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The "It's a good __ but not a good *specific _*" argument is as valid as any.

See the the new Spider-Man movies. While they're fairly competent by themselves, they fail to properly capture Spider-Man's essence with Tom "Zero responsability, zero consequences" Holland's version. Peter in this version is an idiot who handed his mentor's last gift (whose importance to him nearly surpassed that of Uncle Ben), murderous stalker drones that can come from space, to a guy he met two days ago and only had two conversations . Speaking of Uncle Ben, the only mention he had in these two movies was in a briefcase that FUCKING EXPLODES at the end of the movie, and neither Peter nor Aunt May cares about that. They didn't mind losing one of the last objects the person most important to them left.

Aunt May is apparently OK with the fact that Peter is taking chances every day being Spider-Man, and she would be scared to death of losing Peter like she lost Ben. As I said, zero consequences for the fact that his secret identity was discovered. Oh, she's also been reduced to "Hot Mom" jokes. Cringe Humor. This is a problem that also exists in other MCU films, but "Penis Parker" takes the cake. Lots of unfunny and unnecessary jokes. I'm not even going to talk about the "romance" of the movie, or the villain.

This is why TASM2 is the best Spider-Man movie, as it perfectly encapsulates what Spider-Man is about, from his quips to combat style, web swinging, relationship with New York and the citizens. The relationships are on point (Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Gwen comes to mind). The consequences are still there, like when Peter discovers that he can't save everybody, no matter how much he wants or how much the person is important to him. Garfield and Stone's portrayals only elevate the movie further.


Like I said before, Homecoming and Far from Home are teen highschool comedy movies. There's nothing wrong with liking these kinds of movies, hell, *I* like highschool comedies.

But they're not good Spider-Man movies.

I really like Far from Home's suit though. Probably my second favorite live-action suit.

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29 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

The "It's a good __ but not a good *specific _*" argument is as valid as any.

See the the new Spider-Man movies. While they're fairly competent by themselves, they fail to properly capture Spider-Man's essence with Tom "Zero responsability, zero consequences" Holland's version. Peter in this version is an idiot who handed his mentor's last gift (whose importance to him nearly surpassed that of Uncle Ben), murderous stalker drones that can come from space, to a guy he met two days ago and only had two conversations . Speaking of Uncle Ben, the only mention he had in these two movies was in a briefcase that FUCKING EXPLODES at the end of the movie, and neither Peter nor Aunt May cares about that. They didn't mind losing one of the last objects the person most important to them left.

Aunt May is apparently OK with the fact that Peter is taking chances every day being Spider-Man, and she would be scared to death of losing Peter like she lost Ben. As I said, zero consequences for the fact that his secret identity was discovered. Oh, she's also been reduced to "Hot Mom" jokes. Cringe Humor. This is a problem that also exists in other MCU films, but "Penis Parker" takes the cake. Lots of unfunny and unnecessary jokes. I'm not even going to talk about the "romance" of the movie, or the villain.

This is why TASM2 is the best Spider-Man movie, as it perfectly encapsulates what Spider-Man is about, from his quips to combat style, web swinging, relationship with New York and the citizens. The relationships are on point (Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Gwen comes to mind). The consequences are still there, like when Peter discovers that he can't save everybody, no matter how much he wants or how much the person is important to him. Garfield and Stone's portrayals only elevate the movie further.


Like I said before, Homecoming and Far from Home are teen highschool comedy movies. There's nothing wrong with liking these kinds of movies, hell, *I* like highschool comedies.

But they're not good Spider-Man movies.

I really like Far from Home's suit though. Probably my second favorite live-action suit.

Completely agree about Tom Holland and his movies. It’s just not Spider-Man. Not in any way faithful to the comics, anyway.

The Amazing movies get ragged on too much. Garfield’s Spider-Man is easily the best of the three, though I lean towards saying Maguire’s Peter is better, even if by only a little.

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Well, since it's near midnight over here, then as promised...

September 11, the end of the Battle of Tampico.


Mexico may have obtained its independence in 1821, but that didn't mean the Spanish would give up regaining their former colony that fast, which extended through the entirety of the 1820's. First still holding the San Juan de Ulúa fort in Veracruz until 1825, then there was the Mexican plan of counter-invasion by trying to take over Cuba which failed before it could even start, then finally an actual landing by the Spanish army on the mainland in 1829. Their first and only target of the war, the port city of Tampico, whose defense was led by the infamous Santa Anna. Yes, that Santa Anna. After a fierce battle ending on the 11th of September, the Spanish surrendered. Thus bringing a close to the first and only attempt Spain made to reconquer Mexico, reinforcing the notion Mexico was now an independent nation. Regardless, Spain would still not recognize Mexico's independence until 1836, but their loss at Tampico had already cemented the notion regaining it was a lost cause.

My current pfp is a cropped portion of a painting depicting the event, full picture in the Wikipedia article, showing Santa Anna and the Spanish general, Isidro Barradas.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Acacia: Praised for his changing of pfps.

Me: KRL5rY.gif

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

But I can already see your eternal rival positing the clip from The Room, where the funny guy goes cheep cheep.

I'd start a plan for making an edit but yeah, I am going to be away from SF and the laptop for the day. Long day ahead, see ye when I see ye.

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7 hours ago, Benice said:

I must git gud for my beloved Yakuza 0! I must get you to the next plot twist, or I will have failed as a Yakuza fan!

Hah! Now's when you actually pull it off. You're enough of a madman for it...

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Then why don't they literally just say that? Saying "x good but not a good y thing" is so roundabout then.

It's just another way of expressing the same idea. Nothing more to it, I think.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Not the entire game. At least once, but I’ve definitely watered them at least twice, I really don’t know.

Well, let's hope for the best. As I've said before, if it comes to that I'll send you a link. The scene happens after the credits anyway.


Also, I went back to the flowers in the Humphrey save file and a lot of them were already dead. Like, plot-dead and can’t be watered, including most of the tulips. I didn’t know it started happening then, but I actually can’t water them in any of my save files, so yeah.

Yes, that always happens near the end of the game.


There’s only one way to find out if I got it. Looks like I’m finishing the game tomorrow, hopefully, probably.

Good luck!


Humphrey doesn’t take that long…

Uhhhh he kinda does tho


Er… tell me this is a joke and not actually what you think of me. Yikes… the Sooks% is not worth 30 hours of boredom and wasted time. It’s not even a collectible or an achievement, it’s a bonus scene.

I haven’t even been going for the Sooks% in this game… (I’ve already locked myself out of a bit of side content). My feelings, Ruben, my feelings!

Hahahah... It's a joke, it's a joke! You may be a bit of a completionist, but I don't think you're so extreme as to restart a whole-ass game for one thing you missed.


I don’t know if you’re referring to your response to me trying to explain why “it’s a good game because it’s in x series but it’s not a good game within the series” is actually okay, but that’s not actually what I meant. I mean, just because you like a series and think that its core makes all of the games in it good to some degree does not mean you’re saying you like every game in that series more than any other game from any other series.

I was talking to Shrimpy there, but yeah I agree with this.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

I forgot to respond to this, so it’s fun double posting time.

That’s fair, actually. I respect that. But I can already see your eternal rival positing the clip from The Room, where the funny guy goes cheep cheep.


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ruben explaining why someone should play the depression game


It's kino. Real kino.

...Ah, it feels so weird to use that word. But yeah. Omori good.

2 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

The "It's a good __ but not a good *specific _*" argument is as valid as any.

Eyy, you're supporting me too? How unexpec--


See the the new Spider-Man movies. While they're fairly competent by themselves, they fail to properly capture Spider-Man's essence with Tom "Zero responsability, zero consequences" Holland's version. Peter in this version is an idiot who handed his mentor's last gift (whose importance to him nearly surpassed that of Uncle Ben), murderous stalker drones that can come from space, to a guy he met two days ago and only had two conversations . Speaking of Uncle Ben, the only mention he had in these two movies was in a briefcase that FUCKING EXPLODES at the end of the movie, and neither Peter nor Aunt May cares about that. They didn't mind losing one of the last objects the person most important to them left.

Aunt May is apparently OK with the fact that Peter is taking chances every day being Spider-Man, and she would be scared to death of losing Peter like she lost Ben. As I said, zero consequences for the fact that his secret identity was discovered. Oh, she's also been reduced to "Hot Mom" jokes. Cringe Humor. This is a problem that also exists in other MCU films, but "Penis Parker" takes the cake. Lots of unfunny and unnecessary jokes. I'm not even going to talk about the "romance" of the movie, or the villain.

This is why TASM2 is the best Spider-Man movie, as it perfectly encapsulates what Spider-Man is about, from his quips to combat style, web swinging, relationship with New York and the citizens. The relationships are on point (Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Gwen comes to mind). The consequences are still there, like when Peter discovers that he can't save everybody, no matter how much he wants or how much the person is important to him. Garfield and Stone's portrayals only elevate the movie further.


Like I said before, Homecoming and Far from Home are teen highschool comedy movies. There's nothing wrong with liking these kinds of movies, hell, *I* like highschool comedies.

But they're not good Spider-Man movies.

I really like Far from Home's suit though. Probably my second favorite live-action suit.

Oh you're just using it as an excuse to rant about things you hate again.

...Gee, we're more alike than I thought at first...

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Acacia: Praised for his changing of pfps.

Me: KRL5rY.gif

Meanwhile nobody cares when Sooks does it. How fickle we are.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

'd start a plan for making an edit but yeah, I am going to be away from SF and the laptop for the day. Long day ahead, see ye when I see ye.

I'll be waiting.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I've been thinking how I could spice up my next run of Berwick Saga, and I thought a fun challenge might be that I can only deploy each unit once per chapter. Either that or I can't deploy any units in two maps in a row. I'm not sure if there's enough units to feasibly pull the former off for a good chunk of the game. Just, a little something that makes me use as many units as possible, see how that goes. I usually do use more units than I absolutely have to, since it's very possible in this game, but it would be fun to see if I can use the entire cast at once.

In other news, my beard has reached the stage where it's grown just enough that it itches like hell. Also, there must've been some sort of critter in my room tonight, because I got a bunch of stings in the legs. Which also itch like hell. So yeah. I'm feeling itchy, overall.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Sooks usually changes it to a game he is currently playing.

Yes, he's an indecisive man like that.

57 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

I'm gonna start my Conquest Lunatic run using Birthright units pretty soon on Discord. If you want to watch, let me know, regulars.

Good luck!

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5 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

This is why TASM2 is the best Spider-Man movie, as it perfectly encapsulates what Spider-Man is about, from his quips to combat style, web swinging, relationship with New York and the citizens. The relationships are on point (Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Gwen comes to mind). The consequences are still there, like when Peter discovers that he can't save everybody, no matter how much he wants or how much the person is important to him. Garfield and Stone's portrayals only elevate the movie further.

I'd say she does a much better job on that end then he does. Of course to be fair, he improves alot from TASM to TASM2 in his defence.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, let's hope for the best.

I’m pretty sure you’re the first person to ever say that at the end of Omori.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahah... It's a joke, it's a joke!

Yeah, well, it wasn’t funny. You think there’s a risk of me redoing 30 hours of a game, well, you just might find your save files mysteriously corrupted in the middle of your play throughs.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You may be a bit of a completionist, but I don't think you're so extreme as to restart a whole-ass game for one thing you missed.

I also like, wasn’t going for 100% in the first place.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Ah, it feels so weird to use that word.

That’s probably because it was made to describe Three Houses, Trails in the Sky and Conquest’s gameplay, you’re going against its purpose.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile nobody cares when Sooks does it. How fickle we are.

Wait why should you? I don’t do it that often—

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, he's an indecisive man like that.

Wait, huh? Indecisive!? What’s wrong with enjoying the games I play? Why am I indecisive for wanting to express what I’m currently enjoying? Saint Poopenio, my profile picture is an Omori character, the game you wanted me to really enjoy.

But fine, I like Three Houses too, time to go make it a Claude and Hilda fan art.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m pretty sure you’re the first person to ever say that at the end of Omori.

Keep going and we'll see.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, well, it wasn’t funny. You think there’s a risk of me redoing 30 hours of a game, well, you just might find your save files mysteriously corrupted in the middle of your play throughs.

It was funny to me.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Look at little Danger Jr.

Gonna cry?

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I also like, wasn’t going for 100% in the first place.

True enough.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That’s probably because it was made to describe Three Houses, Trails in the Sky and Conquest’s gameplay, you’re going against its purpose.

I mean, I do subscribe to one of those three stances...

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait why should you? I don’t do it that often—

Wait, huh? Indecisive!? What’s wrong with enjoying the games I play? Why am I indecisive for wanting to express what I’m currently enjoying? Saint Poopenio, my profile picture is an Omori character, the game you wanted me to really enjoy.

S-Saint Poopenio?! How dare you, Suckes! You indecisive man...! And yes, it's wrong to express what you're currently enjoying! Did you forget where you stand? This is the internet! Opinions aren't allowed here!

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But fine, I like Three Houses too, time to go make it a Claude and Hilda fan art.


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For a prologue boss, that was really cool. You have my attention, Arise.

Also battle system quite improved over Bersy. Having an Attack and Jump button that doesn't need AG makes stuff alot smoother. Boss and Quest fights seem alot better designed as well, if the game keeps up after the prologue.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In other news, my beard has reached the stage where it's grown just enough that it itches like hell.

Time to


2 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

I'm gonna start my Conquest Lunatic run using Birthright units pretty soon on Discord. If you want to watch, let me know, regulars.

ayy enjoy and keep us updated on any weirdness. 

I reported the bugs to the creator and he said he will fix them

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Look at little Danger Jr.

Gonna cry?

Danger Jr.??

Completely unrelated fun fact: Walter’s son is named Walter Jr. so there actually is a Danger Jr.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

S-Saint Poopenio?! How dare you, Suckes! You indecisive man...! And yes, it's wrong to express what you're currently enjoying! Did you forget where you stand? This is the internet! Opinions aren't allowed here!

Yeah, but they are allowed if your opinions are correct! Which mine are! I am not indecisive, I have decided on every opinion in existence, this is how we know whether they are right or wrong.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hey Ruben, guess what.

You made me Obi-Wan.

Also I loaded the beginning of the video you posted and I didn’t realize Obi-Wan just casually strolls towards Anakin while watching Padme die, Jesus Christ.

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@Saint Rubenio tell me the game isn’t making me cut open a cat right now. I could barely even stab Sunny, absolutely not, I refuse to do this, there must be another way.

Edit: HAH, YES! The game let me open up the menu in that room, when I could stab Sunny, and it took him back to the black space when I did that, and the door is gone so I presumably still have the key! HAH! I win! I am so smart and good. The cat is not cut open now.

Edit 2: Basil NOOOOOOO—


Edited by Sooks
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So yeah, Tales of Arise' combat pretty good. It's the best combat in the series which isn't hard because the series didn't have good combat until Berseria.

Jokes aside, best thing Arise has done is make BG way more easier to get. In Berseria, it deadass felt random at times. In Arise, you simply get BG by hitting things, which then allows you to use up your Artes. Much more simple than in Berseria and the way the UI is setup here (Artes are preformed with the directional and face buttons), combined with the flow of the combat makes it feel like Xenoblade 2 to me. It's not as rhythmic and also not as good, Xenoblade 2 has the best combat in the genre but me likey.

Also the battle theme is literally The Valedictory Elegy 2. Yes i know, Motoi Sakuraba and all but like

It's literally the sequel lmao.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, "Bal", which can be alternatively spelled: Baal, Bael, Bel, Beel, El, Il, Ila, Ilah. Or rather, these are all derivatives of the same root phrase in the long lost primal Semitic language, from which all ancient and modern Semitic languages derive. The definitions of Baal et al. are: "owner", "master", "lord", or "god".

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. 

Although i'm surprised some variants can get rid of the B and the A and it'd still be considered an alternative spelling. That's language for you i guess.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Speaking of Uncle Ben, the only mention he had in these two movies was in a briefcase that FUCKING EXPLODES at the end of the movie, and neither Peter nor Aunt May cares about that. They didn't mind losing one of the last objects the person most important to them left.

Except for the part in Civil War where Tony Stark asks Peter about why he's Spider-Man and Peter basically summarizes the events in a few short sentences. Even if he didn't directly mention Uncle Ben there, it's very clear as to what he's talking about. He also brings it up again in Homecoming.

Man, it feels like a lot of MCU Spidey's detractors just completely forget he was in Civil War first. "Oh he doesn't mention Uncle Ben" he does, just not directly. "Oh he doesn't make his own suit" he did, it just looks like shit because he's poor and him being good at making things can only get him as far as the materials he has. "Tony Stark replaced Uncle Ben" Peter was Spider-Man for six months before he even met Tony, also you can have more than one mentor.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Aunt May is apparently OK with the fact that Peter is taking chances every day being Spider-Man, and she would be scared to death of losing Peter like she lost Ben.

You do realize that this isn't the only version of Aunt May that's actually supportive of Peter being Spider-Man, right? In recent memory, i can think of two examples: Spider-Verse May and PS4 May. The former is in the situation where Peter was already dead but she clearly knew for a long time given the fucking Spider Cave she had in her backyard. PS4 May also knew for probably the entire time, even if she didn't reveal that information until right before she died.

Would Aunt May be worried? Sure. But i think she would still support Peter being Spider-Man because at the end of the day, he's doing the right thing.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

As I said, zero consequences for the fact that his secret identity was discovered.

Except for the part where Mysterio doxxes him and now Peter's life is socially and legally fucked. "Oh but it might get undone" consequences don't have to be permanent to affect someone.

Honestly this goes back to Peter giving him the glasses. In a vacuum, that's pretty dumb but this is in a world that's still feeling the effects of Iron Man's death (and the death of other Avengers+Cap's retirement). So here comes in this brand new superhero who is very charismatic and friendly, kinda like one Mr. Tony Stark. Peter is 15 years old who is dealing with Tony's death his own way. Combine this with the fact that Mysterio's whole thing is being very good at tricking people and i can buy that Peter felt he could trust him (because this is before the "reveal"). Peter has met other superheroes before and if even Nick Fury is working with the guy, then i can buy that Mysterio gained Peter's trust and respect.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

This is why TASM2 is the best Spider-Man movie, as it perfectly encapsulates what Spider-Man is about, from his quips

Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh I know you don't like the MCU Spidey movies but i thought you would've at least said Spider-Man 2 is the best Spidey movie. I mean, there's no such thing as objectivity in the arts and all but bruhhhhh, saying TSAM2 is the best movie, i can't believe this.

I specifically put the part about quips here too because this version of Spider-Man, like all others (except Tobey's, that one doesn't really quip that much) likes to quip. Except Andrew's quips just put people in danger. Case in point, the beginning of the movie where he could very easily stop Rhino right there. Instead he tells a bunch of knock-knock jokes and lets Rhino run over more people (also for some reason, people in this movie like to gather around the fight scenes as if it were an anime tournament arc, that's kinda weird. It happened in Spider-Man 3 too so it's not just a TSAM2 thing but....)

I'll agree with you on the swinging and acting tho.

7 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Not in any way faithful to the comics, anyway.

This is hardly a requirement, otherwise even the Raimi trilogy would be bad.

In the first place, the comics are not infallible. So wanting everything to be faithful to the comics when the comics can have their own issues would just cause even more issues. You're allowed to change stuff from the comics for whatever adaptation you're working on. Thor is more accurate to the comics in his first two movies. But those two movies are kinda boring so when he became more comedic in Ragnarok, it was for the better. Iron Man went from a character people didn't really care about to one of the most popular superheroes because of his portrayal by RDJ.

Now, are there lines you shouldn't cross? Sure. Like Batman killing people in BvS. Or revenge being Peter's motivation to become Spider-Man in TSAM1, to the point where he lets some criminals go because they aren't Uncle Ben's killer (or him flatout refusing to help his best friend in TSAM2). There are certain specific aspects of a character you shouldn't change. But most of the time, you can change things and still be alright.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's kino. Real kino.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Boss and Quest fights seem alot better designed as well, if the game keeps up after the prologue.

I haven't done any quests past the introductory ones.

I do take issue with the quest objectives not showing up on the map. FF7R has this same issue. C'mon people, it's current year.

Edited by Armagon
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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Jokes aside, best thing Arise has done is make BG way more easier to get. In Berseria, it deadass felt random at times

Didnt you read the absurdly confusing tutorial? You gotta hit an enemies weakness and continue a combo to get BG in Berseria. Getting Kills also grants you BG.

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