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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Give me a sec to replicate it. It worked like a charm the first attempt, which caught me completely off guard, so I couldn't record it.

The best part, though? It's reliable. Not 100% works every time, but... Holy shit, it's so much more reliable than it by all means should be.

You'll see.

So you're going full Palpatine.

Big Brain Academy is going into competitive brain games now. This apparently means it's getting a Switch game. I got the Wii title back when we had a Wii in 2007 and I liked it fine enough, sold the game to a cousin.

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I wasn't even going to record it, but it looked so hilarious I just had to.

Team after dinner. In terms of raw stats at least, this might just be my best team yet. And it has three generics.

1 minute ago, DodgeDusk said:

Takumi: "How... mortifying..."

You know, in a way, it's fitting; Haitaka and his group defied the order from the Royals and kidnapped Azura. So of course he'd want to kill Takumi.

If Hoshido wins the war, I will be court-martialed. Allow me to make them lose the war.

- Haitaka probably.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I mean I guess if they're brand new, unsealed then maybe they'll go for higher. But realistically, you shouldn't be spending more than $200. They weren't even priced at $200 to begin with

I only buy consoles brand new. I dont trust pre owned stuff when it comes to consoles, who knows what internal damage could be done?

1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

Lora is the best Xenoblade protagonist, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't like Chapter 24 in Conquest.


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehhh... I'd say it goes more like

Beard Blade: I liked but you didn't even play it, you recommended it as a joke and it happened to catch on.

Bloodstained: I liked but Observer was the one who brought it up and mentioned it was like Order of Ecclesia, catching my attention.

CrossCode and Metroid Fusion: Didn't like.

So I guess if I spin it a certain way, I've enjoyed zero of the games you've recommended to me.

Get a grip, Armagon.


40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wasn't even going to record it, but it looked so hilarious I just had to.

Team after dinner. In terms of raw stats at least, this might just be my best team yet. And it has three generics.


Now do Rev Lunatic without generics.

18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I only buy consoles brand new. I dont trust pre owned stuff when it comes to consoles, who knows what internal damage could be done?

I mean i guess it's a risk but i'd rather save some money.

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I think I might just get Velvet to level 70 today. But it would have to wait until 8PM local time, thanks to the six-hour cooldown on the AD keys. But it still means no Mementos until tomorrow. Well, for now, more Fallout 3.

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'Aight, without further ado, here's Haitaka and friends.

@Sooks Pinging you since you asked to see it and you're not here right now.

Zlwpbexe o

Elfuigi 2 was my worst unit. Sure, capped speed, but he has no defense, no res, no HP, no staff utility, low strength, bad magic... He did some okay damage with a good bow, and he had his moments, but he wasn't all that.

Fw5muvbm o

Benny is as Benny always is. Big wall of defense and HP with surprisingly decent resistance that is damn near invincible but isn't that great at dealing damage. Classic Ben. I always love using him.

857pq7yv o

Charlotte is the unit I'm considering replacing Senno with in my sig. On the one hand, Miss "most people make me Xander's backpack" capping strength and speed is just wonderful, but... Sheesh, nobody even knows Senno exists. I kinda want to leave him in my sig so he gets the recognition he deserves. From someone, at least.

Anyway, super big offensive numbers made her my go-to person when I needed someone dead. 60~% crit with the killer axes, ladies and gentlemen. So good. I even bought her an arms scroll so she could use Hans's hammer. I think she swung it once, but hey. It was good when it happened.

Ub3h2l1y o

Mage Niles! Honestly, not bad at all. Decent bulk for a mage, great speed, rather high magic... His skill wasn't as much of a problem as it could've been, and well, the capped res speaks for itself. He wasn't my best unit, but he did his job well.

Xwq9zzds o

Eh. Yeah. Sky high speed, capped strength, but that strength cap is super low, and Aptitude did nothing to fix her shitty defense. I love Nina, she's really fun, but Mozu didn't do as much for her as I was hoping she would.

Xxdmgczz o

It's a sad day when the generic is better than his proper character counterparts. Sure, Nina's stats are all better except her HP and magic, but... Well, the magic makes all the difference. Edsel's superior magic allowed him to use the shining bow much more effectively and gave him superior staff utility. Not to mention his double seal skills. Great unit. Really glad I picked him up.

Ckpdgu14 o

Speaking of proper character counterparts... All I can say is, ballistician is a really fun class. Shura is quite well suited for it, too. I guess you can add that to the list of niches he fulfills. Fuck the boots.

2pabiwah o

Camilla Iggy was still kinda slow, like the usual Iggy, but wyvern lord is an excellent class for him. Flying tank is super great. Plus, the purple hair looks awesome on him.

Jowicfbg o

I picked her up in chapter 20. I wasn't expecting to use her, but well... She had Trample as her "personal" of sorts, which mitigated her low-ish strength, and her stats are otherwise great. Plus, flying staff utility. Seriously, this woman was better than Elfuigi!

Lhck3k7r o

Kumagera is excellent. He falls off a bit in the lategame due to his low speed, magic and resistance, but he's still an excellent tank with counter, and he deals some mean damage on player phase thanks to his multiple blow skills. Oh, and shove is nice.

Rcgflo7h o

Eyyy, the man, the legend! He was... average. He dealt decent damage, he avoided being doubled by most things, he had good defense, okay res, fine skill... Merchant and mechanist skills save him from mediocrity. But I love him, so he stayed in the team the entire game.

Qfxi7e0v o

Pretty good! Bow knight with pass is pretty cool. Bow knight's low caps kinda hurt him, he capped strength super early, but that's okay. He dealt fine damage and was great at carrying people around. Fun unit, fun unit.

Kouvh5l0 o

Rallyman. He saw like no combat, nor did he need to. Those four rallies are huge.

74xh7sms o

Filler for the final chapters. Extra staves and luck rallies never hurt to have.

Vlpxuxon o

I mean, need I say anything? Look at the green stats. They speak for themselves. Honestly, just this speaks for itself. Just putting it here to make sure Sooks doesn't miss it.

Haitaka is the best.

As for my final impressions about lunatic Conquest... It was great until Ryoma. A little harder than hard, more noticeable in some places than others, and it made some generics absolutely great to recruit. I appreciate all of this. However, I believe they got carried away with the endgame. Garon is the same, but Iago gets even more generals and those annoying mage reinforcements that just serve to make the map even more tedious. Ryoma is damn near impossible, and the endgame... Well, the endgame's probably possible, but at that point I was exhausted, so I just deployed a Haitaka strike and called it a day.

Frankly, my recommendation for a more fun, casual run would be, play up to Ryoma in lunatic, then reduce the difficulty to hard. Those chapters on hard difficulty are fine, it shouldn't feel like such a huge drop in difficulty. They're way too much on lunatic, though. Just my humble opinion.

...Hey @Shrimperor where you at? I want you to come and look at my endgame captives. Have I ever mentioned before that you're missing out? If not, let me do it now!

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

*Pictures of Corrin and Haitaka*

Takumi: I see no difference.

Hahahaha Corrin was my worst unit.

1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

Haitaka is now the King of New Hoshido.

Wait... But he's got no royal blood of his own. He'd have to marry into the family, right?

Sure he killed both of my siblings but... wow he's good at using that pole - Hinoka probably

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Then Godzilla happens as Hoshido kickstarts the anime industry. The End.

Haitaka can beat Godzilla.

53 minutes ago, Dayni said:




Honestly you should have recorded the whole chapter to guide the lost and the dammed.

I figure there are enough tutorials online. Better ones, too. My strat kinda assumes you have someone who can one-round Takumi from full HP without any problems. It's not even reliable lol.

...Ehh, but, sure.

Here, this is how I did it.

39 minutes ago, Armagon said:




Hah. Suffer.



And your face is ugly!





Now do Rev Lunatic without generics.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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And on that note, I'm going to bed. I forgot to mention it, but I got my second shot of covid drugs today and now I'm feeling rather tired. Sooo yeah. Might be around for a while longer but probably not 1 AM as usual haha.

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Second shot huh. I had the J&J one which was just the one barring the need of a booster if it comes down to that. That night was spent so miserable... but well, better than to suffer that tenfold if I ever were to be infected. Still mask up and stuff if I ever go out regardless of vaccine shot.

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait... But he's got no royal blood of his own. He'd have to marry into the family, right?

Royal blood is simply a construct.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah. Suffer.

It's actually good in this game 👍

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

I ended up not doing so because of a concern in regards to how it would alter brain chemistry and I had come to the conclusion my circumstances were the main causative effect of it.

It could be circumstances for me, I acknowledge myself as a do-nothing layabout parasite on society who has been drifting through it. And back when I was in school, I'd usually not feel depressed. It tended to be late in the summer when my absence from the busywork of school had reached its longest point, that I got depressive. Getting a job, being busier overall, could reduce my depressiveness. 

Although, I'm not sure if it's entirely circumstances. Professional help maybe might get a better idea of it.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

I know you've been pretty open about your struggles

It's the veneer in varying thicknesses of anonymity on the Internet that is the reason behind that. That, and having a nice place like this.🙂

I'm feeling a little better today. Still in the doldrums with fear because I, irrationally, refuse to cease the internal utterance of memento mori. But it isn't as palpably weighing on my condition.


9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Yukimura would've been perfect

IRL Japan has rarely ever been ruled directly by the Emperor. Not saying it didn't happen, but it effectively ceased to be that by the establishment of the Ashikaga Bakufu/Shogunate (1336 AD), with the failure of the three-year Kenmu Restoration.

  • During the last century of the Heian Period (794-1185) when the cloistered/retired emperors indirectly ruled over their handpicked successors. So it's imperial rule, but at one remove.
  • Before then, it was the elite noble families who ruled in the emperor's name in Japan. During the majority of the Heian, the most predominant family was the Fujiwara clan. For about two centuries, the Fujiwaras occupied the highest ministerial offices, and consolidated their power by nonstop wedding their daughters to the emperors.
  • After Heian came the Genpei War and the establishment of Japan's first Bakufu/Shogunate. Now, the shogun ruled Japan on behalf of the emperor, a figurehead.
  • However, after the first two Kamakura/Minamoto Shoguns, the real power slipped into the hands of their ministerial "regents"- controlled by the Hojo clan.
    • Thus, the shogun became a figurehead. Japan now had two figureheads of government- the Emperor and the Shogun. The real political mastermind were the Hojo- The Power Behind The Power Behind The Throne.
  • Kamakura falls, Emperor Go-Daigo's imperial Kenmu Restoration is short-lived, and so the Ashikaga Shogunate steals the power. But, it's by far the weakest of the three Shogunates and centralized political power, which had been in decline since the Heian, reaches its nadir in the Sengoku Period that marks the later days of the Ashikaga.
  • Still, the Ashikaga tried to rule Japan, however incapably, the only true figurehead was the Emperor. And so it was when Nobunaga & Hideyoshi rebuild central authority, which Ieyasu completes with his Tokugawa Bakufu.
  • The Meiji Restoration formally restores the Emperor to power, but, in practice it's now in the hands of the civilian/WWII military/civilian again government. The Emperor is still but a figurehead.


Hoshido could easily have Yukimura be the archetypal chief minster who attempts to seize power greater than his supposed liege, without ever actually overthrowing his liege. Being content with the present leader, operating under the assumption they can always control them to their own ends.


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well Charlotte just wanted to marry a rich guy. Which you'd think noble but wealthy merchant families were also a thing.

Very true. Medieval Europe is well known for aristocracy whose inherited titular wealth is based in the land. But, whatever collapses of economy happened in the Dark Ages, eventually cities and their concentrated material wealth recovered. See the Hanseatic League in the Holy Roman Empire (and the Netherlands), neighboring Flanders/modern Belgium, or the commercial thalassocracies of the Italian city-states lead by Venice, as well as Genoa, Pisa, and Amalfi.

To some degree, there was feuding between the aristocrats in the countryside, and the burghers (citizens of a given town with special privileges) consisting of merchants and tradesmen in the cities in medieval European countries. Monarchs if they so wished could lean their favor to one side or the other in the disputes as it as suited their own agenda.



3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


It was the British.

So Britain gets the Congo? Who decided that? Did the British force a takeover and then ask the Congolese "If you're not happy with our reign, raise your hands!".


3 hours ago, Dayni said:

So Biden has had hentai all along?

Or is this just a thing the US president has had since WWII?

It either started at FDR, Eisenhower, or JFK. Mistress, affair with his limo driver IIRC, sex alleviates spinal pains.

It wouldn't surprise me if hentai manga predated WWII, because I know the wholly unrelated kind of manga that resulted in Fates Soleil existed pre-WWII (written so I read by a Japanese lesbian), and if one kind of romantic/sexual zaniness exist, why not others?


1 hour ago, Armagon said:




From what I read once for no reason but stumbling on it in curiosity, getting +2 Neurolink (whatever that means) lets a character participate in 3 battles. 4 battles calls for an insane +334 Neurolink.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Hoshido could easily have Yukimura be the archetypal chief minster who attempts to seize power greater than his supposed liege, without ever actually overthrowing his liege. Being content with the present leader, operating under the assumption they can always control them to their own ends.

Then he wouldn't be called Yukimura. No one there would let someone with that name be such a character, I'd bet. lol

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So Britain gets the Congo? Who decided that? Did the British force a takeover and then ask the Congolese "If you're not happy with our reign, raise your hands!".

No, I had the Congo in that playthrough (and all of them, really). The event isn't tied to the place, even if it's a clear reference to the book. It's even random I think who gets it, so long they have colonial land in Africa.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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@Saint Rubenio

Congraaaaaaaats! And i've seen the video!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

e did some okay damage with a good bow, and he had his moments, but he wasn't all that

should've let him have some levels as a Sniper and get Bowfaire

Although he has certain blow so you did have him as Sniper a bit, should've given him more levels there

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh. Yeah. Sky high speed, capped strength, but that strength cap is super low, and Aptitude did nothing to fix her shitty defense. I love Nina, she's really fun, but Mozu didn't do as much for her as I was hoping she would

I think you should've went Bow Knight

9 Mov 9 mov

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Camilla Iggy was still kinda slow


25 is speed isn't really slow xD

Sure not doubling any time soon, but will only get doubled by the likes of Sword Masters, Falcon Knights and paired up Spear Masters

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

where you at? I

Family time xD

Can't be on pc 24/7

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And on that note, I'm going to bed. I forgot to mention it, but I got my second shot of covid drugs today and now I'm feeling rather tired. Sooo yeah. Might be around for a while longer but probably not 1 AM as usual haha.

take care!

48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hoshido could easily have Yukimura be the archetypal chief minster who attempts to seize power greater than his supposed liege, without ever actually overthrowing his liege. Being content with the present leader, operating under the assumption they can always control them to their own ends.


well, he was in love with Mikoto, so...

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45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It either started at FDR, Eisenhower, or JFK. Mistress, affair with his limo driver IIRC, sex alleviates spinal pains.

It wouldn't surprise me if hentai manga predated WWII, because I know the wholly unrelated kind of manga that resulted in Fates Soleil existed pre-WWII (written so I read by a Japanese lesbian), and if one kind of romantic/sexual zaniness exist, why not others?

It probably did in some form, It's not like illicit art just sprung out of the 60's era of anime' early days or anything like that.

(Also, LBJ not viable? I can't possibly discredit the idea after having to hear about having his trousers tailored in a certain region due to a large pair of prairie oysters.)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This used to have your army, but it somehow copied the above quote. Weird.


45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It could be circumstances for me, I acknowledge myself as a do-nothing layabout parasite on society who has been drifting through it. And back when I was in school, I'd usually not feel depressed. It tended to be late in the summer when my absence from the busywork of school had reached its longest point, that I got depressive. Getting a job, being busier overall, could reduce my depressiveness. 

Although, I'm not sure if it's entirely circumstances. Professional help maybe might get a better idea of it.

I'd recommend doing so to be sure. Course I didn't see a psychiatrist during that time (because good luck getting one in good time if you're new on the waiting list and private can be pricey quite quickly), but the circumstances of not being able to find employment with what I had alongside the frustrations of being stuck with family were absolutely a bad mix with the collapse in drive that was rearing it's ugly self for years prior.

Not that it helped that I lost work right before the pandemic. Falling into the same hole is aggravating.

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's the veneer in varying thicknesses of anonymity on the Internet that is the reason behind that. That, and having a nice place like this.🙂

I'm feeling a little better today. Still in the doldrums with fear because I, irrationally, refuse to cease the internal utterance of memento mori. But it isn't as palpably weighing on my condition.

Me, I find it worrying giving details because the more you say, the easier it'd be for someone looking to find you to do so. Paranoid, I know (Especially as it'd be more likely that something like an IP would be used to do so than any statements here). Though that has certainly relaxed in the last while.

Good to see that you're to some degree improved. It's hard to see that can happen sometimes, so good on you.

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Gee, I wonder...



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