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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 hours ago, Benice said:

At least you like Three Houses, Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance... From what I've played of Three Houses, it was... It doesn't bode well for how I'll enjoy it when I get to actually play it in full.

That's understandable, I mean... there are some things to dislike in Three Houses for sure. I won't pretend that game is perfect.
It just depends on how much those flaws bother you personally, really.

22 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Lysithea totally deserves to win because I got her brave version with my very first red orb.

And I agree. Lysithea is awesome.

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4 hours ago, Benice said:

Okie dokie!

EDIT: Nice, I forgot to quote. Pinging @twilitfalchion, just so you get the notification.

Advice for early picks:

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TL;DR For your earliest picks, Shanna, Rutger, Allen or Lance, Deke, Milady, Perceval, and if you need a staffbot, Clarine or Saul, are all good options, in that order.

(Note that Deke is free until chapter 6, so if you're worried about having few playable characters, don't sweat it.)


For the first round of a draft, I would personally aim for Shanna, as she will probably be your best unit on the western isles if you train her-Allen is also a solid pick, as is Lance, although in my opinion, Allen is a smidge better.

However, I would suggest NOT picking both Allen and Lance-You only get one knight's crest early on, meaning only one of the pair will be really good.

If Shanna and Allance are all snapped up before you can get to them, Deke is very good, as he has good bases and can promote early, allowing him to be quite good through the whole game. Similarly, Rutger, even on normal mode, is one of the best units in the game and will be your best bosskiller, as he can promote in chapter 8, granting him monstrous bonuses and +30 crit. Not to mention that the Armorslayer is godlike in FE6, and he's very accurate to begin with.

In the midgame, the amount of good picks dry up a lot, but both Milady and Perceval are still solid picks, but nowhere near as game-breaking as they are in Hard mode.

I'd also recommend picking up Saul or Clarine if you can. Personally, I'd pick Saul. Not too high of a priority, but having no staffbots can hurt a lot.

Lategame: Dayan is okay, Yodel is quite good, Niime is quite good. However! Dayan is only recruitable if you go the Sacae route, which isn't a good idea per se.

Alternatively, Jerrot is a very solid paladin who will last a good while before he falls off, although I wouldn't pick him super early.

Good-to-solid Midround picks:

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There are quite a few good units who should be free after the premier units are gone.

TL;DR: Jerrot, Raigh, Lugh,  Saul if you don't have a staffbot already, Noah, Igrene and Garret, although everyone here is workable.

Jerrot (Joins ch. 7) is a very good paladin who is worth a decently early pick.

Raigh's (ch. 13) pretty okaigh; his bases are middling but decent enough, Apocalypse is excellent, (althoug better in the hands of Niime due to her higher staff rank) and this a game where Nosferatu is excellent for abusing-Once he's promoted, Raigh's only weighed down by one point of speed, meaning that he should be more or less invincible if he doubles enemies with it.

Niime (19 Ilia, 20 Sacae) is quite good-super squishy, but has really high magic and good ranks in both Dark and Staves. One of the better users of status staves.

Yodel (21) has insane res and S in staves, meaning he can use the Saint's staff at base. His base stats are okay for normal mode and if you have a severe shortage of staffbots, he can work.

Lugh (3) is the first mage you get. Anima magic is really good in this game, as it has access to Aircalibur and is overall very accurate. His bases aren't very good, but once his speed growth kicks in and he's reliably doubling, he will be a potent mage. Still, this is a WHEN, as he won't be doing much doubling at base. He can still provide good, accurate chip damage though and will be one of your most accurate units. You don't NEED a mage on your team, but Lugh is the one to have if you want one. (And Aircalibur is really nice.)

Gonzales (10)varies on which route of the Western isles you take-On Elffin's route, (I.E, if you visit the village farther from the castle in ch. 9) he joins at level eleven and can be instapromoted. On Lalum's (Visiting neither village or the one closer to the castle,) he joins at level five and has a higher axe rank at C. He will miss sometimes, being an axe unit with low skill, but he gets +5 skill upon promotion, is fast, and gets +30 to crit, not to mention solid defense, making him a serious threat. His resistance doesn't exist, though. He does require a Hero Crest-in Elffin's route, (Usually called Route B) you get it in chapter 10, or chapter 11 in Lalum's. You don't get any more after this outside of a secret shop in ch. 16, so don't pick more than two hero crest users!

Garret (16) He's overlooked a lot, but he's actually okay-he can climb peaks to get huge boosts avoid, (mostly helpful in ch. 21) has enough base speed to avoid getting doubled, is reasonably accurate and packs a punch. A very solid filler, in my opinion.

Noah/Treck(7)-Decent replacement cavaliers if you didn't get Allance. Noah has slightly lower growths than Treck but has a much higher joining level, meaning he can promote really fast, so I think that he's better than Treck. Neither are particularly good, but they're cavs, which good enough in itself.

Elen (2)is the archetypical earlygame healer. She's got bad stats but joins early, meaning that she can contribute early on and can get decent staff rank. She's outdone by every other healer, but she's good enough. And she's Helen's daughter, so she must be good!

Bartre,(11B) who you get in Elffin's route. He's got the highest strength base in the game at 22, which is monstrous, and an A in axes, meaning that he'll be able to deal massive damage. He'll fall off, but still packs a huge punch with a bow, even in the lategame at base level, so he'll still have use. He's not super axeurate, but can use bows too, which more or less fixes his problems.

Echidna (11A) Is really fast, accurate and decently strong, but has low base con, defense and resistance. She can be pretty okay, but she's a bit tricky to recruit due to her...Interesting choice of starting equipment.

Dorothy (6) Dorothy's pretty good-She has a fast support with Saul, (very important, of course) good growths and decent enough bases-She'll do big boy damage to the wyverns next chapter-She is outclassed by Sue, but using Sue isn't necessarily a good idea because you do not want to get Sacae'd.

Klain-(10B) He's okay. His most valuable asset is his A in bows, meaning that he'll reliably delete fliers for a while. His growths are decent, and he's a fairly average unit.

Igrene-(16) Better than Klain, but joins with a B in bows rather than an A. She's decent.

Thea/Tate (10B) Not that great and is curbstomped by Shanna, but works well enough if you don't have Shanna/want to hoard the market for fliers. (Which you CAN do, since Elysian whips aren't that hard to come by and both will be good units once trained, it just may not be worthwhile.) Much better than Juno, that's for sure.

Zeiss- (16) He has okay bases. Well, a lot of strength and decent defense. He is quite slow, but grows somewhat well in it. He is really buff and has a high skill growth and decent defense and can be quite scary once trained. Not amazing, but a decent flier.

Fir (9)-Not very good on normal, but can be trained if you have the Hero Crest space for it. She's not very good, as Rutger has similar or higher bases than her, but she joins in a chapter with a lot of axes and can become a very apt bosskiller and unit-She will become powerful, but there is a fair amount of investment required.

Shin/Sue (9/6, respectively)-Both are okay, but you will probably want to avoid them both because you do not want to get Sacae'd. Shin is an absolute god on hard mode, though.

Astolfo (8) Best thief in the game. He can hold his own in combat, so if you feel the need to have a thief drafted, Astolfo's your best bet. Chad is also okay and joins earlier but has far lower bases, and Cath works, I guess.

Ogier-(8) Deke with lower bases and better growths. He can work as a decent hero if you've got the space for him.

People who are unlisted are okay. I just forgot about them, probably.

Units you can use for the memes:

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Bors. He's bad and a fast armor knight. Godlike chin.

Wendy-The worst unit in the franchise. By far.

Sophia. Very bad.

Barthe. An armor knight. All there is to it.

Wade. Wade has a bad start, but can actually become powerful. But don't pick him. I'M USING HIM! I'M USING ALL OF THE TERRIBLE UNITS! LOT TOO!

Geese: Bad. But he can become a Berserker, so if you have a hero crest slot open, you could give him a whirl.

Wolt-Not that awful, but the worst bow user in the game.

Hopefully that's not too much info...

Wow, thanks for all of that. Sorry you had to type so much.

Btw, I never finished my original playthrough of FE6. Does that matter at all? I'd think it would be important to mention, but maybe not since its a casual playthrough.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


What is this from? And why is that boy tied up like that?

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


Hahaha. I love that line. I also love the original portraits for how expressive they are, especially for Estelle.

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1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

What is this from?


1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

And why is that boy tied up like that?

not sure, probably kidnapping or something dunno

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

I also love the original portraits for how expressive they are

and that's why people prefer it over evo

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Okay, time to play Final Fantasy XIII-3 now. To be honest this game is... a complete disaster. I don't even know where to begin with that, besides they had an amazing main character, and flipped that upside down and killed everything great about her.

The events are very... uneventful, which is generally a bad thing. I'd say about 80% of the game is just simply doing easy but not all that fun quests. Storyline events... there aren't that many of them.

The battle system in this game is pretty good, though, thank god. Their design for it is fun and like the other 2, forces you to think before just rushing in head first.

TLDR: it's the Xenosaga Episode II of FFXIII series.

Edited by lightcosmo
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1 hour ago, Wraith said:

*Wraith holds his head in his hands, shaking it while tears pour from his eyes*

What seems to be the problem, Wraith?

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Okay, time to play Final Fantasy XIII-3 now. To be honest this game is... a complete disaster. I don't even know where to begin with that, besides they had an amazing main character, and flipped that upside down and killed everything great about her.

The events are very... uneventful, which is generally a bad thing. I'd say about 80% of the game is just simply doing easy but not all that fun quests. Storyline events... there aren't that many of them.

The battle system in this game is pretty good, though, thank god. Their design for it is fun and like the other 2, forces you to think before just rushing in head first.

I hadn't heard many good things about Lightning Returns, either, except that it looks good and that the battle system is better than the previous two games.
I hope you enjoy yourself regardless! ^^


I played some more Nights of Azure and got started on Chapter 5, which means the upcoming boss is the one I've been dreading the most in this challenge run.
Oh well.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

What seems to be the problem, Wraith?

Twilitfalchion...*heavily sighs* twilitfalchion has gone just as insane as Benice has...and lost what remained of his humanity in the process...*continues to weep silently*

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4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Twilitfalchion...*heavily sighs* twilitfalchion has gone just as insane as Benice has...and lost what remained of his humanity in the process...*continues to weep silently*

Uh... okay?
I mean... I don't see it, but alright.

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6 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Twilitfalchion...*heavily sighs* twilitfalchion has gone just as insane as Benice has...and lost what remained of his humanity in the process...*continues to weep silently*

*checks sanity and humanity*

Nope. Still there!

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Take this smile as my final respects!
Intensify your Tease!
Teehee... Bolg!

My Teehee needs no second tease...
Love me with every thought in your head!
One Teehee!
Hmph... I was too flowery.

Connecting with your heart
Flirting in two seconds...
Teasing Smile Photon Teehee!

Behold my wink, and hear the thunderous swooning!
Here is the honor of the Teehee!
Open your heart as a flower opens its petals. Behold the Teehee Theater!
Take this! Flowering Tease of the Maiden, Teehee Saint Musse!

Let's see how many of these the Fate experts here can identify correctly. XD

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Me either.
I'm sorry. XD

I think it's hilarious actually, to have a joke go on long enough that there's an entire thread dedicated to it. xD

Let the teehee tide continue!

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