okay, y'know, aside from the hundred people or so who starved.

Oh, and it's not Bolvark, it's Bolverk. Like Garon's axe.


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not too shabby!

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Boersgard is always intense. Good to see that you handled yourself okay, y'know, aside from the hundred people or so who starved.

Oh, and it's not Bolvark, it's Bolverk. Like Garon's axe.


Because of that intensity, please tell me what you did when I get out of the city.


I am simultaneously upset that I fell for the sleep in the open thing and proud that I got 14 days worth of supplies.


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Playing through FF VIII right now, and one of its biggest assets can also become its biggest flaw: the draw system. This has alot of potential to give flexibility to the player with stats and defences and whatnot. But on the flipside, some magics are way too good to actually cast since junctions are too important. This makes magic characters stand out less since you dont want to cast Tornado when it's a busted junction. 

Also, drawing in battle shouldnt be limited to 9 at max. Instead, just increase the magics draw resistance and accommodate allowing the player to go past the 9 cap. This makes it take way too long, and card modding is superior either way.

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It's a meme.

There's others that have shown up over the last few days in the thread.

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Although I remain scarily convinced Nyarlathotep controls the world, I did have a good emotional release to someone close to me. Try as I may, I'm not good at screaming in an empty room, I simply can't shout aloud, I need an actual person to lecture my fears and melancholy at. I'm feeling slightly better as a result, though knowing me I'll get the same way again in the future, when it gets so bad I refuse sleep and my stomach remains in knots that kill my appetite for the day.


1 hour ago, Teeheeyni said:

Hail Cold Satan?


Lucifroz, or Lucifrost, or Lucifer Frost, or Lucifer Wannabe Frost, he has gone through several English names. Although the Romanji is "Rushifa Furosuto".

Although Lucifer and Satan are usually separate entities in SMT FYI. Lucifer appears far more frequently in a plot important role, as either the leader of the Chaos alignment and all its demons, or as a neutral or interested observer of humanity's present struggle. Satan has only two games of narrative significance in the great many obscure titles of SMT: II and IV Apocalypse, the two cases differ, but they agree that Satan is actually aligned with what the Abrahamic God stands for. However, Satan questions in both instances if YHVH is living up to what He proclaims to be and represents, and thus Satan shows a willingness to kill YHVH for the sake of restoring ideological purity, and he instantly dies after doing so. A few lesser titles in SMT have shown Satan as anti-God like Lucifer, but these are outweighed by his SMTII appearance defining his usual personality.

TL;DR In SMT, Lucifer is the "Satanist deity", and Satan is actually more akin to super-duper-zealots within Christianity.

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28 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:


EM romcom was released:


It shows Mikasa being a schizo and jealous of Historia, lmao.

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@Saint Rubenio I just realized, I forgot to ask what you did in regards to Frostvellr. How did you get in (if you even did get in)? And when you were in, did you trust Egghill, leave, or stay but not join him? And how did you handle getting supplies from the warehouse and Onef? And then lastly, did you let Egghill join if you let Onef join?

I realize that’s a lot of questions, but we’ll, I’m curious how well I truly handled it, and I forgot to ask you about that part before. Unless I’m still not done with consequences from those decisions.


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41 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:
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@Saint Rubenio I just realized, I forgot to ask what you did in regards to Frostvellr. How did you get in (if you even did get in)? And when you were in, did you trust Egghill, leave, or stay but not join him? And how did you handle getting supplies from the warehouse and Onef? And then lastly, did you let Egghill join if you let Onef join?

I realize that’s a lot of questions, but we’ll, I’m curious how well I truly handled it, and I forgot to ask you about that part before. Unless I’m still not done with consequences from those decisions.


Eyy, Rook profile pic!


I... actually did none of those things. I didn't enter Frostvellr at all. I just left. However, I encountered Onef as I was leaving and took him along, so I didn't miss Egghill, thankfully.


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